# Hotkeys [![Buy me a coffee](https://img.shields.io/badge/Buy%20me%20a%20coffee-048754?logo=buymeacoffee)](https://jaywcjlove.github.io/#/sponsor) [![npm dowload](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/hotkeys-js?logo=npm)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/hotkeys-js) [![Stargazers](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/jaywcjlove/hotkeys.svg)](https://github.com/jaywcjlove/hotkeys/stargazers) ![no dependencies](http://jaywcjlove.github.io/sb/status/no-dependencies.svg) [![GitHub Actions CI](https://github.com/jaywcjlove/hotkeys/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/jaywcjlove/hotkeys/actions/workflows/ci.yml) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/jaywcjlove/hotkeys/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/jaywcjlove/hotkeys?branch=master) [![English](https://jaywcjlove.github.io/sb/lang/english.svg)](https://jaywcjlove.github.io/hotkeys-js/) [![for Gitee](https://jaywcjlove.github.io/sb/ico/gitee.svg)](https://gitee.com/jaywcjlove/hotkeys) 这是一个强健的 Javascript 库用于捕获键盘输入和输入的组合键,它易于使用,没有依赖,压缩只有([~6kB](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=hotkeys-js)),gzip: **`2.8kB`**。[官方文档DEMO预览](http://jaywcjlove.github.io/hotkeys-js/?lang=cn),[更多实例](https://github.com/jaywcjlove/hotkeys/issues?q=label%3ADemo+)。 ```shell ╭┈┈╮ ╭┈┈╮ ╭┈┈╮ ┆ ├┈┈..┈┈┈┈┈.┆ └┈╮┆ ├┈┈..┈┈┈┈┈..┈┈.┈┈..┈┈┈┈┈. ┆ ┆┆ □ ┆┆ ┈┤┆ < ┆ -__┘┆ ┆ ┆┆__ ┈┈┤ ╰┈┈┴┈┈╯╰┈┈┈┈┈╯╰┈┈┈┈╯╰┈┈┴┈┈╯╰┈┈┈┈┈╯╰┈┈┈ ┆╰┈┈┈┈┈╯ ╰┈┈┈┈┈╯ ``` ## 创建 您将需要在您的系统上安装的 Node.js。 ```sh # bower 安装 $ bower install hotkeysjs # npm 安装 $ npm install hotkeys-js $ npm run build # 编译 $ npm run watch # 开发模式 ``` ```js import hotkeys from 'hotkeys-js'; hotkeys('f5', function(event, handler){ // Prevent the default refresh event under WINDOWS system event.preventDefault() alert('you pressed F5!') }); ``` 或者在您的HTML中手动下载并引入 **hotkeys.js**,你也可以通过 [UNPKG](https://unpkg.com/hotkeys-js/dist/) 进行下载: CDN: [UNPKG](https://unpkg.com/hotkeys-js/dist/) | [jsDelivr](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hotkeys-js@3.7.3/) | [Githack](https://raw.githack.com/jaywcjlove/hotkeys/master/dist/hotkeys.min.js) | [Statically](https://cdn.statically.io/gh/jaywcjlove/hotkeys/master/dist/hotkeys.min.js) | [bundle.run](https://bundle.run/hotkeys-js@3.7.3) ```html ``` ## React中使用 [react-hotkeys](https://github.com/jaywcjlove/react-hotkeys) 是 React 组件,用于侦听 keydown 和 keyup 键盘事件,定义和分配键盘快捷键。 详细的使用方法请参见其文档,详细使用方法请参考文档 [react-hotkeys](https://github.com/jaywcjlove/react-hotkeys)。 [react-hotkeys-hook](https://github.com/JohannesKlauss/react-hotkeys-hook) - React Hook,用于在组件中使用键盘快捷键。确保您至少安装了 16.8 版本的 react 和 react-dom,否则钩子将对您不起作用。 ## 使用 传统调用 ```html ``` 包加载 ```js import hotkeys from 'hotkeys-js'; hotkeys('shift+a,alt+d, w', function(e){ console.log('干点活儿',e); if(hotkeys.shift) console.log('大哥你摁下了 shift 键!'); if(hotkeys.ctrl) console.log('大哥你摁下了 ctrl 键!'); if(hotkeys.alt) console.log('大哥你摁下了 alt 键!'); }); ``` ## 支持的键 `⇧`, `shift`, `option`, `⌥`, `alt`, `ctrl`, `control`, `command`, `⌘` `⌘` Command() `⌃` Control `⌥` Option(alt) `⇧` Shift `⇪` Caps Lock(大写) ~~`fn` 功能键就是fn(不支持)~~ `↩︎` return/enter `space` 空格键 ## 修饰键判断 可以对下面的修饰键判断 `shift` `alt` `option` `ctrl` `control` `command`,特别注意`+`和`=`键值相同,组合键设置`⌘+=` ```js hotkeys('shift+a,alt+d, w', function(e){ console.log('干点活儿',e); if(hotkeys.shift) console.log('您摁下了 shift 键!'); if(hotkeys.ctrl) console.log('您摁下了 ctrl 键!'); if(hotkeys.alt) console.log('您摁下了 alt 键!'); if(hotkeys.option) console.log('您摁下了 option 键!'); if(hotkeys.control) console.log('您摁下了 control 键!'); if(hotkeys.cmd) console.log('您摁下了 cmd 键!'); if(hotkeys.command) console.log('您摁下了 command 键!'); }); ``` ## 定义快捷键 > `hotkeys([keys:], [option:[string|object|function]], [callback:])` ```js // 定义 F5 快捷键 hotkeys('f5', function(event,handler){ //event.srcElement: input //event.target: input // 阻止WINDOWS系统下的默认刷新事件 event.preventDefault() alert('你按下了 F5 键!') }); // 返回 false 将停止活动,并阻止默认浏览器事件 // Mac OS 系统 定义 `command+r` 为刷新快捷键 hotkeys('ctrl+r, command+r', function(){ alert('停止刷新!'); return false; }); // 定义a快捷键 hotkeys('a', function(event,handler){ //event.srcElement: input //event.target: input if(event.target === "input"){ alert('你在输入框中按下了 a!') } alert('你按下了 a!') }); // 定义 ctrl+a、ctrl+b、r、f 四组快捷键 hotkeys('ctrl+a,ctrl+b,r,f', function(event,handler){ switch(handler.key){ case "ctrl+a": alert('你按下了ctrl+a!'); break; case "ctrl+b": alert('你按下了ctrl+b!'); break; case "r": alert('你按下了r!'); break; case "f": alert('你按下了f!'); break; } //handler.scope 范围 }); // 多个快捷方式做同样的事情 hotkeys('⌘+r, ctrl+r', function(){ }); // 对所有摁键执行任务 hotkeys('*','wcj', function(e){ console.log('干点活儿',e); console.log("key.getScope()::",hotkeys.getScope()); if(hotkeys.shift) console.log('大哥你摁下了 shift 键!'); if(hotkeys.ctrl) console.log('大哥你摁下了 ctrl 键!'); if(hotkeys.alt) console.log('大哥你摁下了 alt 键!'); }); // 可以设置自定义的分割符 hotkeys('ctrl-y, ctrl-a', {splitKey: '-'}, function(e){ console.log('you press bind keys') }) ``` #### option - `scope` - `element` - `keyup` - `keydown` - `splitKey` (默认值 `+`) - `capture` - `single` ```js hotkeys('o, enter', { scope: 'wcj', element: document.getElementById('warpper'), }, function(){ console.log('do something else'); }); hotkeys('ctrl-+', { splitKey: '-' }, function(e) { console.log('you pressed ctrl and +'); }); hotkeys('+', { splitKey: '-' }, function(e){ console.log('you pressed +'); }) ``` **keyup** **key down** 和 **key up** 将都执行回调事件。 ```js hotkeys('ctrl+a,alt+a+s', { keyup: true }, (evn, handler) => { if(evn.type === 'keydown') { console.log('keydown:', evn.type, handler, handler.key); } if(evn.type === 'keyup') { console.log('keyup:', evn.type, handler, handler.key); } }); ``` ## API 参考 ### 星号 * 通过修饰符号判断 ```js hotkeys('*', function() { if (hotkeys.shift) { console.log('shift is pressed!'); } if (hotkeys.ctrl) { console.log('ctrl is pressed!'); } if (hotkeys.alt) { console.log('alt is pressed!'); } if (hotkeys.option) { console.log('option is pressed!'); } if (hotkeys.control) { console.log('control is pressed!'); } if (hotkeys.cmd) { console.log('cmd is pressed!'); } if (hotkeys.command) { console.log('command is pressed!'); } }); ``` ### 切换快捷键 如果在单页面在不同的区域,相同的快捷键,干不同的事儿,之间来回切换。