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r=this,[],i=o&&"linePrefix"===o[1].type?o[2].sliceSerialize(o[1],!0).length:0,a=0;return function(t){var o=r.containerState.type||(42===t||43===t||45===t?"listUnordered":"listOrdered");if("listUnordered"===o?!r.containerState.marker||t===r.containerState.marker:Pe(t)){if(r.containerState.type||(r.containerState.type=o,e.enter(o,{_container:!0})),"listUnordered"===o)return e.enter("listItemPrefix"),42===t||45===t?e.check(ct,n,s)(t):s(t);if(!r.interrupt||49===t)return e.enter("listItemPrefix"),e.enter("listItemValue"),u(t)}return n(t)};function u(t){return Pe(t)&&++a<10?(e.consume(t),u):(!r.interrupt||a<2)&&(r.containerState.marker?t===r.containerState.marker:41===t||46===t)?(e.exit("listItemValue"),s(t)):n(t)}function s(t){return e.enter("listItemMarker"),e.consume(t),e.exit("listItemMarker"),r.containerState.marker=r.containerState.marker||t,e.check(qe,r.interrupt?n:l,e.attempt(pt,f,c))}function l(e){return r.containerState.initialBlankLine=!0,i++,f(e)}function c(t){return Ke(t)?(e.enter("listItemPrefixWhitespace"),e.consume(t),e.exit("listItemPrefixWhitespace"),f):n(t)}function f(n){return r.containerState.size=i+r.sliceSerialize(e.exit("listItemPrefix"),!0).length,t(n)}},continuation:{tokenize:function(e,t,n){var r=this;return r.containerState._closeFlow=void 0,e.check(qe,o,i);function o(n){return r.containerState.furtherBlankLines=r.containerState.furtherBlankLines||r.containerState.initialBlankLine,Ze(e,t,"listItemIndent",r.containerState.size+1)(n)}function i(n){return r.containerState.furtherBlankLines||!Ke(n)?(r.containerState.furtherBlankLines=void 0,r.containerState.initialBlankLine=void 0,a(n)):(r.containerState.furtherBlankLines=void 0,r.containerState.initialBlankLine=void 0,e.attempt(ht,t,a)(n))}function a(o){return r.containerState._closeFlow=!0,r.interrupt=void 0,Ze(e,e.attempt(ft,t,n),"linePrefix",r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented")?void 0:4)(o)}}},exit:function(e){e.exit(this.containerState.type)}},pt={tokenize:function(e,t,n){var r=this;return Ze(e,(function(e){var[];return!Ke(e)&&o&&"listItemPrefixWhitespace"===o[1].type?t(e):n(e)}),"listItemPrefixWhitespace",r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented")?void 0:5)},partial:!0},ht={tokenize:function(e,t,n){var r=this;return Ze(e,(function(e){var[];return o&&"listItemIndent"===o[1].type&&o[2].sliceSerialize(o[1],!0).length===r.containerState.size?t(e):n(e)}),"listItemIndent",r.containerState.size+1)},partial:!0};var dt={name:"blockQuote",tokenize:function(e,t,n){var r=this;return function(t){if(62===t){var i=r.containerState;return||(e.enter("blockQuote",{_container:!0}),!0),e.enter("blockQuotePrefix"),e.enter("blockQuoteMarker"),e.consume(t),e.exit("blockQuoteMarker"),o}return n(t)};function o(n){return 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62===t?(e.exit("chunkString"),e.exit(u),f(t)):null===t||60===t||je(t)?n(t):(e.consume(t),92===t?h:p)}function h(t){return 60===t||62===t||92===t?(e.consume(t),p):p(t)}function d(o){return c||null!==o&&41!==o&&!Ue(o)?c999||null===f||91===f||93===f&&!a||94===f&&!s&&"_hiddenFootnoteSupport"in u.parser.constructs?n(f):93===f?(e.exit(i),e.enter(o),e.consume(f),e.exit(o),e.exit(r),t):je(f)?(e.enter("lineEnding"),e.consume(f),e.exit("lineEnding"),l):(e.enter("chunkString",{contentType:"string"}),c(f))}function c(t){return null===t||91===t||93===t||je(t)||s++>999?(e.exit("chunkString"),l(t)):(e.consume(t),a||(a=!Ke(t)),92===t?f:c)}function f(t){return 91===t||92===t||93===t?(e.consume(t),s++,c):c(t)}}function Tt(e,t,n,r,o,i){var a;return function(t){if(34===t||39===t||40===t)return e.enter(r),e.enter(o),e.consume(t),e.exit(o),a=40===t?41:t,u;return n(t)};function u(n){return n===a?(e.enter(o),e.consume(n),e.exit(o),e.exit(r),t):(e.enter(i),s(n))}function s(t){return t===a?(e.exit(i),u(a)):null===t?n(t):je(t)?(e.enter("lineEnding"),e.consume(t),e.exit("lineEnding"),Ze(e,s,"linePrefix")):(e.enter("chunkString",{contentType:"string"}),l(t))}function l(t){return t===a||null===t||je(t)?(e.exit("chunkString"),s(t)):(e.consume(t),92===t?c:l)}function c(t){return t===a||92===t?(e.consume(t),l):l(t)}}function gt(e,t){var n;return function r(o){if(je(o))return e.enter("lineEnding"),e.consume(o),e.exit("lineEnding"),n=!0,r;if(Ke(o))return Ze(e,r,n?"linePrefix":"lineSuffix")(o);return t(o)}}function vt(e){return e.replace(/[\t\n\r ]+/g," ").replace(/^ | $/g,"").toLowerCase().toUpperCase()}var yt={name:"definition",tokenize:function(e,t,n){var r,o=this;return function(t){return e.enter("definition"),function(t){return,e,i,n,"definitionLabel","definitionLabelMarker","definitionLabelString")(t)}(t)};function i(t){return r=vt(o.sliceSerialize([][1]).slice(1,-1)),58===t?(e.enter("definitionMarker"),e.consume(t),e.exit("definitionMarker"),a):n(t)}function a(t){return Ue(t)?gt(e,u)(t):u(t)}function u(t){return mt(e,s,n,"definitionDestination","definitionDestinationLiteral","definitionDestinationLiteralMarker","definitionDestinationRaw","definitionDestinationString")(t)}function s(t){return e.attempt(At,l,l)(t)}function l(t){return Ke(t)?Ze(e,c,"whitespace")(t):c(t)}function c(i){return null===i||je(i)?(e.exit("definition"),o.parser.defined.push(r),t(i)):n(i)}}},At={tokenize:function(e,t,n){return function(t){return Ue(t)?gt(e,r)(t):n(t)};function r(t){return Tt(e,o,n,"definitionTitle","definitionTitleMarker","definitionTitleString")(t)}function o(t){return Ke(t)?Ze(e,i,"whitespace")(t):i(t)}function i(e){return null===e||je(e)?t(e):n(e)}},partial:!0};var kt={name:"codeIndented",tokenize:function(e,t,n){var r=this;return function(t){return e.enter("codeIndented"),Ze(e,o,"linePrefix",5)(t)};function o(e){var[];return t&&"linePrefix"===t[1].type&&t[2].sliceSerialize(t[1],!0).length>=4?i(e):n(e)}function i(t){return null===t?u(t):je(t)?e.attempt(Ct,i,u)(t):(e.enter("codeFlowValue"),a(t))}function a(t){return null===t||je(t)?(e.exit("codeFlowValue"),i(t)):(e.consume(t),a)}function u(n){return e.exit("codeIndented"),t(n)}}},Ct={tokenize:function(e,t,n){var r=this;return o;function o(t){return r.parser.lazy[]?n(t):je(t)?(e.enter("lineEnding"),e.consume(t),e.exit("lineEnding"),o):Ze(e,i,"linePrefix",5)(t)}function i(e){var[];return i&&"linePrefix"===i[1].type&&i[2].sliceSerialize(i[1],!0).length>=4?t(e):je(e)?o(e):n(e)}},partial:!0};var _t={name:"headingAtx",tokenize:function(e,t,n){var r=0;return function(t){return e.enter("atxHeading"),function(t){return e.enter("atxHeadingSequence"),o(t)}(t)};function o(t){return 35===t&&r++<6?(e.consume(t),o):null===t||Ue(t)?(e.exit("atxHeadingSequence"),i(t)):n(t)}function i(n){return 35===n?(e.enter("atxHeadingSequence"),a(n)):null===n||je(n)?(e.exit("atxHeading"),t(n)):Ke(n)?Ze(e,i,"whitespace")(n):(e.enter("atxHeadingText"),u(n))}function a(t){return 35===t?(e.consume(t),a):(e.exit("atxHeadingSequence"),i(t))}function u(t){return null===t||35===t||Ue(t)?(e.exit("atxHeadingText"),i(t)):(e.consume(t),u)}},resolve:function(e,t){var n,r,o=e.length-2,i=3;"whitespace"===e[i][1].type&&(i+=2);o-2>i&&"whitespace"===e[o][1].type&&(o-=2);"atxHeadingSequence"===e[o][1].type&&(i===o-1||o-4>i&&"whitespace"===e[o-2][1].type)&&(o-=i+1===o?2:4);o>i&&Ne(e,i,o-i+1,[["enter",n={type:"atxHeadingText",start:e[i][1].start,end:e[o][1].end},t],["enter",r={type:"chunkText",start:e[i][1].start,end:e[o][1].end,contentType:"text"},t],["exit",r,t],["exit",n,t]]);return e}};var Dt={name:"setextUnderline",tokenize:function(e,t,n){var r,o=this;return function(t){var a,;for(;u--;)if("lineEnding"![u][1].type&&"linePrefix"![u][1].type&&"content"![u][1].type){a="paragraph"[u][1].type;break}if(!o.parser.lazy[]&&(o.interrupt||a))return e.enter("setextHeadingLine"),r=t,function(t){return e.enter("setextHeadingLineSequence"),i(t)}(t);return n(t)};function i(t){return t===r?(e.consume(t),i):(e.exit("setextHeadingLineSequence"),Ke(t)?Ze(e,a,"lineSuffix")(t):a(t))}function a(r){return null===r||je(r)?(e.exit("setextHeadingLine"),t(r)):n(r)}},resolveTo:function(e,t){var n,r,o,i=e.length;for(;i--;)if("enter"===e[i][0]){if("content"===e[i][1].type){n=i;break}"paragraph"===e[i][1].type&&(r=i)}else"content"===e[i][1].type&&e.splice(i,1),o||"definition"!==e[i][1].type||(o=i);var a={type:"setextHeading",start:Object.assign({},e[r][1].start),end:Object.assign({},e[e.length-1][1].end)};e[r][1].type="setextHeadingText",o?(e.splice(r,0,["enter",a,t]),e.splice(o+1,0,["exit",e[n][1],t]),e[n][1].end=Object.assign({},e[o][1].end)):e[n][1]=a;return e.push(["exit",a,t]),e}};var 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45===o?(e.consume(o),r=2,f):91===o?(e.consume(o),r=5,a=0,p):Re(o)?(e.consume(o),r=4,s.interrupt?t:L):n(o)}function f(r){return 45===r?(e.consume(r),s.interrupt?t:L):n(r)}function p(r){var o="CDATA[";return r===o.charCodeAt(a++)?(e.consume(r),6===a?s.interrupt?t:b:p):n(r)}function h(t){return Re(t)?(e.consume(t),i=String.fromCharCode(t),d):n(t)}function d(a){if(null===a||47===a||62===a||Ue(a)){var u=47===a,l=i.toLowerCase();return u||o||!Nt.includes(l)?bt.includes(i.toLowerCase())?(r=6,u?(e.consume(a),m):s.interrupt?t(a):b(a)):(r=7,s.interrupt&&!s.parser.lazy[]?n(a):o?E(a):T(a)):(r=1,s.interrupt?t(a):b(a))}return 45===a||Le(a)?(e.consume(a),i+=String.fromCharCode(a),d):n(a)}function m(r){return 62===r?(e.consume(r),s.interrupt?t:b):n(r)}function E(t){return Ke(t)?(e.consume(t),E):_(t)}function T(t){return 47===t?(e.consume(t),_):58===t||95===t||Re(t)?(e.consume(t),g):Ke(t)?(e.consume(t),T):_(t)}function g(t){return 45===t||46===t||58===t||95===t||Le(t)?(e.consume(t),g):v(t)}function v(t){return 61===t?(e.consume(t),y):Ke(t)?(e.consume(t),v):T(t)}function y(t){return null===t||60===t||61===t||62===t||96===t?n(t):34===t||39===t?(e.consume(t),u=t,A):Ke(t)?(e.consume(t),y):k(t)}function A(t){return t===u?(e.consume(t),u=null,C):null===t||je(t)?n(t):(e.consume(t),A)}function k(t){return null===t||34===t||39===t||47===t||60===t||61===t||62===t||96===t||Ue(t)?v(t):(e.consume(t),k)}function C(e){return 47===e||62===e||Ke(e)?T(e):n(e)}function _(t){return 62===t?(e.consume(t),D):n(t)}function D(t){return null===t||je(t)?b(t):Ke(t)?(e.consume(t),D):n(t)}function b(t){return 45===t&&2===r?(e.consume(t),F):60===t&&1===r?(e.consume(t),x):62===t&&4===r?(e.consume(t),M):63===t&&3===r?(e.consume(t),L):93===t&&5===r?(e.consume(t),R):!je(t)||6!==r&&7!==r?null===t||je(t)?(e.exit("htmlFlowData"),N(t)):(e.consume(t),b):(e.exit("htmlFlowData"),e.check(Ot,w,N)(t))}function N(t){return e.check(Ft,S,w)(t)}function S(t){return 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e.enter("lineEnding"),e.consume(r),e.exit("lineEnding"),e.attempt(qe,t,n)}},partial:!0},Ft={tokenize:function(e,t,n){var r=this;return function(t){if(je(t))return e.enter("lineEnding"),e.consume(t),e.exit("lineEnding"),o;return n(t)};function o(e){return r.parser.lazy[]?n(e):t(e)}},partial:!0};var xt={tokenize:function(e,t,n){var r=this;return function(t){if(null===t)return n(t);return e.enter("lineEnding"),e.consume(t),e.exit("lineEnding"),o};function o(e){return r.parser.lazy[]?n(e):t(e)}},partial:!0},It={name:"codeFenced",tokenize:function(e,t,n){var r,o=this,i={tokenize:function(e,t,n){var i=0;return a;function a(t){return e.enter("lineEnding"),e.consume(t),e.exit("lineEnding"),s}function s(t){return e.enter("codeFencedFence"),Ke(t)?Ze(e,l,"linePrefix",o.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented")?void 0:4)(t):l(t)}function l(t){return t===r?(e.enter("codeFencedFenceSequence"),c(t)):n(t)}function c(t){return t===r?(i++,e.consume(t),c):i>=u?(e.exit("codeFencedFenceSequence"),Ke(t)?Ze(e,f,"whitespace")(t):f(t)):n(t)}function f(r){return null===r||je(r)?(e.exit("codeFencedFence"),t(r)):n(r)}},partial:!0},a=0,u=0;return function(t){return function(t){var[];return a=n&&"linePrefix"===n[1].type?n[2].sliceSerialize(n[1],!0).length:0,r=t,e.enter("codeFenced"),e.enter("codeFencedFence"),e.enter("codeFencedFenceSequence"),s(t)}(t)};function s(t){return t===r?(u++,e.consume(t),s):u<3?n(t):(e.exit("codeFencedFenceSequence"),Ke(t)?Ze(e,l,"whitespace")(t):l(t))}function l(n){return null===n||je(n)?(e.exit("codeFencedFence"),o.interrupt?t(n):e.check(xt,h,g)(n)):(e.enter("codeFencedFenceInfo"),e.enter("chunkString",{contentType:"string"}),c(n))}function c(t){return null===t||je(t)?(e.exit("chunkString"),e.exit("codeFencedFenceInfo"),l(t)):Ke(t)?(e.exit("chunkString"),e.exit("codeFencedFenceInfo"),Ze(e,f,"whitespace")(t)):96===t&&t===r?n(t):(e.consume(t),c)}function f(t){return 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Official document [demo preview]( [More examples](\n\n```bash\n\u256d\u2508\u2508\u256e \u256d\u2508\u2508\u256e \u256d\u2508\u2508\u256e\n\u2506 \u251c\u2508\u2508..\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508.\u2506 \u2514\u2508\u256e\u2506 \u251c\u2508\u2508..\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508..\u2508\u2508.\u2508\u2508..\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508.\n\u2506 \u2506\u2506 \u25a1 \u2506\u2506 \u2508\u2524\u2506 < \u2506 -__\u2518\u2506 \u2506 \u2506\u2506__ \u2508\u2508\u2524\n\u2570\u2508\u2508\u2534\u2508\u2508\u256f\u2570\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508\u256f\u2570\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508\u256f\u2570\u2508\u2508\u2534\u2508\u2508\u256f\u2570\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508\u256f\u2570\u2508\u2508\u2508 \u2506\u2570\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508\u256f\n \u2570\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508\u2508\u256f\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nYou will need `Node.js` installed on your system.\n\n```bash\nnpm install hotkeys-js --save\n```\n\n```js\nimport hotkeys from 'hotkeys-js';\n\nhotkeys('f5', function(event, handler){\n // Prevent the default refresh event under WINDOWS system\n event.preventDefault()\n alert('you pressed F5!')\n});\n```\n\nOr manually download and link **hotkeys.js** in your HTML, It can also be downloaded via [UNPKG](\n\nCDN: [UNPKG]( | [jsDelivr]( | [Githack]( | [Statically]( | [](\n\n```html\n\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function continuationRawTagOpen(code) {\n if (code === 47) {\n effects.consume(code)\n buffer = ''\n return continuationRawEndTag\n }\n return continuation(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In raw continuation, after ` | \n * ^^^^^^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function continuationRawEndTag(code) {\n if (code === 62) {\n const name = buffer.toLowerCase()\n if (htmlRawNames.includes(name)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return continuationClose\n }\n return continuation(code)\n }\n if (asciiAlpha(code) && buffer.length < 8) {\n effects.consume(code)\n // @ts-expect-error: not null.\n buffer += String.fromCharCode(code)\n return continuationRawEndTag\n }\n return continuation(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In cdata continuation, after `]`, expecting `]>`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | &<]]>\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function continuationCdataInside(code) {\n if (code === 93) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return continuationDeclarationInside\n }\n return continuation(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In declaration or instruction continuation, at `>`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | \n * ^\n * > | \n * ^\n * > | \n * ^\n * > | \n * ^\n * > | &<]]>\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function continuationDeclarationInside(code) {\n if (code === 62) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return continuationClose\n }\n\n // More dashes.\n if (code === 45 && marker === 2) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return continuationDeclarationInside\n }\n return continuation(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In closed continuation: everything we get until the eol/eof is part of it.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | \n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function continuationClose(code) {\n if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n effects.exit('htmlFlowData')\n return continuationAfter(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return continuationClose\n }\n\n /**\n * Done.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | \n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function continuationAfter(code) {\n effects.exit('htmlFlow')\n // // Feel free to interrupt.\n // tokenizer.interrupt = false\n // // No longer concrete.\n // tokenizer.concrete = false\n return ok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeNonLazyContinuationStart(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n return start\n\n /**\n * At eol, before continuation.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | * ```js\n * ^\n * | b\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n effects.enter('lineEnding')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('lineEnding')\n return after\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * A continuation.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | * ```js\n * > | b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function after(code) {\n return self.parser.lazy[] ? nok(code) : ok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeBlankLineBefore(effects, ok, nok) {\n return start\n\n /**\n * Before eol, expecting blank line.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |
\n * ^\n * |\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n effects.enter('lineEnding')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('lineEnding')\n return effects.attempt(blankLine, ok, nok)\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {factorySpace} from 'micromark-factory-space'\nimport {markdownLineEnding, markdownSpace} from 'micromark-util-character'\n/** @type {Construct} */\nconst nonLazyContinuation = {\n tokenize: tokenizeNonLazyContinuation,\n partial: true\n}\n\n/** @type {Construct} */\nexport const codeFenced = {\n name: 'codeFenced',\n tokenize: tokenizeCodeFenced,\n concrete: true\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeCodeFenced(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n /** @type {Construct} */\n const closeStart = {\n tokenize: tokenizeCloseStart,\n partial: true\n }\n let initialPrefix = 0\n let sizeOpen = 0\n /** @type {NonNullable} */\n let marker\n return start\n\n /**\n * Start of code.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ~~~js\n * ^\n * | alert(1)\n * | ~~~\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n // To do: parse whitespace like `markdown-rs`.\n return beforeSequenceOpen(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In opening fence, after prefix, at sequence.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ~~~js\n * ^\n * | alert(1)\n * | ~~~\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function beforeSequenceOpen(code) {\n const tail =[ - 1]\n initialPrefix =\n tail && tail[1].type === 'linePrefix'\n ? tail[2].sliceSerialize(tail[1], true).length\n : 0\n marker = code\n effects.enter('codeFenced')\n effects.enter('codeFencedFence')\n effects.enter('codeFencedFenceSequence')\n return sequenceOpen(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In opening fence sequence.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ~~~js\n * ^\n * | alert(1)\n * | ~~~\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function sequenceOpen(code) {\n if (code === marker) {\n sizeOpen++\n effects.consume(code)\n return sequenceOpen\n }\n if (sizeOpen < 3) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n effects.exit('codeFencedFenceSequence')\n return markdownSpace(code)\n ? factorySpace(effects, infoBefore, 'whitespace')(code)\n : infoBefore(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In opening fence, after the sequence (and optional whitespace), before info.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ~~~js\n * ^\n * | alert(1)\n * | ~~~\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function infoBefore(code) {\n if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n effects.exit('codeFencedFence')\n return self.interrupt\n ? ok(code)\n : effects.check(nonLazyContinuation, atNonLazyBreak, after)(code)\n }\n effects.enter('codeFencedFenceInfo')\n effects.enter('chunkString', {\n contentType: 'string'\n })\n return info(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In info.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ~~~js\n * ^\n * | alert(1)\n * | ~~~\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function info(code) {\n if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n effects.exit('chunkString')\n effects.exit('codeFencedFenceInfo')\n return infoBefore(code)\n }\n if (markdownSpace(code)) {\n effects.exit('chunkString')\n effects.exit('codeFencedFenceInfo')\n return factorySpace(effects, metaBefore, 'whitespace')(code)\n }\n if (code === 96 && code === marker) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return info\n }\n\n /**\n * In opening fence, after info and whitespace, before meta.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ~~~js eval\n * ^\n * | alert(1)\n * | ~~~\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function metaBefore(code) {\n if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n return infoBefore(code)\n }\n effects.enter('codeFencedFenceMeta')\n effects.enter('chunkString', {\n contentType: 'string'\n })\n return meta(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In meta.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ~~~js eval\n * ^\n * | alert(1)\n * | ~~~\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function meta(code) {\n if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n effects.exit('chunkString')\n effects.exit('codeFencedFenceMeta')\n return infoBefore(code)\n }\n if (code === 96 && code === marker) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return meta\n }\n\n /**\n * At eol/eof in code, before a non-lazy closing fence or content.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ~~~js\n * ^\n * > | alert(1)\n * ^\n * | ~~~\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function atNonLazyBreak(code) {\n return effects.attempt(closeStart, after, contentBefore)(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * Before code content, not a closing fence, at eol.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | ~~~js\n * > | alert(1)\n * ^\n * | ~~~\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function contentBefore(code) {\n effects.enter('lineEnding')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('lineEnding')\n return contentStart\n }\n\n /**\n * Before code content, not a closing fence.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | ~~~js\n * > | alert(1)\n * ^\n * | ~~~\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function contentStart(code) {\n return initialPrefix > 0 && markdownSpace(code)\n ? factorySpace(\n effects,\n beforeContentChunk,\n 'linePrefix',\n initialPrefix + 1\n )(code)\n : beforeContentChunk(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * Before code content, after optional prefix.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | ~~~js\n * > | alert(1)\n * ^\n * | ~~~\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function beforeContentChunk(code) {\n if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n return effects.check(nonLazyContinuation, atNonLazyBreak, after)(code)\n }\n effects.enter('codeFlowValue')\n return contentChunk(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In code content.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | ~~~js\n * > | alert(1)\n * ^^^^^^^^\n * | ~~~\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function contentChunk(code) {\n if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n effects.exit('codeFlowValue')\n return beforeContentChunk(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return contentChunk\n }\n\n /**\n * After code.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | ~~~js\n * | alert(1)\n * > | ~~~\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function after(code) {\n effects.exit('codeFenced')\n return ok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\n function tokenizeCloseStart(effects, ok, nok) {\n let size = 0\n return startBefore\n\n /**\n *\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function startBefore(code) {\n effects.enter('lineEnding')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('lineEnding')\n return start\n }\n\n /**\n * Before closing fence, at optional whitespace.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | ~~~js\n * | alert(1)\n * > | ~~~\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n // Always populated by defaults.\n\n // To do: `enter` here or in next state?\n effects.enter('codeFencedFence')\n return markdownSpace(code)\n ? factorySpace(\n effects,\n beforeSequenceClose,\n 'linePrefix',\n self.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented')\n ? undefined\n : 4\n )(code)\n : beforeSequenceClose(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In closing fence, after optional whitespace, at sequence.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | ~~~js\n * | alert(1)\n * > | ~~~\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function beforeSequenceClose(code) {\n if (code === marker) {\n effects.enter('codeFencedFenceSequence')\n return sequenceClose(code)\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In closing fence sequence.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | ~~~js\n * | alert(1)\n * > | ~~~\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function sequenceClose(code) {\n if (code === marker) {\n size++\n effects.consume(code)\n return sequenceClose\n }\n if (size >= sizeOpen) {\n effects.exit('codeFencedFenceSequence')\n return markdownSpace(code)\n ? factorySpace(effects, sequenceCloseAfter, 'whitespace')(code)\n : sequenceCloseAfter(code)\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After closing fence sequence, after optional whitespace.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | ~~~js\n * | alert(1)\n * > | ~~~\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function sequenceCloseAfter(code) {\n if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n effects.exit('codeFencedFence')\n return ok(code)\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeNonLazyContinuation(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n return start\n\n /**\n *\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n if (code === null) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n effects.enter('lineEnding')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('lineEnding')\n return lineStart\n }\n\n /**\n *\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function lineStart(code) {\n return self.parser.lazy[] ? nok(code) : ok(code)\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {decodeNamedCharacterReference} from 'decode-named-character-reference'\nimport {\n asciiAlphanumeric,\n asciiDigit,\n asciiHexDigit\n} from 'micromark-util-character'\n/** @type {Construct} */\nexport const characterReference = {\n name: 'characterReference',\n tokenize: tokenizeCharacterReference\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeCharacterReference(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n let size = 0\n /** @type {number} */\n let max\n /** @type {(code: Code) => boolean} */\n let test\n return start\n\n /**\n * Start of character reference.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a&b\n * ^\n * > | a{b\n * ^\n * > | a b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n effects.enter('characterReference')\n effects.enter('characterReferenceMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('characterReferenceMarker')\n return open\n }\n\n /**\n * After `&`, at `#` for numeric references or alphanumeric for named\n * references.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a&b\n * ^\n * > | a{b\n * ^\n * > | a b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function open(code) {\n if (code === 35) {\n effects.enter('characterReferenceMarkerNumeric')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('characterReferenceMarkerNumeric')\n return numeric\n }\n effects.enter('characterReferenceValue')\n max = 31\n test = asciiAlphanumeric\n return value(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After `#`, at `x` for hexadecimals or digit for decimals.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a{b\n * ^\n * > | a b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function numeric(code) {\n if (code === 88 || code === 120) {\n effects.enter('characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal')\n effects.enter('characterReferenceValue')\n max = 6\n test = asciiHexDigit\n return value\n }\n effects.enter('characterReferenceValue')\n max = 7\n test = asciiDigit\n return value(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After markers (`&#x`, `&#`, or `&`), in value, before `;`.