// Copyright 2020, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/lal
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package hevc
import (
// ISO_IEC_23008-2_2013.pdf
// NAL Unit Header
// +---------------+---------------+
// |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |F| Type | LayerId | TID |
// +-------------+-----------------+
var (
NaluStartCode4 = []byte{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1}
// AudNalu aud nalu
AudNalu = []byte{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x46, 0x01, 0x10}
var NaluTypeMapping = map[uint8]string{
NaluTypeSliceTrailN: "TrailN",
NaluTypeSliceTrailR: "TrailR",
NaluTypeSliceTsaN: "TsaN",
NaluTypeSliceTsaR: "TsaR",
NaluTypeSliceStsaN: "StsaN",
NaluTypeSliceStsaR: "StsaR",
NaluTypeSliceRadlN: "RadlN",
NaluTypeSliceRadlR: "RadlR",
NaluTypeSliceRaslN: "RaslN",
NaluTypeSliceRaslR: "RaslR",
NaluTypeSliceBlaWlp: "BlaWlp",
NaluTypeSliceBlaWradl: "BlaWradl",
NaluTypeSliceBlaNlp: "BlaNlp",
NaluTypeSliceIdr: "IDR",
NaluTypeSliceIdrNlp: "IDRNLP",
NaluTypeSliceCranut: "CRANUT",
NaluTypeSliceRsvIrapVcl22: "IrapVcl22",
NaluTypeSliceRsvIrapVcl23: "IrapVcl23",
NaluTypeVps: "VPS",
NaluTypeSps: "SPS",
NaluTypePps: "PPS",
NaluTypeAud: "AUD",
NaluTypeSei: "SEI",
NaluTypeSeiSuffix: "SEISuffix",
// ISO_IEC_23008-2_2013.pdf
// Table 7-1 – NAL unit type codes and NAL unit type classes
const (
NaluTypeSliceTrailN uint8 = 0 // 0x0
NaluTypeSliceTrailR uint8 = 1 // 0x01
NaluTypeSliceTsaN uint8 = 2 // 0x02
NaluTypeSliceTsaR uint8 = 3 // 0x03
NaluTypeSliceStsaN uint8 = 4 // 0x04
NaluTypeSliceStsaR uint8 = 5 // 0x05
NaluTypeSliceRadlN uint8 = 6 // 0x06
NaluTypeSliceRadlR uint8 = 7 // 0x07
NaluTypeSliceRaslN uint8 = 8 // 0x06
NaluTypeSliceRaslR uint8 = 9 // 0x09
NaluTypeSliceBlaWlp uint8 = 16 // 0x10
NaluTypeSliceBlaWradl uint8 = 17 // 0x11
NaluTypeSliceBlaNlp uint8 = 18 // 0x12
NaluTypeSliceIdr uint8 = 19 // 0x13
NaluTypeSliceIdrNlp uint8 = 20 // 0x14
NaluTypeSliceCranut uint8 = 21 // 0x15
NaluTypeSliceRsvIrapVcl22 uint8 = 22 // 0x16
NaluTypeSliceRsvIrapVcl23 uint8 = 23 // 0x17
NaluTypeVps uint8 = 32 // 0x20
NaluTypeSps uint8 = 33 // 0x21
NaluTypePps uint8 = 34 // 0x22
NaluTypeAud uint8 = 35 // 0x23
NaluTypeSei uint8 = 39 // 0x27
NaluTypeSeiSuffix uint8 = 40 // 0x28
type Context struct {
PicWidthInLumaSamples uint32 // sps
PicHeightInLumaSamples uint32 // sps
ConfigurationVersion uint8 // const value: 1
GeneralProfileSpace uint8
GeneralTierFlag uint8
GeneralProfileIdc uint8
GeneralProfileCompatibilityFlags uint32 // const value: 0xffffffff
GeneralConstraintIndicatorFlags uint64 // const value: 0xffffffffffff
GeneralLevelIdc uint8
LengthSizeMinusOne uint8 // const value: 3
NumTemporalLayers uint8
TemporalIdNested uint8
ChromaFormat uint8
BitDepthLumaMinus8 uint8
BitDepthChromaMinus8 uint8
func ParseNaluTypeReadable(v uint8) string {
b, ok := NaluTypeMapping[ParseNaluType(v)]
if !ok {
return "unknown"
return b
// ParseNaluType
// @param v 第一个字节
func ParseNaluType(v uint8) uint8 {
// 6 bit in middle
// 0*** ***0
// or return (nalu[0] >> 1) & 0x3F
return (v & 0x7E) >> 1
// IsIrapNalu 是否是关键帧
// @param typ 帧类型。注意,是经过 ParseNaluType 解析后的帧类型
func IsIrapNalu(typ uint8) bool {
// [16, 23] irap nal
// [19, 20] idr nal
return typ >= NaluTypeSliceBlaWlp && typ <= NaluTypeSliceRsvIrapVcl23
