/** * @jest-environment jsdom */ const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); const path = require('path'); const hotkeys = require('../dist/hotkeys'); let browser; let page; // expect().toEqual() :判断结果是否和预期等价。 // expect().toBeFalsy() :判断结果是否为假。 // expect().toBeTruthy() :判断结果是否为真。 const isff = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > 0; // 模拟键盘摁键 // http://output.jsbin.com/awenaq/3 function __triggerKeyboardEvent(el, keyCode, opt) { const eventObj = document.createEventObject ? document.createEventObject() : document.createEvent('Events'); if (eventObj.initEvent) { eventObj.initEvent('keydown', true, true); } if (keyCode) { eventObj.keyCode = keyCode; eventObj.which = keyCode; } if (opt) { for (const a in opt) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(opt, a)) { eventObj[a] = opt[a]; } } } el.dispatchEvent ? el.dispatchEvent(eventObj) : el.fireEvent('onkeydown', eventObj); } function __triggerKeyboardUp(el, keyCode, opt) { const eventObj = document.createEventObject ? document.createEventObject() : document.createEvent('Events'); if (eventObj.initEvent) { eventObj.initEvent('keyup', true, true); } if (keyCode) { eventObj.keyCode = keyCode; eventObj.which = keyCode; } if (opt) { for (const a in opt) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(opt, a)) { eventObj[a] = opt[a]; } } } el.dispatchEvent ? el.dispatchEvent(eventObj) : el.fireEvent('onkeyup', eventObj); } function __triggerKeyboardFocus(el, keyCode, opt) { const eventObj = document.createEventObject ? document.createEventObject() : document.createEvent('Events'); if (eventObj.initEvent) { eventObj.initEvent('focus', true, true); } if (keyCode) { eventObj.keyCode = keyCode; eventObj.which = keyCode; } if (opt) { for (const a in opt) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(opt, a)) { eventObj[a] = opt[a]; } } } el.dispatchEvent ? el.dispatchEvent(eventObj) : el.fireEvent('onfocus', eventObj); } beforeAll(async () => { browser = await puppeteer.launch({ args: ['--no-sandbox'] }); page = await browser.newPage(); }, 1000 * 120); describe('\n Hotkeys.js Test Case222.\n', () => { test('HTML loader', async () => { await page.goto(`file://${path.resolve('./test/index.html')}`, { waitUntil: 'networkidle2' }); }, 10000); test('Test HTML load', async () => { const title = await page.title(); expect(title).toBe('hotkeys.js'); const text = await page.$eval('#root', (el) => el.textContent); expect(text).toBe('hotkeys'); expect(window.hotkeys).toBeTruthy(); expect(hotkeys(() => { })).toBeUndefined(); }); test('HotKeys getPressedKeyCodes Test Case', async () => { let isExecuteFunction = false; await hotkeys('command+ctrl+shift+a', (e) => { isExecuteFunction = true; expect(e.metaKey).toBeTruthy(); expect(e.ctrlKey).toBeTruthy(); expect(e.shiftKey).toBeTruthy(); expect(hotkeys.getPressedKeyCodes()).toEqual([16, 17, 65, 91]); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { metaKey: true, ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true, }); expect(isExecuteFunction).toBeTruthy(); await hotkeys.unbind('command+ctrl+shift+a'); }); test('HotKeys getPressedKeyString Test Case', async () => { let isExecuteFunction = false; await hotkeys('command+ctrl+shift+a', (e) => { isExecuteFunction = true; expect(e.metaKey).toBeTruthy(); expect(e.ctrlKey).toBeTruthy(); expect(e.shiftKey).toBeTruthy(); expect(hotkeys.getPressedKeyString()).toEqual(['⇧', '⌃', 'A', '⌘']); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { metaKey: true, ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true, }); expect(isExecuteFunction).toBeTruthy(); await hotkeys.unbind('command+ctrl+shift+a'); }); test('HotKeys modifier scope,setScope,getScope,deleteScope Test Case', () => { let isExecuteFunction = false; __triggerKeyboardFocus(window); hotkeys('⌘+d', 'files', (e) => { isExecuteFunction = true; expect(e.keyCode).toBe(68); expect(e.metaKey).toBeTruthy(); hotkeys.deleteScope('files'); }); hotkeys.setScope('files'); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 68, { metaKey: true, }); expect(isExecuteFunction).toBeTruthy(); expect(hotkeys.getScope()).toBe('all'); hotkeys('⌘+d', { scope: 'files2' }, (e) => { isExecuteFunction = false; expect(e.keyCode).toBe(68); expect(hotkeys.getScope()).toBe('files2'); expect(e.metaKey).toBeTruthy(); hotkeys.deleteScope('files2'); }); hotkeys.setScope('files2'); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 68, { metaKey: true, }); expect(isExecuteFunction).toBeFalsy(); expect(hotkeys.getScope()).toBe('all'); hotkeys('⌘+d', { element: document.body, scope: 'scope3', keyup: true, keydown: false, }, (e) => { isExecuteFunction = false; expect(e.keyCode).toBe(68); expect(hotkeys.getScope()).toBe('scope3'); expect(e.metaKey).toBeTruthy(); hotkeys.deleteScope('scope3'); }); hotkeys.setScope('scope3'); __triggerKeyboardUp(document.body, 68, { metaKey: true, }); expect(isExecuteFunction).toBeFalsy(); expect(hotkeys.getScope()).toBe('all'); }); test('Custom