\n *\n * The character reference kind defines what and how many characters are\n * allowed.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a&b\n * ^^^\n * > | a{b\n * ^^^\n * > | a b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function value(code) {\n if (code === 59 && size) {\n const token = effects.exit('characterReferenceValue')\n if (\n test === asciiAlphanumeric &&\n !decodeNamedCharacterReference(self.sliceSerialize(token))\n ) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n // To do: `markdown-rs` uses a different name:\n // `CharacterReferenceMarkerSemi`.\n effects.enter('characterReferenceMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('characterReferenceMarker')\n effects.exit('characterReference')\n return ok\n }\n if (test(code) && size++ < max) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return value\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {asciiPunctuation} from 'micromark-util-character'\n/** @type {Construct} */\nexport const characterEscape = {\n name: 'characterEscape',\n tokenize: tokenizeCharacterEscape\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeCharacterEscape(effects, ok, nok) {\n return start\n\n /**\n * Start of character escape.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a\\*b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n effects.enter('characterEscape')\n effects.enter('escapeMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('escapeMarker')\n return inside\n }\n\n /**\n * After `\\`, at punctuation.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a\\*b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function inside(code) {\n // ASCII punctuation.\n if (asciiPunctuation(code)) {\n effects.enter('characterEscapeValue')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('characterEscapeValue')\n effects.exit('characterEscape')\n return ok\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {factorySpace} from 'micromark-factory-space'\nimport {markdownLineEnding} from 'micromark-util-character'\n/** @type {Construct} */\nexport const lineEnding = {\n name: 'lineEnding',\n tokenize: tokenizeLineEnding\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeLineEnding(effects, ok) {\n return start\n\n /** @type {State} */\n function start(code) {\n effects.enter('lineEnding')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('lineEnding')\n return factorySpace(effects, ok, 'linePrefix')\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {factoryDestination} from 'micromark-factory-destination'\nimport {factoryLabel} from 'micromark-factory-label'\nimport {factoryTitle} from 'micromark-factory-title'\nimport {factoryWhitespace} from 'micromark-factory-whitespace'\nimport {markdownLineEndingOrSpace} from 'micromark-util-character'\nimport {push, splice} from 'micromark-util-chunked'\nimport {normalizeIdentifier} from 'micromark-util-normalize-identifier'\nimport {resolveAll} from 'micromark-util-resolve-all'\n/** @type {Construct} */\nexport const labelEnd = {\n name: 'labelEnd',\n tokenize: tokenizeLabelEnd,\n resolveTo: resolveToLabelEnd,\n resolveAll: resolveAllLabelEnd\n}\n\n/** @type {Construct} */\nconst resourceConstruct = {\n tokenize: tokenizeResource\n}\n/** @type {Construct} */\nconst referenceFullConstruct = {\n tokenize: tokenizeReferenceFull\n}\n/** @type {Construct} */\nconst referenceCollapsedConstruct = {\n tokenize: tokenizeReferenceCollapsed\n}\n\n/** @type {Resolver} */\nfunction resolveAllLabelEnd(events) {\n let index = -1\n while (++index < events.length) {\n const token = events[index][1]\n if (\n token.type === 'labelImage' ||\n token.type === 'labelLink' ||\n token.type === 'labelEnd'\n ) {\n // Remove the marker.\n events.splice(index + 1, token.type === 'labelImage' ? 4 : 2)\n token.type = 'data'\n index++\n }\n }\n return events\n}\n\n/** @type {Resolver} */\nfunction resolveToLabelEnd(events, context) {\n let index = events.length\n let offset = 0\n /** @type {Token} */\n let token\n /** @type {number | undefined} */\n let open\n /** @type {number | undefined} */\n let close\n /** @type {Array} */\n let media\n\n // Find an opening.\n while (index--) {\n token = events[index][1]\n if (open) {\n // If we see another link, or inactive link label, we’ve been here before.\n if (\n token.type === 'link' ||\n (token.type === 'labelLink' && token._inactive)\n ) {\n break\n }\n\n // Mark other link openings as inactive, as we can’t have links in\n // links.\n if (events[index][0] === 'enter' && token.type === 'labelLink') {\n token._inactive = true\n }\n } else if (close) {\n if (\n events[index][0] === 'enter' &&\n (token.type === 'labelImage' || token.type === 'labelLink') &&\n !token._balanced\n ) {\n open = index\n if (token.type !== 'labelLink') {\n offset = 2\n break\n }\n }\n } else if (token.type === 'labelEnd') {\n close = index\n }\n }\n const group = {\n type: events[open][1].type === 'labelLink' ? 'link' : 'image',\n start: Object.assign({}, events[open][1].start),\n end: Object.assign({}, events[events.length - 1][1].end)\n }\n const label = {\n type: 'label',\n start: Object.assign({}, events[open][1].start),\n end: Object.assign({}, events[close][1].end)\n }\n const text = {\n type: 'labelText',\n start: Object.assign({}, events[open + offset + 2][1].end),\n end: Object.assign({}, events[close - 2][1].start)\n }\n media = [\n ['enter', group, context],\n ['enter', label, context]\n ]\n\n // Opening marker.\n media = push(media, events.slice(open + 1, open + offset + 3))\n\n // Text open.\n media = push(media, [['enter', text, context]])\n\n // Always populated by defaults.\n\n // Between.\n media = push(\n media,\n resolveAll(\n context.parser.constructs.insideSpan.null,\n events.slice(open + offset + 4, close - 3),\n context\n )\n )\n\n // Text close, marker close, label close.\n media = push(media, [\n ['exit', text, context],\n events[close - 2],\n events[close - 1],\n ['exit', label, context]\n ])\n\n // Reference, resource, or so.\n media = push(media, events.slice(close + 1))\n\n // Media close.\n media = push(media, [['exit', group, context]])\n splice(events, open, events.length, media)\n return events\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeLabelEnd(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n let index =\n /** @type {Token} */\n let labelStart\n /** @type {boolean} */\n let defined\n\n // Find an opening.\n while (index--) {\n if (\n ([index][1].type === 'labelImage' ||\n[index][1].type === 'labelLink') &&\n ![index][1]._balanced\n ) {\n labelStart =[index][1]\n break\n }\n }\n return start\n\n /**\n * Start of label end.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a](b) c\n * ^\n * > | [a][b] c\n * ^\n * > | [a][] b\n * ^\n * > | [a] b\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n // If there is not an okay opening.\n if (!labelStart) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n // If the corresponding label (link) start is marked as inactive,\n // it means we’d be wrapping a link, like this:\n //\n // ```markdown\n // > | a [b [c](d) e](f) g.\n // ^\n // ```\n //\n // We can’t have that, so it’s just balanced brackets.\n if (labelStart._inactive) {\n return labelEndNok(code)\n }\n defined = self.parser.defined.includes(\n normalizeIdentifier(\n self.sliceSerialize({\n start: labelStart.end,\n end:\n })\n )\n )\n effects.enter('labelEnd')\n effects.enter('labelMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('labelMarker')\n effects.exit('labelEnd')\n return after\n }\n\n /**\n * After `]`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a](b) c\n * ^\n * > | [a][b] c\n * ^\n * > | [a][] b\n * ^\n * > | [a] b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function after(code) {\n // Note: `markdown-rs` also parses GFM footnotes here, which for us is in\n // an extension.\n\n // Resource (`[asd](fgh)`)?\n if (code === 40) {\n return effects.attempt(\n resourceConstruct,\n labelEndOk,\n defined ? labelEndOk : labelEndNok\n )(code)\n }\n\n // Full (`[asd][fgh]`) or collapsed (`[asd][]`) reference?\n if (code === 91) {\n return effects.attempt(\n referenceFullConstruct,\n labelEndOk,\n defined ? referenceNotFull : labelEndNok\n )(code)\n }\n\n // Shortcut (`[asd]`) reference?\n return defined ? labelEndOk(code) : labelEndNok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After `]`, at `[`, but not at a full reference.\n *\n * > 👉 **Note**: we only get here if the label is defined.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a][] b\n * ^\n * > | [a] b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function referenceNotFull(code) {\n return effects.attempt(\n referenceCollapsedConstruct,\n labelEndOk,\n labelEndNok\n )(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * Done, we found something.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a](b) c\n * ^\n * > | [a][b] c\n * ^\n * > | [a][] b\n * ^\n * > | [a] b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function labelEndOk(code) {\n // Note: `markdown-rs` does a bunch of stuff here.\n return ok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * Done, it’s nothing.\n *\n * There was an okay opening, but we didn’t match anything.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a](b c\n * ^\n * > | [a][b c\n * ^\n * > | [a] b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function labelEndNok(code) {\n labelStart._balanced = true\n return nok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeResource(effects, ok, nok) {\n return resourceStart\n\n /**\n * At a resource.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a](b) c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function resourceStart(code) {\n effects.enter('resource')\n effects.enter('resourceMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('resourceMarker')\n return resourceBefore\n }\n\n /**\n * In resource, after `(`, at optional whitespace.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a](b) c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function resourceBefore(code) {\n return markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)\n ? factoryWhitespace(effects, resourceOpen)(code)\n : resourceOpen(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In resource, after optional whitespace, at `)` or a destination.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a](b) c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function resourceOpen(code) {\n if (code === 41) {\n return resourceEnd(code)\n }\n return factoryDestination(\n effects,\n resourceDestinationAfter,\n resourceDestinationMissing,\n 'resourceDestination',\n 'resourceDestinationLiteral',\n 'resourceDestinationLiteralMarker',\n 'resourceDestinationRaw',\n 'resourceDestinationString',\n 32\n )(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In resource, after destination, at optional whitespace.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a](b) c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function resourceDestinationAfter(code) {\n return markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)\n ? factoryWhitespace(effects, resourceBetween)(code)\n : resourceEnd(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * At invalid destination.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a](<<) b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function resourceDestinationMissing(code) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In resource, after destination and whitespace, at `(` or title.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a](b ) c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function resourceBetween(code) {\n if (code === 34 || code === 39 || code === 40) {\n return factoryTitle(\n effects,\n resourceTitleAfter,\n nok,\n 'resourceTitle',\n 'resourceTitleMarker',\n 'resourceTitleString'\n )(code)\n }\n return resourceEnd(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In resource, after title, at optional whitespace.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a](b \"c\") d\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function resourceTitleAfter(code) {\n return markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)\n ? factoryWhitespace(effects, resourceEnd)(code)\n : resourceEnd(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In resource, at `)`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a](b) d\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function resourceEnd(code) {\n if (code === 41) {\n effects.enter('resourceMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('resourceMarker')\n effects.exit('resource')\n return ok\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeReferenceFull(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n return referenceFull\n\n /**\n * In a reference (full), at the `[`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a][b] d\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function referenceFull(code) {\n return\n self,\n effects,\n referenceFullAfter,\n referenceFullMissing,\n 'reference',\n 'referenceMarker',\n 'referenceString'\n )(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In a reference (full), after `]`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a][b] d\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function referenceFullAfter(code) {\n return self.parser.defined.includes(\n normalizeIdentifier(\n self.sliceSerialize([ - 1][1]).slice(1, -1)\n )\n )\n ? ok(code)\n : nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In reference (full) that was missing.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a][b d\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function referenceFullMissing(code) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeReferenceCollapsed(effects, ok, nok) {\n return referenceCollapsedStart\n\n /**\n * In reference (collapsed), at `[`.\n *\n * > 👉 **Note**: we only get here if the label is defined.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a][] d\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function referenceCollapsedStart(code) {\n // We only attempt a collapsed label if there’s a `[`.\n\n effects.enter('reference')\n effects.enter('referenceMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('referenceMarker')\n return referenceCollapsedOpen\n }\n\n /**\n * In reference (collapsed), at `]`.\n *\n * > 👉 **Note**: we only get here if the label is defined.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [a][] d\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function referenceCollapsedOpen(code) {\n if (code === 93) {\n effects.enter('referenceMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('referenceMarker')\n effects.exit('reference')\n return ok\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {labelEnd} from './label-end.js'\n\n/** @type {Construct} */\nexport const labelStartImage = {\n name: 'labelStartImage',\n tokenize: tokenizeLabelStartImage,\n resolveAll: labelEnd.resolveAll\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeLabelStartImage(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n return start\n\n /**\n * Start of label (image) start.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a ![b] c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n effects.enter('labelImage')\n effects.enter('labelImageMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('labelImageMarker')\n return open\n }\n\n /**\n * After `!`, at `[`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a ![b] c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function open(code) {\n if (code === 91) {\n effects.enter('labelMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('labelMarker')\n effects.exit('labelImage')\n return after\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After `![`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a ![b] c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * This is needed in because, when GFM footnotes are enabled, images never\n * form when started with a `^`.\n * Instead, links form:\n *\n * ```markdown\n * ![^a](b)\n *\n * ![^a][b]\n *\n * [b]: c\n * ```\n *\n * ```html\n *


\n *


\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function after(code) {\n // To do: use a new field to do this, this is still needed for\n // `micromark-extension-gfm-footnote`, but the `label-start-link`\n // behavior isn’t.\n // Hidden footnotes hook.\n /* c8 ignore next 3 */\n return code === 94 && '_hiddenFootnoteSupport' in self.parser.constructs\n ? nok(code)\n : ok(code)\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code\n */\n\nimport {\n markdownLineEndingOrSpace,\n unicodePunctuation,\n unicodeWhitespace\n} from 'micromark-util-character'\n/**\n * Classify whether a code represents whitespace, punctuation, or something\n * else.\n *\n * Used for attention (emphasis, strong), whose sequences can open or close\n * based on the class of surrounding characters.\n *\n * > 👉 **Note**: eof (`null`) is seen as whitespace.\n *\n * @param {Code} code\n * Code.\n * @returns {typeof constants.characterGroupWhitespace | typeof constants.characterGroupPunctuation | undefined}\n * Group.\n */\nexport function classifyCharacter(code) {\n if (\n code === null ||\n markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code) ||\n unicodeWhitespace(code)\n ) {\n return 1\n }\n if (unicodePunctuation(code)) {\n return 2\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Point} Point\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {push, splice} from 'micromark-util-chunked'\nimport {classifyCharacter} from 'micromark-util-classify-character'\nimport {resolveAll} from 'micromark-util-resolve-all'\n/** @type {Construct} */\nexport const attention = {\n name: 'attention',\n tokenize: tokenizeAttention,\n resolveAll: resolveAllAttention\n}\n\n/**\n * Take all events and resolve attention to emphasis or strong.\n *\n * @type {Resolver}\n */\nfunction resolveAllAttention(events, context) {\n let index = -1\n /** @type {number} */\n let open\n /** @type {Token} */\n let group\n /** @type {Token} */\n let text\n /** @type {Token} */\n let openingSequence\n /** @type {Token} */\n let closingSequence\n /** @type {number} */\n let use\n /** @type {Array} */\n let nextEvents\n /** @type {number} */\n let offset\n\n // Walk through all events.\n //\n // Note: performance of this is fine on an mb of normal markdown, but it’s\n // a bottleneck for malicious stuff.\n while (++index < events.length) {\n // Find a token that can close.\n if (\n events[index][0] === 'enter' &&\n events[index][1].type === 'attentionSequence' &&\n events[index][1]._close\n ) {\n open = index\n\n // Now walk back to find an opener.\n while (open--) {\n // Find a token that can open the closer.\n if (\n events[open][0] === 'exit' &&\n events[open][1].type === 'attentionSequence' &&\n events[open][1]._open &&\n // If the markers are the same:\n context.sliceSerialize(events[open][1]).charCodeAt(0) ===\n context.sliceSerialize(events[index][1]).charCodeAt(0)\n ) {\n // If the opening can close or the closing can open,\n // and the close size *is not* a multiple of three,\n // but the sum of the opening and closing size *is* multiple of three,\n // then don’t match.\n if (\n (events[open][1]._close || events[index][1]._open) &&\n (events[index][1].end.offset - events[index][1].start.offset) % 3 &&\n !(\n (events[open][1].end.offset -\n events[open][1].start.offset +\n events[index][1].end.offset -\n events[index][1].start.offset) %\n 3\n )\n ) {\n continue\n }\n\n // Number of markers to use from the sequence.\n use =\n events[open][1].end.offset - events[open][1].start.offset > 1 &&\n events[index][1].end.offset - events[index][1].start.offset > 1\n ? 2\n : 1\n const start = Object.assign({}, events[open][1].end)\n const end = Object.assign({}, events[index][1].start)\n movePoint(start, -use)\n movePoint(end, use)\n openingSequence = {\n type: use > 1 ? 'strongSequence' : 'emphasisSequence',\n start,\n end: Object.assign({}, events[open][1].end)\n }\n closingSequence = {\n type: use > 1 ? 'strongSequence' : 'emphasisSequence',\n start: Object.assign({}, events[index][1].start),\n end\n }\n text = {\n type: use > 1 ? 'strongText' : 'emphasisText',\n start: Object.assign({}, events[open][1].end),\n end: Object.assign({}, events[index][1].start)\n }\n group = {\n type: use > 1 ? 'strong' : 'emphasis',\n start: Object.assign({}, openingSequence.start),\n end: Object.assign({}, closingSequence.end)\n }\n events[open][1].end = Object.assign({}, openingSequence.start)\n events[index][1].start = Object.assign({}, closingSequence.end)\n nextEvents = []\n\n // If there are more markers in the opening, add them before.\n if (events[open][1].end.offset - events[open][1].start.offset) {\n nextEvents = push(nextEvents, [\n ['enter', events[open][1], context],\n ['exit', events[open][1], context]\n ])\n }\n\n // Opening.\n nextEvents = push(nextEvents, [\n ['enter', group, context],\n ['enter', openingSequence, context],\n ['exit', openingSequence, context],\n ['enter', text, context]\n ])\n\n // Always populated by defaults.\n\n // Between.\n nextEvents = push(\n nextEvents,\n resolveAll(\n context.parser.constructs.insideSpan.null,\n events.slice(open + 1, index),\n context\n )\n )\n\n // Closing.\n nextEvents = push(nextEvents, [\n ['exit', text, context],\n ['enter', closingSequence, context],\n ['exit', closingSequence, context],\n ['exit', group, context]\n ])\n\n // If there are more markers in the closing, add them after.\n if (events[index][1].end.offset - events[index][1].start.offset) {\n offset = 2\n nextEvents = push(nextEvents, [\n ['enter', events[index][1], context],\n ['exit', events[index][1], context]\n ])\n } else {\n offset = 0\n }\n splice(events, open - 1, index - open + 3, nextEvents)\n index = open + nextEvents.length - offset - 2\n break\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Remove remaining sequences.\n index = -1\n while (++index < events.length) {\n if (events[index][1].type === 'attentionSequence') {\n events[index][1].type = 'data'\n }\n }\n return events\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeAttention(effects, ok) {\n const attentionMarkers = this.parser.constructs.attentionMarkers.null\n const previous = this.previous\n const before = classifyCharacter(previous)\n\n /** @type {NonNullable} */\n let marker\n return start\n\n /**\n * Before a sequence.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | **\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n marker = code\n effects.enter('attentionSequence')\n return inside(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In a sequence.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | **\n * ^^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function inside(code) {\n if (code === marker) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return inside\n }\n const token = effects.exit('attentionSequence')\n\n // To do: next major: move this to resolver, just like `markdown-rs`.\n const after = classifyCharacter(code)\n\n // Always populated by defaults.\n\n const open =\n !after || (after === 2 && before) || attentionMarkers.includes(code)\n const close =\n !before || (before === 2 && after) || attentionMarkers.includes(previous)\n token._open = Boolean(marker === 42 ? open : open && (before || !close))\n token._close = Boolean(marker === 42 ? close : close && (after || !open))\n return ok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Move a point a bit.\n *\n * Note: `move` only works inside lines! It’s not possible to move past other\n * chunks (replacement characters, tabs, or line endings).\n *\n * @param {Point} point\n * @param {number} offset\n * @returns {void}\n */\nfunction movePoint(point, offset) {\n point.column += offset\n point.offset += offset\n point._bufferIndex += offset\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {\n asciiAlpha,\n asciiAlphanumeric,\n asciiAtext,\n asciiControl\n} from 'micromark-util-character'\n/** @type {Construct} */\nexport const autolink = {\n name: 'autolink',\n tokenize: tokenizeAutolink\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeAutolink(effects, ok, nok) {\n let size = 0\n return start\n\n /**\n * Start of an autolink.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ab\n * ^\n * > | ab\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n effects.enter('autolink')\n effects.enter('autolinkMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('autolinkMarker')\n effects.enter('autolinkProtocol')\n return open\n }\n\n /**\n * After `<`, at protocol or atext.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ab\n * ^\n * > | ab\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function open(code) {\n if (asciiAlpha(code)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return schemeOrEmailAtext\n }\n return emailAtext(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * At second byte of protocol or atext.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ab\n * ^\n * > | ab\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function schemeOrEmailAtext(code) {\n // ASCII alphanumeric and `+`, `-`, and `.`.\n if (code === 43 || code === 45 || code === 46 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) {\n // Count the previous alphabetical from `open` too.\n size = 1\n return schemeInsideOrEmailAtext(code)\n }\n return emailAtext(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In ambiguous protocol or atext.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ab\n * ^\n * > | ab\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function schemeInsideOrEmailAtext(code) {\n if (code === 58) {\n effects.consume(code)\n size = 0\n return urlInside\n }\n\n // ASCII alphanumeric and `+`, `-`, and `.`.\n if (\n (code === 43 || code === 45 || code === 46 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) &&\n size++ < 32\n ) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return schemeInsideOrEmailAtext\n }\n size = 0\n return emailAtext(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After protocol, in URL.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ab\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function urlInside(code) {\n if (code === 62) {\n effects.exit('autolinkProtocol')\n effects.enter('autolinkMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('autolinkMarker')\n effects.exit('autolink')\n return ok\n }\n\n // ASCII control, space, or `<`.\n if (code === null || code === 32 || code === 60 || asciiControl(code)) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return urlInside\n }\n\n /**\n * In email atext.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ab\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function emailAtext(code) {\n if (code === 64) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return emailAtSignOrDot\n }\n if (asciiAtext(code)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return emailAtext\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In label, after at-sign or dot.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ab\n * ^ ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function emailAtSignOrDot(code) {\n return asciiAlphanumeric(code) ? emailLabel(code) : nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In label, where `.` and `>` are allowed.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ab\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function emailLabel(code) {\n if (code === 46) {\n effects.consume(code)\n size = 0\n return emailAtSignOrDot\n }\n if (code === 62) {\n // Exit, then change the token type.\n effects.exit('autolinkProtocol').type = 'autolinkEmail'\n effects.enter('autolinkMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('autolinkMarker')\n effects.exit('autolink')\n return ok\n }\n return emailValue(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In label, where `.` and `>` are *not* allowed.\n *\n * Though, this is also used in `emailLabel` to parse other values.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | ab\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function emailValue(code) {\n // ASCII alphanumeric or `-`.\n if ((code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) && size++ < 63) {\n const next = code === 45 ? emailValue : emailLabel\n effects.consume(code)\n return next\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {factorySpace} from 'micromark-factory-space'\nimport {\n asciiAlpha,\n asciiAlphanumeric,\n markdownLineEnding,\n markdownLineEndingOrSpace,\n markdownSpace\n} from 'micromark-util-character'\n/** @type {Construct} */\nexport const htmlText = {\n name: 'htmlText',\n tokenize: tokenizeHtmlText\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeHtmlText(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n /** @type {NonNullable | undefined} */\n let marker\n /** @type {number} */\n let index\n /** @type {State} */\n let returnState\n return start\n\n /**\n * Start of HTML (text).\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n effects.enter('htmlText')\n effects.enter('htmlTextData')\n effects.consume(code)\n return open\n }\n\n /**\n * After `<`, at tag name or other stuff.