// VpsSpsPpsSeqHeader2Annexb
// HVCC Seq Header -> Annexb
// @return 返回的内存块为内部独立新申请
func VpsSpsPpsSeqHeader2Annexb(payload []byte) ([]byte, error) {
vps, sps, pps, err := ParseVpsSpsPpsFromSeqHeaderWithoutMalloc(payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var ret []byte
ret = append(ret, NaluStartCode4...)
ret = append(ret, vps...)
ret = append(ret, NaluStartCode4...)
ret = append(ret, sps...)
ret = append(ret, NaluStartCode4...)
ret = append(ret, pps...)
return ret, nil
func VpsSpsPpsEnhancedSeqHeader2Annexb(payload []byte) ([]byte, error) {
vps, sps, pps, err := ParseVpsSpsPpsFromEnhancedSeqHeader(payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var ret []byte
ret = append(ret, NaluStartCode4...)
ret = append(ret, vps...)
ret = append(ret, NaluStartCode4...)
ret = append(ret, sps...)
ret = append(ret, NaluStartCode4...)
ret = append(ret, pps...)
return ret, nil
func BuildVpsSpsPps2Annexb(vps, sps, pps []byte) ([]byte, error) {
ctx := newContext()
if err := ParseVps(vps, ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := ParseSps(sps, ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
var ret []byte
ret = append(ret, NaluStartCode4...)
ret = append(ret, vps...)
ret = append(ret, NaluStartCode4...)
ret = append(ret, sps...)
ret = append(ret, NaluStartCode4...)
ret = append(ret, pps...)
return ret, nil
// ParseVpsSpsPpsFromSeqHeader
// 见func ParseVpsSpsPpsFromSeqHeaderWithoutMalloc
// @return vps, sps, pps: 内存块为内部独立新申请
func ParseVpsSpsPpsFromSeqHeader(payload []byte) (vps, sps, pps []byte, err error) {
v, s, p, e := ParseVpsSpsPpsFromSeqHeaderWithoutMalloc(payload)
if e != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, e
vps = append(vps, v...)
sps = append(sps, s...)
pps = append(pps, p...)
func ParseVpsSpsPpsFromEnhancedSeqHeader(payload []byte) (vps, sps, pps []byte, err error) {
packetType := payload[0] & 0x0f
if packetType == 0 {
return parseVpsSpsPpsFromRecord(payload)
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
// ParseVpsSpsPpsFromSeqHeaderWithoutMalloc
// 从HVCC格式的Seq Header中得到VPS,SPS,PPS内存块。
// @param payload: rtmp message的payload部分或者flv tag的payload部分。
// 注意,包含了头部2字节类型以及3字节的cts。
// @return vps, sps, pps: 复用传入参数`payload`的内存块。
func ParseVpsSpsPpsFromSeqHeaderWithoutMalloc(payload []byte) (vps, sps, pps []byte, err error) {
if len(payload) < 5 {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrShortBuffer)
if payload[0] != 0x1c || payload[1] != 0x00 || payload[2] != 0 || payload[3] != 0 || payload[4] != 0 {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
//Log.Debugf("%s", hex.Dump(payload))
if len(payload) < 33 {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
vps, sps, pps, err = parseVpsSpsPpsFromRecord(payload)
if err != nil {
vps, sps, pps, err = parseVpsSpsPpsAnnexbFromRecord(payload)
func parseVpsSpsPpsAnnexbFromRecord(payload []byte) (vps, sps, pps []byte, err error) {
for i := 0; i < len(payload)-4; {
start := bytes.Index(payload[i:], NaluStartCode4)
if start == -1 {
i += start
var end int
if endIdx := bytes.Index(payload[i+4:], NaluStartCode4); endIdx != -1 {
end = endIdx + 4
} else {
end = len(payload) - i
nal := payload[i+4 : i+end]
typ := ParseNaluType(nal[0])
switch typ {
case NaluTypeVps:
vps = append(vps, nal...)
