// Copyright 2019, Chef. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/q191201771/lal
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license
// that can be found in the License file.
// Author: Chef (191201771@qq.com)
package rtmp
import (
// rtmp 客户端类型连接的底层实现
// package rtmp 的使用者应该优先使用基于 ClientSession 实现的 PushSession 和 PullSession
type ClientSession struct {
uniqueKey string
t ClientSessionType
option ClientSessionOption
packer *MessagePacker
chunkComposer *ChunkComposer
urlCtx base.UrlContext
hc IHandshakeClient
peerWinAckSize int
conn connection.Connection
prevConnStat connection.Stat
staleStat *connection.Stat
stat base.StatSession
doResultChan chan struct{}
hasNotifyDoResultSucc bool
// 只有PullSession使用
onReadRtmpAvMsg OnReadRtmpAvMsg
debugLogReadUserCtrlMsgCount int
debugLogReadUserCtrlMsgMax int
disposeOnce sync.Once
type ClientSessionType int
const (
CstPullSession ClientSessionType = iota
type ClientSessionOption struct {
// 单位毫秒,如果为0,则没有超时
DoTimeoutMs int // 从发起连接(包含了建立连接的时间)到收到publish或play信令结果的超时
ReadAvTimeoutMs int // 读取音视频数据的超时
WriteAvTimeoutMs int // 发送音视频数据的超时
ReadBufSize int // io层读取音视频数据时的缓冲大小,如果为0,则没有缓冲
WriteBufSize int // io层发送音视频数据的缓冲大小,如果为0,则没有缓冲
WriteChanSize int // io层发送音视频数据的异步队列大小,如果为0,则同步发送
HandshakeComplexFlag bool // 握手是否使用复杂模式
var defaultClientSessOption = ClientSessionOption{
DoTimeoutMs: 10000,
ReadAvTimeoutMs: 0,
WriteAvTimeoutMs: 0,
ReadBufSize: 0,
WriteBufSize: 0,
WriteChanSize: 0,
HandshakeComplexFlag: false,
type ModClientSessionOption func(option *ClientSessionOption)
// @param t: session的类型,只能是推或者拉
func NewClientSession(t ClientSessionType, modOptions ...ModClientSessionOption) *ClientSession {
var uk string
switch t {
case CstPullSession:
uk = base.GenUkRtmpPullSession()
case CstPushSession:
uk = base.GenUkRtmpPushSession()
option := defaultClientSessOption
for _, fn := range modOptions {
var hc IHandshakeClient
if option.HandshakeComplexFlag {
hc = &HandshakeClientComplex{}
} else {
hc = &HandshakeClientSimple{}
s := &ClientSession{
uniqueKey: uk,
t: t,
option: option,
doResultChan: make(chan struct{}, 1),
packer: NewMessagePacker(),
chunkComposer: NewChunkComposer(),
stat: base.StatSession{
Protocol: base.ProtocolRtmp,
SessionId: uk,
StartTime: time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.999"),
debugLogReadUserCtrlMsgMax: 5,
hc: hc,
Log.Infof("[%s] lifecycle new rtmp ClientSession. session=%p", uk, s)
return s
// 阻塞直到收到服务端返回的 publish / play 对应结果的信令或者发生错误
func (s *ClientSession) Do(rawUrl string) error {
Log.Debugf("[%s] Do. url=%s", s.uniqueKey, rawUrl)
var (
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
if s.option.DoTimeoutMs == 0 {
ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
} else {
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(s.option.DoTimeoutMs)*time.Millisecond)
defer cancel()
return s.doContext(ctx, rawUrl)
func (s *ClientSession) Write(msg []byte) error {
if s.conn == nil {
return base.ErrSessionNotStarted
_, err := s.conn.Write(msg)
return err
func (s *ClientSession) Flush() error {
if s.conn == nil {
return base.ErrSessionNotStarted
return s.conn.Flush()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IClientSessionLifecycle interface