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a c\n * ^\n * > | a c\n * ^\n * > | a c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function open(code) {\n if (code === 33) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return declarationOpen\n }\n if (code === 47) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagCloseStart\n }\n if (code === 63) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return instruction\n }\n\n // ASCII alphabetical.\n if (asciiAlpha(code)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagOpen\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After ` | a c\n * ^\n * > | a c\n * ^\n * > | a &<]]> c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function declarationOpen(code) {\n if (code === 45) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return commentOpenInside\n }\n if (code === 91) {\n effects.consume(code)\n index = 0\n return cdataOpenInside\n }\n if (asciiAlpha(code)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return declaration\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In a comment, after ` | a c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function commentOpenInside(code) {\n if (code === 45) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return commentEnd\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In comment.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function comment(code) {\n if (code === null) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n if (code === 45) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return commentClose\n }\n if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n returnState = comment\n return lineEndingBefore(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return comment\n }\n\n /**\n * In comment, after `-`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function commentClose(code) {\n if (code === 45) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return commentEnd\n }\n return comment(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In comment, after `--`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function commentEnd(code) {\n return code === 62\n ? end(code)\n : code === 45\n ? commentClose(code)\n : comment(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After ` | a &<]]> b\n * ^^^^^^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function cdataOpenInside(code) {\n const value = 'CDATA['\n if (code === value.charCodeAt(index++)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return index === value.length ? cdata : cdataOpenInside\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In CDATA.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a &<]]> b\n * ^^^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function cdata(code) {\n if (code === null) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n if (code === 93) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return cdataClose\n }\n if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n returnState = cdata\n return lineEndingBefore(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return cdata\n }\n\n /**\n * In CDATA, after `]`, at another `]`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a &<]]> b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function cdataClose(code) {\n if (code === 93) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return cdataEnd\n }\n return cdata(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In CDATA, after `]]`, at `>`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a &<]]> b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function cdataEnd(code) {\n if (code === 62) {\n return end(code)\n }\n if (code === 93) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return cdataEnd\n }\n return cdata(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In declaration.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function declaration(code) {\n if (code === null || code === 62) {\n return end(code)\n }\n if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n returnState = declaration\n return lineEndingBefore(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return declaration\n }\n\n /**\n * In instruction.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function instruction(code) {\n if (code === null) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n if (code === 63) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return instructionClose\n }\n if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n returnState = instruction\n return lineEndingBefore(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return instruction\n }\n\n /**\n * In instruction, after `?`, at `>`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function instructionClose(code) {\n return code === 62 ? end(code) : instruction(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After ` | a c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function tagCloseStart(code) {\n // ASCII alphabetical.\n if (asciiAlpha(code)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagClose\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After ` | a c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function tagClose(code) {\n // ASCII alphanumerical and `-`.\n if (code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagClose\n }\n return tagCloseBetween(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In closing tag, after tag name.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function tagCloseBetween(code) {\n if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n returnState = tagCloseBetween\n return lineEndingBefore(code)\n }\n if (markdownSpace(code)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagCloseBetween\n }\n return end(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After ` | a c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function tagOpen(code) {\n // ASCII alphanumerical and `-`.\n if (code === 45 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagOpen\n }\n if (code === 47 || code === 62 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {\n return tagOpenBetween(code)\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In opening tag, after tag name.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function tagOpenBetween(code) {\n if (code === 47) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return end\n }\n\n // ASCII alphabetical and `:` and `_`.\n if (code === 58 || code === 95 || asciiAlpha(code)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagOpenAttributeName\n }\n if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n returnState = tagOpenBetween\n return lineEndingBefore(code)\n }\n if (markdownSpace(code)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagOpenBetween\n }\n return end(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In attribute name.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a d\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function tagOpenAttributeName(code) {\n // ASCII alphabetical and `-`, `.`, `:`, and `_`.\n if (\n code === 45 ||\n code === 46 ||\n code === 58 ||\n code === 95 ||\n asciiAlphanumeric(code)\n ) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagOpenAttributeName\n }\n return tagOpenAttributeNameAfter(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After attribute name, before initializer, the end of the tag, or\n * whitespace.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a d\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function tagOpenAttributeNameAfter(code) {\n if (code === 61) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagOpenAttributeValueBefore\n }\n if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n returnState = tagOpenAttributeNameAfter\n return lineEndingBefore(code)\n }\n if (markdownSpace(code)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagOpenAttributeNameAfter\n }\n return tagOpenBetween(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * Before unquoted, double quoted, or single quoted attribute value, allowing\n * whitespace.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a e\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function tagOpenAttributeValueBefore(code) {\n if (\n code === null ||\n code === 60 ||\n code === 61 ||\n code === 62 ||\n code === 96\n ) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n if (code === 34 || code === 39) {\n effects.consume(code)\n marker = code\n return tagOpenAttributeValueQuoted\n }\n if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n returnState = tagOpenAttributeValueBefore\n return lineEndingBefore(code)\n }\n if (markdownSpace(code)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagOpenAttributeValueBefore\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagOpenAttributeValueUnquoted\n }\n\n /**\n * In double or single quoted attribute value.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a e\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function tagOpenAttributeValueQuoted(code) {\n if (code === marker) {\n effects.consume(code)\n marker = undefined\n return tagOpenAttributeValueQuotedAfter\n }\n if (code === null) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n returnState = tagOpenAttributeValueQuoted\n return lineEndingBefore(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagOpenAttributeValueQuoted\n }\n\n /**\n * In unquoted attribute value.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a e\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function tagOpenAttributeValueUnquoted(code) {\n if (\n code === null ||\n code === 34 ||\n code === 39 ||\n code === 60 ||\n code === 61 ||\n code === 96\n ) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n if (code === 47 || code === 62 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {\n return tagOpenBetween(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return tagOpenAttributeValueUnquoted\n }\n\n /**\n * After double or single quoted attribute value, before whitespace or the end\n * of the tag.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a e\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function tagOpenAttributeValueQuotedAfter(code) {\n if (code === 47 || code === 62 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {\n return tagOpenBetween(code)\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In certain circumstances of a tag where only an `>` is allowed.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a e\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function end(code) {\n if (code === 62) {\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('htmlTextData')\n effects.exit('htmlText')\n return ok\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * At eol.\n *\n * > 👉 **Note**: we can’t have blank lines in text, so no need to worry about\n * > empty tokens.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a \n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function lineEndingBefore(code) {\n effects.exit('htmlTextData')\n effects.enter('lineEnding')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('lineEnding')\n return lineEndingAfter\n }\n\n /**\n * After eol, at optional whitespace.\n *\n * > 👉 **Note**: we can’t have blank lines in text, so no need to worry about\n * > empty tokens.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | a \n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function lineEndingAfter(code) {\n // Always populated by defaults.\n\n return markdownSpace(code)\n ? factorySpace(\n effects,\n lineEndingAfterPrefix,\n 'linePrefix',\n self.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented')\n ? undefined\n : 4\n )(code)\n : lineEndingAfterPrefix(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After eol, after optional whitespace.\n *\n * > 👉 **Note**: we can’t have blank lines in text, so no need to worry about\n * > empty tokens.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | a \n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function lineEndingAfterPrefix(code) {\n effects.enter('htmlTextData')\n return returnState(code)\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {labelEnd} from './label-end.js'\n\n/** @type {Construct} */\nexport const labelStartLink = {\n name: 'labelStartLink',\n tokenize: tokenizeLabelStartLink,\n resolveAll: labelEnd.resolveAll\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeLabelStartLink(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n return start\n\n /**\n * Start of label (link) start.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a [b] c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n effects.enter('labelLink')\n effects.enter('labelMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('labelMarker')\n effects.exit('labelLink')\n return after\n }\n\n /** @type {State} */\n function after(code) {\n // To do: this isn’t needed in `micromark-extension-gfm-footnote`,\n // remove.\n // Hidden footnotes hook.\n /* c8 ignore next 3 */\n return code === 94 && '_hiddenFootnoteSupport' in self.parser.constructs\n ? nok(code)\n : ok(code)\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {markdownLineEnding} from 'micromark-util-character'\n/** @type {Construct} */\nexport const hardBreakEscape = {\n name: 'hardBreakEscape',\n tokenize: tokenizeHardBreakEscape\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeHardBreakEscape(effects, ok, nok) {\n return start\n\n /**\n * Start of a hard break (escape).\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a\\\n * ^\n * | b\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n effects.enter('hardBreakEscape')\n effects.consume(code)\n return after\n }\n\n /**\n * After `\\`, at eol.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a\\\n * ^\n * | b\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function after(code) {\n if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n effects.exit('hardBreakEscape')\n return ok(code)\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Construct} Construct\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Previous} Previous\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {markdownLineEnding} from 'micromark-util-character'\n/** @type {Construct} */\nexport const codeText = {\n name: 'codeText',\n tokenize: tokenizeCodeText,\n resolve: resolveCodeText,\n previous\n}\n\n// To do: next major: don’t resolve, like `markdown-rs`.\n/** @type {Resolver} */\nfunction resolveCodeText(events) {\n let tailExitIndex = events.length - 4\n let headEnterIndex = 3\n /** @type {number} */\n let index\n /** @type {number | undefined} */\n let enter\n\n // If we start and end with an EOL or a space.\n if (\n (events[headEnterIndex][1].type === 'lineEnding' ||\n events[headEnterIndex][1].type === 'space') &&\n (events[tailExitIndex][1].type === 'lineEnding' ||\n events[tailExitIndex][1].type === 'space')\n ) {\n index = headEnterIndex\n\n // And we have data.\n while (++index < tailExitIndex) {\n if (events[index][1].type === 'codeTextData') {\n // Then we have padding.\n events[headEnterIndex][1].type = 'codeTextPadding'\n events[tailExitIndex][1].type = 'codeTextPadding'\n headEnterIndex += 2\n tailExitIndex -= 2\n break\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Merge adjacent spaces and data.\n index = headEnterIndex - 1\n tailExitIndex++\n while (++index <= tailExitIndex) {\n if (enter === undefined) {\n if (index !== tailExitIndex && events[index][1].type !== 'lineEnding') {\n enter = index\n }\n } else if (\n index === tailExitIndex ||\n events[index][1].type === 'lineEnding'\n ) {\n events[enter][1].type = 'codeTextData'\n if (index !== enter + 2) {\n events[enter][1].end = events[index - 1][1].end\n events.splice(enter + 2, index - enter - 2)\n tailExitIndex -= index - enter - 2\n index = enter + 2\n }\n enter = undefined\n }\n }\n return events\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Previous}\n */\nfunction previous(code) {\n // If there is a previous code, there will always be a tail.\n return (\n code !== 96 ||\n[ - 1][1].type === 'characterEscape'\n )\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeCodeText(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n let sizeOpen = 0\n /** @type {number} */\n let size\n /** @type {Token} */\n let token\n return start\n\n /**\n * Start of code (text).\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | `a`\n * ^\n * > | \\`a`\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n effects.enter('codeText')\n effects.enter('codeTextSequence')\n return sequenceOpen(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In opening sequence.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | `a`\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function sequenceOpen(code) {\n if (code === 96) {\n effects.consume(code)\n sizeOpen++\n return sequenceOpen\n }\n effects.exit('codeTextSequence')\n return between(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * Between something and something else.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | `a`\n * ^^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function between(code) {\n // EOF.\n if (code === null) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n // To do: next major: don’t do spaces in resolve, but when compiling,\n // like `markdown-rs`.\n // Tabs don’t work, and virtual spaces don’t make sense.\n if (code === 32) {\n effects.enter('space')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('space')\n return between\n }\n\n // Closing fence? Could also be data.\n if (code === 96) {\n token = effects.enter('codeTextSequence')\n size = 0\n return sequenceClose(code)\n }\n if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n effects.enter('lineEnding')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('lineEnding')\n return between\n }\n\n // Data.\n effects.enter('codeTextData')\n return data(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In data.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | `a`\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function data(code) {\n if (\n code === null ||\n code === 32 ||\n code === 96 ||\n markdownLineEnding(code)\n ) {\n effects.exit('codeTextData')\n return between(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return data\n }\n\n /**\n * In closing sequence.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | `a`\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function sequenceClose(code) {\n // More.\n if (code === 96) {\n effects.consume(code)\n size++\n return sequenceClose\n }\n\n // Done!\n if (size === sizeOpen) {\n effects.exit('codeTextSequence')\n effects.exit('codeText')\n return ok(code)\n }\n\n // More or less accents: mark as data.\n token.type = 'codeTextData'\n return data(code)\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Extension} Extension\n */\n\nimport {\n attention,\n autolink,\n blockQuote,\n characterEscape,\n characterReference,\n codeFenced,\n codeIndented,\n codeText,\n definition,\n hardBreakEscape,\n headingAtx,\n htmlFlow,\n htmlText,\n labelEnd,\n labelStartImage,\n labelStartLink,\n lineEnding,\n list,\n setextUnderline,\n thematicBreak\n} from 'micromark-core-commonmark'\nimport {resolver as resolveText} from './initialize/text.js'\n\n/** @satisfies {Extension['document']} */\nexport const document = {\n [42]: list,\n [43]: list,\n [45]: list,\n [48]: list,\n [49]: list,\n [50]: list,\n [51]: list,\n [52]: list,\n [53]: list,\n [54]: list,\n [55]: list,\n [56]: list,\n [57]: list,\n [62]: blockQuote\n}\n\n/** @satisfies {Extension['contentInitial']} */\nexport const contentInitial = {\n [91]: definition\n}\n\n/** @satisfies {Extension['flowInitial']} */\nexport const flowInitial = {\n [-2]: codeIndented,\n [-1]: codeIndented,\n [32]: codeIndented\n}\n\n/** @satisfies {Extension['flow']} */\nexport const flow = {\n [35]: headingAtx,\n [42]: thematicBreak,\n [45]: [setextUnderline, thematicBreak],\n [60]: htmlFlow,\n [61]: setextUnderline,\n [95]: thematicBreak,\n [96]: codeFenced,\n [126]: codeFenced\n}\n\n/** @satisfies {Extension['string']} */\nexport const string = {\n [38]: characterReference,\n [92]: characterEscape\n}\n\n/** @satisfies {Extension['text']} */\nexport const text = {\n [-5]: lineEnding,\n [-4]: lineEnding,\n [-3]: lineEnding,\n [33]: labelStartImage,\n [38]: characterReference,\n [42]: attention,\n [60]: [autolink, htmlText],\n [91]: labelStartLink,\n [92]: [hardBreakEscape, characterEscape],\n [93]: labelEnd,\n [95]: attention,\n [96]: codeText\n}\n\n/** @satisfies {Extension['insideSpan']} */\nexport const insideSpan = {\n null: [attention, resolveText]\n}\n\n/** @satisfies {Extension['attentionMarkers']} */\nexport const attentionMarkers = {\n null: [42, 95]\n}\n\n/** @satisfies {Extension['disable']} */\nexport const disable = {\n null: []\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Chunk} Chunk\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Encoding} Encoding\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Value} Value\n */\n\n/**\n * @callback Preprocessor\n * @param {Value} value\n * @param {Encoding | null | undefined} [encoding]\n * @param {boolean | null | undefined} [end=false]\n * @returns {Array}\n */\n\nconst search = /[\\0\\t\\n\\r]/g\n\n/**\n * @returns {Preprocessor}\n */\nexport function preprocess() {\n let column = 1\n let buffer = ''\n /** @type {boolean | undefined} */\n let start = true\n /** @type {boolean | undefined} */\n let atCarriageReturn\n return preprocessor\n\n /** @type {Preprocessor} */\n function preprocessor(value, encoding, end) {\n /** @type {Array} */\n const chunks = []\n /** @type {RegExpMatchArray | null} */\n let match\n /** @type {number} */\n let next\n /** @type {number} */\n let startPosition\n /** @type {number} */\n let endPosition\n /** @type {Code} */\n let code\n\n // @ts-expect-error `Buffer` does allow an encoding.\n value = buffer + value.toString(encoding)\n startPosition = 0\n buffer = ''\n if (start) {\n // To do: `markdown-rs` actually parses BOMs (byte order mark).\n if (value.charCodeAt(0) === 65279) {\n startPosition++\n }\n start = undefined\n }\n while (startPosition < value.length) {\n search.lastIndex = startPosition\n match = search.exec(value)\n endPosition =\n match && match.index !== undefined ? match.index : value.length\n code = value.charCodeAt(endPosition)\n if (!match) {\n buffer = value.slice(startPosition)\n break\n }\n if (code === 10 && startPosition === endPosition && atCarriageReturn) {\n chunks.push(-3)\n atCarriageReturn = undefined\n } else {\n if (atCarriageReturn) {\n chunks.push(-5)\n atCarriageReturn = undefined\n }\n if (startPosition < endPosition) {\n chunks.push(value.slice(startPosition, endPosition))\n column += endPosition - startPosition\n }\n switch (code) {\n case 0: {\n chunks.push(65533)\n column++\n break\n }\n case 9: {\n next = Math.ceil(column / 4) * 4\n chunks.push(-2)\n while (column++ < next) chunks.push(-1)\n break\n }\n case 10: {\n chunks.push(-4)\n column = 1\n break\n }\n default: {\n atCarriageReturn = true\n column = 1\n }\n }\n }\n startPosition = endPosition + 1\n }\n if (end) {\n if (atCarriageReturn) chunks.push(-5)\n if (buffer) chunks.push(buffer)\n chunks.push(null)\n }\n return chunks\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Turn the number (in string form as either hexa- or plain decimal) coming from\n * a numeric character reference into a character.\n *\n * Sort of like `String.fromCharCode(Number.parseInt(value, base))`, but makes\n * non-characters and control characters safe.\n *\n * @param {string} value\n * Value to decode.\n * @param {number} base\n * Numeric base.\n * @returns {string}\n * Character.\n */\nexport function decodeNumericCharacterReference(value, base) {\n const code = Number.parseInt(value, base)\n if (\n // C0 except for HT, LF, FF, CR, space.\n code < 9 ||\n code === 11 ||\n (code > 13 && code < 32) ||\n // Control character (DEL) of C0, and C1 controls.\n (code > 126 && code < 160) ||\n // Lone high surrogates and low surrogates.\n (code > 55295 && code < 57344) ||\n // Noncharacters.\n (code > 64975 && code < 65008) /* eslint-disable no-bitwise */ ||\n (code & 65535) === 65535 ||\n (code & 65535) === 65534 /* eslint-enable no-bitwise */ ||\n // Out of range\n code > 1114111\n ) {\n return '\\uFFFD'\n }\n return String.fromCharCode(code)\n}\n","import {decodeNamedCharacterReference} from 'decode-named-character-reference'\nimport {decodeNumericCharacterReference} from 'micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference'\nconst characterEscapeOrReference =\n /\\\\([!-/:-@[-`{-~])|&(#(?:\\d{1,7}|x[\\da-f]{1,6})|[\\da-z]{1,31});/gi\n\n/**\n * Decode markdown strings (which occur in places such as fenced code info\n * strings, destinations, labels, and titles).\n *\n * The “string” content type allows character escapes and -references.\n * This decodes those.\n *\n * @param {string} value\n * Value to decode.\n * @returns {string}\n * Decoded value.\n */\nexport function decodeString(value) {\n return value.replace(characterEscapeOrReference, decode)\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} $0\n * @param {string} $1\n * @param {string} $2\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction decode($0, $1, $2) {\n if ($1) {\n // Escape.\n return $1\n }\n\n // Reference.\n const head = $2.charCodeAt(0)\n if (head === 35) {\n const head = $2.charCodeAt(1)\n const hex = head === 120 || head === 88\n return decodeNumericCharacterReference($2.slice(hex ? 2 : 1), hex ? 16 : 10)\n }\n return decodeNamedCharacterReference($2) || $0\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Encoding} Encoding\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').ParseOptions} ParseOptions\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Value} Value\n *\n * @typedef {import('unist').Parent} UnistParent\n * @typedef {import('unist').Point} Point\n *\n * @typedef {import('mdast').PhrasingContent} PhrasingContent\n * @typedef {import('mdast').StaticPhrasingContent} StaticPhrasingContent\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Content} Content\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Break} Break\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Blockquote} Blockquote\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Code} Code\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Definition} Definition\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Emphasis} Emphasis\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Heading} Heading\n * @typedef {import('mdast').HTML} HTML\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Image} Image\n * @typedef {import('mdast').ImageReference} ImageReference\n * @typedef {import('mdast').InlineCode} InlineCode\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Link} Link\n * @typedef {import('mdast').LinkReference} LinkReference\n * @typedef {import('mdast').List} List\n * @typedef {import('mdast').ListItem} ListItem\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Paragraph} Paragraph\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Strong} Strong\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Text} Text\n * @typedef {import('mdast').ThematicBreak} ThematicBreak\n * @typedef {import('mdast').ReferenceType} ReferenceType\n * @typedef {import('../index.js').CompileData} CompileData\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Root | Content} Node\n * @typedef {Extract} Parent\n *\n * @typedef {Omit & {type: 'fragment', children: Array}} Fragment\n */\n\n/**\n * @callback Transform\n * Extra transform, to change the AST afterwards.\n * @param {Root} tree\n * Tree to transform.\n * @returns {Root | undefined | null | void}\n * New tree or nothing (in which case the current tree is used).\n *\n * @callback Handle\n * Handle a token.\n * @param {CompileContext} this\n * Context.\n * @param {Token} token\n * Current token.\n * @returns {void}\n * Nothing.\n *\n * @typedef {Record} Handles\n * Token types mapping to handles\n *\n * @callback OnEnterError\n * Handle the case where the `right` token is open, but it is closed (by the\n * `left` token) or because we reached the end of the document.\n * @param {Omit} this\n * Context.\n * @param {Token | undefined} left\n * Left token.\n * @param {Token} right\n * Right token.\n * @returns {void}\n * Nothing.\n *\n * @callback OnExitError\n * Handle the case where the `right` token is open but it is closed by\n * exiting the `left` token.\n * @param {Omit} this\n * Context.\n * @param {Token} left\n * Left token.\n * @param {Token} right\n * Right token.\n * @returns {void}\n * Nothing.\n *\n * @typedef {[Token, OnEnterError | undefined]} TokenTuple\n * Open token on the stack, with an optional error handler for when\n * that token isn’t closed properly.\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef Config\n * Configuration.\n *\n * We have our defaults, but extensions will add more.\n * @property {Array} canContainEols\n * Token types where line endings are used.\n * @property {Handles} enter\n * Opening handles.\n * @property {Handles} exit\n * Closing handles.