case NaluTypeSps:
sps = append(sps, nal...)
case NaluTypePps:
pps = append(pps, nal...)
i += end
if len(vps) == 0 || len(sps) == 0 || len(pps) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
func parseVpsSpsPpsFromRecord(payload []byte) (vps, sps, pps []byte, err error) {
index := 27
if numOfArrays := payload[index]; numOfArrays != 3 && numOfArrays != 4 {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
// 注意,seq header中,是最后6个字节而不是中间6个字节
if payload[index]&0x3f != NaluTypeVps {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
if numNalus := int(bele.BeUint16(payload[index+1:])); numNalus != 1 {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
vpsLen := int(bele.BeUint16(payload[index+3:]))
if len(payload) < 33+vpsLen {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
vps = payload[index+5 : index+5+vpsLen]
index += 5 + vpsLen
if len(payload) < 38+vpsLen {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
if payload[index]&0x3f != NaluTypeSps {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
if numNalus := int(bele.BeUint16(payload[index+1:])); numNalus != 1 {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
spsLen := int(bele.BeUint16(payload[index+3:]))
if len(payload) < 38+vpsLen+spsLen {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
sps = payload[index+5 : index+5+spsLen]
index += 5 + spsLen
if len(payload) < 43+vpsLen+spsLen {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
if payload[index]&0x3f != NaluTypePps {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
if numNalus := int(bele.BeUint16(payload[index+1:])); numNalus != 1 {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
ppsLen := int(bele.BeUint16(payload[index+3:]))
if len(payload) < 43+vpsLen+spsLen+ppsLen {
return nil, nil, nil, nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
pps = payload[index+5 : index+5+ppsLen]
// BuildSeqHeaderFromVpsSpsPps
// @return 内存块为内部独立新申请
func BuildSeqHeaderFromVpsSpsPps(vps, sps, pps []byte) ([]byte, error) {
var sh []byte
sh = make([]byte, 43+len(vps)+len(sps)+len(pps))
sh[0] = 0x1c
sh[1] = 0x0
sh[2] = 0x0
sh[3] = 0x0
sh[4] = 0x0
// unsigned int(8) configurationVersion = 1;
sh[5] = 0x1
ctx := newContext()
if err := ParseVps(vps, ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := ParseSps(sps, ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
// unsigned int(2) general_profile_space;
// unsigned int(1) general_tier_flag;
// unsigned int(5) general_profile_idc;
sh[6] = ctx.GeneralProfileSpace<<6 | ctx.GeneralTierFlag<<5 | ctx.GeneralProfileIdc
// unsigned int(32) general_profile_compatibility_flags
bele.BePutUint32(sh[7:], ctx.GeneralProfileCompatibilityFlags)
// unsigned int(48) general_constraint_indicator_flags
bele.BePutUint32(sh[11:], uint32(ctx.GeneralConstraintIndicatorFlags>>16))
bele.BePutUint16(sh[15:], uint16(ctx.GeneralConstraintIndicatorFlags))
// unsigned int(8) general_level_idc;
sh[17] = ctx.GeneralLevelIdc
// bit(4) reserved = ‘1111’b;
// unsigned int(12) min_spatial_segmentation_idc;
// bit(6) reserved = ‘111111’b;
// unsigned int(2) parallelismType;
// TODO chef: 这两个字段没有解析
bele.BePutUint16(sh[18:], 0xf000)
