// Copyright 2022, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/lal
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package logic
import (
var Log = nazalog.GetGlobalLogger()
var (
// 所有session超时管理整理如下:
// (1.) 第一种方式,是上层判断
// (1.1.) CheckSessionAliveIntervalSec
// - rtmp pub, rtsp pub,
// - rtmp pull, rtsp pull,
// - rtmp sub, rtsp sub, httpflv sub, httpts sub,
// - rtmp push,
// (1.2.) HTTP-API参数 ApiCtrlStartRtpPubReq.TimeoutMs
// - ps pub,
// (1.3.) 无
// - customize pub,
// - hls sub,
// (2.) 第二种方式,是session自身提供的超时功能:
// (2.x.) rtmp pub, rtmp sub: 底层naza connection,并且设置了超时 rtmp.serverSessionReadAvTimeoutMs rtmp.serverSessionWriteAvTimeoutMs
// (2.x.) rtsp pub, rtsp sub: cmd以及tcp模式时底层naza connection,但是没有设置超时(udp使用 nazanet.UdpConnection),
// (2.x.) rtmp pull, rtsp pull: HTTP-API参数 ApiCtrlStartRelayPullReq.PullTimeoutMs 静态回源时 StaticRelayPullTimeoutMs
// (2.x.) httpflv sub, httpts sub: httpflv.SubSessionWriteTimeoutMs , httpts.SubSessionWriteTimeoutMs
// (2.x.) rtmp push: RelayPushTimeoutMs, RelayPushWriteAvTimeoutMs,
// (2.x.) 无: ps pub, customize pub,
// (2.x.) hls sub: 配置文件中配置项 sub_session_timeout_ms
// (3.) client类型session默认超时:
// - rtmp push: rtmp.PushSessionOption.PushTimeoutMs WriteAvTimeoutMs
// - rtsp push: rtsp.PushSessionOption.PushTimeoutMs
// - rtmp pull: rtmp.PullSessionOption.PullTimeoutMs ReadAvTimeoutMs
// - rtsp pull: rtsp.PullSessionOption.PullTimeoutMs
// - httpflv pull: httpflv.PullSessionOption.PullTimeoutMs ReadTimeoutMs
// CheckSessionAliveIntervalSec
// 检查session是否有数据传输的时间间隔,该间隔内没有数据传输的session将被关闭。
// 对于输入型session,检查一定时间内,是否没有收到数据。
// 对于输出型session,检查一定时间内,是否没有发送数据。
// 注意,socket阻塞无法发送和上层没有向该session喂入数据都算没有发送数据。
CheckSessionAliveIntervalSec uint32 = 10
RelayPushTimeoutMs = 10000
RelayPushWriteAvTimeoutMs = 10000
StaticRelayPullTimeoutMs = 10000
DefaultApiCtrlStartRtpPubReqTimeoutMs = 60000
DefaultApiCtrlStartRelayPullReqPullTimeoutMs = 10000
// 注意,这是配置文件中静态回源的配置值,不是HTTP-API的默认值
const (
staticRelayPullRetryNum = base.PullRetryNumForever
staticRelayPullAutoStopPullAfterNoOutMs = base.AutoStopPullAfterNoOutMsImmediately
var (
// calcSessionStatIntervalSec 计算所有session收发码率的时间间隔
calcSessionStatIntervalSec uint32 = 5
const (
defaultHlsCalcSessionStatIntervalSec uint32 = 10