\n * @property {Array} transforms\n * Tree transforms.\n *\n * @typedef {Partial} Extension\n * Change how markdown tokens from micromark are turned into mdast.\n *\n * @typedef CompileContext\n * mdast compiler context.\n * @property {Array} stack\n * Stack of nodes.\n * @property {Array} tokenStack\n * Stack of tokens.\n * @property {(key: Key) => CompileData[Key]} getData\n * Get data from the key/value store.\n * @property {(key: Key, value?: CompileData[Key]) => void} setData\n * Set data into the key/value store.\n * @property {(this: CompileContext) => void} buffer\n * Capture some of the output data.\n * @property {(this: CompileContext) => string} resume\n * Stop capturing and access the output data.\n * @property {(this: CompileContext, node: Kind, token: Token, onError?: OnEnterError) => Kind} enter\n * Enter a token.\n * @property {(this: CompileContext, token: Token, onError?: OnExitError) => Node} exit\n * Exit a token.\n * @property {TokenizeContext['sliceSerialize']} sliceSerialize\n * Get the string value of a token.\n * @property {Config} config\n * Configuration.\n *\n * @typedef FromMarkdownOptions\n * Configuration for how to build mdast.\n * @property {Array> | null | undefined} [mdastExtensions]\n * Extensions for this utility to change how tokens are turned into a tree.\n *\n * @typedef {ParseOptions & FromMarkdownOptions} Options\n * Configuration.\n */\n\n// To do: micromark: create a registry of tokens?\n// To do: next major: don’t return given `Node` from `enter`.\n// To do: next major: remove setter/getter.\n\nimport {toString} from 'mdast-util-to-string'\nimport {parse} from 'micromark/lib/parse.js'\nimport {preprocess} from 'micromark/lib/preprocess.js'\nimport {postprocess} from 'micromark/lib/postprocess.js'\nimport {decodeNumericCharacterReference} from 'micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference'\nimport {decodeString} from 'micromark-util-decode-string'\nimport {normalizeIdentifier} from 'micromark-util-normalize-identifier'\nimport {decodeNamedCharacterReference} from 'decode-named-character-reference'\nimport {stringifyPosition} from 'unist-util-stringify-position'\nconst own = {}.hasOwnProperty\n\n/**\n * @param value\n * Markdown to parse.\n * @param encoding\n * Character encoding for when `value` is `Buffer`.\n * @param options\n * Configuration.\n * @returns\n * mdast tree.\n */\nexport const fromMarkdown =\n /**\n * @type {(\n * ((value: Value, encoding: Encoding, options?: Options | null | undefined) => Root) &\n * ((value: Value, options?: Options | null | undefined) => Root)\n * )}\n */\n\n /**\n * @param {Value} value\n * @param {Encoding | Options | null | undefined} [encoding]\n * @param {Options | null | undefined} [options]\n * @returns {Root}\n */\n function (value, encoding, options) {\n if (typeof encoding !== 'string') {\n options = encoding\n encoding = undefined\n }\n return compiler(options)(\n postprocess(\n parse(options).document().write(preprocess()(value, encoding, true))\n )\n )\n }\n\n/**\n * Note this compiler only understand complete buffering, not streaming.\n *\n * @param {Options | null | undefined} [options]\n */\nfunction compiler(options) {\n /** @type {Config} */\n const config = {\n transforms: [],\n canContainEols: ['emphasis', 'fragment', 'heading', 'paragraph', 'strong'],\n enter: {\n autolink: opener(link),\n autolinkProtocol: onenterdata,\n autolinkEmail: onenterdata,\n atxHeading: opener(heading),\n blockQuote: opener(blockQuote),\n characterEscape: onenterdata,\n characterReference: onenterdata,\n codeFenced: opener(codeFlow),\n codeFencedFenceInfo: buffer,\n codeFencedFenceMeta: buffer,\n codeIndented: opener(codeFlow, buffer),\n codeText: opener(codeText, buffer),\n codeTextData: onenterdata,\n data: onenterdata,\n codeFlowValue: onenterdata,\n definition: opener(definition),\n definitionDestinationString: buffer,\n definitionLabelString: buffer,\n definitionTitleString: buffer,\n emphasis: opener(emphasis),\n hardBreakEscape: opener(hardBreak),\n hardBreakTrailing: opener(hardBreak),\n htmlFlow: opener(html, buffer),\n htmlFlowData: onenterdata,\n htmlText: opener(html, buffer),\n htmlTextData: onenterdata,\n image: opener(image),\n label: buffer,\n link: opener(link),\n listItem: opener(listItem),\n listItemValue: onenterlistitemvalue,\n listOrdered: opener(list, onenterlistordered),\n listUnordered: opener(list),\n paragraph: opener(paragraph),\n reference: onenterreference,\n referenceString: buffer,\n resourceDestinationString: buffer,\n resourceTitleString: buffer,\n setextHeading: opener(heading),\n strong: opener(strong),\n thematicBreak: opener(thematicBreak)\n },\n exit: {\n atxHeading: closer(),\n atxHeadingSequence: onexitatxheadingsequence,\n autolink: closer(),\n autolinkEmail: onexitautolinkemail,\n autolinkProtocol: onexitautolinkprotocol,\n blockQuote: closer(),\n characterEscapeValue: onexitdata,\n characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal: onexitcharacterreferencemarker,\n characterReferenceMarkerNumeric: onexitcharacterreferencemarker,\n characterReferenceValue: onexitcharacterreferencevalue,\n codeFenced: closer(onexitcodefenced),\n codeFencedFence: onexitcodefencedfence,\n codeFencedFenceInfo: onexitcodefencedfenceinfo,\n codeFencedFenceMeta: onexitcodefencedfencemeta,\n codeFlowValue: onexitdata,\n codeIndented: closer(onexitcodeindented),\n codeText: closer(onexitcodetext),\n codeTextData: onexitdata,\n data: onexitdata,\n definition: closer(),\n definitionDestinationString: onexitdefinitiondestinationstring,\n definitionLabelString: onexitdefinitionlabelstring,\n definitionTitleString: onexitdefinitiontitlestring,\n emphasis: closer(),\n hardBreakEscape: closer(onexithardbreak),\n hardBreakTrailing: closer(onexithardbreak),\n htmlFlow: closer(onexithtmlflow),\n htmlFlowData: onexitdata,\n htmlText: closer(onexithtmltext),\n htmlTextData: onexitdata,\n image: closer(onexitimage),\n label: onexitlabel,\n labelText: onexitlabeltext,\n lineEnding: onexitlineending,\n link: closer(onexitlink),\n listItem: closer(),\n listOrdered: closer(),\n listUnordered: closer(),\n paragraph: closer(),\n referenceString: onexitreferencestring,\n resourceDestinationString: onexitresourcedestinationstring,\n resourceTitleString: onexitresourcetitlestring,\n resource: onexitresource,\n setextHeading: closer(onexitsetextheading),\n setextHeadingLineSequence: onexitsetextheadinglinesequence,\n setextHeadingText: onexitsetextheadingtext,\n strong: closer(),\n thematicBreak: closer()\n }\n }\n configure(config, (options || {}).mdastExtensions || [])\n\n /** @type {CompileData} */\n const data = {}\n return compile\n\n /**\n * Turn micromark events into an mdast tree.\n *\n * @param {Array} events\n * Events.\n * @returns {Root}\n * mdast tree.\n */\n function compile(events) {\n /** @type {Root} */\n let tree = {\n type: 'root',\n children: []\n }\n /** @type {Omit} */\n const context = {\n stack: [tree],\n tokenStack: [],\n config,\n enter,\n exit,\n buffer,\n resume,\n setData,\n getData\n }\n /** @type {Array} */\n const listStack = []\n let index = -1\n while (++index < events.length) {\n // We preprocess lists to add `listItem` tokens, and to infer whether\n // items the list itself are spread out.\n if (\n events[index][1].type === 'listOrdered' ||\n events[index][1].type === 'listUnordered'\n ) {\n if (events[index][0] === 'enter') {\n listStack.push(index)\n } else {\n const tail = listStack.pop()\n index = prepareList(events, tail, index)\n }\n }\n }\n index = -1\n while (++index < events.length) {\n const handler = config[events[index][0]]\n if (, events[index][1].type)) {\n handler[events[index][1].type].call(\n Object.assign(\n {\n sliceSerialize: events[index][2].sliceSerialize\n },\n context\n ),\n events[index][1]\n )\n }\n }\n\n // Handle tokens still being open.\n if (context.tokenStack.length > 0) {\n const tail = context.tokenStack[context.tokenStack.length - 1]\n const handler = tail[1] || defaultOnError\n, undefined, tail[0])\n }\n\n // Figure out `root` position.\n tree.position = {\n start: point(\n events.length > 0\n ? events[0][1].start\n : {\n line: 1,\n column: 1,\n offset: 0\n }\n ),\n end: point(\n events.length > 0\n ? events[events.length - 2][1].end\n : {\n line: 1,\n column: 1,\n offset: 0\n }\n )\n }\n\n // Call transforms.\n index = -1\n while (++index < config.transforms.length) {\n tree = config.transforms[index](tree) || tree\n }\n return tree\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Array} events\n * @param {number} start\n * @param {number} length\n * @returns {number}\n */\n function prepareList(events, start, length) {\n let index = start - 1\n let containerBalance = -1\n let listSpread = false\n /** @type {Token | undefined} */\n let listItem\n /** @type {number | undefined} */\n let lineIndex\n /** @type {number | undefined} */\n let firstBlankLineIndex\n /** @type {boolean | undefined} */\n let atMarker\n while (++index <= length) {\n const event = events[index]\n if (\n event[1].type === 'listUnordered' ||\n event[1].type === 'listOrdered' ||\n event[1].type === 'blockQuote'\n ) {\n if (event[0] === 'enter') {\n containerBalance++\n } else {\n containerBalance--\n }\n atMarker = undefined\n } else if (event[1].type === 'lineEndingBlank') {\n if (event[0] === 'enter') {\n if (\n listItem &&\n !atMarker &&\n !containerBalance &&\n !firstBlankLineIndex\n ) {\n firstBlankLineIndex = index\n }\n atMarker = undefined\n }\n } else if (\n event[1].type === 'linePrefix' ||\n event[1].type === 'listItemValue' ||\n event[1].type === 'listItemMarker' ||\n event[1].type === 'listItemPrefix' ||\n event[1].type === 'listItemPrefixWhitespace'\n ) {\n // Empty.\n } else {\n atMarker = undefined\n }\n if (\n (!containerBalance &&\n event[0] === 'enter' &&\n event[1].type === 'listItemPrefix') ||\n (containerBalance === -1 &&\n event[0] === 'exit' &&\n (event[1].type === 'listUnordered' ||\n event[1].type === 'listOrdered'))\n ) {\n if (listItem) {\n let tailIndex = index\n lineIndex = undefined\n while (tailIndex--) {\n const tailEvent = events[tailIndex]\n if (\n tailEvent[1].type === 'lineEnding' ||\n tailEvent[1].type === 'lineEndingBlank'\n ) {\n if (tailEvent[0] === 'exit') continue\n if (lineIndex) {\n events[lineIndex][1].type = 'lineEndingBlank'\n listSpread = true\n }\n tailEvent[1].type = 'lineEnding'\n lineIndex = tailIndex\n } else if (\n tailEvent[1].type === 'linePrefix' ||\n tailEvent[1].type === 'blockQuotePrefix' ||\n tailEvent[1].type === 'blockQuotePrefixWhitespace' ||\n tailEvent[1].type === 'blockQuoteMarker' ||\n tailEvent[1].type === 'listItemIndent'\n ) {\n // Empty\n } else {\n break\n }\n }\n if (\n firstBlankLineIndex &&\n (!lineIndex || firstBlankLineIndex < lineIndex)\n ) {\n listItem._spread = true\n }\n\n // Fix position.\n listItem.end = Object.assign(\n {},\n lineIndex ? events[lineIndex][1].start : event[1].end\n )\n events.splice(lineIndex || index, 0, ['exit', listItem, event[2]])\n index++\n length++\n }\n\n // Create a new list item.\n if (event[1].type === 'listItemPrefix') {\n listItem = {\n type: 'listItem',\n _spread: false,\n start: Object.assign({}, event[1].start),\n // @ts-expect-error: we’ll add `end` in a second.\n end: undefined\n }\n // @ts-expect-error: `listItem` is most definitely defined, TS...\n events.splice(index, 0, ['enter', listItem, event[2]])\n index++\n length++\n firstBlankLineIndex = undefined\n atMarker = true\n }\n }\n }\n events[start][1]._spread = listSpread\n return length\n }\n\n /**\n * Set data.\n *\n * @template {keyof CompileData} Key\n * Field type.\n * @param {Key} key\n * Key of field.\n * @param {CompileData[Key]} [value]\n * New value.\n * @returns {void}\n * Nothing.\n */\n function setData(key, value) {\n data[key] = value\n }\n\n /**\n * Get data.\n *\n * @template {keyof CompileData} Key\n * Field type.\n * @param {Key} key\n * Key of field.\n * @returns {CompileData[Key]}\n * Value.\n */\n function getData(key) {\n return data[key]\n }\n\n /**\n * Create an opener handle.\n *\n * @param {(token: Token) => Node} create\n * Create a node.\n * @param {Handle} [and]\n * Optional function to also run.\n * @returns {Handle}\n * Handle.\n */\n function opener(create, and) {\n return open\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @param {Token} token\n * @returns {void}\n */\n function open(token) {\n, create(token), token)\n if (and), token)\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @returns {void}\n */\n function buffer() {\n this.stack.push({\n type: 'fragment',\n children: []\n })\n }\n\n /**\n * @template {Node} Kind\n * Node type.\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * Context.\n * @param {Kind} node\n * Node to enter.\n * @param {Token} token\n * Corresponding token.\n * @param {OnEnterError | undefined} [errorHandler]\n * Handle the case where this token is open, but it is closed by something else.\n * @returns {Kind}\n * The given node.\n */\n function enter(node, token, errorHandler) {\n const parent = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n // @ts-expect-error: Assume `Node` can exist as a child of `parent`.\n parent.children.push(node)\n this.stack.push(node)\n this.tokenStack.push([token, errorHandler])\n // @ts-expect-error: `end` will be patched later.\n node.position = {\n start: point(token.start)\n }\n return node\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a closer handle.\n *\n * @param {Handle} [and]\n * Optional function to also run.\n * @returns {Handle}\n * Handle.\n */\n function closer(and) {\n return close\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @param {Token} token\n * @returns {void}\n */\n function close(token) {\n if (and), token)\n, token)\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * Context.\n * @param {Token} token\n * Corresponding token.\n * @param {OnExitError | undefined} [onExitError]\n * Handle the case where another token is open.\n * @returns {Node}\n * The closed node.\n */\n function exit(token, onExitError) {\n const node = this.stack.pop()\n const open = this.tokenStack.pop()\n if (!open) {\n throw new Error(\n 'Cannot close `' +\n token.type +\n '` (' +\n stringifyPosition({\n start: token.start,\n end: token.end\n }) +\n '): it’s not open'\n )\n } else if (open[0].type !== token.type) {\n if (onExitError) {\n, token, open[0])\n } else {\n const handler = open[1] || defaultOnError\n, token, open[0])\n }\n }\n node.position.end = point(token.end)\n return node\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @returns {string}\n */\n function resume() {\n return toString(this.stack.pop())\n }\n\n //\n // Handlers.\n //\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onenterlistordered() {\n setData('expectingFirstListItemValue', true)\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onenterlistitemvalue(token) {\n if (getData('expectingFirstListItemValue')) {\n const ancestor = this.stack[this.stack.length - 2]\n ancestor.start = Number.parseInt(this.sliceSerialize(token), 10)\n setData('expectingFirstListItemValue')\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitcodefencedfenceinfo() {\n const data = this.resume()\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.lang = data\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitcodefencedfencemeta() {\n const data = this.resume()\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.meta = data\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitcodefencedfence() {\n // Exit if this is the closing fence.\n if (getData('flowCodeInside')) return\n this.buffer()\n setData('flowCodeInside', true)\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitcodefenced() {\n const data = this.resume()\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.value = data.replace(/^(\\r?\\n|\\r)|(\\r?\\n|\\r)$/g, '')\n setData('flowCodeInside')\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitcodeindented() {\n const data = this.resume()\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.value = data.replace(/(\\r?\\n|\\r)$/g, '')\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitdefinitionlabelstring(token) {\n const label = this.resume()\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.label = label\n node.identifier = normalizeIdentifier(\n this.sliceSerialize(token)\n ).toLowerCase()\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitdefinitiontitlestring() {\n const data = this.resume()\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.title = data\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitdefinitiondestinationstring() {\n const data = this.resume()\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.url = data\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitatxheadingsequence(token) {\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n if (!node.depth) {\n const depth = this.sliceSerialize(token).length\n node.depth = depth\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitsetextheadingtext() {\n setData('setextHeadingSlurpLineEnding', true)\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitsetextheadinglinesequence(token) {\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.depth = this.sliceSerialize(token).charCodeAt(0) === 61 ? 1 : 2\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitsetextheading() {\n setData('setextHeadingSlurpLineEnding')\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onenterdata(token) {\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n let tail = node.children[node.children.length - 1]\n if (!tail || tail.type !== 'text') {\n // Add a new text node.\n tail = text()\n // @ts-expect-error: we’ll add `end` later.\n tail.position = {\n start: point(token.start)\n }\n // @ts-expect-error: Assume `parent` accepts `text`.\n node.children.push(tail)\n }\n this.stack.push(tail)\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexitdata(token) {\n const tail = this.stack.pop()\n tail.value += this.sliceSerialize(token)\n tail.position.end = point(token.end)\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexitlineending(token) {\n const context = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n // If we’re at a hard break, include the line ending in there.\n if (getData('atHardBreak')) {\n const tail = context.children[context.children.length - 1]\n tail.position.end = point(token.end)\n setData('atHardBreak')\n return\n }\n if (\n !getData('setextHeadingSlurpLineEnding') &&\n config.canContainEols.includes(context.type)\n ) {\n, token)\n, token)\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexithardbreak() {\n setData('atHardBreak', true)\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexithtmlflow() {\n const data = this.resume()\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.value = data\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexithtmltext() {\n const data = this.resume()\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.value = data\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexitcodetext() {\n const data = this.resume()\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.value = data\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexitlink() {\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n // Note: there are also `identifier` and `label` fields on this link node!\n // These are used / cleaned here.\n // To do: clean.\n if (getData('inReference')) {\n /** @type {ReferenceType} */\n const referenceType = getData('referenceType') || 'shortcut'\n node.type += 'Reference'\n // @ts-expect-error: mutate.\n node.referenceType = referenceType\n // @ts-expect-error: mutate.\n delete node.url\n delete node.title\n } else {\n // @ts-expect-error: mutate.\n delete node.identifier\n // @ts-expect-error: mutate.\n delete node.label\n }\n setData('referenceType')\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexitimage() {\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n // Note: there are also `identifier` and `label` fields on this link node!\n // These are used / cleaned here.\n // To do: clean.\n if (getData('inReference')) {\n /** @type {ReferenceType} */\n const referenceType = getData('referenceType') || 'shortcut'\n node.type += 'Reference'\n // @ts-expect-error: mutate.\n node.referenceType = referenceType\n // @ts-expect-error: mutate.\n delete node.url\n delete node.title\n } else {\n // @ts-expect-error: mutate.\n delete node.identifier\n // @ts-expect-error: mutate.\n delete node.label\n }\n setData('referenceType')\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexitlabeltext(token) {\n const string = this.sliceSerialize(token)\n const ancestor = this.stack[this.stack.length - 2]\n // @ts-expect-error: stash this on the node, as it might become a reference\n // later.\n ancestor.label = decodeString(string)\n // @ts-expect-error: same as above.\n ancestor.identifier = normalizeIdentifier(string).toLowerCase()\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexitlabel() {\n const fragment = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n const value = this.resume()\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n // Assume a reference.\n setData('inReference', true)\n if (node.type === 'link') {\n /** @type {Array} */\n // @ts-expect-error: Assume static phrasing content.\n const children = fragment.children\n node.children = children\n } else {\n node.alt = value\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexitresourcedestinationstring() {\n const data = this.resume()\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.url = data\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexitresourcetitlestring() {\n const data = this.resume()\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.title = data\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexitresource() {\n setData('inReference')\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onenterreference() {\n setData('referenceType', 'collapsed')\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexitreferencestring(token) {\n const label = this.resume()\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n // @ts-expect-error: stash this on the node, as it might become a reference\n // later.\n node.label = label\n // @ts-expect-error: same as above.\n node.identifier = normalizeIdentifier(\n this.sliceSerialize(token)\n ).toLowerCase()\n setData('referenceType', 'full')\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n\n function onexitcharacterreferencemarker(token) {\n setData('characterReferenceType', token.type)\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitcharacterreferencevalue(token) {\n const data = this.sliceSerialize(token)\n const type = getData('characterReferenceType')\n /** @type {string} */\n let value\n if (type) {\n value = decodeNumericCharacterReference(\n data,\n type === 'characterReferenceMarkerNumeric' ? 10 : 16\n )\n setData('characterReferenceType')\n } else {\n const result = decodeNamedCharacterReference(data)\n value = result\n }\n const tail = this.stack.pop()\n tail.value += value\n tail.position.end = point(token.end)\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitautolinkprotocol(token) {\n, token)\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.url = this.sliceSerialize(token)\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {Handle}\n */\n function onexitautolinkemail(token) {\n, token)\n const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n node.url = 'mailto:' + this.sliceSerialize(token)\n }\n\n //\n // Creaters.\n //\n\n /** @returns {Blockquote} */\n function blockQuote() {\n return {\n type: 'blockquote',\n children: []\n }\n }\n\n /** @returns {Code} */\n function codeFlow() {\n return {\n type: 'code',\n lang: null,\n meta: null,\n value: ''\n }\n }\n\n /** @returns {InlineCode} */\n function codeText() {\n return {\n type: 'inlineCode',\n value: ''\n }\n }\n\n /** @returns {Definition} */\n function definition() {\n return {\n type: 'definition',\n identifier: '',\n label: null,\n title: null,\n url: ''\n }\n }\n\n /** @returns {Emphasis} */\n function emphasis() {\n return {\n type: 'emphasis',\n children: []\n }\n }\n\n /** @returns {Heading} */\n function heading() {\n // @ts-expect-error `depth` will be set later.\n return {\n type: 'heading',\n depth: undefined,\n children: []\n }\n }\n\n /** @returns {Break} */\n function hardBreak() {\n return {\n type: 'break'\n }\n }\n\n /** @returns {HTML} */\n function html() {\n return {\n type: 'html',\n value: ''\n }\n }\n\n /** @returns {Image} */\n function image() {\n return {\n type: 'image',\n title: null,\n url: '',\n alt: null\n }\n }\n\n /** @returns {Link} */\n function link() {\n return {\n type: 'link',\n title: null,\n url: '',\n children: []\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Token} token\n * @returns {List}\n */\n function list(token) {\n return {\n type: 'list',\n ordered: token.type === 'listOrdered',\n start: null,\n spread: token._spread,\n children: []\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Token} token\n * @returns {ListItem}\n */\n function listItem(token) {\n return {\n type: 'listItem',\n spread: token._spread,\n checked: null,\n children: []\n }\n }\n\n /** @returns {Paragraph} */\n function paragraph() {\n return {\n type: 'paragraph',\n children: []\n }\n }\n\n /** @returns {Strong} */\n function strong() {\n return {\n type: 'strong',\n children: []\n }\n }\n\n /** @returns {Text} */\n function text() {\n return {\n type: 'text',\n value: ''\n }\n }\n\n /** @returns {ThematicBreak} */\n function thematicBreak() {\n return {\n type: 'thematicBreak'\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Copy a point-like value.\n *\n * @param {Point} d\n * Point-like value.\n * @returns {Point}\n * unist point.\n */\nfunction point(d) {\n return {\n line: d.line,\n column: d.column,\n offset: d.offset\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Config} combined\n * @param {Array>} extensions\n * @returns {void}\n */\nfunction configure(combined, extensions) {\n let index = -1\n while (++index < extensions.length) {\n const value = extensions[index]\n if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n configure(combined, value)\n } else {\n extension(combined, value)\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Config} combined\n * @param {Extension} extension\n * @returns {void}\n */\nfunction extension(combined, extension) {\n /** @type {keyof Extension} */\n let key\n for (key in extension) {\n if (, key)) {\n if (key === 'canContainEols') {\n const right = extension[key]\n if (right) {\n combined[key].push(...right)\n }\n } else if (key === 'transforms') {\n const right = extension[key]\n if (right) {\n combined[key].push(...right)\n }\n } else if (key === 'enter' || key === 'exit') {\n const right = extension[key]\n if (right) {\n Object.assign(combined[key], right)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/** @type {OnEnterError} */\nfunction defaultOnError(left, right) {\n if (left) {\n throw new Error(\n 'Cannot close `' +\n left.type +\n '` (' +\n stringifyPosition({\n start: left.start,\n end: left.end\n }) +\n '): a different token (`' +\n right.type +\n '`, ' +\n stringifyPosition({\n start: right.start,\n end: right.end\n }) +\n ') is open'\n )\n } else {\n throw new Error(\n 'Cannot close document, a token (`' +\n right.type +\n '`, ' +\n stringifyPosition({\n start: right.start,\n end: right.end\n }) +\n ') is still open'\n )\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event\n */\n\nimport {subtokenize} from 'micromark-util-subtokenize'\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} events\n * @returns {Array}\n */\nexport function postprocess(events) {\n while (!subtokenize(events)) {\n // Empty\n }\n return events\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Create} Create\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').FullNormalizedExtension} FullNormalizedExtension\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').InitialConstruct} InitialConstruct\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').ParseContext} ParseContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').ParseOptions} ParseOptions\n */\n\nimport {combineExtensions} from 'micromark-util-combine-extensions'\nimport {content} from './initialize/content.js'\nimport {document} from './initialize/document.js'\nimport {flow} from './initialize/flow.js'\nimport {text, string} from './initialize/text.js'\nimport {createTokenizer} from './create-tokenizer.js'\nimport * as defaultConstructs from './constructs.js'\n\n/**\n * @param {ParseOptions | null | undefined} [options]\n * @returns {ParseContext}\n */\nexport function parse(options) {\n const settings = options || {}\n const constructs =\n /** @type {FullNormalizedExtension} */\n combineExtensions([defaultConstructs, ...