splitKey Test Case', async () => { let isExecuteFunction = false; await hotkeys('ctrl-a', { splitKey: '-' }, (e) => { isExecuteFunction = true; expect(e.ctrlKey).toBeTruthy(); expect(hotkeys.getPressedKeyCodes()).toEqual([17, 65]); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { ctrlKey: true, }); await hotkeys.unbind(); expect(isExecuteFunction).toBeTruthy(); }); test('HotKeys unbind Test Case', async () => { let isExecuteFunction = false; hotkeys('enter', (e) => { isExecuteFunction = true; expect(e.keyCode).toBe(13); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 13); expect(isExecuteFunction).toBeTruthy(); expect(hotkeys.unbind()).toBe(undefined); expect(hotkeys.unbind('enter')).toBe(undefined); expect(hotkeys.unbind('enter12')).toBe(undefined); }); test('passing an empty string to unbind does not remove all handlers', () => { let isExecuteFunction = false; hotkeys('enter', (e) => { isExecuteFunction = true; expect(e.keyCode).toBe(13); }); hotkeys.unbind(''); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 13); expect(isExecuteFunction).toBeTruthy(); }); test('HotKeys Special keys Test Case', async () => { let isExecuteFunction = false; hotkeys('enter', (e) => { isExecuteFunction = true; expect(e.keyCode).toBe(13); }); hotkeys('return', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(13); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 13); __triggerKeyboardUp(document.body, 13); hotkeys.unbind('return'); hotkeys.unbind('enter'); expect(isExecuteFunction).toBeTruthy(); hotkeys('space', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(32); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 32); __triggerKeyboardUp(document.body, 32); hotkeys.unbind('space'); hotkeys('insert,ins', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(45); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 45); __triggerKeyboardUp(document.body, 45); hotkeys.unbind('insert'); hotkeys.unbind('ins'); hotkeys('backspace', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(8); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 8); __triggerKeyboardUp(document.body, 8); hotkeys.unbind('backspace'); hotkeys('tab', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(9); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 9); __triggerKeyboardUp(document.body, 9); hotkeys.unbind('tab'); hotkeys('clear', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(12); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 12); __triggerKeyboardUp(document.body, 12); hotkeys.unbind('clear'); hotkeys(',', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(188); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 188); __triggerKeyboardUp(document.body, 188); hotkeys.unbind(','); hotkeys('.', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(190); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 190); __triggerKeyboardUp(document.body, 190); hotkeys.unbind('.'); hotkeys('/', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(191); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 191); __triggerKeyboardUp(document.body, 191); hotkeys.unbind('/'); hotkeys('`', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(192); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 192); __triggerKeyboardUp(document.body, 192); hotkeys.unbind('`'); hotkeys('-', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(isff ? 173 : 189); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, isff ? 173 : 189); __triggerKeyboardUp(document.body, isff ? 173 : 189); hotkeys.unbind('-'); hotkeys('=', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(isff ? 61 : 187); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, isff ? 61 : 187); hotkeys.unbind('='); hotkeys(';', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(isff ? 59 : 186); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, isff ? 59 : 186); hotkeys.unbind(';'); hotkeys('\''.toString(), (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(222); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 222); hotkeys.unbind('\''); hotkeys('\\'.toString(), (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(220); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 220); hotkeys.unbind('\\'); hotkeys('['.toString(), (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(219); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 219); hotkeys.unbind('['); hotkeys(']'.toString(), (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(221); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 221); hotkeys.unbind(']'); hotkeys('left', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(37); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 37); hotkeys.unbind('left'); hotkeys('up', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(38); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 