sh[20] = 0xfc
// bit(6) reserved = ‘111111’b;
// unsigned int(2) ChromaFormat;
sh[21] = ctx.ChromaFormat | 0xfc
// bit(5) reserved = ‘11111’b;
// unsigned int(3) BitDepthLumaMinus8;
sh[22] = ctx.BitDepthLumaMinus8 | 0xf8
// bit(5) reserved = ‘11111’b;
// unsigned int(3) BitDepthChromaMinus8;
sh[23] = ctx.BitDepthChromaMinus8 | 0xf8
// bit(16) avgFrameRate;
bele.BePutUint16(sh[24:], 0)
// bit(2) constantFrameRate;
// bit(3) NumTemporalLayers;
// bit(1) TemporalIdNested;
// unsigned int(2) lengthSizeMinusOne;
sh[26] = 0<<6 | ctx.NumTemporalLayers<<3 | ctx.TemporalIdNested<<2 | ctx.LengthSizeMinusOne
// num of vps sps pps
sh[27] = 0x03
i := 28
sh[i] = NaluTypeVps
// num of vps
bele.BePutUint16(sh[i+1:], 1)
// length
bele.BePutUint16(sh[i+3:], uint16(len(vps)))
copy(sh[i+5:], vps)
i = i + 5 + len(vps)
sh[i] = NaluTypeSps
bele.BePutUint16(sh[i+1:], 1)
bele.BePutUint16(sh[i+3:], uint16(len(sps)))
copy(sh[i+5:], sps)
i = i + 5 + len(sps)
sh[i] = NaluTypePps
bele.BePutUint16(sh[i+1:], 1)
bele.BePutUint16(sh[i+3:], uint16(len(pps)))
copy(sh[i+5:], pps)
return sh, nil
func ParseVps(vps []byte, ctx *Context) error {
if len(vps) < 2 {
return nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
rbsp := nal2rbsp(vps[2:])
br := nazabits.NewBitReader(rbsp)
// skip
// vps_video_parameter_set_id u(4)
// vps_reserved_three_2bits u(2)
// vps_max_layers_minus1 u(6)
if _, err := br.ReadBits16(12); err != nil {
return nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
vpsMaxSubLayersMinus1, err := br.ReadBits8(3)
if err != nil {
return nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
if vpsMaxSubLayersMinus1+1 > ctx.NumTemporalLayers {
ctx.NumTemporalLayers = vpsMaxSubLayersMinus1 + 1
// skip
// vps_temporal_id_nesting_flag u(1)
// vps_reserved_0xffff_16bits u(16)
if _, err := br.ReadBits32(17); err != nil {
return nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
return parsePtl(&br, ctx, vpsMaxSubLayersMinus1)
func ParseSps(sps []byte, ctx *Context) error {
var err error
if len(sps) < 2 {
return nazaerrors.Wrap(base.ErrHevc)
rbsp := nal2rbsp(sps[2:])
br := nazabits.NewBitReader(rbsp)
// sps_video_parameter_set_id
if _, err = br.ReadBits8(4); err != nil {
return err
spsMaxSubLayersMinus1, err := br.ReadBits8(3)
if err != nil {
return err
if spsMaxSubLayersMinus1+1 > ctx.NumTemporalLayers {
ctx.NumTemporalLayers = spsMaxSubLayersMinus1 + 1
// sps_temporal_id_nesting_flag
if ctx.TemporalIdNested, err = br.ReadBit(); err != nil {
return err
if err = parsePtl(&br, ctx, spsMaxSubLayersMinus1); err != nil {
return err
// sps_seq_parameter_set_id
if _, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
var cf uint32
if cf, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
ctx.ChromaFormat = uint8(cf)
if ctx.ChromaFormat == 3 {
if _, err = br.ReadBit(); err != nil {
return err
// https://github.com/OpenVisualCloud/SVT-HEVC/issues/319
if ctx.PicWidthInLumaSamples, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
if ctx.PicHeightInLumaSamples, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
conformanceWindowFlag, err := br.ReadBit()
if err != nil {
return err
if conformanceWindowFlag != 0 {