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dispose 文档请参考: IClientSessionLifecycle interface
func (s *ClientSession) Dispose() error {
return s.dispose(nil)
// WaitChan 文档请参考: IClientSessionLifecycle interface
func (s *ClientSession) WaitChan() <-chan error {
return s.conn.Done()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (s *ClientSession) Url() string {
return s.urlCtx.Url
func (s *ClientSession) AppName() string {
return s.urlCtx.PathWithoutLastItem
func (s *ClientSession) StreamName() string {
return s.urlCtx.LastItemOfPath
func (s *ClientSession) RawQuery() string {
return s.urlCtx.RawQuery
func (s *ClientSession) UniqueKey() string {
return s.uniqueKey
func (s *ClientSession) GetStat() base.StatSession {
connStat := s.conn.GetStat()
s.stat.ReadBytesSum = connStat.ReadBytesSum
s.stat.WroteBytesSum = connStat.WroteBytesSum
return s.stat
func (s *ClientSession) UpdateStat(intervalSec uint32) {
currStat := s.conn.GetStat()
rDiff := currStat.ReadBytesSum - s.prevConnStat.ReadBytesSum
s.stat.ReadBitrate = int(rDiff * 8 / 1024 / uint64(intervalSec))
wDiff := currStat.WroteBytesSum - s.prevConnStat.WroteBytesSum
s.stat.WriteBitrate = int(wDiff * 8 / 1024 / uint64(intervalSec))
switch s.t {
case CstPushSession:
s.stat.Bitrate = s.stat.WriteBitrate
case CstPullSession:
s.stat.Bitrate = s.stat.ReadBitrate
s.prevConnStat = currStat
func (s *ClientSession) IsAlive() (readAlive, writeAlive bool) {
currStat := s.conn.GetStat()
if s.staleStat == nil {
s.staleStat = new(connection.Stat)
*s.staleStat = currStat
return true, true
readAlive = !(currStat.ReadBytesSum-s.staleStat.ReadBytesSum == 0)
writeAlive = !(currStat.WroteBytesSum-s.staleStat.WroteBytesSum == 0)
*s.staleStat = currStat
func (s *ClientSession) doContext(ctx context.Context, rawUrl string) error {
errChan := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
if err := s.parseUrl(rawUrl); err != nil {
errChan <- err
if err := s.tcpConnect(); err != nil {
errChan <- err
if err := s.handshake(); err != nil {
errChan <- err
Log.Infof("[%s] > W SetChunkSize %d.", s.uniqueKey, LocalChunkSize)
if err := s.packer.writeChunkSize(s.conn, LocalChunkSize); err != nil {
errChan <- err
Log.Infof("[%s] > W connect('%s'). tcUrl=%s", s.uniqueKey, s.appName(), s.tcUrl())
if err := s.packer.writeConnect(s.conn, s.appName(), s.tcUrl(), s.t == CstPushSession); err != nil {
errChan <- err
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
_ = s.dispose(nil)
return ctx.Err()
case err := <-errChan:
_ = s.dispose(err)
return err
case <-s.doResultChan:
return nil
func (s *ClientSession) parseUrl(rawUrl string) (err error) {
s.urlCtx, err = base.ParseRtmpUrl(rawUrl)
if err != nil {
return err
func (s *ClientSession) tcUrl() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/%s", s.urlCtx.Scheme, s.urlCtx.StdHost, s.urlCtx.PathWithoutLastItem)
func (s *ClientSession) appName() string {
return s.urlCtx.PathWithoutLastItem
func (s *ClientSession) streamNameWithRawQuery() string {
if s.urlCtx.RawQuery == "" {
return s.urlCtx.LastItemOfPath
return fmt.Sprintf("%s?%s", s.urlCtx.LastItemOfPath, s.urlCtx.RawQuery)
func (s *ClientSession) tcpConnect() error {
Log.Infof("[%s] > tcp connect.", s.uniqueKey)
var err error
s.stat.RemoteAddr = s.urlCtx.HostWithPort
var conn net.Conn
if conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", s.urlCtx.HostWithPort); err != nil {
return err
s.conn = connection.New(conn, func(option *connection.Option) {
option.ReadBufSize = s.option.ReadBufSize
option.WriteChanFullBehavior = connection.WriteChanFullBehaviorBlock
return nil
func (s *ClientSession) handshake() error {
Log.Infof("[%s] > W Handshake C0+C1.", s.uniqueKey)
if err := s.hc.WriteC0C1(s.conn); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.hc.ReadS0S1(s.conn); err != nil {
return err
Log.Infof("[%s] < R Handshake S0+S1.", s.uniqueKey)
Log.Infof("[%s] > W Handshake C2.", s.uniqueKey)
if err := s.hc.WriteC2(s.conn); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.hc.ReadS2(s.conn); err != nil {
return err
Log.Infof("[%s] < R Handshake S2.", s.uniqueKey)
return nil
func (s *ClientSession) runReadLoop() {
if err := s.chunkComposer.RunLoop(s.conn, s.doMsg); err != nil {
_ = s.dispose(err)
func (s *ClientSession) doMsg(stream *Stream) error {
switch stream.header.MsgTypeId {
case base.RtmpTypeIdWinAckSize:
case base.RtmpTypeIdBandwidth:
case base.RtmpTypeIdSetChunkSize:
return s.doProtocolControlMessage(stream)
case base.RtmpTypeIdCommandMessageAmf0:
return s.doCommandMessage(stream)
case base.RtmpTypeIdMetadata:
return s.doDataMessageAmf0(stream)
case base.RtmpTypeIdAck:
return s.doAck(stream)
case base.RtmpTypeIdUserControl:
return s.doUserControl(stream)
case base.RtmpTypeIdAudio:
case base.RtmpTypeIdVideo:
Log.Errorf("[%s] read unknown message. typeid=%d, %s", s.uniqueKey, stream.header.MsgTypeId, stream.toDebugString())
return nil
func (s *ClientSession) doAck(stream *Stream) error {
seqNum := bele.BeUint32(stream.msg.buff.Bytes())
Log.Infof("[%s] < R Acknowledgement. ignore. sequence number=%d.", s.uniqueKey, seqNum)
return nil
func (s *ClientSession) doUserControl(stream *Stream) error {
userControlType := bele.BeUint16(stream.msg.buff.Bytes())
if userControlType == uint16(base.RtmpUserControlPingRequest) {
timestamp := bele.BeUint32(stream.msg.buff.Bytes())
return s.packer.writePingResponse(s.conn, timestamp)
if s.debugLogReadUserCtrlMsgCount <= s.debugLogReadUserCtrlMsgMax {
Log.Warnf("[%s] read user control message, ignore. buf=%s",
s.uniqueKey, hex.Dump(stream.msg.buff.Peek(32)))
return nil
func (s *ClientSession) doDataMessageAmf0(stream *Stream) error {
val, err := stream.msg.peekStringWithType()
if err != nil {
return err
switch val {
case "|RtmpSampleAccess":
Log.Debugf("[%s] < R |RtmpSampleAccess, ignore.", s.uniqueKey)
return nil
return nil
func (s *ClientSession) doCommandMessage(stream *Stream) error {
cmd, err := stream.msg.readStringWithType()
if err != nil {
return err
tid, err := stream.msg.readNumberWithType()
if err != nil {
return err
switch cmd {
case "onBWDone":
Log.Warnf("[%s] < R onBWDone. ignore.", s.uniqueKey)
case "_result":
return s.doResultMessage(stream, tid)
case "onStatus":
return s.doOnStatusMessage(stream, tid)
Log.Errorf("[%s] read unknown command message. cmd=%s, %s", s.uniqueKey, cmd, stream.toDebugString())
return nil
func (s *ClientSession) doOnStatusMessage(stream *Stream, tid int) error {
if err := stream.msg.readNull(); err != nil {
return err
infos, err := stream.msg.readObjectWithType()
if err != nil {