38); hotkeys.unbind('up'); hotkeys('del', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(46); }); hotkeys('delete', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(46); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 46); hotkeys.unbind('delete'); hotkeys.unbind('del'); hotkeys('home', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(36); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 36); hotkeys.unbind('home'); hotkeys('pageup', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(33); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 33); hotkeys.unbind('pageup'); hotkeys('pagedown', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(34); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 34); hotkeys.unbind('pagedown'); hotkeys('end', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(35); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 35); hotkeys.unbind('end'); hotkeys('right', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(39); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 39); hotkeys.unbind('right'); hotkeys('down', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(40); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 40); hotkeys.unbind('down'); hotkeys('esc', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(27); }); hotkeys('escape', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(27); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 27); hotkeys.unbind('esc'); hotkeys.unbind('escape'); hotkeys('CapsLock', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(20); }); hotkeys('⇪', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(20); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 20); hotkeys.unbind('⇪'); hotkeys.unbind('CapsLock'); }); test('HotKeys Test Case', async () => { hotkeys('w', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(87); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 87); hotkeys.unbind('w'); hotkeys('b', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(66); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 66); hotkeys.unbind('b'); await hotkeys('a', async () => { await expect(hotkeys.isPressed('a')).toBeTruthy(); await expect(hotkeys.isPressed('A')).toBeTruthy(); await expect(hotkeys.isPressed(65)).toBeTruthy(); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65); hotkeys.unbind('a'); }); test('unbind with method test', () => { const callbackA = jest.fn(); const callbackB = jest.fn(); hotkeys('shift+a', callbackA); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { shiftKey: true, }); /** * https://github.com/jaywcjlove/hotkeys/issues/55 * 解决三键组合,实现键值比对, * 并不是对象比对,此测试用例无法模拟 */ expect(callbackA.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); hotkeys.unbind('shift+a', callbackA); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { shiftKey: true, }); expect(callbackA.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); hotkeys('shift+a', callbackB); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { shiftKey: true, }); expect(callbackB.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); hotkeys.unbind('shift+a', callbackB); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { shiftKey: true, }); expect(callbackB.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); }); test('HotKeys Key combination Test Case', async () => { hotkeys('⌘+d', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(68); expect(e.metaKey).toBeTruthy(); return false; }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 68, { metaKey: true, }); hotkeys('alt+d', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(68); expect(e.altKey).toBeTruthy(); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 68, { altKey: true, }); hotkeys('shift+a', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(65); expect(e.shiftKey).toBeTruthy(); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { shiftKey: true, }); hotkeys('⇧+a', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(65); expect(e.shiftKey).toBeTruthy(); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { shiftKey: true, }); hotkeys('⌘+a', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(65); expect(e.metaKey).toBeTruthy(); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { metaKey: true, }); hotkeys.unbind('⌘+a'); hotkeys('⌃+a', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(65); expect(e.ctrlKey).toBeTruthy(); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { ctrlKey: true, }); hotkeys.unbind('⌃+a'); hotkeys('⌥+a', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(65); expect(e.altKey).toBeTruthy(); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { altKey: true, }); hotkeys('ctrl+,,ctrl+d', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(188); expect(e.ctrlKey).toBeTruthy(); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 188, { ctrlKey: true, }); hotkeys.unbind('ctrl+,,ctrl+d'); hotkeys('Ctrl+A', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(65); expect(e.ctrlKey).toBeTruthy(); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { ctrlKey: true, }); hotkeys.unbind('Ctrl+A'); hotkeys('CTRL+A', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(65); expect(e.ctrlKey).toBeTruthy(); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { ctrlKey: true, }); hotkeys.unbind('CTRL+A'); hotkeys('⌃+a', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(65); expect(hotkeys.getScope()).toBe('all'); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { ctrlKey: true, }); hotkeys.unbind('⌃+a'); }); test('HotKeys Key single callback Test Case', async () => { hotkeys('ctrl+s', () => { expect(false).toBeTruthy(); }); hotkeys('ctrl+s', { single: true }, (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(83); expect(e.ctrlKey).toBeTruthy(); }); hotkeys('ctrl+shift+s', { single: true }, (e) => { expect(e.shiftKey).toBeTruthy(); expect(e.keyCode).toBe(83); expect(e.ctrlKey).toBeTruthy(); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 83, { ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true, }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 83, { ctrlKey: true, }); expect.assertions(5); }); // const _modifier = { //修饰键 // '⇧': 16, shift: 16, // '⌥': 18, alt: 18, option: 18, // '⌃': 17, ctrl: 17, control: 17, // '⌘': isff ? 224 : 91, cmd: isff ? 224 : 91, command: isff ? 224 : 91 // }; test('HotKeys modifier key ⌘,cmd,command Test Case', () => { __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { shiftKey: true, }); hotkeys.unbind('shift+a'); }); test('HotKeys modifier key ⌘,cmd,command Test Case', () => { // left key hotkeys('*', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(isff ? 224 : 91); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, isff ? 224 : 91); hotkeys.unbind('*'); // right key hotkeys('*', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(isff ? 224 : 93); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, isff ? 224 : 93); hotkeys.unbind('*'); }); test('HotKeys modifier key ⌃,ctrl,control Test Case', async () => { hotkeys('*', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(17); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 17); hotkeys.unbind('*'); }); test('HotKeys modifier key ⌥,alt,option Test Case', async () => { hotkeys('*', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(18); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 18); hotkeys.unbind('*'); }); test('HotKeys modifier key ⇧,shift Test Case', () => { hotkeys('*', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(16); expect(e.which).toBe(16); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 16); hotkeys.unbind('*'); }); test('HotKeys modifier scope,setScope,getScope,deleteScope Test Case', () => { hotkeys('⌃+a', 'scope2', async (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(65); expect(hotkeys.getScope()).toBe('scope2'); hotkeys.deleteScope('scope2'); }); hotkeys.setScope('scope2'); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { ctrlKey: true, }); hotkeys('⌃+a', 'scope3', async (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(65); expect(hotkeys.getScope()).toBe('scope3'); hotkeys.deleteScope('scope3'); }); hotkeys.setScope('scope3'); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65, { ctrlKey: true, }); expect(hotkeys.getScope()).toBe('all'); }); test('HotKeys modifier noConflict Test Case', async () => { const keys = await hotkeys.noConflict(true); await keys('a', (e) => { expect(e.keyCode).toBe(65); expect(e.which).toBe(65); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(document.body, 65); }); test('Event trigger on readOnly input', async () => { const input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('readOnly', true); await hotkeys('*', (event) => { expect(hotkeys.filter.call(null, event)).toBeTruthy(); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(input, 65); await hotkeys.unbind('*'); input.removeAttribute('readOnly'); await hotkeys('*', (event) => { expect(hotkeys.filter.call(null, event)).toBeFalsy(); }); }); test('Hotkey modifier capture', async () => { let isExecuteFunction = false; const el = document.createElement('div'); el.addEventListener('keydown', () => { isExecuteFunction = true; }); await hotkeys('a', { capture: true, element: el }, (event) => { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); __triggerKeyboardEvent(el, 65); expect(isExecuteFunction).toBeFalsy(); await hotkeys.unbind('a'); }); test('Hotkey trigger whith shortcut.', async () => { let count = 0; hotkeys('a', () => { count++; }); hotkeys.trigger('a'); expect(count).toBe(1); hotkeys.unbind('a'); }); test('Hotkey trigger whith multi shortcut.', async () => { let count = 0; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { hotkeys('a', () => { count++; }); } hotkeys.trigger('a'); expect(count).toBe(3); hotkeys.unbind('a'); }); afterAll(async () => { await browser.close(); }); }); jest.setTimeout(30000);