You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright 2020, Chef. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (
package base
import "strings"
// 版本信息相关
// lal的一部分版本信息使用了naza.bininfo
// 另外,我们也在本文件提供另外一些信息
// 并且将这些信息打入可执行文件、日志、各协议中的标准版本字段中
// 版本,该变量由外部脚本修改维护
const LALVersion = "v0.20.0"
var (
LALLibraryName = "lal"
LALGithubRepo = ""
LALGithubSite = ""
LALDocSite = ""
// e.g. lal v0.12.3 (
LALFullInfo = LALLibraryName + " " + LALVersion + " (" + LALGithubRepo + ")"
// e.g. 0.12.3
LALVersionDot string
// e.g. 0,12,3
LALVersionComma string
var (
// 植入rtmp握手随机字符串中
// e.g. lal v0.12.3 (
//LALRTMPHandshakeWaterMark string
// 植入rtmp server中的connect result信令中
// 注意有两个object第一个object中的fmsVer我们保持通用公认的值在第二个object中植入
// e.g. 0,12,3
LALRTMPConnectResultVersion string
// e.g. lal0.12.3
LALRTMPPushSessionConnectVersion string
// e.g. lal0.12.3
LALRTMPBuildMetadataEncoder string
// e.g. lal/0.12.3
LALHTTPFLVPullSessionUA string
// e.g. lal0.12.3
LALHTTPFLVSubSessionServer string
// e.g. lal0.12.3
LALHLSM3U8Server string
// e.g. lal0.12.3
LALHLSTSServer string
// e.g. lal0.12.3
LALRTSPOptionsResponseServer string
// e.g. lal0.12.3
LALHTTPTSSubSessionServer string
// e.g. lal0.12.3
LALHTTPAPIServer string
// e.g. lal/0.12.3
LALRTSPPullSessionUA string
// - rtmp handshake random buf
// - rtmp server(pub & sub)
// - rtmp message connect result
// - cdnws: 第一个obj: `fmsVer: FMS/3,0,1,123` 第二个obj: `version: x,x,x,xxx`
// - rtmp client(push & pull)
// - rtmp message connect
// - ffmpeg push: `flashVer: FMLE/3.0 (compatible; Lavf57.83.100)`
// - ffmpeg pull: `flashVer: LNX 9,0,124,2` -- emulated Flash client version - on Linux
// - rtmp/flv build metadata
// - encoder: Lavf57.83.100
// - httpflv pull
// - wget: User-Agent: Wget/1.19.1 (darwin15.6.0)
// - httpflv sub
// - `server:`
// - hls
// - m3u8
// - `Server:`
// - ts
// - `Server:`
// - rtsp server(pub & sub)
// - Options response `Server:`
// - rtsp client(pull)
// - Options User-Agent
// - httpts sub
// - `server:`
// - http api
// - `server:`
func init() {
LALVersionDot = strings.TrimPrefix(LALVersion, "v")
LALVersionComma = strings.Replace(LALVersionDot, ".", ",", -1)
LALRTMPConnectResultVersion = LALVersionComma
LALRTMPPushSessionConnectVersion = LALLibraryName + LALVersionDot
LALRTMPBuildMetadataEncoder = LALLibraryName + LALVersionDot
LALHTTPFLVSubSessionServer = LALLibraryName + LALVersionDot
LALHLSM3U8Server = LALLibraryName + LALVersionDot
LALHLSTSServer = LALLibraryName + LALVersionDot
LALRTSPOptionsResponseServer = LALLibraryName + LALVersionDot
LALHTTPTSSubSessionServer = LALLibraryName + LALVersionDot
LALHTTPAPIServer = LALLibraryName + LALVersionDot
LALHTTPFLVPullSessionUA = LALLibraryName + "/" + LALVersionDot
LALRTSPPullSessionUA = LALLibraryName + "/" + LALVersionDot
//LALRTMPHandshakeWaterMark = LALFullInfo