O(∩_∩)O ! ```js // 一个快捷键,有可能干的活儿不一样哦 hotkeys('ctrl+o, ctrl+alt+enter', 'scope1', function(){ console.log('你好看'); }); hotkeys('ctrl+o, enter', 'scope2', function(){ console.log('你好丑陋啊!'); }); // 你摁 “ctrl+o”组合键 // 当scope等于 scope1 ,执行 回调事件打印出 “你好看”, // 当scope等于 scope2 ,执行 回调事件打印出 “你好丑陋啊!”, // 通过setScope设定范围scope hotkeys.setScope('scope1'); // 默认所有事儿都干哦 ``` ### 标记快捷键范围 **删除** 区域范围标记 ```js hotkeys.deleteScope('scope1'); ``` **获取** 区域范围标记 ```js hotkeys.getScope(); ``` **设置** 区域范围标记 ```js hotkeys.setScope('scope1'); ``` ### trigger ```js hotkeys.trigger('ctrl+o') hotkeys.trigger('ctrl+o', 'scope2') ``` ### 解除绑定 `hotkeys.unbind()` 解除绑定的所有快捷键 `hotkeys.unbind("ctrl+o, ctrl+alt+enter")` 解除绑定两组快捷键 `hotkeys.unbind("ctrl+o","files")` 解除绑定名字叫files的区域范围中的一组快捷键 ```js // 解除绑定 'a' 程序函数 hotkeys.unbind('a'); // 仅针对单个范围解除绑定快捷键 // 如果未指定范围,则默认为当前范围(hotkeys.getScope()) hotkeys.unbind('o, enter', 'issues'); hotkeys.unbind('o, enter', 'files'); ``` 通过函数来解除绑定 ```js function example(){} hotkeys('a', example); hotkeys.unbind('a', example); hotkeys('a', 'issues', example); hotkeys.unbind('a', 'issues', example); ``` 可以通过传入对象解除绑定的快捷键 ```js hotkeys.unbind({ key: 'ctrl-e,ctrl-u', scope: 'issues', spitKey: '-' }) ``` 传入数组可同时解除多个scope下绑定的快捷键 ```js hotkeys.unbind([ { key: 'a, ctrl+r', scope: 'issues', }, { key: '+, ctrl-y', scope: 'test', splitKey: '-' } ]) ``` ### isPressed 判断摁下的键是否为某个键 ```js hotkeys('a', function(){ console.log(hotkeys.isPressed("a")); //=> true console.log(hotkeys.isPressed("A")); //=> true console.log(hotkeys.isPressed(65)); //=> true }); ``` ### getPressedKeyCodes 获取摁下绑定键的键值 `hotkeys.getPressedKeyCodes()` ```js hotkeys('command+ctrl+shift+a,f', function(){ console.log(hotkeys.getPressedKeyCodes()); //=> [17, 65] 或者 [70] }) ``` ### getPressedKeyString 获取所有注册代码的列表 ```js hotkeys('command+ctrl+shift+a,f', function() { console.log(hotkeys.getPressedKeyString()); //=> ['⌘', '⌃', '⇧', 'A', 'F'] }) ``` ### getAllKeyCodes Get a list of all registration codes. ```js hotkeys('command+ctrl+shift+a,f', function() { console.log(hotkeys.getAllKeyCodes()); // [ // { scope: 'all', shortcut: 'command+ctrl+shift+a', mods: [91, 17, 16], keys: [91, 17, 16, 65] }, // { scope: 'all', shortcut: 'f', mods: [], keys: [42] } // ] }) ``` ### filter `INPUT` `SELECT` `TEXTAREA` 默认不处理。 `hotkeys.filter` 返回 `true` 快捷键设置才会起作用,`false` 快捷键设置失效。 ```javascript hotkeys.filter = function(event){ return true; } // 如何增加过滤可编辑标签
// contentEditable老浏览器不支持滴 hotkeys.filter = function(event) { var target = event.target || event.srcElement; var tagName = target.tagName; return !(target.isContentEditable || tagName == 'INPUT' || tagName == 'SELECT' || tagName == 'TEXTAREA'); } // hotkeys.filter = function(event){ var tagName = (event.target || event.srcElement).tagName; hotkeys.setScope(/^(INPUT|TEXTAREA|SELECT)$/.test(tagName) ? 'input' : 'other'); return true; } ``` ## 兼容模式 ```js var k = hotkeys.noConflict(); k('a', function() { console.log("这里可以干一些事儿") }); hotkeys() // -->Uncaught TypeError: hotkeys is not a function(anonymous function) // @ VM2170:2InjectedScript._evaluateOn // @ VM2165:883InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap // @ VM2165:816InjectedScript.evaluate @ VM2165:682 ``` ## 开发 安装依赖,运行自重载构建,获取代码: ```shell $ git https://github.com/jaywcjlove/hotkeys.git $ cd hotkeys # 进入目录 $ npm install # 或者使用 yarn install 安装依赖 ``` 运行下面命令自动重载构建: ```shell $ npm run watch ``` 运行稳定环境 ```shell $ npm run doc ``` 如果要贡献,请 fork `Hotkeys.js`, 并添加您的测试代码(在 test 目录中),并提交一个 PR。 ```shell $ npm run test $ npm run test:watch # Development model ``` ## Contributors As always, thanks to our amazing contributors! Made with [github-action-contributors](https://github.com/jaywcjlove/github-action-contributors). ## License [MIT © Kenny Wong](./LICENSE)