(settings.extensions || [])])\n\n /** @type {ParseContext} */\n const parser = {\n defined: [],\n lazy: {},\n constructs,\n content: create(content),\n document: create(document),\n flow: create(flow),\n string: create(string),\n text: create(text)\n }\n return parser\n\n /**\n * @param {InitialConstruct} initial\n */\n function create(initial) {\n return creator\n /** @type {Create} */\n function creator(from) {\n return createTokenizer(parser, initial, from)\n }\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Options} Options\n */\n\nimport {fromMarkdown} from 'mdast-util-from-markdown'\n\n/**\n * @this {import('unified').Processor}\n * @type {import('unified').Plugin<[Options?] | void[], string, Root>}\n */\nexport default function remarkParse(options) {\n /** @type {import('unified').ParserFunction} */\n const parser = (doc) => {\n // Assume options.\n const settings = /** @type {Options} */ ('settings'))\n\n return fromMarkdown(\n doc,\n Object.assign({}, settings, options, {\n // Note: these options are not in the readme.\n // The goal is for them to be set by plugins on `data` instead of being\n // passed by users.\n extensions:'micromarkExtensions') || [],\n mdastExtensions:'fromMarkdownExtensions') || []\n })\n )\n }\n\n Object.assign(this, {Parser: parser})\n}\n","import {asciiAlphanumeric} from 'micromark-util-character'\nimport {encode} from 'micromark-util-encode'\n/**\n * Make a value safe for injection as a URL.\n *\n * This encodes unsafe characters with percent-encoding and skips already\n * encoded sequences (see `normalizeUri`).\n * Further unsafe characters are encoded as character references (see\n * `micromark-util-encode`).\n *\n * A regex of allowed protocols can be given, in which case the URL is\n * sanitized.\n * For example, `/^(https?|ircs?|mailto|xmpp)$/i` can be used for `a[href]`, or\n * `/^https?$/i` for `img[src]` (this is what `` allows).\n * If the URL includes an unknown protocol (one not matched by `protocol`, such\n * as a dangerous example, `javascript:`), the value is ignored.\n *\n * @param {string | undefined} url\n * URI to sanitize.\n * @param {RegExp | null | undefined} [protocol]\n * Allowed protocols.\n * @returns {string}\n * Sanitized URI.\n */\nexport function sanitizeUri(url, protocol) {\n const value = encode(normalizeUri(url || ''))\n if (!protocol) {\n return value\n }\n const colon = value.indexOf(':')\n const questionMark = value.indexOf('?')\n const numberSign = value.indexOf('#')\n const slash = value.indexOf('/')\n if (\n // If there is no protocol, it’s relative.\n colon < 0 ||\n // If the first colon is after a `?`, `#`, or `/`, it’s not a protocol.\n (slash > -1 && colon > slash) ||\n (questionMark > -1 && colon > questionMark) ||\n (numberSign > -1 && colon > numberSign) ||\n // It is a protocol, it should be allowed.\n protocol.test(value.slice(0, colon))\n ) {\n return value\n }\n return ''\n}\n\n/**\n * Normalize a URL.\n *\n * Encode unsafe characters with percent-encoding, skipping already encoded\n * sequences.\n *\n * @param {string} value\n * URI to normalize.\n * @returns {string}\n * Normalized URI.\n */\nexport function normalizeUri(value) {\n /** @type {Array} */\n const result = []\n let index = -1\n let start = 0\n let skip = 0\n while (++index < value.length) {\n const code = value.charCodeAt(index)\n /** @type {string} */\n let replace = ''\n\n // A correct percent encoded value.\n if (\n code === 37 &&\n asciiAlphanumeric(value.charCodeAt(index + 1)) &&\n asciiAlphanumeric(value.charCodeAt(index + 2))\n ) {\n skip = 2\n }\n // ASCII.\n else if (code < 128) {\n if (!/[!#$&-;=?-Z_a-z~]/.test(String.fromCharCode(code))) {\n replace = String.fromCharCode(code)\n }\n }\n // Astral.\n else if (code > 55295 && code < 57344) {\n const next = value.charCodeAt(index + 1)\n\n // A correct surrogate pair.\n if (code < 56320 && next > 56319 && next < 57344) {\n replace = String.fromCharCode(code, next)\n skip = 1\n }\n // Lone surrogate.\n else {\n replace = '\\uFFFD'\n }\n }\n // Unicode.\n else {\n replace = String.fromCharCode(code)\n }\n if (replace) {\n result.push(value.slice(start, index), encodeURIComponent(replace))\n start = index + skip + 1\n replace = ''\n }\n if (skip) {\n index += skip\n skip = 0\n }\n }\n return result.join('') + value.slice(start)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node\n * @typedef {import('unist').Parent} Parent\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Record} Props\n * @typedef {null | undefined | string | Props | TestFunctionAnything | Array} Test\n * Check for an arbitrary node, unaware of TypeScript inferral.\n *\n * @callback TestFunctionAnything\n * Check if a node passes a test, unaware of TypeScript inferral.\n * @param {unknown} this\n * The given context.\n * @param {Node} node\n * A node.\n * @param {number | null | undefined} [index]\n * The node’s position in its parent.\n * @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]\n * The node’s parent.\n * @returns {boolean | void}\n * Whether this node passes the test.\n */\n\n/**\n * @template {Node} Kind\n * Node type.\n * @typedef {Kind['type'] | Partial | TestFunctionPredicate | Array | TestFunctionPredicate>} PredicateTest\n * Check for a node that can be inferred by TypeScript.\n */\n\n/**\n * Check if a node passes a certain test.\n *\n * @template {Node} Kind\n * Node type.\n * @callback TestFunctionPredicate\n * Complex test function for a node that can be inferred by TypeScript.\n * @param {Node} node\n * A node.\n * @param {number | null | undefined} [index]\n * The node’s position in its parent.\n * @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]\n * The node’s parent.\n * @returns {node is Kind}\n * Whether this node passes the test.\n */\n\n/**\n * @callback AssertAnything\n * Check that an arbitrary value is a node, unaware of TypeScript inferral.\n * @param {unknown} [node]\n * Anything (typically a node).\n * @param {number | null | undefined} [index]\n * The node’s position in its parent.\n * @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]\n * The node’s parent.\n * @returns {boolean}\n * Whether this is a node and passes a test.\n */\n\n/**\n * Check if a node is a node and passes a certain node test.\n *\n * @template {Node} Kind\n * Node type.\n * @callback AssertPredicate\n * Check that an arbitrary value is a specific node, aware of TypeScript.\n * @param {unknown} [node]\n * Anything (typically a node).\n * @param {number | null | undefined} [index]\n * The node’s position in its parent.\n * @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]\n * The node’s parent.\n * @returns {node is Kind}\n * Whether this is a node and passes a test.\n */\n\n/**\n * Check if `node` is a `Node` and whether it passes the given test.\n *\n * @param node\n * Thing to check, typically `Node`.\n * @param test\n * A check for a specific node.\n * @param index\n * The node’s position in its parent.\n * @param parent\n * The node’s parent.\n * @returns\n * Whether `node` is a node and passes a test.\n */\nexport const is =\n /**\n * @type {(\n * (() => false) &\n * ((node: unknown, test: PredicateTest, index: number, parent: Parent, context?: unknown) => node is Kind) &\n * ((node: unknown, test: PredicateTest, index?: null | undefined, parent?: null | undefined, context?: unknown) => node is Kind) &\n * ((node: unknown, test: Test, index: number, parent: Parent, context?: unknown) => boolean) &\n * ((node: unknown, test?: Test, index?: null | undefined, parent?: null | undefined, context?: unknown) => boolean)\n * )}\n */\n (\n /**\n * @param {unknown} [node]\n * @param {Test} [test]\n * @param {number | null | undefined} [index]\n * @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]\n * @param {unknown} [context]\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\n // eslint-disable-next-line max-params\n function is(node, test, index, parent, context) {\n const check = convert(test)\n\n if (\n index !== undefined &&\n index !== null &&\n (typeof index !== 'number' ||\n index < 0 ||\n index === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)\n ) {\n throw new Error('Expected positive finite index')\n }\n\n if (\n parent !== undefined &&\n parent !== null &&\n (!is(parent) || !parent.children)\n ) {\n throw new Error('Expected parent node')\n }\n\n if (\n (parent === undefined || parent === null) !==\n (index === undefined || index === null)\n ) {\n throw new Error('Expected both parent and index')\n }\n\n // @ts-expect-error Looks like a node.\n return node && node.type && typeof node.type === 'string'\n ? Boolean(, node, index, parent))\n : false\n }\n )\n\n/**\n * Generate an assertion from a test.\n *\n * Useful if you’re going to test many nodes, for example when creating a\n * utility where something else passes a compatible test.\n *\n * The created function is a bit faster because it expects valid input only:\n * a `node`, `index`, and `parent`.\n *\n * @param test\n * * when nullish, checks if `node` is a `Node`.\n * * when `string`, works like passing `(node) => node.type === test`.\n * * when `function` checks if function passed the node is true.\n * * when `object`, checks that all keys in test are in node, and that they have (strictly) equal values.\n * * when `array`, checks if any one of the subtests pass.\n * @returns\n * An assertion.\n */\nexport const convert =\n /**\n * @type {(\n * ((test: PredicateTest) => AssertPredicate) &\n * ((test?: Test) => AssertAnything)\n * )}\n */\n (\n /**\n * @param {Test} [test]\n * @returns {AssertAnything}\n */\n function (test) {\n if (test === undefined || test === null) {\n return ok\n }\n\n if (typeof test === 'string') {\n return typeFactory(test)\n }\n\n if (typeof test === 'object') {\n return Array.isArray(test) ? anyFactory(test) : propsFactory(test)\n }\n\n if (typeof test === 'function') {\n return castFactory(test)\n }\n\n throw new Error('Expected function, string, or object as test')\n }\n )\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} tests\n * @returns {AssertAnything}\n */\nfunction anyFactory(tests) {\n /** @type {Array} */\n const checks = []\n let index = -1\n\n while (++index < tests.length) {\n checks[index] = convert(tests[index])\n }\n\n return castFactory(any)\n\n /**\n * @this {unknown}\n * @param {Array} parameters\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\n function any(...parameters) {\n let index = -1\n\n while (++index < checks.length) {\n if (checks[index].call(this, ...parameters)) return true\n }\n\n return false\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Turn an object into a test for a node with a certain fields.\n *\n * @param {Props} check\n * @returns {AssertAnything}\n */\nfunction propsFactory(check) {\n return castFactory(all)\n\n /**\n * @param {Node} node\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\n function all(node) {\n /** @type {string} */\n let key\n\n for (key in check) {\n // @ts-expect-error: hush, it sure works as an index.\n if (node[key] !== check[key]) return false\n }\n\n return true\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Turn a string into a test for a node with a certain type.\n *\n * @param {string} check\n * @returns {AssertAnything}\n */\nfunction typeFactory(check) {\n return castFactory(type)\n\n /**\n * @param {Node} node\n */\n function type(node) {\n return node && node.type === check\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Turn a custom test into a test for a node that passes that test.\n *\n * @param {TestFunctionAnything} check\n * @returns {AssertAnything}\n */\nfunction castFactory(check) {\n return assertion\n\n /**\n * @this {unknown}\n * @param {unknown} node\n * @param {Array} parameters\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\n function assertion(node, ...parameters) {\n return Boolean(\n node &&\n typeof node === 'object' &&\n 'type' in node &&\n // @ts-expect-error: fine.\n Boolean(, node, ...parameters))\n )\n }\n}\n\nfunction ok() {\n return true\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node\n * @typedef {import('unist').Parent} Parent\n * @typedef {import('unist-util-is').Test} Test\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {boolean | 'skip'} Action\n * Union of the action types.\n *\n * @typedef {number} Index\n * Move to the sibling at `index` next (after node itself is completely\n * traversed).\n *\n * Useful if mutating the tree, such as removing the node the visitor is\n * currently on, or any of its previous siblings.\n * Results less than 0 or greater than or equal to `children.length` stop\n * traversing the parent.\n *\n * @typedef {[(Action | null | undefined | void)?, (Index | null | undefined)?]} ActionTuple\n * List with one or two values, the first an action, the second an index.\n *\n * @typedef {Action | ActionTuple | Index | null | undefined | void} VisitorResult\n * Any value that can be returned from a visitor.\n */\n\n/**\n * @template {Node} [Visited=Node]\n * Visited node type.\n * @template {Parent} [Ancestor=Parent]\n * Ancestor type.\n * @callback Visitor\n * Handle a node (matching `test`, if given).\n *\n * Visitors are free to transform `node`.\n * They can also transform the parent of node (the last of `ancestors`).\n *\n * Replacing `node` itself, if `SKIP` is not returned, still causes its\n * descendants to be walked (which is a bug).\n *\n * When adding or removing previous siblings of `node` (or next siblings, in\n * case of reverse), the `Visitor` should return a new `Index` to specify the\n * sibling to traverse after `node` is traversed.\n * Adding or removing next siblings of `node` (or previous siblings, in case\n * of reverse) is handled as expected without needing to return a new `Index`.\n *\n * Removing the children property of an ancestor still results in them being\n * traversed.\n * @param {Visited} node\n * Found node.\n * @param {Array} ancestors\n * Ancestors of `node`.\n * @returns {VisitorResult}\n * What to do next.\n *\n * An `Index` is treated as a tuple of `[CONTINUE, Index]`.\n * An `Action` is treated as a tuple of `[Action]`.\n *\n * Passing a tuple back only makes sense if the `Action` is `SKIP`.\n * When the `Action` is `EXIT`, that action can be returned.\n * When the `Action` is `CONTINUE`, `Index` can be returned.\n */\n\n/**\n * @template {Node} [Tree=Node]\n * Tree type.\n * @template {Test} [Check=string]\n * Test type.\n * @typedef {Visitor, Check>, Extract, Parent>>} BuildVisitor\n * Build a typed `Visitor` function from a tree and a test.\n *\n * It will infer which values are passed as `node` and which as `parents`.\n */\n\nimport {convert} from 'unist-util-is'\nimport {color} from './color.js'\n\n/**\n * Continue traversing as normal.\n */\nexport const CONTINUE = true\n\n/**\n * Stop traversing immediately.\n */\nexport const EXIT = false\n\n/**\n * Do not traverse this node’s children.\n */\nexport const SKIP = 'skip'\n\n/**\n * Visit nodes, with ancestral information.\n *\n * This algorithm performs *depth-first* *tree traversal* in *preorder*\n * (**NLR**) or if `reverse` is given, in *reverse preorder* (**NRL**).\n *\n * You can choose for which nodes `visitor` is called by passing a `test`.\n * For complex tests, you should test yourself in `visitor`, as it will be\n * faster and will have improved type information.\n *\n * Walking the tree is an intensive task.\n * Make use of the return values of the visitor when possible.\n * Instead of walking a tree multiple times, walk it once, use `unist-util-is`\n * to check if a node matches, and then perform different operations.\n *\n * You can change the tree.\n * See `Visitor` for more info.\n *\n * @param tree\n * Tree to traverse.\n * @param test\n * `unist-util-is`-compatible test\n * @param visitor\n * Handle each node.\n * @param reverse\n * Traverse in reverse preorder (NRL) instead of the default preorder (NLR).\n * @returns\n * Nothing.\n */\nexport const visitParents =\n /**\n * @type {(\n * ((tree: Tree, test: Check, visitor: BuildVisitor, reverse?: boolean | null | undefined) => void) &\n * ((tree: Tree, visitor: BuildVisitor, reverse?: boolean | null | undefined) => void)\n * )}\n */\n (\n /**\n * @param {Node} tree\n * @param {Test} test\n * @param {Visitor} visitor\n * @param {boolean | null | undefined} [reverse]\n * @returns {void}\n */\n function (tree, test, visitor, reverse) {\n if (typeof test === 'function' && typeof visitor !== 'function') {\n reverse = visitor\n // @ts-expect-error no visitor given, so `visitor` is test.\n visitor = test\n test = null\n }\n\n const is = convert(test)\n const step = reverse ? -1 : 1\n\n factory(tree, undefined, [])()\n\n /**\n * @param {Node} node\n * @param {number | undefined} index\n * @param {Array} parents\n */\n function factory(node, index, parents) {\n /** @type {Record} */\n // @ts-expect-error: hush\n const value = node && typeof node === 'object' ? node : {}\n\n if (typeof value.type === 'string') {\n const name =\n // `hast`\n typeof value.tagName === 'string'\n ? value.tagName\n : // `xast`\n typeof === 'string'\n ?\n : undefined\n\n Object.defineProperty(visit, 'name', {\n value:\n 'node (' + color(node.type + (name ? '<' + name + '>' : '')) + ')'\n })\n }\n\n return visit\n\n function visit() {\n /** @type {ActionTuple} */\n let result = []\n /** @type {ActionTuple} */\n let subresult\n /** @type {number} */\n let offset\n /** @type {Array} */\n let grandparents\n\n if (!test || is(node, index, parents[parents.length - 1] || null)) {\n result = toResult(visitor(node, parents))\n\n if (result[0] === EXIT) {\n return result\n }\n }\n\n // @ts-expect-error looks like a parent.\n if (node.children && result[0] !== SKIP) {\n // @ts-expect-error looks like a parent.\n offset = (reverse ? node.children.length : -1) + step\n // @ts-expect-error looks like a parent.\n grandparents = parents.concat(node)\n\n // @ts-expect-error looks like a parent.\n while (offset > -1 && offset < node.children.length) {\n // @ts-expect-error looks like a parent.\n subresult = factory(node.children[offset], offset, grandparents)()\n\n if (subresult[0] === EXIT) {\n return subresult\n }\n\n offset =\n typeof subresult[1] === 'number' ? subresult[1] : offset + step\n }\n }\n\n return result\n }\n }\n }\n )\n\n/**\n * Turn a return value into a clean result.\n *\n * @param {VisitorResult} value\n * Valid return values from visitors.\n * @returns {ActionTuple}\n * Clean result.\n */\nfunction toResult(value) {\n if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n return value\n }\n\n if (typeof value === 'number') {\n return [CONTINUE, value]\n }\n\n return [value]\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node\n * @typedef {import('unist').Parent} Parent\n * @typedef {import('unist-util-is').Test} Test\n * @typedef {import('unist-util-visit-parents').VisitorResult} VisitorResult\n */\n\n/**\n * Check if `Child` can be a child of `Ancestor`.\n *\n * Returns the ancestor when `Child` can be a child of `Ancestor`, or returns\n * `never`.\n *\n * @template {Node} Ancestor\n * Node type.\n * @template {Node} Child\n * Node type.\n * @typedef {(\n * Ancestor extends Parent\n * ? Child extends Ancestor['children'][number]\n * ? Ancestor\n * : never\n * : never\n * )} ParentsOf\n */\n\n/**\n * @template {Node} [Visited=Node]\n * Visited node type.\n * @template {Parent} [Ancestor=Parent]\n * Ancestor type.\n * @callback Visitor\n * Handle a node (matching `test`, if given).\n *\n * Visitors are free to transform `node`.\n * They can also transform `parent`.\n *\n * Replacing `node` itself, if `SKIP` is not returned, still causes its\n * descendants to be walked (which is a bug).\n *\n * When adding or removing previous siblings of `node` (or next siblings, in\n * case of reverse), the `Visitor` should return a new `Index` to specify the\n * sibling to traverse after `node` is traversed.\n * Adding or removing next siblings of `node` (or previous siblings, in case\n * of reverse) is handled as expected without needing to return a new `Index`.\n *\n * Removing the children property of `parent` still results in them being\n * traversed.\n * @param {Visited} node\n * Found node.\n * @param {Visited extends Node ? number | null : never} index\n * Index of `node` in `parent`.\n * @param {Ancestor extends Node ? Ancestor | null : never} parent\n * Parent of `node`.\n * @returns {VisitorResult}\n * What to do next.\n *\n * An `Index` is treated as a tuple of `[CONTINUE, Index]`.\n * An `Action` is treated as a tuple of `[Action]`.\n *\n * Passing a tuple back only makes sense if the `Action` is `SKIP`.\n * When the `Action` is `EXIT`, that action can be returned.\n * When the `Action` is `CONTINUE`, `Index` can be returned.\n */\n\n/**\n * Build a typed `Visitor` function from a node and all possible parents.\n *\n * It will infer which values are passed as `node` and which as `parent`.\n *\n * @template {Node} Visited\n * Node type.\n * @template {Parent} Ancestor\n * Parent type.\n * @typedef {Visitor>} BuildVisitorFromMatch\n */\n\n/**\n * Build a typed `Visitor` function from a list of descendants and a test.\n *\n * It will infer which values are passed as `node` and which as `parent`.\n *\n * @template {Node} Descendant\n * Node type.\n * @template {Test} Check\n * Test type.\n * @typedef {(\n * BuildVisitorFromMatch<\n * import('unist-util-visit-parents/complex-types.js').Matches,\n * Extract\n * >\n * )} BuildVisitorFromDescendants\n */\n\n/**\n * Build a typed `Visitor` function from a tree and a test.\n *\n * It will infer which values are passed as `node` and which as `parent`.\n *\n * @template {Node} [Tree=Node]\n * Node type.\n * @template {Test} [Check=string]\n * Test type.\n * @typedef {(\n * BuildVisitorFromDescendants<\n * import('unist-util-visit-parents/complex-types.js').InclusiveDescendant,\n * Check\n * >\n * )} BuildVisitor\n */\n\nimport {visitParents} from 'unist-util-visit-parents'\n\n/**\n * Visit nodes.\n *\n * This algorithm performs *depth-first* *tree traversal* in *preorder*\n * (**NLR**) or if `reverse` is given, in *reverse preorder* (**NRL**).\n *\n * You can choose for which nodes `visitor` is called by passing a `test`.\n * For complex tests, you should test yourself in `visitor`, as it will be\n * faster and will have improved type information.\n *\n * Walking the tree is an intensive task.\n * Make use of the return values of the visitor when possible.\n * Instead of walking a tree multiple times, walk it once, use `unist-util-is`\n * to check if a node matches, and then perform different operations.\n *\n * You can change the tree.\n * See `Visitor` for more info.\n *\n * @param tree\n * Tree to traverse.\n * @param test\n * `unist-util-is`-compatible test\n * @param visitor\n * Handle each node.\n * @param reverse\n * Traverse in reverse preorder (NRL) instead of the default preorder (NLR).\n * @returns\n * Nothing.\n */\nexport const visit =\n /**\n * @type {(\n * ((tree: Tree, test: Check, visitor: BuildVisitor, reverse?: boolean | null | undefined) => void) &\n * ((tree: Tree, visitor: BuildVisitor, reverse?: boolean | null | undefined) => void)\n * )}\n */\n (\n /**\n * @param {Node} tree\n * @param {Test} test\n * @param {Visitor} visitor\n * @param {boolean | null | undefined} [reverse]\n * @returns {void}\n */\n function (tree, test, visitor, reverse) {\n if (typeof test === 'function' && typeof visitor !== 'function') {\n reverse = visitor\n visitor = test\n test = null\n }\n\n visitParents(tree, test, overload, reverse)\n\n /**\n * @param {Node} node\n * @param {Array} parents\n */\n function overload(node, parents) {\n const parent = parents[parents.length - 1]\n return visitor(\n node,\n parent ? parent.children.indexOf(node) : null,\n parent\n )\n }\n }\n )\n\nexport {CONTINUE, EXIT, SKIP} from 'unist-util-visit-parents'\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('unist').Position} Position\n * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node\n * @typedef {import('unist').Point} Point\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef NodeLike\n * @property {string} type\n * @property {PositionLike | null | undefined} [position]\n *\n * @typedef PositionLike\n * @property {PointLike | null | undefined} [start]\n * @property {PointLike | null | undefined} [end]\n *\n * @typedef PointLike\n * @property {number | null | undefined} [line]\n * @property {number | null | undefined} [column]\n * @property {number | null | undefined} [offset]\n */\n\n/**\n * Get the starting point of `node`.\n *\n * @param node\n * Node.\n * @returns\n * Point.\n */\nexport const pointStart = point('start')\n\n/**\n * Get the ending point of `node`.\n *\n * @param node\n * Node.\n * @returns\n * Point.\n */\nexport const pointEnd = point('end')\n\n/**\n * Get the positional info of `node`.\n *\n * @param {NodeLike | Node | null | undefined} [node]\n * Node.\n * @returns {Position}\n * Position.\n */\nexport function position(node) {\n return {start: pointStart(node), end: pointEnd(node)}\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the positional info of `node`.\n *\n * @param {'start' | 'end'} type\n * Side.\n * @returns\n * Getter.\n */\nfunction point(type) {\n return point\n\n /**\n * Get the point info of `node` at a bound side.\n *\n * @param {NodeLike | Node | null | undefined} [node]\n * @returns {Point}\n */\n function point(node) {\n const point = (node && node.position && node.position[type]) || {}\n\n // To do: next major: don’t return points when invalid.\n return {\n // @ts-expect-error: in practice, null is allowed.\n line: point.line || null,\n // @ts-expect-error: in practice, null is allowed.\n column: point.column || null,\n // @ts-expect-error: in practice, null is allowed.\n offset: point.offset > -1 ? point.offset : null\n }\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Content} Content\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Definition} Definition\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Root | Content} Node\n *\n * @callback GetDefinition\n * Get a definition by identifier.\n * @param {string | null | undefined} [identifier]\n * Identifier of definition.\n * @returns {Definition | null}\n * Definition corresponding to `identifier` or `null`.\n */\n\nimport {visit} from 'unist-util-visit'\n\nconst own = {}.hasOwnProperty\n\n/**\n * Find definitions in `tree`.\n *\n * Uses CommonMark precedence, which means that earlier definitions are\n * preferred over duplicate later definitions.\n *\n * @param {Node} tree\n * Tree to check.\n * @returns {GetDefinition}\n * Getter.\n */\nexport function definitions(tree) {\n /** @type {Record} */\n const cache = Object.create(null)\n\n if (!tree || !tree.type) {\n throw new Error('mdast-util-definitions expected node')\n }\n\n visit(tree, 'definition', (definition) => {\n const id = clean(definition.identifier)\n if (id && !, id)) {\n cache[id] = definition\n }\n })\n\n return definition\n\n /** @type {GetDefinition} */\n function definition(identifier) {\n const id = clean(identifier)\n // To do: next major: return `undefined` when not found.\n return id &&, id) ? cache[id] : null\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string | null | undefined} [value]\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction clean(value) {\n return String(value || '').toUpperCase()\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('mdast').FootnoteReference} FootnoteReference\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\nimport {normalizeUri} from 'micromark-util-sanitize-uri'\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `footnoteReference` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around.\n * @param {FootnoteReference} node\n * mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n * hast node.\n */\nexport function footnoteReference(state, node) {\n const id = String(node.identifier).toUpperCase()\n const safeId = normalizeUri(id.toLowerCase())\n const index = state.footnoteOrder.indexOf(id)\n /** @type {number} */\n let counter\n\n if (index === -1) {\n state.footnoteOrder.push(id)\n state.footnoteCounts[id] = 1\n counter = state.footnoteOrder.length\n } else {\n state.footnoteCounts[id]++\n counter = index + 1\n }\n\n const reuseCounter = state.footnoteCounts[id]\n\n /** @type {Element} */\n const link = {\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'a',\n properties: {\n href: '#' + state.clobberPrefix + 'fn-' + safeId,\n id:\n state.clobberPrefix +\n 'fnref-' +\n safeId +\n (reuseCounter > 1 ? '-' + reuseCounter : ''),\n dataFootnoteRef: true,\n ariaDescribedBy: ['footnote-label']\n },\n children: [{type: 'text', value: String(counter)}]\n }\n state.patch(node, link)\n\n /** @type {Element} */\n const sup = {\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'sup',\n properties: {},\n children: [link]\n }\n state.patch(node, sup)\n return state.applyData(node, sup)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').ElementContent} ElementContent\n *\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Content} Content\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Reference} Reference\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} Root\n *\n * @typedef {import('./state.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Root | Content} Nodes\n * @typedef {Extract} References\n */\n\n// To do: next major: always return array.\n\n/**\n * Return the content of a reference without definition as plain text.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around.