// Copyright 2020, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/lal
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package rtsp
import (
type PullSessionObserver interface {
type PullSessionOption struct {
// 从调用Pull函数,到接收音视频数据的前一步,也即收到rtsp play response的超时时间
// 如果为0,则没有超时时间
PullTimeoutMS int
OverTCP bool // 是否使用interleaved模式,也即是否通过rtsp command tcp连接传输rtp/rtcp数据
var defaultPullSessionOption = PullSessionOption{
PullTimeoutMS: 10000,
OverTCP: false,
type PullSession struct {
UniqueKey string // const after ctor
cmdSession *ClientCommandSession
baseInSession *BaseInSession
type ModPullSessionOption func(option *PullSessionOption)
func NewPullSession(observer PullSessionObserver, modOptions ...ModPullSessionOption) *PullSession {
option := defaultPullSessionOption
for _, fn := range modOptions {
uk := base.GenUniqueKey(base.UKPRTSPPullSession)
s := &PullSession{
UniqueKey: uk,
cmdSession := NewClientCommandSession(CCSTPullSession, uk, s, func(opt *ClientCommandSessionOption) {
opt.DoTimeoutMS = option.PullTimeoutMS
opt.OverTCP = option.OverTCP
baseInSession := NewBaseInSessionWithObserver(uk, s, observer)
s.baseInSession = baseInSession
s.cmdSession = cmdSession
nazalog.Infof("[%s] lifecycle new rtsp PullSession. session=%p", uk, s)
return s
// 如果没有错误发生,阻塞直到接收音视频数据的前一步,也即收到rtsp play response
func (session *PullSession) Pull(rawURL string) error {
nazalog.Debugf("[%s] pull. url=%s", session.UniqueKey, rawURL)
return session.cmdSession.Do(rawURL)
// Pull成功后,调用该函数,可阻塞直到拉流结束
func (session *PullSession) Wait() <-chan error {
return session.cmdSession.Wait()
func (session *PullSession) Dispose() error {
nazalog.Infof("[%s] lifecycle dispose rtsp PullSession. session=%p", session.UniqueKey, session)
e1 := session.cmdSession.Dispose()
e2 := session.baseInSession.Dispose()
return nazaerrors.CombineErrors(e1, e2)
func (session *PullSession) GetSDP() ([]byte, sdp.LogicContext) {
return session.baseInSession.GetSDP()
func (session *PullSession) AppName() string {
return session.cmdSession.AppName()
func (session *PullSession) StreamName() string {
return session.cmdSession.StreamName()
func (session *PullSession) RawQuery() string {
return session.cmdSession.RawQuery()
func (session *PullSession) GetStat() base.StatSession {
stat := session.baseInSession.GetStat()
stat.RemoteAddr = session.cmdSession.RemoteAddr()
return stat
func (session *PullSession) UpdateStat(interval uint32) {
func (session *PullSession) IsAlive() (readAlive, writeAlive bool) {
return session.baseInSession.IsAlive()
// ClientCommandSessionObserver, callback by ClientCommandSession
func (session *PullSession) OnConnectResult() {
// noop
// ClientCommandSessionObserver, callback by ClientCommandSession
func (session *PullSession) OnDescribeResponse(rawSDP []byte, sdpLogicCtx sdp.LogicContext) {
session.baseInSession.InitWithSDP(rawSDP, sdpLogicCtx)
// ClientCommandSessionObserver, callback by ClientCommandSession
func (session *PullSession) OnSetupWithConn(uri string, rtpConn, rtcpConn *nazanet.UDPConnection) {
_ = session.baseInSession.SetupWithConn(uri, rtpConn, rtcpConn)
// ClientCommandSessionObserver, callback by ClientCommandSession
func (session *PullSession) OnSetupWithChannel(uri string, rtpChannel, rtcpChannel int) {
_ = session.baseInSession.SetupWithChannel(uri, rtpChannel, rtcpChannel)
// ClientCommandSessionObserver, callback by ClientCommandSession
func (session *PullSession) OnSetupResult() {
// ClientCommandSessionObserver, callback by ClientCommandSession
func (session *PullSession) OnInterleavedPacket(packet []byte, channel int) {
session.baseInSession.HandleInterleavedPacket(packet, channel)
// IInterleavedPacketWriter, callback by BaseInSession
func (session *PullSession) WriteInterleavedPacket(packet []byte, channel int) error {
return session.cmdSession.WriteInterleavedPacket(packet, channel)