return err
code, err := infos.FindString("code")
if err != nil {
return err
switch s.t {
case CstPushSession:
switch code {
case "NetStream.Publish.Start":
Log.Infof("[%s] < R onStatus('NetStream.Publish.Start').", s.uniqueKey)
Log.Warnf("[%s] read on status message but code field unknown. code=%s", s.uniqueKey, code)
case CstPullSession:
switch code {
case "NetStream.Play.Start":
Log.Infof("[%s] < R onStatus('NetStream.Play.Start').", s.uniqueKey)
Log.Warnf("[%s] read on status message but code field unknown. code=%s", s.uniqueKey, code)
return nil
func (s *ClientSession) doResultMessage(stream *Stream, tid int) error {
switch tid {
case tidClientConnect:
_, err := stream.msg.readObjectWithType()
if err != nil {
return err
infos, err := stream.msg.readObjectWithType()
if err != nil {
return err
code, err := infos.FindString("code")
if err != nil {
return err
switch code {
case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
Log.Infof("[%s] < R _result(\"NetConnection.Connect.Success\").", s.uniqueKey)
Log.Infof("[%s] > W createStream().", s.uniqueKey)
if err := s.packer.writeCreateStream(s.conn); err != nil {
return err
Log.Errorf("[%s] unknown code. code=%v", s.uniqueKey, code)
case tidClientCreateStream:
err := stream.msg.readNull()
if err != nil {
return err
sid, err := stream.msg.readNumberWithType()
if err != nil {
return err
Log.Infof("[%s] < R _result().", s.uniqueKey)
switch s.t {
case CstPullSession:
Log.Infof("[%s] > W play('%s').", s.uniqueKey, s.streamNameWithRawQuery())
if err := s.packer.writePlay(s.conn, s.streamNameWithRawQuery(), sid); err != nil {
return err
case CstPushSession:
Log.Infof("[%s] > W publish('%s').", s.uniqueKey, s.streamNameWithRawQuery())
if err := s.packer.writePublish(s.conn, s.appName(), s.streamNameWithRawQuery(), sid); err != nil {
return err
Log.Errorf("[%s] unknown tid. tid=%d", s.uniqueKey, tid)
return nil
func (s *ClientSession) doProtocolControlMessage(stream *Stream) error {
if stream.msg.Len() < 4 {
return base.NewErrRtmpShortBuffer(4, int(stream.msg.Len()), "ClientSession::doProtocolControlMessage")
val := int(bele.BeUint32(stream.msg.buff.Bytes()))
switch stream.header.MsgTypeId {
case base.RtmpTypeIdWinAckSize:
s.peerWinAckSize = val
Log.Infof("[%s] < R Window Acknowledgement Size: %d", s.uniqueKey, s.peerWinAckSize)
case base.RtmpTypeIdBandwidth:
// TODO chef: 是否需要关注这个信令
Log.Warnf("[%s] < R Set Peer Bandwidth. ignore.", s.uniqueKey)
case base.RtmpTypeIdSetChunkSize:
// composer内部会自动更新peer chunk size.
Log.Infof("[%s] < R Set Chunk Size %d.", s.uniqueKey, val)
Log.Errorf("[%s] read unknown protocol control message. typeid=%d, %s", s.uniqueKey, stream.header.MsgTypeId, stream.toDebugString())
return nil
func (s *ClientSession) notifyDoResultSucc() {
// 碰上过对端服务器实现有问题,对于play信令回复了两次相同的结果,我们在这里忽略掉非第一次的回复
if s.hasNotifyDoResultSucc {
Log.Warnf("[%s] has notified do result succ already, ignore it", s.uniqueKey)
s.hasNotifyDoResultSucc = true
s.doResultChan <- struct{}{}
func (s *ClientSession) dispose(err error) error {
var retErr error
s.disposeOnce.Do(func() {
Log.Infof("[%s] lifecycle dispose rtmp ClientSession. err=%+v", s.uniqueKey, err)
if s.conn == nil {
retErr = base.ErrSessionNotStarted
retErr = s.conn.Close()
return retErr