\n * @param {References} node\n * Reference node (image, link).\n * @returns {ElementContent | Array}\n * hast content.\n */\nexport function revert(state, node) {\n const subtype = node.referenceType\n let suffix = ']'\n\n if (subtype === 'collapsed') {\n suffix += '[]'\n } else if (subtype === 'full') {\n suffix += '[' + (node.label || node.identifier) + ']'\n }\n\n if (node.type === 'imageReference') {\n return {type: 'text', value: '![' + node.alt + suffix}\n }\n\n const contents = state.all(node)\n const head = contents[0]\n\n if (head && head.type === 'text') {\n head.value = '[' + head.value\n } else {\n contents.unshift({type: 'text', value: '['})\n }\n\n const tail = contents[contents.length - 1]\n\n if (tail && tail.type === 'text') {\n tail.value += suffix\n } else {\n contents.push({type: 'text', value: suffix})\n }\n\n return contents\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').ElementContent} ElementContent\n * @typedef {import('hast').Properties} Properties\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Content} Content\n * @typedef {import('mdast').ListItem} ListItem\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Parent} Parent\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Root | Content} Nodes\n * @typedef {Extract} Parents\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `listItem` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around.\n * @param {ListItem} node\n * mdast node.\n * @param {Parents | null | undefined} parent\n * Parent of `node`.\n * @returns {Element}\n * hast node.\n */\nexport function listItem(state, node, parent) {\n const results = state.all(node)\n const loose = parent ? listLoose(parent) : listItemLoose(node)\n /** @type {Properties} */\n const properties = {}\n /** @type {Array} */\n const children = []\n\n if (typeof node.checked === 'boolean') {\n const head = results[0]\n /** @type {Element} */\n let paragraph\n\n if (head && head.type === 'element' && head.tagName === 'p') {\n paragraph = head\n } else {\n paragraph = {type: 'element', tagName: 'p', properties: {}, children: []}\n results.unshift(paragraph)\n }\n\n if (paragraph.children.length > 0) {\n paragraph.children.unshift({type: 'text', value: ' '})\n }\n\n paragraph.children.unshift({\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'input',\n properties: {type: 'checkbox', checked: node.checked, disabled: true},\n children: []\n })\n\n // According to github-markdown-css, this class hides bullet.\n // See: .\n properties.className = ['task-list-item']\n }\n\n let index = -1\n\n while (++index < results.length) {\n const child = results[index]\n\n // Add eols before nodes, except if this is a loose, first paragraph.\n if (\n loose ||\n index !== 0 ||\n child.type !== 'element' ||\n child.tagName !== 'p'\n ) {\n children.push({type: 'text', value: '\\n'})\n }\n\n if (child.type === 'element' && child.tagName === 'p' && !loose) {\n children.push(...child.children)\n } else {\n children.push(child)\n }\n }\n\n const tail = results[results.length - 1]\n\n // Add a final eol.\n if (tail && (loose || tail.type !== 'element' || tail.tagName !== 'p')) {\n children.push({type: 'text', value: '\\n'})\n }\n\n /** @type {Element} */\n const result = {type: 'element', tagName: 'li', properties, children}\n state.patch(node, result)\n return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Parents} node\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\nfunction listLoose(node) {\n let loose = false\n if (node.type === 'list') {\n loose = node.spread || false\n const children = node.children\n let index = -1\n\n while (!loose && ++index < children.length) {\n loose = listItemLoose(children[index])\n }\n }\n\n return loose\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {ListItem} node\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\nfunction listItemLoose(node) {\n const spread = node.spread\n\n return spread === undefined || spread === null\n ? node.children.length > 1\n : spread\n}\n","const tab = 9 /* `\\t` */\nconst space = 32 /* ` ` */\n\n/**\n * Remove initial and final spaces and tabs at the line breaks in `value`.\n * Does not trim initial and final spaces and tabs of the value itself.\n *\n * @param {string} value\n * Value to trim.\n * @returns {string}\n * Trimmed value.\n */\nexport function trimLines(value) {\n const source = String(value)\n const search = /\\r?\\n|\\r/g\n let match = search.exec(source)\n let last = 0\n /** @type {Array} */\n const lines = []\n\n while (match) {\n lines.push(\n trimLine(source.slice(last, match.index), last > 0, true),\n match[0]\n )\n\n last = match.index + match[0].length\n match = search.exec(source)\n }\n\n lines.push(trimLine(source.slice(last), last > 0, false))\n\n return lines.join('')\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * Line to trim.\n * @param {boolean} start\n * Whether to trim the start of the line.\n * @param {boolean} end\n * Whether to trim the end of the line.\n * @returns {string}\n * Trimmed line.\n */\nfunction trimLine(value, start, end) {\n let startIndex = 0\n let endIndex = value.length\n\n if (start) {\n let code = value.codePointAt(startIndex)\n\n while (code === tab || code === space) {\n startIndex++\n code = value.codePointAt(startIndex)\n }\n }\n\n if (end) {\n let code = value.codePointAt(endIndex - 1)\n\n while (code === tab || code === space) {\n endIndex--\n code = value.codePointAt(endIndex - 1)\n }\n }\n\n return endIndex > startIndex ? value.slice(startIndex, endIndex) : ''\n}\n","import {blockquote} from './blockquote.js'\nimport {hardBreak} from './break.js'\nimport {code} from './code.js'\nimport {strikethrough} from './delete.js'\nimport {emphasis} from './emphasis.js'\nimport {footnoteReference} from './footnote-reference.js'\nimport {footnote} from './footnote.js'\nimport {heading} from './heading.js'\nimport {html} from './html.js'\nimport {imageReference} from './image-reference.js'\nimport {image} from './image.js'\nimport {inlineCode} from './inline-code.js'\nimport {linkReference} from './link-reference.js'\nimport {link} from './link.js'\nimport {listItem} from './list-item.js'\nimport {list} from './list.js'\nimport {paragraph} from './paragraph.js'\nimport {root} from './root.js'\nimport {strong} from './strong.js'\nimport {table} from './table.js'\nimport {tableRow} from './table-row.js'\nimport {tableCell} from './table-cell.js'\nimport {text} from './text.js'\nimport {thematicBreak} from './thematic-break.js'\n\n/**\n * Default handlers for nodes.\n */\nexport const handlers = {\n blockquote,\n break: hardBreak,\n code,\n delete: strikethrough,\n emphasis,\n footnoteReference,\n footnote,\n heading,\n html,\n imageReference,\n image,\n inlineCode,\n linkReference,\n link,\n listItem,\n list,\n paragraph,\n root,\n strong,\n table,\n tableCell,\n tableRow,\n text,\n thematicBreak,\n toml: ignore,\n yaml: ignore,\n definition: ignore,\n footnoteDefinition: ignore\n}\n\n// Return nothing for nodes that are ignored.\nfunction ignore() {\n // To do: next major: return `undefined`.\n return null\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Blockquote} Blockquote\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `blockquote` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around.\n * @param {Blockquote} node\n * mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n * hast node.\n */\nexport function blockquote(state, node) {\n /** @type {Element} */\n const result = {\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'blockquote',\n properties: {},\n children: state.wrap(state.all(node), true)\n }\n state.patch(node, result)\n return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').Text} Text\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Break} Break\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `break` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around.\n * @param {Break} node\n * mdast node.\n * @returns {Array}\n * hast element content.\n */\nexport function hardBreak(state, node) {\n /** @type {Element} */\n const result = {type: 'element', tagName: 'br', properties: {}, children: []}\n state.patch(node, result)\n return [state.applyData(node, result), {type: 'text', value: '\\n'}]\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').Properties} Properties\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Code} Code\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `code` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around.\n * @param {Code} node\n * mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n * hast node.\n */\nexport function code(state, node) {\n const value = node.value ? node.value + '\\n' : ''\n // To do: next major, use `node.lang` w/o regex, the splitting’s been going\n // on for years in remark now.\n const lang = node.lang ? node.lang.match(/^[^ \\t]+(?=[ \\t]|$)/) : null\n /** @type {Properties} */\n const properties = {}\n\n if (lang) {\n properties.className = ['language-' + lang]\n }\n\n // Create ``.\n /** @type {Element} */\n let result = {\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'code',\n properties,\n children: [{type: 'text', value}]\n }\n\n if (node.meta) {\n = {meta: node.meta}\n }\n\n state.patch(node, result)\n result = state.applyData(node, result)\n\n // Create `
`.\n  result = {type: 'element', tagName: 'pre', properties: {}, children: [result]}\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return result\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Delete} Delete\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `delete` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {Delete} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function strikethrough(state, node) {\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {\n    type: 'element',\n    tagName: 'del',\n    properties: {},\n    children: state.all(node)\n  }\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Emphasis} Emphasis\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `emphasis` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {Emphasis} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function emphasis(state, node) {\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {\n    type: 'element',\n    tagName: 'em',\n    properties: {},\n    children: state.all(node)\n  }\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Footnote} Footnote\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\nimport {footnoteReference} from './footnote-reference.js'\n\n// To do: when both:\n// * \n// * \n// …are archived, remove this (also from mdast).\n// These inline notes are not used in GFM.\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `footnote` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {Footnote} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function footnote(state, node) {\n  const footnoteById = state.footnoteById\n  let no = 1\n\n  while (no in footnoteById) no++\n\n  const identifier = String(no)\n\n  footnoteById[identifier] = {\n    type: 'footnoteDefinition',\n    identifier,\n    children: [{type: 'paragraph', children: node.children}],\n    position: node.position\n  }\n\n  return footnoteReference(state, {\n    type: 'footnoteReference',\n    identifier,\n    position: node.position\n  })\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Heading} Heading\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `heading` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {Heading} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function heading(state, node) {\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {\n    type: 'element',\n    tagName: 'h' + node.depth,\n    properties: {},\n    children: state.all(node)\n  }\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('mdast').HTML} Html\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n * @typedef {import('../../index.js').Raw} Raw\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `html` node into hast (`raw` node in dangerous mode, otherwise\n * nothing).\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {Html} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {Raw | Element | null}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function html(state, node) {\n  if (state.dangerous) {\n    /** @type {Raw} */\n    const result = {type: 'raw', value: node.value}\n    state.patch(node, result)\n    return state.applyData(node, result)\n  }\n\n  // To do: next major: return `undefined`.\n  return null\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').ElementContent} ElementContent\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').Properties} Properties\n * @typedef {import('mdast').ImageReference} ImageReference\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\nimport {normalizeUri} from 'micromark-util-sanitize-uri'\nimport {revert} from '../revert.js'\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `imageReference` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {ImageReference} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {ElementContent | Array}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function imageReference(state, node) {\n  const def = state.definition(node.identifier)\n\n  if (!def) {\n    return revert(state, node)\n  }\n\n  /** @type {Properties} */\n  const properties = {src: normalizeUri(def.url || ''), alt: node.alt}\n\n  if (def.title !== null && def.title !== undefined) {\n    properties.title = def.title\n  }\n\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {type: 'element', tagName: 'img', properties, children: []}\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').Properties} Properties\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Image} Image\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\nimport {normalizeUri} from 'micromark-util-sanitize-uri'\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `image` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {Image} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function image(state, node) {\n  /** @type {Properties} */\n  const properties = {src: normalizeUri(node.url)}\n\n  if (node.alt !== null && node.alt !== undefined) {\n    properties.alt = node.alt\n  }\n\n  if (node.title !== null && node.title !== undefined) {\n    properties.title = node.title\n  }\n\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {type: 'element', tagName: 'img', properties, children: []}\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').Text} Text\n * @typedef {import('mdast').InlineCode} InlineCode\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `inlineCode` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {InlineCode} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function inlineCode(state, node) {\n  /** @type {Text} */\n  const text = {type: 'text', value: node.value.replace(/\\r?\\n|\\r/g, ' ')}\n  state.patch(node, text)\n\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {\n    type: 'element',\n    tagName: 'code',\n    properties: {},\n    children: [text]\n  }\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').ElementContent} ElementContent\n * @typedef {import('hast').Properties} Properties\n * @typedef {import('mdast').LinkReference} LinkReference\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\nimport {normalizeUri} from 'micromark-util-sanitize-uri'\nimport {revert} from '../revert.js'\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `linkReference` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {LinkReference} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {ElementContent | Array}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function linkReference(state, node) {\n  const def = state.definition(node.identifier)\n\n  if (!def) {\n    return revert(state, node)\n  }\n\n  /** @type {Properties} */\n  const properties = {href: normalizeUri(def.url || '')}\n\n  if (def.title !== null && def.title !== undefined) {\n    properties.title = def.title\n  }\n\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {\n    type: 'element',\n    tagName: 'a',\n    properties,\n    children: state.all(node)\n  }\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').Properties} Properties\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Link} Link\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\nimport {normalizeUri} from 'micromark-util-sanitize-uri'\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `link` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {Link} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function link(state, node) {\n  /** @type {Properties} */\n  const properties = {href: normalizeUri(node.url)}\n\n  if (node.title !== null && node.title !== undefined) {\n    properties.title = node.title\n  }\n\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {\n    type: 'element',\n    tagName: 'a',\n    properties,\n    children: state.all(node)\n  }\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').Properties} Properties\n * @typedef {import('mdast').List} List\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `list` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {List} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function list(state, node) {\n  /** @type {Properties} */\n  const properties = {}\n  const results = state.all(node)\n  let index = -1\n\n  if (typeof node.start === 'number' && node.start !== 1) {\n    properties.start = node.start\n  }\n\n  // Like GitHub, add a class for custom styling.\n  while (++index < results.length) {\n    const child = results[index]\n\n    if (\n      child.type === 'element' &&\n      child.tagName === 'li' &&\n &&\n      Array.isArray( &&\n'task-list-item')\n    ) {\n      properties.className = ['contains-task-list']\n      break\n    }\n  }\n\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {\n    type: 'element',\n    tagName: node.ordered ? 'ol' : 'ul',\n    properties,\n    children: state.wrap(results, true)\n  }\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Paragraph} Paragraph\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `paragraph` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {Paragraph} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function paragraph(state, node) {\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {\n    type: 'element',\n    tagName: 'p',\n    properties: {},\n    children: state.all(node)\n  }\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} HastRoot\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} HastElement\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} MdastRoot\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `root` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {MdastRoot} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {HastRoot | HastElement}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function root(state, node) {\n  /** @type {HastRoot} */\n  const result = {type: 'root', children: state.wrap(state.all(node))}\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Strong} Strong\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `strong` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {Strong} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function strong(state, node) {\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {\n    type: 'element',\n    tagName: 'strong',\n    properties: {},\n    children: state.all(node)\n  }\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Table} Table\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\nimport {pointStart, pointEnd} from 'unist-util-position'\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `table` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {Table} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function table(state, node) {\n  const rows = state.all(node)\n  const firstRow = rows.shift()\n  /** @type {Array} */\n  const tableContent = []\n\n  if (firstRow) {\n    /** @type {Element} */\n    const head = {\n      type: 'element',\n      tagName: 'thead',\n      properties: {},\n      children: state.wrap([firstRow], true)\n    }\n    state.patch(node.children[0], head)\n    tableContent.push(head)\n  }\n\n  if (rows.length > 0) {\n    /** @type {Element} */\n    const body = {\n      type: 'element',\n      tagName: 'tbody',\n      properties: {},\n      children: state.wrap(rows, true)\n    }\n\n    const start = pointStart(node.children[1])\n    const end = pointEnd(node.children[node.children.length - 1])\n    if (start.line && end.line) body.position = {start, end}\n    tableContent.push(body)\n  }\n\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {\n    type: 'element',\n    tagName: 'table',\n    properties: {},\n    children: state.wrap(tableContent, true)\n  }\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('mdast').TableCell} TableCell\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `tableCell` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {TableCell} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function tableCell(state, node) {\n  // Note: this function is normally not called: see `table-row` for how rows\n  // and their cells are compiled.\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {\n    type: 'element',\n    tagName: 'td', // Assume body cell.\n    properties: {},\n    children: state.all(node)\n  }\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Properties} Properties\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').ElementContent} ElementContent\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Content} Content\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Parent} Parent\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('mdast').TableRow} TableRow\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Root | Content} Nodes\n * @typedef {Extract} Parents\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `tableRow` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {TableRow} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @param {Parents | null | undefined} parent\n *   Parent of `node`.\n * @returns {Element}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function tableRow(state, node, parent) {\n  const siblings = parent ? parent.children : undefined\n  // Generate a body row when without parent.\n  const rowIndex = siblings ? siblings.indexOf(node) : 1\n  const tagName = rowIndex === 0 ? 'th' : 'td'\n  const align = parent && parent.type === 'table' ? parent.align : undefined\n  const length = align ? align.length : node.children.length\n  let cellIndex = -1\n  /** @type {Array} */\n  const cells = []\n\n  while (++cellIndex < length) {\n    // Note: can also be undefined.\n    const cell = node.children[cellIndex]\n    /** @type {Properties} */\n    const properties = {}\n    const alignValue = align ? align[cellIndex] : undefined\n\n    if (alignValue) {\n      properties.align = alignValue\n    }\n\n    /** @type {Element} */\n    let result = {type: 'element', tagName, properties, children: []}\n\n    if (cell) {\n      result.children = state.all(cell)\n      state.patch(cell, result)\n      result = state.applyData(node, result)\n    }\n\n    cells.push(result)\n  }\n\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {\n    type: 'element',\n    tagName: 'tr',\n    properties: {},\n    children: state.wrap(cells, true)\n  }\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} HastElement\n * @typedef {import('hast').Text} HastText\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Text} MdastText\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\nimport {trimLines} from 'trim-lines'\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `text` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {MdastText} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {HastText | HastElement}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function text(state, node) {\n  /** @type {HastText} */\n  const result = {type: 'text', value: trimLines(String(node.value))}\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('mdast').ThematicBreak} ThematicBreak\n * @typedef {import('../state.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * Turn an mdast `thematicBreak` node into hast.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {ThematicBreak} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @returns {Element}\n *   hast node.\n */\nexport function thematicBreak(state, node) {\n  /** @type {Element} */\n  const result = {\n    type: 'element',\n    tagName: 'hr',\n    properties: {},\n    children: []\n  }\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Content} HastContent\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} HastElement\n * @typedef {import('hast').ElementContent} HastElementContent\n * @typedef {import('hast').Properties} HastProperties\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} HastRoot\n * @typedef {import('hast').Text} HastText\n *\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Content} MdastContent\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Definition} MdastDefinition\n * @typedef {import('mdast').FootnoteDefinition} MdastFootnoteDefinition\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Parent} MdastParent\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} MdastRoot\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {HastRoot | HastContent} HastNodes\n * @typedef {MdastRoot | MdastContent} MdastNodes\n * @typedef {Extract} MdastParents\n *\n * @typedef EmbeddedHastFields\n *   hast fields.\n * @property {string | null | undefined} [hName]\n *   Generate a specific element with this tag name instead.\n * @property {HastProperties | null | undefined} [hProperties]\n *   Generate an element with these properties instead.\n * @property {Array | null | undefined} [hChildren]\n *   Generate an element with this content instead.\n *\n * @typedef {Record & EmbeddedHastFields} MdastData\n *   mdast data with embedded hast fields.\n *\n * @typedef {MdastNodes & {data?: MdastData | null | undefined}} MdastNodeWithData\n *   mdast node with embedded hast data.\n *\n * @typedef PointLike\n *   Point-like value.\n * @property {number | null | undefined} [line]\n *   Line.\n * @property {number | null | undefined} [column]\n *   Column.\n * @property {number | null | undefined} [offset]\n *   Offset.\n *\n * @typedef PositionLike\n *   Position-like value.\n * @property {PointLike | null | undefined} [start]\n *   Point-like value.\n * @property {PointLike | null | undefined} [end]\n *   Point-like value.\n *\n * @callback Handler\n *   Handle a node.\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {any} node\n *   mdast node to handle.\n * @param {MdastParents | null | undefined} parent\n *   Parent of `node`.\n * @returns {HastElementContent | Array | null | undefined}\n *   hast node.\n *\n * @callback HFunctionProps\n *   Signature of `state` for when props are passed.\n * @param {MdastNodes | PositionLike | null | undefined} node\n *   mdast node or unist position.\n * @param {string} tagName\n *   HTML tag name.\n * @param {HastProperties} props\n *   Properties.\n * @param {Array | null | undefined} [children]\n *   hast content.\n * @returns {HastElement}\n *   Compiled element.\n *\n * @callback HFunctionNoProps\n *   Signature of `state` for when no props are passed.\n * @param {MdastNodes | PositionLike | null | undefined} node\n *   mdast node or unist position.\n * @param {string} tagName\n *   HTML tag name.\n * @param {Array | null | undefined} [children]\n *   hast content.\n * @returns {HastElement}\n *   Compiled element.\n *\n * @typedef HFields\n *   Info on `state`.\n * @property {boolean} dangerous\n *   Whether HTML is allowed.\n * @property {string} clobberPrefix\n *   Prefix to use to prevent DOM clobbering.\n * @property {string} footnoteLabel\n *   Label to use to introduce the footnote section.\n * @property {string} footnoteLabelTagName\n *   HTML used for the footnote label.\n * @property {HastProperties} footnoteLabelProperties\n *   Properties on the HTML tag used for the footnote label.\n * @property {string} footnoteBackLabel\n *   Label to use from backreferences back to their footnote call.\n * @property {(identifier: string) => MdastDefinition | null} definition\n *   Definition cache.\n * @property {Record} footnoteById\n *   Footnote definitions by their identifier.\n * @property {Array} footnoteOrder\n *   Identifiers of order when footnote calls first appear in tree order.\n * @property {Record} footnoteCounts\n *   Counts for how often the same footnote was called.\n * @property {Handlers} handlers\n *   Applied handlers.\n * @property {Handler} unknownHandler\n *   Handler for any none not in `passThrough` or otherwise handled.\n * @property {(from: MdastNodes, node: HastNodes) => void} patch\n *   Copy a node’s positional info.\n * @property {(from: MdastNodes, to: Type) => Type | HastElement} applyData\n *   Honor the `data` of `from`, and generate an element instead of `node`.\n * @property {(node: MdastNodes, parent: MdastParents | null | undefined) => HastElementContent | Array | null | undefined} one\n *   Transform an mdast node to hast.