You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright 2020, Chef. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (
package rtsp
import (
3 years ago
type PushSessionOption struct {
PushTimeoutMs int
OverTcp bool
var defaultPushSessionOption = PushSessionOption{
PushTimeoutMs: 10000,
OverTcp: false,
type PushSession struct {
uniqueKey string
cmdSession *ClientCommandSession
baseOutSession *BaseOutSession
disposeOnce sync.Once
waitChan chan error
type ModPushSessionOption func(option *PushSessionOption)
func NewPushSession(modOptions ...ModPushSessionOption) *PushSession {
option := defaultPushSessionOption
for _, fn := range modOptions {
uk := base.GenUkRtspPushSession()
s := &PushSession{
uniqueKey: uk,
waitChan: make(chan error, 1),
cmdSession := NewClientCommandSession(CcstPushSession, uk, s, func(opt *ClientCommandSessionOption) {
opt.DoTimeoutMs = option.PushTimeoutMs
opt.OverTcp = option.OverTcp
baseOutSession := NewBaseOutSession(uk, s)
s.cmdSession = cmdSession
s.baseOutSession = baseOutSession
Log.Infof("[%s] lifecycle new rtsp PushSession. session=%p", uk, s)
return s
// Push 阻塞直到和对端完成推流前握手部分的工作也即收到RTSP Record response或者发生错误
func (session *PushSession) Push(rawUrl string, sdpCtx sdp.LogicContext) error {
Log.Debugf("[%s] push. url=%s", session.uniqueKey, rawUrl)
if err := session.cmdSession.Do(rawUrl); err != nil {
return err
go func() {
var cmdSessionDisposed, baseInSessionDisposed bool
var retErr error
var retErrFlag bool
for {
var err error
select {
case err = <-session.cmdSession.WaitChan():
if err != nil {
_ = session.baseOutSession.Dispose()
if cmdSessionDisposed {
Log.Errorf("[%s] cmd session disposed already.", session.uniqueKey)
cmdSessionDisposed = true
case err = <-session.baseOutSession.WaitChan():
// err是nil时表示是被PullSession::Dispose主动销毁那么cmdSession也会被销毁就不需要我们再调用cmdSession.Dispose了
if err != nil {
_ = session.cmdSession.Dispose()
if baseInSessionDisposed {
Log.Errorf("[%s] base in session disposed already.", session.uniqueKey)
baseInSessionDisposed = true
} // select loop
// 第一个错误作为返回值
if !retErrFlag {
retErr = err
retErrFlag = true
if cmdSessionDisposed && baseInSessionDisposed {
break LOOP
} // for loop
session.waitChan <- retErr
return nil
func (session *PushSession) WriteRtpPacket(packet rtprtcp.RtpPacket) error {
return session.baseOutSession.WriteRtpPacket(packet)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IClientSessionLifecycle interface
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dispose 文档请参考: IClientSessionLifecycle interface
func (session *PushSession) Dispose() error {
return session.dispose(nil)
// WaitChan 文档请参考: IClientSessionLifecycle interface
func (session *PushSession) WaitChan() <-chan error {
return session.waitChan
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Url 文档请参考: interface ISessionUrlContext
func (session *PushSession) Url() string {
return session.cmdSession.Url()
// AppName 文档请参考: interface ISessionUrlContext
func (session *PushSession) AppName() string {
return session.cmdSession.AppName()
// StreamName 文档请参考: interface ISessionUrlContext
func (session *PushSession) StreamName() string {
return session.cmdSession.StreamName()
// RawQuery 文档请参考: interface ISessionUrlContext
func (session *PushSession) RawQuery() string {
return session.cmdSession.RawQuery()
// UniqueKey 文档请参考: interface IObject
func (session *PushSession) UniqueKey() string {
return session.uniqueKey
// GetStat 文档请参考: interface ISessionStat
func (session *PushSession) GetStat() base.StatSession {
stat := session.baseOutSession.GetStat()
stat.RemoteAddr = session.cmdSession.RemoteAddr()
return stat
// UpdateStat 文档请参考: interface ISessionStat
func (session *PushSession) UpdateStat(intervalSec uint32) {
// IsAlive 文档请参考: interface ISessionStat
func (session *PushSession) IsAlive() (readAlive, writeAlive bool) {
return session.baseOutSession.IsAlive()
// OnConnectResult ClientCommandSessionObserver, callback by ClientCommandSession
func (session *PushSession) OnConnectResult() {
// noop
// OnDescribeResponse ClientCommandSessionObserver, callback by ClientCommandSession
func (session *PushSession) OnDescribeResponse(sdpCtx sdp.LogicContext) {
// noop
// OnSetupWithConn ClientCommandSessionObserver, callback by ClientCommandSession
func (session *PushSession) OnSetupWithConn(uri string, rtpConn, rtcpConn *nazanet.UdpConnection) {
_ = session.baseOutSession.SetupWithConn(uri, rtpConn, rtcpConn)
// OnSetupWithChannel ClientCommandSessionObserver, callback by ClientCommandSession
func (session *PushSession) OnSetupWithChannel(uri string, rtpChannel, rtcpChannel int) {
_ = session.baseOutSession.SetupWithChannel(uri, rtpChannel, rtcpChannel)
// OnSetupResult ClientCommandSessionObserver, callback by ClientCommandSession
func (session *PushSession) OnSetupResult() {
// noop
// OnInterleavedPacket ClientCommandSessionObserver, callback by ClientCommandSession
func (session *PushSession) OnInterleavedPacket(packet []byte, channel int) {
session.baseOutSession.HandleInterleavedPacket(packet, channel)
// WriteInterleavedPacket IInterleavedPacketWriter, callback by BaseOutSession
func (session *PushSession) WriteInterleavedPacket(packet []byte, channel int) error {
return session.cmdSession.WriteInterleavedPacket(packet, channel)
func (session *PushSession) dispose(err error) error {
var retErr error
session.disposeOnce.Do(func() {
Log.Infof("[%s] lifecycle dispose rtsp PushSession. session=%p", session.uniqueKey, session)
e1 := session.cmdSession.Dispose()
e2 := session.baseOutSession.Dispose()
retErr = nazaerrors.CombineErrors(e1, e2)
return retErr