You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

323 lines
9.9 KiB

// Copyright 2019, Chef. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (
package logic
import (
const ConfVersion = "v0.2.3"
const (
defaultHlsCleanupMode = hls.CleanupModeInTheEnd
defaultHttpflvUrlPattern = "/live/"
defaultHttptsUrlPattern = "/live/"
defaultHlsUrlPattern = "/hls/"
type Config struct {
ConfVersion string `json:"conf_version"`
RtmpConfig RtmpConfig `json:"rtmp"`
DefaultHttpConfig DefaultHttpConfig `json:"default_http"`
HttpflvConfig HttpflvConfig `json:"httpflv"`
HlsConfig HlsConfig `json:"hls"`
HttptsConfig HttptsConfig `json:"httpts"`
RtspConfig RtspConfig `json:"rtsp"`
RecordConfig RecordConfig `json:"record"`
RelayPushConfig RelayPushConfig `json:"relay_push"`
RelayPullConfig RelayPullConfig `json:"relay_pull"`
HttpApiConfig HttpApiConfig `json:"http_api"`
ServerId string `json:"server_id"`
HttpNotifyConfig HttpNotifyConfig `json:"http_notify"`
PprofConfig PprofConfig `json:"pprof"`
LogConfig nazalog.Option `json:"log"`
type RtmpConfig struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
Addr string `json:"addr"`
GopNum int `json:"gop_num"`
MergeWriteSize int `json:"merge_write_size"`
AddDummyAudioEnable bool `json:"add_dummy_audio_enable"`
AddDummyAudioWaitAudioMs int `json:"add_dummy_audio_wait_audio_ms"`
type DefaultHttpConfig struct {
type HttpflvConfig struct {
GopNum int `json:"gop_num"`
type HttptsConfig struct {
type HlsConfig struct {
UseMemoryAsDiskFlag bool `json:"use_memory_as_disk_flag"`
type RtspConfig struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
Addr string `json:"addr"`
type RecordConfig struct {
EnableFlv bool `json:"enable_flv"`
FlvOutPath string `json:"flv_out_path"`
EnableMpegts bool `json:"enable_mpegts"`
MpegtsOutPath string `json:"mpegts_out_path"`
type RelayPushConfig struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
AddrList []string `json:"addr_list"`
type RelayPullConfig struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
Addr string `json:"addr"`
type HttpApiConfig struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
Addr string `json:"addr"`
type HttpNotifyConfig struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
UpdateIntervalSec int `json:"update_interval_sec"`
OnServerStart string `json:"on_server_start"`
OnUpdate string `json:"on_update"`
OnPubStart string `json:"on_pub_start"`
OnPubStop string `json:"on_pub_stop"`
OnSubStart string `json:"on_sub_start"`
OnSubStop string `json:"on_sub_stop"`
OnRtmpConnect string `json:"on_rtmp_connect"`
type PprofConfig struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
Addr string `json:"addr"`
type CommonHttpServerConfig struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
EnableHttps bool `json:"enable_https"`
UrlPattern string `json:"url_pattern"`
type CommonHttpAddrConfig struct {
HttpListenAddr string `json:"http_listen_addr"`
HttpsListenAddr string `json:"https_listen_addr"`
HttpsCertFile string `json:"https_cert_file"`
HttpsKeyFile string `json:"https_key_file"`
func LoadConfAndInitLog(confFile string) *Config {
// 读取配置文件并解析原始内容
rawContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile(confFile)
if err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "read conf file failed. file=%s err=%+v", confFile, err)
if err = json.Unmarshal(rawContent, &config); err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unmarshal conf file failed. file=%s err=%+v", confFile, err)
j, err := nazajson.New(rawContent)
if err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "nazajson unmarshal conf file failed. file=%s err=%+v", confFile, err)
// 初始化日志,注意,这一步尽量提前,使得后续的日志内容按我们的日志配置输出
// 日志配置项不存在时,设置默认值
if !j.Exist("log.level") {
config.LogConfig.Level = nazalog.LevelDebug
if !j.Exist("log.filename") {
config.LogConfig.Filename = "./logs/lalserver.log"
if !j.Exist("log.is_to_stdout") {
config.LogConfig.IsToStdout = true
if !j.Exist("log.is_rotate_daily") {
config.LogConfig.IsRotateDaily = true
if !j.Exist("log.short_file_flag") {
config.LogConfig.ShortFileFlag = true
if !j.Exist("log.timestamp_flag") {
config.LogConfig.TimestampFlag = true
if !j.Exist("log.timestamp_with_ms_flag") {
config.LogConfig.TimestampWithMsFlag = true
if !j.Exist("log.level_flag") {
config.LogConfig.LevelFlag = true
if !j.Exist("log.assert_behavior") {
config.LogConfig.AssertBehavior = nazalog.AssertError
if err := nazalog.Init(func(option *nazalog.Option) {
*option = config.LogConfig
}); err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "initial log failed. err=%+v\n", err)
nazalog.Info("initial log succ.")