\n * @property {(node: MdastNodes) => Array} all\n *   Transform the children of an mdast parent to hast.\n * @property {(nodes: Array, loose?: boolean | null | undefined) => Array} wrap\n *   Wrap `nodes` with line endings between each node, adds initial/final line endings when `loose`.\n * @property {(left: MdastNodeWithData | PositionLike | null | undefined, right: HastElementContent) => HastElementContent} augment\n *   Like `state` but lower-level and usable on non-elements.\n *   Deprecated: use `patch` and `applyData`.\n * @property {Array} passThrough\n *   List of node types to pass through untouched (except for their children).\n *\n * @typedef Options\n *   Configuration (optional).\n * @property {boolean | null | undefined} [allowDangerousHtml=false]\n *   Whether to persist raw HTML in markdown in the hast tree.\n * @property {string | null | undefined} [clobberPrefix='user-content-']\n *   Prefix to use before the `id` attribute on footnotes to prevent it from\n *   *clobbering*.\n * @property {string | null | undefined} [footnoteBackLabel='Back to content']\n *   Label to use from backreferences back to their footnote call (affects\n *   screen readers).\n * @property {string | null | undefined} [footnoteLabel='Footnotes']\n *   Label to use for the footnotes section (affects screen readers).\n * @property {HastProperties | null | undefined} [footnoteLabelProperties={className: ['sr-only']}]\n *   Properties to use on the footnote label (note that `id: 'footnote-label'`\n *   is always added as footnote calls use it with `aria-describedby` to\n *   provide an accessible label).\n * @property {string | null | undefined} [footnoteLabelTagName='h2']\n *   Tag name to use for the footnote label.\n * @property {Handlers | null | undefined} [handlers]\n *   Extra handlers for nodes.\n * @property {Array | null | undefined} [passThrough]\n *   List of custom mdast node types to pass through (keep) in hast (note that\n *   the node itself is passed, but eventual children are transformed).\n * @property {Handler | null | undefined} [unknownHandler]\n *   Handler for all unknown nodes.\n *\n * @typedef {Record} Handlers\n *   Handle nodes.\n *\n * @typedef {HFunctionProps & HFunctionNoProps & HFields} State\n *   Info passed around.\n */\n\nimport {visit} from 'unist-util-visit'\nimport {position, pointStart, pointEnd} from 'unist-util-position'\nimport {generated} from 'unist-util-generated'\nimport {definitions} from 'mdast-util-definitions'\nimport {handlers} from './handlers/index.js'\n\nconst own = {}.hasOwnProperty\n\n/**\n * Create `state` from an mdast tree.\n *\n * @param {MdastNodes} tree\n *   mdast node to transform.\n * @param {Options | null | undefined} [options]\n *   Configuration.\n * @returns {State}\n *   `state` function.\n */\nexport function createState(tree, options) {\n  const settings = options || {}\n  const dangerous = settings.allowDangerousHtml || false\n  /** @type {Record} */\n  const footnoteById = {}\n\n  // To do: next major: add `options` to state, remove:\n  // `dangerous`, `clobberPrefix`, `footnoteLabel`, `footnoteLabelTagName`,\n  // `footnoteLabelProperties`, `footnoteBackLabel`, `passThrough`,\n  // `unknownHandler`.\n\n  // To do: next major: move to `state.options.allowDangerousHtml`.\n  state.dangerous = dangerous\n  // To do: next major: move to `state.options`.\n  state.clobberPrefix =\n    settings.clobberPrefix === undefined || settings.clobberPrefix === null\n      ? 'user-content-'\n      : settings.clobberPrefix\n  // To do: next major: move to `state.options`.\n  state.footnoteLabel = settings.footnoteLabel || 'Footnotes'\n  // To do: next major: move to `state.options`.\n  state.footnoteLabelTagName = settings.footnoteLabelTagName || 'h2'\n  // To do: next major: move to `state.options`.\n  state.footnoteLabelProperties = settings.footnoteLabelProperties || {\n    className: ['sr-only']\n  }\n  // To do: next major: move to `state.options`.\n  state.footnoteBackLabel = settings.footnoteBackLabel || 'Back to content'\n  // To do: next major: move to `state.options`.\n  state.unknownHandler = settings.unknownHandler\n  // To do: next major: move to `state.options`.\n  state.passThrough = settings.passThrough\n\n  state.handlers = {...handlers, ...settings.handlers}\n\n  // To do: next major: replace utility with `definitionById` object, so we\n  // only walk once (as we need footnotes too).\n  state.definition = definitions(tree)\n  state.footnoteById = footnoteById\n  /** @type {Array} */\n  state.footnoteOrder = []\n  /** @type {Record} */\n  state.footnoteCounts = {}\n\n  state.patch = patch\n  state.applyData = applyData\n = oneBound\n  state.all = allBound\n  state.wrap = wrap\n  // To do: next major: remove `augment`.\n  state.augment = augment\n\n  visit(tree, 'footnoteDefinition', (definition) => {\n    const id = String(definition.identifier).toUpperCase()\n\n    // Mimick CM behavior of link definitions.\n    // See: .\n    if (!, id)) {\n      footnoteById[id] = definition\n    }\n  })\n\n  // @ts-expect-error Hush, it’s fine!\n  return state\n\n  /**\n   * Finalise the created `right`, a hast node, from `left`, an mdast node.\n   *\n   * @param {MdastNodeWithData | PositionLike | null | undefined} left\n   * @param {HastElementContent} right\n   * @returns {HastElementContent}\n   */\n  /* c8 ignore start */\n  // To do: next major: remove.\n  function augment(left, right) {\n    // Handle `data.hName`, `data.hProperties, `data.hChildren`.\n    if (left && 'data' in left && {\n      /** @type {MdastData} */\n      const data =\n\n      if (data.hName) {\n        if (right.type !== 'element') {\n          right = {\n            type: 'element',\n            tagName: '',\n            properties: {},\n            children: []\n          }\n        }\n\n        right.tagName = data.hName\n      }\n\n      if (right.type === 'element' && data.hProperties) {\n = {,}\n      }\n\n      if ('children' in right && right.children && data.hChildren) {\n        right.children = data.hChildren\n      }\n    }\n\n    if (left) {\n      const ctx = 'type' in left ? left : {position: left}\n\n      if (!generated(ctx)) {\n        // @ts-expect-error: fine.\n        right.position = {start: pointStart(ctx), end: pointEnd(ctx)}\n      }\n    }\n\n    return right\n  }\n  /* c8 ignore stop */\n\n  /**\n   * Create an element for `node`.\n   *\n   * @type {HFunctionProps}\n   */\n  /* c8 ignore start */\n  // To do: next major: remove.\n  function state(node, tagName, props, children) {\n    if (Array.isArray(props)) {\n      children = props\n      props = {}\n    }\n\n    // @ts-expect-error augmenting an element yields an element.\n    return augment(node, {\n      type: 'element',\n      tagName,\n      properties: props || {},\n      children: children || []\n    })\n  }\n  /* c8 ignore stop */\n\n  /**\n   * Transform an mdast node into a hast node.\n   *\n   * @param {MdastNodes} node\n   *   mdast node.\n   * @param {MdastParents | null | undefined} [parent]\n   *   Parent of `node`.\n   * @returns {HastElementContent | Array | null | undefined}\n   *   Resulting hast node.\n   */\n  function oneBound(node, parent) {\n    // @ts-expect-error: that’s a state :)\n    return one(state, node, parent)\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Transform the children of an mdast node into hast nodes.\n   *\n   * @param {MdastNodes} parent\n   *   mdast node to compile\n   * @returns {Array}\n   *   Resulting hast nodes.\n   */\n  function allBound(parent) {\n    // @ts-expect-error: that’s a state :)\n    return all(state, parent)\n  }\n}\n\n/**\n * Copy a node’s positional info.\n *\n * @param {MdastNodes} from\n *   mdast node to copy from.\n * @param {HastNodes} to\n *   hast node to copy into.\n * @returns {void}\n *   Nothing.\n */\nfunction patch(from, to) {\n  if (from.position) to.position = position(from)\n}\n\n/**\n * Honor the `data` of `from` and maybe generate an element instead of `to`.\n *\n * @template {HastNodes} Type\n *   Node type.\n * @param {MdastNodes} from\n *   mdast node to use data from.\n * @param {Type} to\n *   hast node to change.\n * @returns {Type | HastElement}\n *   Nothing.\n */\nfunction applyData(from, to) {\n  /** @type {Type | HastElement} */\n  let result = to\n\n  // Handle `data.hName`, `data.hProperties, `data.hChildren`.\n  if (from && {\n    const hName =\n    const hChildren =\n    const hProperties =\n\n    if (typeof hName === 'string') {\n      // Transforming the node resulted in an element with a different name\n      // than wanted:\n      if (result.type === 'element') {\n        result.tagName = hName\n      }\n      // Transforming the node resulted in a non-element, which happens for\n      // raw, text, and root nodes (unless custom handlers are passed).\n      // The intent is likely to keep the content around (otherwise: pass\n      // `hChildren`).\n      else {\n        result = {\n          type: 'element',\n          tagName: hName,\n          properties: {},\n          children: []\n        }\n\n        // To do: next major: take the children from the `root`, or inject the\n        // raw/text/comment or so into the element?\n        // if ('children' in node) {\n        //   // @ts-expect-error: assume `children` are allowed in elements.\n        //   result.children = node.children\n        // } else {\n        //   // @ts-expect-error: assume `node` is allowed in elements.\n        //   result.children.push(node)\n        // }\n      }\n    }\n\n    if (result.type === 'element' && hProperties) {\n = {, ...hProperties}\n    }\n\n    if (\n      'children' in result &&\n      result.children &&\n      hChildren !== null &&\n      hChildren !== undefined\n    ) {\n      // @ts-expect-error: assume valid children are defined.\n      result.children = hChildren\n    }\n  }\n\n  return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Transform an mdast node into a hast node.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {MdastNodes} node\n *   mdast node.\n * @param {MdastParents | null | undefined} [parent]\n *   Parent of `node`.\n * @returns {HastElementContent | Array | null | undefined}\n *   Resulting hast node.\n */\n// To do: next major: do not expose, keep bound.\nexport function one(state, node, parent) {\n  const type = node && node.type\n\n  // Fail on non-nodes.\n  if (!type) {\n    throw new Error('Expected node, got `' + node + '`')\n  }\n\n  if (, type)) {\n    return state.handlers[type](state, node, parent)\n  }\n\n  if (state.passThrough && state.passThrough.includes(type)) {\n    // To do: next major: deep clone.\n    // @ts-expect-error: types of passed through nodes are expected to be added manually.\n    return 'children' in node ? {...node, children: all(state, node)} : node\n  }\n\n  if (state.unknownHandler) {\n    return state.unknownHandler(state, node, parent)\n  }\n\n  return defaultUnknownHandler(state, node)\n}\n\n/**\n * Transform the children of an mdast node into hast nodes.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {MdastNodes} parent\n *   mdast node to compile\n * @returns {Array}\n *   Resulting hast nodes.\n */\n// To do: next major: do not expose, keep bound.\nexport function all(state, parent) {\n  /** @type {Array} */\n  const values = []\n\n  if ('children' in parent) {\n    const nodes = parent.children\n    let index = -1\n    while (++index < nodes.length) {\n      const result = one(state, nodes[index], parent)\n\n      // To do: see if we van clean this? Can we merge texts?\n      if (result) {\n        if (index && nodes[index - 1].type === 'break') {\n          if (!Array.isArray(result) && result.type === 'text') {\n            result.value = result.value.replace(/^\\s+/, '')\n          }\n\n          if (!Array.isArray(result) && result.type === 'element') {\n            const head = result.children[0]\n\n            if (head && head.type === 'text') {\n              head.value = head.value.replace(/^\\s+/, '')\n            }\n          }\n        }\n\n        if (Array.isArray(result)) {\n          values.push(...result)\n        } else {\n          values.push(result)\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  return values\n}\n\n/**\n * Transform an unknown node.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n *   Info passed around.\n * @param {MdastNodes} node\n *   Unknown mdast node.\n * @returns {HastText | HastElement}\n *   Resulting hast node.\n */\nfunction defaultUnknownHandler(state, node) {\n  const data = || {}\n  /** @type {HastText | HastElement} */\n  const result =\n    'value' in node &&\n    !(, 'hProperties') ||, 'hChildren'))\n      ? {type: 'text', value: node.value}\n      : {\n          type: 'element',\n          tagName: 'div',\n          properties: {},\n          children: all(state, node)\n        }\n\n  state.patch(node, result)\n  return state.applyData(node, result)\n}\n\n/**\n * Wrap `nodes` with line endings between each node.\n *\n * @template {HastContent} Type\n *   Node type.\n * @param {Array} nodes\n *   List of nodes to wrap.\n * @param {boolean | null | undefined} [loose=false]\n *   Whether to add line endings at start and end.\n * @returns {Array}\n *   Wrapped nodes.\n */\nexport function wrap(nodes, loose) {\n  /** @type {Array} */\n  const result = []\n  let index = -1\n\n  if (loose) {\n    result.push({type: 'text', value: '\\n'})\n  }\n\n  while (++index < nodes.length) {\n    if (index) result.push({type: 'text', value: '\\n'})\n    result.push(nodes[index])\n  }\n\n  if (loose && nodes.length > 0) {\n    result.push({type: 'text', value: '\\n'})\n  }\n\n  return result\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef PointLike\n * @property {number | null | undefined} [line]\n * @property {number | null | undefined} [column]\n * @property {number | null | undefined} [offset]\n *\n * @typedef PositionLike\n * @property {PointLike | null | undefined} [start]\n * @property {PointLike | null | undefined} [end]\n *\n * @typedef NodeLike\n * @property {PositionLike | null | undefined} [position]\n */\n\n/**\n * Check if `node` is generated.\n *\n * @param {NodeLike | null | undefined} [node]\n *   Node to check.\n * @returns {boolean}\n *   Whether `node` is generated (does not have positional info).\n */\nexport function generated(node) {\n  return (\n    !node ||\n    !node.position ||\n    !node.position.start ||\n    !node.position.start.line ||\n    !node.position.start.column ||\n    !node.position.end ||\n    !node.position.end.line ||\n    !node.position.end.column\n  )\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Content} HastContent\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} HastRoot\n *\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Content} MdastContent\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} MdastRoot\n *\n * @typedef {import('./state.js').Options} Options\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {HastRoot | HastContent} HastNodes\n * @typedef {MdastRoot | MdastContent} MdastNodes\n */\n\nimport {footer} from './footer.js'\nimport {createState} from './state.js'\n\n/**\n * Transform mdast to hast.\n *\n * ##### Notes\n *\n * ###### HTML\n *\n * Raw HTML is available in mdast as `html` nodes and can be embedded in hast\n * as semistandard `raw` nodes.\n * Most utilities ignore `raw` nodes but two notable ones don’t:\n *\n * *   `hast-util-to-html` also has an option `allowDangerousHtml` which will\n *     output the raw HTML.\n *     This is typically discouraged as noted by the option name but is useful\n *     if you completely trust authors\n * *   `hast-util-raw` can handle the raw embedded HTML strings by parsing them\n *     into standard hast nodes (`element`, `text`, etc).\n *     This is a heavy task as it needs a full HTML parser, but it is the only\n *     way to support untrusted content\n *\n * ###### Footnotes\n *\n * Many options supported here relate to footnotes.\n * Footnotes are not specified by CommonMark, which we follow by default.\n * They are supported by GitHub, so footnotes can be enabled in markdown with\n * `mdast-util-gfm`.\n *\n * The options `footnoteBackLabel` and `footnoteLabel` define natural language\n * that explains footnotes, which is hidden for sighted users but shown to\n * assistive technology.\n * When your page is not in English, you must define translated values.\n *\n * Back references use ARIA attributes, but the section label itself uses a\n * heading that is hidden with an `sr-only` class.\n * To show it to sighted users, define different attributes in\n * `footnoteLabelProperties`.\n *\n * ###### Clobbering\n *\n * Footnotes introduces a problem, as it links footnote calls to footnote\n * definitions on the page through `id` attributes generated from user content,\n * which results in DOM clobbering.\n *\n * DOM clobbering is this:\n *\n * ```html\n * 

\n * \n * ```\n *\n * Elements by their ID are made available by browsers on the `window` object,\n * which is a security risk.\n * Using a prefix solves this problem.\n *\n * More information on how to handle clobbering and the prefix is explained in\n * Example: headings (DOM clobbering) in `rehype-sanitize`.\n *\n * ###### Unknown nodes\n *\n * Unknown nodes are nodes with a type that isn’t in `handlers` or `passThrough`.\n * The default behavior for unknown nodes is:\n *\n * * when the node has a `value` (and doesn’t have `data.hName`,\n * `data.hProperties`, or `data.hChildren`, see later), create a hast `text`\n * node\n * * otherwise, create a `
` element (which could be changed with\n * `data.hName`), with its children mapped from mdast to hast as well\n *\n * This behavior can be changed by passing an `unknownHandler`.\n *\n * @param {MdastNodes} tree\n * mdast tree.\n * @param {Options | null | undefined} [options]\n * Configuration.\n * @returns {HastNodes | null | undefined}\n * hast tree.\n */\n// To do: next major: always return a single `root`.\nexport function toHast(tree, options) {\n const state = createState(tree, options)\n const node =, null)\n const foot = footer(state)\n\n if (foot) {\n // @ts-expect-error If there’s a footer, there were definitions, meaning block\n // content.\n // So assume `node` is a parent node.\n node.children.push({type: 'text', value: '\\n'}, foot)\n }\n\n // To do: next major: always return root?\n return Array.isArray(node) ? {type: 'root', children: node} : node\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').ElementContent} ElementContent\n *\n * @typedef {import('./state.js').State} State\n */\n\nimport {normalizeUri} from 'micromark-util-sanitize-uri'\n\n/**\n * Generate a hast footer for called footnote definitions.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around.\n * @returns {Element | undefined}\n * `section` element or `undefined`.\n */\nexport function footer(state) {\n /** @type {Array} */\n const listItems = []\n let index = -1\n\n while (++index < state.footnoteOrder.length) {\n const def = state.footnoteById[state.footnoteOrder[index]]\n\n if (!def) {\n continue\n }\n\n const content = state.all(def)\n const id = String(def.identifier).toUpperCase()\n const safeId = normalizeUri(id.toLowerCase())\n let referenceIndex = 0\n /** @type {Array} */\n const backReferences = []\n\n while (++referenceIndex <= state.footnoteCounts[id]) {\n /** @type {Element} */\n const backReference = {\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'a',\n properties: {\n href:\n '#' +\n state.clobberPrefix +\n 'fnref-' +\n safeId +\n (referenceIndex > 1 ? '-' + referenceIndex : ''),\n dataFootnoteBackref: true,\n className: ['data-footnote-backref'],\n ariaLabel: state.footnoteBackLabel\n },\n children: [{type: 'text', value: '↩'}]\n }\n\n if (referenceIndex > 1) {\n backReference.children.push({\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'sup',\n children: [{type: 'text', value: String(referenceIndex)}]\n })\n }\n\n if (backReferences.length > 0) {\n backReferences.push({type: 'text', value: ' '})\n }\n\n backReferences.push(backReference)\n }\n\n const tail = content[content.length - 1]\n\n if (tail && tail.type === 'element' && tail.tagName === 'p') {\n const tailTail = tail.children[tail.children.length - 1]\n if (tailTail && tailTail.type === 'text') {\n tailTail.value += ' '\n } else {\n tail.children.push({type: 'text', value: ' '})\n }\n\n tail.children.push(...backReferences)\n } else {\n content.push(...backReferences)\n }\n\n /** @type {Element} */\n const listItem = {\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'li',\n properties: {id: state.clobberPrefix + 'fn-' + safeId},\n children: state.wrap(content, true)\n }\n\n state.patch(def, listItem)\n\n listItems.push(listItem)\n }\n\n if (listItems.length === 0) {\n return\n }\n\n return {\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'section',\n properties: {dataFootnotes: true, className: ['footnotes']},\n children: [\n {\n type: 'element',\n tagName: state.footnoteLabelTagName,\n properties: {\n // To do: use structured clone.\n ...JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state.footnoteLabelProperties)),\n id: 'footnote-label'\n },\n children: [{type: 'text', value: state.footnoteLabel}]\n },\n {type: 'text', value: '\\n'},\n {\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'ol',\n properties: {},\n children: state.wrap(listItems, true)\n },\n {type: 'text', value: '\\n'}\n ]\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} HastRoot\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} MdastRoot\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-hast').Options} Options\n * @typedef {import('unified').Processor} Processor\n *\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-hast')} DoNotTouchAsThisImportIncludesRawInTree\n */\n\nimport {toHast} from 'mdast-util-to-hast'\n\n// Note: the `` overload doesn’t seem to work :'(\n\n/**\n * Plugin that turns markdown into HTML to support rehype.\n *\n * * If a destination processor is given, that processor runs with a new HTML\n * (hast) tree (bridge-mode).\n * As the given processor runs with a hast tree, and rehype plugins support\n * hast, that means rehype plugins can be used with the given processor.\n * The hast tree is discarded in the end.\n * It’s highly unlikely that you want to do this.\n * * The common case is to not pass a destination processor, in which case the\n * current processor continues running with a new HTML (hast) tree\n * (mutate-mode).\n * As the current processor continues with a hast tree, and rehype plugins\n * support hast, that means rehype plugins can be used after\n * `remark-rehype`.\n * It’s likely that this is what you want to do.\n *\n * @param destination\n * Optional unified processor.\n * @param options\n * Options passed to `mdast-util-to-hast`.\n */\nconst remarkRehype =\n /** @type {(import('unified').Plugin<[Processor, Options?]|[null|undefined, Options?]|[Options]|[], MdastRoot>)} */\n (\n function (destination, options) {\n return destination && 'run' in destination\n ? bridge(destination, options)\n : mutate(destination || options)\n }\n )\n\nexport default remarkRehype\n\n/**\n * Bridge-mode.\n * Runs the destination with the new hast tree.\n *\n * @type {import('unified').Plugin<[Processor, Options?], MdastRoot>}\n */\nfunction bridge(destination, options) {\n return (node, file, next) => {\n, options), file, (error) => {\n next(error)\n })\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Mutate-mode.\n * Further plugins run on the hast tree.\n *\n * @type {import('unified').Plugin<[Options?]|void[], MdastRoot, HastRoot>}\n */\nfunction mutate(options) {\n // @ts-expect-error: assume a corresponding node is returned by `toHast`.\n return (node) => toHast(node, options)\n}\n","import {visit} from 'unist-util-visit'\n\n/**\n * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n *\n * @callback AllowElement\n * @param {Element} element\n * @param {number} index\n * @param {Element|Root} parent\n * @returns {boolean|undefined}\n *\n * @typedef Options\n * @property {Array} [allowedElements]\n * @property {Array} [disallowedElements=[]]\n * @property {AllowElement} [allowElement]\n * @property {boolean} [unwrapDisallowed=false]\n */\n\n/**\n * @type {import('unified').Plugin<[Options], Root>}\n */\nexport default function rehypeFilter(options) {\n if (options.allowedElements && options.disallowedElements) {\n throw new TypeError(\n 'Only one of `allowedElements` and `disallowedElements` should be defined'\n )\n }\n\n if (\n options.allowedElements ||\n options.disallowedElements ||\n options.allowElement\n ) {\n return (tree) => {\n visit(tree, 'element', (node, index, parent_) => {\n const parent = /** @type {Element|Root} */ (parent_)\n /** @type {boolean|undefined} */\n let remove\n\n if (options.allowedElements) {\n remove = !options.allowedElements.includes(node.tagName)\n } else if (options.disallowedElements) {\n remove = options.disallowedElements.includes(node.tagName)\n }\n\n if (!remove && options.allowElement && typeof index === 'number') {\n remove = !options.allowElement(node, index, parent)\n }\n\n if (remove && typeof index === 'number') {\n if (options.unwrapDisallowed && node.children) {\n parent.children.splice(index, 1, ...node.children)\n } else {\n parent.children.splice(index, 1)\n }\n\n return index\n }\n\n return undefined\n })\n }\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Check if the given value is *inter-element whitespace*.\n *\n * @param {unknown} thing\n * Thing to check (typically `Node` or `string`).\n * @returns {boolean}\n * Whether the `value` is inter-element whitespace (`boolean`): consisting of\n * zero or more of space, tab (`\\t`), line feed (`\\n`), carriage return\n * (`\\r`), or form feed (`\\f`).\n * If a node is passed it must be a `Text` node, whose `value` field is\n * checked.\n */\nexport function whitespace(thing) {\n /** @type {string} */\n const value =\n // @ts-expect-error looks like a node.\n thing && typeof thing === 'object' && thing.type === 'text'\n ? // @ts-expect-error looks like a text.\n thing.value || ''\n : thing\n\n // HTML whitespace expression.\n // See .\n return typeof value === 'string' && value.replace(/[ \\t\\n\\f\\r]/g, '') === ''\n}\n","/**\n * `hast` is close to `React`, but differs in a couple of cases.\n *\n * To get a React property from a hast property, check if it is in\n * `hastToReact`, if it is, then use the corresponding value,\n * otherwise, use the hast property.\n *\n * @type {Record}\n */\nexport const hastToReact = {\n classId: 'classID',\n dataType: 'datatype',\n itemId: 'itemID',\n strokeDashArray: 'strokeDasharray',\n strokeDashOffset: 'strokeDashoffset',\n strokeLineCap: 'strokeLinecap',\n strokeLineJoin: 'strokeLinejoin',\n strokeMiterLimit: 'strokeMiterlimit',\n typeOf: 'typeof',\n xLinkActuate: 'xlinkActuate',\n xLinkArcRole: 'xlinkArcrole',\n xLinkHref: 'xlinkHref',\n xLinkRole: 'xlinkRole',\n xLinkShow: 'xlinkShow',\n xLinkTitle: 'xlinkTitle',\n xLinkType: 'xlinkType',\n xmlnsXLink: 'xmlnsXlink'\n}\n","import StyleToObject from './index.js';\n\nexport default StyleToObject;\n","const protocols = ['http', 'https', 'mailto', 'tel']\n\n/**\n * @param {string} uri\n * @returns {string}\n */\nexport function uriTransformer(uri) {\n const url = (uri || '').trim()\n const first = url.charAt(0)\n\n if (first === '#' || first === '/') {\n return url\n }\n\n const colon = url.indexOf(':')\n if (colon === -1) {\n return url\n }\n\n let index = -1\n\n while (++index < protocols.length) {\n const protocol = protocols[index]\n\n if (\n colon === protocol.length &&\n url.slice(0, protocol.length).toLowerCase() === protocol\n ) {\n return url\n }\n }\n\n index = url.indexOf('?')\n if (index !== -1 && colon > index) {\n return url\n }\n\n index = url.indexOf('#')\n if (index !== -1 && colon > index) {\n return url\n }\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-script-url\n return 'javascript:void(0)'\n}\n","/**\n * @template T\n * @typedef {import('react').ComponentType} ComponentType\n */\n\n/**\n * @template {import('react').ElementType} T\n * @typedef {import('react').ComponentPropsWithoutRef} ComponentPropsWithoutRef\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {import('react').ReactNode} ReactNode\n * @typedef {import('unist').Position} Position\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').ElementContent} ElementContent\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('hast').Text} Text\n * @typedef {import('hast').Comment} Comment\n * @typedef {import('hast').DocType} Doctype\n * @typedef {import('property-information').Info} Info\n * @typedef {import('property-information').Schema} Schema\n * @typedef {import('./complex-types.js').ReactMarkdownProps} ReactMarkdownProps\n *\n * @typedef Raw\n * @property {'raw'} type\n * @property {string} value\n *\n * @typedef Context\n * @property {Options} options\n * @property {Schema} schema\n * @property {number} listDepth\n *\n * @callback TransformLink\n * @param {string} href\n * @param {Array} children\n * @param {string?} title\n * @returns {string}\n *\n * @callback TransformImage\n * @param {string} src\n * @param {string} alt\n * @param {string?