if _, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
var bdlm8 uint32
if bdlm8, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
ctx.BitDepthLumaMinus8 = uint8(bdlm8)
var bdcm8 uint32
if bdcm8, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
ctx.BitDepthChromaMinus8 = uint8(bdcm8)
_, err = br.ReadGolomb()
if err != nil {
return err
spsSubLayerOrderingInfoPresentFlag, err := br.ReadBit()
if err != nil {
return err
var i uint8
if spsSubLayerOrderingInfoPresentFlag != 0 {
i = 0
} else {
i = spsMaxSubLayersMinus1
for ; i <= spsMaxSubLayersMinus1; i++ {
if _, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = br.ReadGolomb(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func parsePtl(br *nazabits.BitReader, ctx *Context, maxSubLayersMinus1 uint8) error {
var err error
var ptl Context
if ptl.GeneralProfileSpace, err = br.ReadBits8(2); err != nil {
return err
if ptl.GeneralTierFlag, err = br.ReadBit(); err != nil {
return err
if ptl.GeneralProfileIdc, err = br.ReadBits8(5); err != nil {
return err
if ptl.GeneralProfileCompatibilityFlags, err = br.ReadBits32(32); err != nil {
return err
if ptl.GeneralConstraintIndicatorFlags, err = br.ReadBits64(48); err != nil {
return err
if ptl.GeneralLevelIdc, err = br.ReadBits8(8); err != nil {
return err
updatePtl(ctx, &ptl)
if maxSubLayersMinus1 == 0 {
return nil
subLayerProfilePresentFlag := make([]uint8, maxSubLayersMinus1)
subLayerLevelPresentFlag := make([]uint8, maxSubLayersMinus1)
for i := uint8(0); i < maxSubLayersMinus1; i++ {
if subLayerProfilePresentFlag[i], err = br.ReadBit(); err != nil {
return err
if subLayerLevelPresentFlag[i], err = br.ReadBit(); err != nil {
return err
if maxSubLayersMinus1 > 0 {
for i := maxSubLayersMinus1; i < 8; i++ {
if _, err = br.ReadBits8(2); err != nil {
return err
for i := uint8(0); i < maxSubLayersMinus1; i++ {
if subLayerProfilePresentFlag[i] != 0 {
if _, err = br.ReadBits32(32); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = br.ReadBits32(32); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = br.ReadBits32(24); err != nil {
return err
if subLayerLevelPresentFlag[i] != 0 {
if _, err = br.ReadBits8(8); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func updatePtl(ctx, ptl *Context) {
ctx.GeneralProfileSpace = ptl.GeneralProfileSpace
if ptl.GeneralTierFlag > ctx.GeneralTierFlag {
ctx.GeneralLevelIdc = ptl.GeneralLevelIdc
ctx.GeneralTierFlag = ptl.GeneralTierFlag
} else {
if ptl.GeneralLevelIdc > ctx.GeneralLevelIdc {
ctx.GeneralLevelIdc = ptl.GeneralLevelIdc
if ptl.GeneralProfileIdc > ctx.GeneralProfileIdc {
ctx.GeneralProfileIdc = ptl.GeneralProfileIdc
ctx.GeneralProfileCompatibilityFlags &= ptl.GeneralProfileCompatibilityFlags
ctx.GeneralConstraintIndicatorFlags &= ptl.GeneralConstraintIndicatorFlags
func newContext() *Context {
return &Context{
ConfigurationVersion: 1,
LengthSizeMinusOne: 3, // 4 bytes
GeneralProfileCompatibilityFlags: 0xffffffff,
GeneralConstraintIndicatorFlags: 0xffffffffffff,
func nal2rbsp(nal []byte) []byte {
// TODO chef:
// 1. 输出应该可由外部申请
// 2. 替换性能
// 3. 该函数应该放入avc中
return bytes.Replace(nal, []byte{0x0, 0x0, 0x3}, []byte{0x0, 0x0}, -1)