// 打印Logo
__ ___ __
/ / / | / /
/ / / /| | / /
/ /___/ ___ |/ /___
/_____/_/ |_/_____/
// 检查配置版本号是否匹配
if config.ConfVersion != ConfVersion {
nazalog.Warnf("config version invalid. conf version of lalserver=%s, conf version of config file=%s",
ConfVersion, config.ConfVersion)
// 检查一级配置项
keyFieldList := []string{
for _, kf := range keyFieldList {
if !j.Exist(kf) {
nazalog.Warnf("missing config item %s", kf)
// 如果具体的HTTP应用没有设置HTTP监听相关的配置则尝试使用全局配置
mergeCommonHttpAddrConfig(&config.HttpflvConfig.CommonHttpAddrConfig, &config.DefaultHttpConfig.CommonHttpAddrConfig)
mergeCommonHttpAddrConfig(&config.HttptsConfig.CommonHttpAddrConfig, &config.DefaultHttpConfig.CommonHttpAddrConfig)
mergeCommonHttpAddrConfig(&config.HlsConfig.CommonHttpAddrConfig, &config.DefaultHttpConfig.CommonHttpAddrConfig)
// 配置不存在时,设置默认值
if (config.HlsConfig.Enable || config.HlsConfig.EnableHttps) && !j.Exist("hls.cleanup_mode") {
nazalog.Warnf("config hls.cleanup_mode not exist. set to default which is %d", defaultHlsCleanupMode)
config.HlsConfig.CleanupMode = defaultHlsCleanupMode
if (config.HttpflvConfig.Enable || config.HttpflvConfig.EnableHttps) && !j.Exist("httpflv.url_pattern") {
nazalog.Warnf("config httpflv.url_pattern not exist. set to default wchich is %s", defaultHttpflvUrlPattern)
config.HttpflvConfig.UrlPattern = defaultHttpflvUrlPattern
if (config.HttptsConfig.Enable || config.HttptsConfig.EnableHttps) && !j.Exist("httpts.url_pattern") {
nazalog.Warnf("config httpts.url_pattern not exist. set to default wchich is %s", defaultHttptsUrlPattern)
config.HttptsConfig.UrlPattern = defaultHttptsUrlPattern
if (config.HlsConfig.Enable || config.HlsConfig.EnableHttps) && !j.Exist("hls.url_pattern") {
nazalog.Warnf("config hls.url_pattern not exist. set to default wchich is %s", defaultHlsUrlPattern)
config.HttpflvConfig.UrlPattern = defaultHlsUrlPattern
// 对一些常见的格式错误做修复
// 确保url pattern以`/`开始,并以`/`结束
if urlPattern, changed := ensureStartAndEndWithSlash(config.HttpflvConfig.UrlPattern); changed {
nazalog.Warnf("fix config. httpflv.url_pattern %s -> %s", config.HttpflvConfig.UrlPattern, urlPattern)
config.HttpflvConfig.UrlPattern = urlPattern
if urlPattern, changed := ensureStartAndEndWithSlash(config.HttptsConfig.UrlPattern); changed {
nazalog.Warnf("fix config. httpts.url_pattern %s -> %s", config.HttptsConfig.UrlPattern, urlPattern)
config.HttpflvConfig.UrlPattern = urlPattern
if urlPattern, changed := ensureStartAndEndWithSlash(config.HlsConfig.UrlPattern); changed {
nazalog.Warnf("fix config. hls.url_pattern %s -> %s", config.HlsConfig.UrlPattern, urlPattern)
config.HttpflvConfig.UrlPattern = urlPattern
// 把配置文件原始内容中的换行去掉,使得打印日志时紧凑一些
lines := strings.Split(string(rawContent), "\n")
if len(lines) == 1 {
lines = strings.Split(string(rawContent), "\r\n")
var tlines []string
for _, l := range lines {
tlines = append(tlines, strings.TrimSpace(l))
compactRawContent := strings.Join(tlines, " ")
nazalog.Infof("load conf file succ. filename=%s, raw content=%s parsed=%+v", confFile, compactRawContent, config)
return config
func mergeCommonHttpAddrConfig(dst, src *CommonHttpAddrConfig) {
if dst.HttpListenAddr == "" && src.HttpListenAddr != "" {
dst.HttpListenAddr = src.HttpListenAddr
if dst.HttpsListenAddr == "" && src.HttpsListenAddr != "" {
dst.HttpsListenAddr = src.HttpsListenAddr
if dst.HttpsCertFile == "" && src.HttpsCertFile != "" {
dst.HttpsCertFile = src.HttpsCertFile
if dst.HttpsKeyFile == "" && src.HttpsKeyFile != "" {
dst.HttpsKeyFile = src.HttpsKeyFile
func ensureStartWithSlash(in string) (out string, changed bool) {
if in == "" {
return in, false
if in[0] == '/' {
return in, false
return "/" + in, true
func ensureEndWithSlash(in string) (out string, changed bool) {
if in == "" {
return in, false
if in[len(in)-1] == '/' {
return in, false
return in + "/", true
func ensureStartAndEndWithSlash(in string) (out string, changed bool) {
n, c := ensureStartWithSlash(in)
n2, c2 := ensureEndWithSlash(n)
return n2, c || c2