} title\n * @returns {string}\n *\n * @typedef {import('react').HTMLAttributeAnchorTarget} TransformLinkTargetType\n *\n * @callback TransformLinkTarget\n * @param {string} href\n * @param {Array} children\n * @param {string?} title\n * @returns {TransformLinkTargetType|undefined}\n *\n * @typedef {keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements} ReactMarkdownNames\n *\n * To do: is `data-sourcepos` typeable?\n *\n * @typedef {ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'code'> & ReactMarkdownProps & {inline?: boolean}} CodeProps\n * @typedef {ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'h1'> & ReactMarkdownProps & {level: number}} HeadingProps\n * @typedef {ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'li'> & ReactMarkdownProps & {checked: boolean|null, index: number, ordered: boolean}} LiProps\n * @typedef {ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'ol'> & ReactMarkdownProps & {depth: number, ordered: true}} OrderedListProps\n * @typedef {ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'td'> & ReactMarkdownProps & {style?: Record, isHeader: false}} TableDataCellProps\n * @typedef {ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'th'> & ReactMarkdownProps & {style?: Record, isHeader: true}} TableHeaderCellProps\n * @typedef {ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'tr'> & ReactMarkdownProps & {isHeader: boolean}} TableRowProps\n * @typedef {ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'ul'> & ReactMarkdownProps & {depth: number, ordered: false}} UnorderedListProps\n *\n * @typedef {ComponentType} CodeComponent\n * @typedef {ComponentType} HeadingComponent\n * @typedef {ComponentType} LiComponent\n * @typedef {ComponentType} OrderedListComponent\n * @typedef {ComponentType} TableDataCellComponent\n * @typedef {ComponentType} TableHeaderCellComponent\n * @typedef {ComponentType} TableRowComponent\n * @typedef {ComponentType} UnorderedListComponent\n *\n * @typedef SpecialComponents\n * @property {CodeComponent|ReactMarkdownNames} code\n * @property {HeadingComponent|ReactMarkdownNames} h1\n * @property {HeadingComponent|ReactMarkdownNames} h2\n * @property {HeadingComponent|ReactMarkdownNames} h3\n * @property {HeadingComponent|ReactMarkdownNames} h4\n * @property {HeadingComponent|ReactMarkdownNames} h5\n * @property {HeadingComponent|ReactMarkdownNames} h6\n * @property {LiComponent|ReactMarkdownNames} li\n * @property {OrderedListComponent|ReactMarkdownNames} ol\n * @property {TableDataCellComponent|ReactMarkdownNames} td\n * @property {TableHeaderCellComponent|ReactMarkdownNames} th\n * @property {TableRowComponent|ReactMarkdownNames} tr\n * @property {UnorderedListComponent|ReactMarkdownNames} ul\n *\n * @typedef {Partial & SpecialComponents>} Components\n *\n * @typedef Options\n * @property {boolean} [sourcePos=false]\n * @property {boolean} [rawSourcePos=false]\n * @property {boolean} [skipHtml=false]\n * @property {boolean} [includeElementIndex=false]\n * @property {null|false|TransformLink} [transformLinkUri]\n * @property {TransformImage} [transformImageUri]\n * @property {TransformLinkTargetType|TransformLinkTarget} [linkTarget]\n * @property {Components} [components]\n */\n\nimport React from 'react'\nimport ReactIs from 'react-is'\nimport {whitespace} from 'hast-util-whitespace'\nimport {svg, find, hastToReact} from 'property-information'\nimport {stringify as spaces} from 'space-separated-tokens'\nimport {stringify as commas} from 'comma-separated-tokens'\nimport style from 'style-to-object'\nimport {uriTransformer} from './uri-transformer.js'\n\nconst own = {}.hasOwnProperty\n\n// The table-related elements that must not contain whitespace text according\n// to React.\nconst tableElements = new Set(['table', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'tr'])\n\n/**\n * @param {Context} context\n * @param {Element|Root} node\n */\nexport function childrenToReact(context, node) {\n /** @type {Array} */\n const children = []\n let childIndex = -1\n /** @type {Comment|Doctype|Element|Raw|Text} */\n let child\n\n while (++childIndex < node.children.length) {\n child = node.children[childIndex]\n\n if (child.type === 'element') {\n children.push(toReact(context, child, childIndex, node))\n } else if (child.type === 'text') {\n // Currently, a warning is triggered by react for *any* white space in\n // tables.\n // So we drop it.\n // See: .\n // See: .\n // See: .\n // See: .\n if (\n node.type !== 'element' ||\n !tableElements.has(node.tagName) ||\n !whitespace(child)\n ) {\n children.push(child.value)\n }\n } else if (child.type === 'raw' && !context.options.skipHtml) {\n // Default behavior is to show (encoded) HTML.\n children.push(child.value)\n }\n }\n\n return children\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Context} context\n * @param {Element} node\n * @param {number} index\n * @param {Element|Root} parent\n */\nfunction toReact(context, node, index, parent) {\n const options = context.options\n const transform =\n options.transformLinkUri === undefined\n ? uriTransformer\n : options.transformLinkUri\n const parentSchema = context.schema\n /** @type {ReactMarkdownNames} */\n // @ts-expect-error assume a known HTML/SVG element.\n const name = node.tagName\n /** @type {Record} */\n const properties = {}\n let schema = parentSchema\n /** @type {string} */\n let property\n\n if ( === 'html' && name === 'svg') {\n schema = svg\n context.schema = schema\n }\n\n if ( {\n for (property in {\n if (, property)) {\n addProperty(properties, property,[property], context)\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (name === 'ol' || name === 'ul') {\n context.listDepth++\n }\n\n const children = childrenToReact(context, node)\n\n if (name === 'ol' || name === 'ul') {\n context.listDepth--\n }\n\n // Restore parent schema.\n context.schema = parentSchema\n\n // Nodes created by plugins do not have positional info, in which case we use\n // an object that matches the position interface.\n const position = node.position || {\n start: {line: null, column: null, offset: null},\n end: {line: null, column: null, offset: null}\n }\n const component =\n options.components &&, name)\n ? options.components[name]\n : name\n const basic = typeof component === 'string' || component === React.Fragment\n\n if (!ReactIs.isValidElementType(component)) {\n throw new TypeError(\n `Component for name \\`${name}\\` not defined or is not renderable`\n )\n }\n\n properties.key = index\n\n if (name === 'a' && options.linkTarget) {\n =\n typeof options.linkTarget === 'function'\n ? options.linkTarget(\n String(properties.href || ''),\n node.children,\n typeof properties.title === 'string' ? properties.title : null\n )\n : options.linkTarget\n }\n\n if (name === 'a' && transform) {\n properties.href = transform(\n String(properties.href || ''),\n node.children,\n typeof properties.title === 'string' ? properties.title : null\n )\n }\n\n if (\n !basic &&\n name === 'code' &&\n parent.type === 'element' &&\n parent.tagName !== 'pre'\n ) {\n properties.inline = true\n }\n\n if (\n !basic &&\n (name === 'h1' ||\n name === 'h2' ||\n name === 'h3' ||\n name === 'h4' ||\n name === 'h5' ||\n name === 'h6')\n ) {\n properties.level = Number.parseInt(name.charAt(1), 10)\n }\n\n if (name === 'img' && options.transformImageUri) {\n properties.src = options.transformImageUri(\n String(properties.src || ''),\n String(properties.alt || ''),\n typeof properties.title === 'string' ? properties.title : null\n )\n }\n\n if (!basic && name === 'li' && parent.type === 'element') {\n const input = getInputElement(node)\n properties.checked =\n input && ? Boolean( : null\n properties.index = getElementsBeforeCount(parent, node)\n properties.ordered = parent.tagName === 'ol'\n }\n\n if (!basic && (name === 'ol' || name === 'ul')) {\n properties.ordered = name === 'ol'\n properties.depth = context.listDepth\n }\n\n if (name === 'td' || name === 'th') {\n if (properties.align) {\n if (! = {}\n // @ts-expect-error assume `style` is an object\n = properties.align\n delete properties.align\n }\n\n if (!basic) {\n properties.isHeader = name === 'th'\n }\n }\n\n if (!basic && name === 'tr' && parent.type === 'element') {\n properties.isHeader = Boolean(parent.tagName === 'thead')\n }\n\n // If `sourcePos` is given, pass source information (line/column info from markdown source).\n if (options.sourcePos) {\n properties['data-sourcepos'] = flattenPosition(position)\n }\n\n if (!basic && options.rawSourcePos) {\n properties.sourcePosition = node.position\n }\n\n // If `includeElementIndex` is given, pass node index info to components.\n if (!basic && options.includeElementIndex) {\n properties.index = getElementsBeforeCount(parent, node)\n properties.siblingCount = getElementsBeforeCount(parent)\n }\n\n if (!basic) {\n properties.node = node\n }\n\n // Ensure no React warnings are emitted for void elements w/ children.\n return children.length > 0\n ? React.createElement(component, properties, children)\n : React.createElement(component, properties)\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Element|Root} node\n * @returns {Element?}\n */\nfunction getInputElement(node) {\n let index = -1\n\n while (++index < node.children.length) {\n const child = node.children[index]\n\n if (child.type === 'element' && child.tagName === 'input') {\n return child\n }\n }\n\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Element|Root} parent\n * @param {Element} [node]\n * @returns {number}\n */\nfunction getElementsBeforeCount(parent, node) {\n let index = -1\n let count = 0\n\n while (++index < parent.children.length) {\n if (parent.children[index] === node) break\n if (parent.children[index].type === 'element') count++\n }\n\n return count\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Record} props\n * @param {string} prop\n * @param {unknown} value\n * @param {Context} ctx\n */\nfunction addProperty(props, prop, value, ctx) {\n const info = find(ctx.schema, prop)\n let result = value\n\n // Ignore nullish and `NaN` values.\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare\n if (result === null || result === undefined || result !== result) {\n return\n }\n\n // Accept `array`.\n // Most props are space-separated.\n if (Array.isArray(result)) {\n result = info.commaSeparated ? commas(result) : spaces(result)\n }\n\n if ( === 'style' && typeof result === 'string') {\n result = parseStyle(result)\n }\n\n if ( && {\n props[\n,\n ? hastToReact[]\n :\n ] = result\n } else if (info.attribute) {\n props[info.attribute] = result\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @returns {Record}\n */\nfunction parseStyle(value) {\n /** @type {Record} */\n const result = {}\n\n try {\n style(value, iterator)\n } catch {\n // Silent.\n }\n\n return result\n\n /**\n * @param {string} name\n * @param {string} v\n */\n function iterator(name, v) {\n const k = name.slice(0, 4) === '-ms-' ? `ms-${name.slice(4)}` : name\n result[k.replace(/-([a-z])/g, styleReplacer)] = v\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {unknown} _\n * @param {string} $1\n */\nfunction styleReplacer(_, $1) {\n return $1.toUpperCase()\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Position|{start: {line: null, column: null, offset: null}, end: {line: null, column: null, offset: null}}} pos\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction flattenPosition(pos) {\n return [\n pos.start.line,\n ':',\n pos.start.column,\n '-',\n pos.end.line,\n ':',\n pos.end.column\n ]\n .map(String)\n .join('')\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('react').ReactNode} ReactNode\n * @typedef {import('react').ReactElement<{}>} ReactElement\n * @typedef {import('unified').PluggableList} PluggableList\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('./rehype-filter.js').Options} FilterOptions\n * @typedef {import('./ast-to-react.js').Options} TransformOptions\n *\n * @typedef CoreOptions\n * @property {string} children\n *\n * @typedef PluginOptions\n * @property {PluggableList} [remarkPlugins=[]]\n * @property {PluggableList} [rehypePlugins=[]]\n * @property {import('remark-rehype').Options | undefined} [remarkRehypeOptions={}]\n *\n * @typedef LayoutOptions\n * @property {string} [className]\n *\n * @typedef {CoreOptions & PluginOptions & LayoutOptions & FilterOptions & TransformOptions} ReactMarkdownOptions\n *\n * @typedef Deprecation\n * @property {string} id\n * @property {string} [to]\n */\n\nimport React from 'react'\nimport {VFile} from 'vfile'\nimport {unified} from 'unified'\nimport remarkParse from 'remark-parse'\nimport remarkRehype from 'remark-rehype'\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types'\nimport {html} from 'property-information'\nimport rehypeFilter from './rehype-filter.js'\nimport {childrenToReact} from './ast-to-react.js'\n\nconst own = {}.hasOwnProperty\nconst changelog =\n ''\n\n/** @type {Record} */\nconst deprecated = {\n plugins: {to: 'remarkPlugins', id: 'change-plugins-to-remarkplugins'},\n renderers: {to: 'components', id: 'change-renderers-to-components'},\n astPlugins: {id: 'remove-buggy-html-in-markdown-parser'},\n allowDangerousHtml: {id: 'remove-buggy-html-in-markdown-parser'},\n escapeHtml: {id: 'remove-buggy-html-in-markdown-parser'},\n source: {to: 'children', id: 'change-source-to-children'},\n allowNode: {\n to: 'allowElement',\n id: 'replace-allownode-allowedtypes-and-disallowedtypes'\n },\n allowedTypes: {\n to: 'allowedElements',\n id: 'replace-allownode-allowedtypes-and-disallowedtypes'\n },\n disallowedTypes: {\n to: 'disallowedElements',\n id: 'replace-allownode-allowedtypes-and-disallowedtypes'\n },\n includeNodeIndex: {\n to: 'includeElementIndex',\n id: 'change-includenodeindex-to-includeelementindex'\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * React component to render markdown.\n *\n * @param {ReactMarkdownOptions} options\n * @returns {ReactElement}\n */\nexport function ReactMarkdown(options) {\n for (const key in deprecated) {\n if (, key) &&, key)) {\n const deprecation = deprecated[key]\n console.warn(\n `[react-markdown] Warning: please ${\n ? `use \\`${}\\` instead of` : 'remove'\n } \\`${key}\\` (see <${changelog}#${}> for more info)`\n )\n delete deprecated[key]\n }\n }\n\n const processor = unified()\n .use(remarkParse)\n .use(options.remarkPlugins || [])\n .use(remarkRehype, {\n ...options.remarkRehypeOptions,\n allowDangerousHtml: true\n })\n .use(options.rehypePlugins || [])\n .use(rehypeFilter, options)\n\n const file = new VFile()\n\n if (typeof options.children === 'string') {\n file.value = options.children\n } else if (options.children !== undefined && options.children !== null) {\n console.warn(\n `[react-markdown] Warning: please pass a string as \\`children\\` (not: \\`${options.children}\\`)`\n )\n }\n\n const hastNode = processor.runSync(processor.parse(file), file)\n\n if (hastNode.type !== 'root') {\n throw new TypeError('Expected a `root` node')\n }\n\n /** @type {ReactElement} */\n let result = React.createElement(\n React.Fragment,\n {},\n childrenToReact({options, schema: html, listDepth: 0}, hastNode)\n )\n\n if (options.className) {\n result = React.createElement('div', {className: options.className}, result)\n }\n\n return result\n}\n\nReactMarkdown.propTypes = {\n // Core options:\n children: PropTypes.string,\n // Layout options:\n className: PropTypes.string,\n // Filter options:\n allowElement: PropTypes.func,\n allowedElements: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),\n disallowedElements: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),\n unwrapDisallowed: PropTypes.bool,\n // Plugin options:\n remarkPlugins: PropTypes.arrayOf(\n PropTypes.oneOfType([\n PropTypes.object,\n PropTypes.func,\n PropTypes.arrayOf(\n PropTypes.oneOfType([\n PropTypes.bool,\n PropTypes.string,\n PropTypes.object,\n PropTypes.func,\n PropTypes.arrayOf(\n // prettier-ignore\n // type-coverage:ignore-next-line\n PropTypes.any\n )\n ])\n )\n ])\n ),\n rehypePlugins: PropTypes.arrayOf(\n PropTypes.oneOfType([\n PropTypes.object,\n PropTypes.func,\n PropTypes.arrayOf(\n PropTypes.oneOfType([\n PropTypes.bool,\n PropTypes.string,\n PropTypes.object,\n PropTypes.func,\n PropTypes.arrayOf(\n // prettier-ignore\n // type-coverage:ignore-next-line\n PropTypes.any\n )\n ])\n )\n ])\n ),\n // Transform options:\n sourcePos: PropTypes.bool,\n rawSourcePos: PropTypes.bool,\n skipHtml: PropTypes.bool,\n includeElementIndex: PropTypes.bool,\n transformLinkUri: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.bool]),\n linkTarget: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.string]),\n transformImageUri: PropTypes.func,\n components: PropTypes.object\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Code} Code\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').ConstructRecord} ConstructRecord\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Extension} Extension\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Previous} Previous\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {\n asciiAlpha,\n asciiAlphanumeric,\n asciiControl,\n markdownLineEndingOrSpace,\n unicodePunctuation,\n unicodeWhitespace\n} from 'micromark-util-character'\nconst wwwPrefix = {\n tokenize: tokenizeWwwPrefix,\n partial: true\n}\nconst domain = {\n tokenize: tokenizeDomain,\n partial: true\n}\nconst path = {\n tokenize: tokenizePath,\n partial: true\n}\nconst trail = {\n tokenize: tokenizeTrail,\n partial: true\n}\nconst emailDomainDotTrail = {\n tokenize: tokenizeEmailDomainDotTrail,\n partial: true\n}\nconst wwwAutolink = {\n tokenize: tokenizeWwwAutolink,\n previous: previousWww\n}\nconst protocolAutolink = {\n tokenize: tokenizeProtocolAutolink,\n previous: previousProtocol\n}\nconst emailAutolink = {\n tokenize: tokenizeEmailAutolink,\n previous: previousEmail\n}\n\n/** @type {ConstructRecord} */\nconst text = {}\n\n// To do: next major: expose functions that yields extension.\n\n/**\n * Extension for `micromark` that can be passed in `extensions` to enable GFM\n * autolink literal syntax.\n *\n * @type {Extension}\n */\nexport const gfmAutolinkLiteral = {\n text\n}\n\n/** @type {Code} */\nlet code = 48\n\n// Add alphanumerics.\nwhile (code < 123) {\n text[code] = emailAutolink\n code++\n if (code === 58) code = 65\n else if (code === 91) code = 97\n}\ntext[43] = emailAutolink\ntext[45] = emailAutolink\ntext[46] = emailAutolink\ntext[95] = emailAutolink\ntext[72] = [emailAutolink, protocolAutolink]\ntext[104] = [emailAutolink, protocolAutolink]\ntext[87] = [emailAutolink, wwwAutolink]\ntext[119] = [emailAutolink, wwwAutolink]\n\n// To do: perform email autolink literals on events, afterwards.\n// That’s where `markdown-rs` and `cmark-gfm` perform it.\n// It should look for `@`, then for atext backwards, and then for a label\n// forwards.\n// To do: `mailto:`, `xmpp:` protocol as prefix.\n\n/**\n * Email autolink literal.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a b\n * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n * ```\n *\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeEmailAutolink(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n /** @type {boolean | undefined} */\n let dot\n /** @type {boolean} */\n let data\n return start\n\n /**\n * Start of email autolink literal.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n if (\n !gfmAtext(code) ||\n !, self.previous) ||\n previousUnbalanced(\n ) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n effects.enter('literalAutolink')\n effects.enter('literalAutolinkEmail')\n return atext(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In email atext.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function atext(code) {\n if (gfmAtext(code)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return atext\n }\n if (code === 64) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return emailDomain\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In email domain.\n *\n * The reference code is a bit overly complex as it handles the `@`, of which\n * there may be just one.\n * Source: \n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function emailDomain(code) {\n // Dot followed by alphanumerical (not `-` or `_`).\n if (code === 46) {\n return effects.check(\n emailDomainDotTrail,\n emailDomainAfter,\n emailDomainDot\n )(code)\n }\n\n // Alphanumerical, `-`, and `_`.\n if (code === 45 || code === 95 || asciiAlphanumeric(code)) {\n data = true\n effects.consume(code)\n return emailDomain\n }\n\n // To do: `/` if xmpp.\n\n // Note: normally we’d truncate trailing punctuation from the link.\n // However, email autolink literals cannot contain any of those markers,\n // except for `.`, but that can only occur if it isn’t trailing.\n // So we can ignore truncating!\n return emailDomainAfter(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In email domain, on dot that is not a trail.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function emailDomainDot(code) {\n effects.consume(code)\n dot = true\n return emailDomain\n }\n\n /**\n * After email domain.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function emailDomainAfter(code) {\n // Domain must not be empty, must include a dot, and must end in alphabetical.\n // Source: .\n if (data && dot && asciiAlpha(self.previous)) {\n effects.exit('literalAutolinkEmail')\n effects.exit('literalAutolink')\n return ok(code)\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * `www` autolink literal.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a b\n * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n * ```\n *\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeWwwAutolink(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n return wwwStart\n\n /**\n * Start of www autolink literal.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function wwwStart(code) {\n if (\n (code !== 87 && code !== 119) ||\n !, self.previous) ||\n previousUnbalanced(\n ) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n effects.enter('literalAutolink')\n effects.enter('literalAutolinkWww')\n // Note: we *check*, so we can discard the `www.` we parsed.\n // If it worked, we consider it as a part of the domain.\n return effects.check(\n wwwPrefix,\n effects.attempt(domain, effects.attempt(path, wwwAfter), nok),\n nok\n )(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After a www autolink literal.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function wwwAfter(code) {\n effects.exit('literalAutolinkWww')\n effects.exit('literalAutolink')\n return ok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Protocol autolink literal.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a b\n * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n * ```\n *\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeProtocolAutolink(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n let buffer = ''\n let seen = false\n return protocolStart\n\n /**\n * Start of protocol autolink literal.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function protocolStart(code) {\n if (\n (code === 72 || code === 104) &&\n, self.previous) &&\n !previousUnbalanced(\n ) {\n effects.enter('literalAutolink')\n effects.enter('literalAutolinkHttp')\n buffer += String.fromCodePoint(code)\n effects.consume(code)\n return protocolPrefixInside\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In protocol.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^^^^^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function protocolPrefixInside(code) {\n // `5` is size of `https`\n if (asciiAlpha(code) && buffer.length < 5) {\n // @ts-expect-error: definitely number.\n buffer += String.fromCodePoint(code)\n effects.consume(code)\n return protocolPrefixInside\n }\n if (code === 58) {\n const protocol = buffer.toLowerCase()\n if (protocol === 'http' || protocol === 'https') {\n effects.consume(code)\n return protocolSlashesInside\n }\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In slashes.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function protocolSlashesInside(code) {\n if (code === 47) {\n effects.consume(code)\n if (seen) {\n return afterProtocol\n }\n seen = true\n return protocolSlashesInside\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After protocol, before domain.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function afterProtocol(code) {\n // To do: this is different from `markdown-rs`:\n //\n return code === null ||\n asciiControl(code) ||\n markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code) ||\n unicodeWhitespace(code) ||\n unicodePunctuation(code)\n ? nok(code)\n : effects.attempt(domain, effects.attempt(path, protocolAfter), nok)(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After a protocol autolink literal.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function protocolAfter(code) {\n effects.exit('literalAutolinkHttp')\n effects.exit('literalAutolink')\n return ok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * `www` prefix.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a b\n * ^^^^\n * ```\n *\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeWwwPrefix(effects, ok, nok) {\n let size = 0\n return wwwPrefixInside\n\n /**\n * In www prefix.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^^^^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function wwwPrefixInside(code) {\n if ((code === 87 || code === 119) && size < 3) {\n size++\n effects.consume(code)\n return wwwPrefixInside\n }\n if (code === 46 && size === 3) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return wwwPrefixAfter\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After www prefix.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function wwwPrefixAfter(code) {\n // If there is *anything*, we can link.\n return code === null ? nok(code) : ok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Domain.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a b\n * ^^^^^^^^^^^\n * ```\n *\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeDomain(effects, ok, nok) {\n /** @type {boolean | undefined} */\n let underscoreInLastSegment\n /** @type {boolean | undefined} */\n let underscoreInLastLastSegment\n /** @type {boolean | undefined} */\n let seen\n return domainInside\n\n /**\n * In domain.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^^^^^^^^^^^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function domainInside(code) {\n // Check whether this marker, which is a trailing punctuation\n // marker, optionally followed by more trailing markers, and then\n // followed by an end.\n if (code === 46 || code === 95) {\n return effects.check(trail, domainAfter, domainAtPunctuation)(code)\n }\n\n // GH documents that only alphanumerics (other than `-`, `.`, and `_`) can\n // occur, which sounds like ASCII only, but they also support `www.點看.com`,\n // so that’s Unicode.\n // Instead of some new production for Unicode alphanumerics, markdown\n // already has that for Unicode punctuation and whitespace, so use those.\n // Source: .\n if (\n code === null ||\n markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code) ||\n unicodeWhitespace(code) ||\n (code !== 45 && unicodePunctuation(code))\n ) {\n return domainAfter(code)\n }\n seen = true\n effects.consume(code)\n return domainInside\n }\n\n /**\n * In domain, at potential trailing punctuation, that was not trailing.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function domainAtPunctuation(code) {\n // There is an underscore in the last segment of the domain\n if (code === 95) {\n underscoreInLastSegment = true\n }\n // Otherwise, it’s a `.`: save the last segment underscore in the\n // penultimate segment slot.\n else {\n underscoreInLastLastSegment = underscoreInLastSegment\n underscoreInLastSegment = undefined\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return domainInside\n }\n\n /**\n * After domain.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State} */\n function domainAfter(code) {\n // Note: that’s GH says a dot is needed, but it’s not true:\n // \n if (underscoreInLastLastSegment || underscoreInLastSegment || !seen) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n return ok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Path.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a b\n * ^^^^^^\n * ```\n *\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizePath(effects, ok) {\n let sizeOpen = 0\n let sizeClose = 0\n return pathInside\n\n /**\n * In path.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function pathInside(code) {\n if (code === 40) {\n sizeOpen++\n effects.consume(code)\n return pathInside\n }\n\n // To do: `markdown-rs` also needs this.\n // If this is a paren, and there are less closings than openings,\n // we don’t check for a trail.\n if (code === 41 && sizeClose < sizeOpen) {\n return pathAtPunctuation(code)\n }\n\n // Check whether this trailing punctuation marker is optionally\n // followed by more trailing markers, and then followed\n // by an end.\n if (\n code === 33 ||\n code === 34 ||\n code === 38 ||\n code === 39 ||\n code === 41 ||\n code === 42 ||\n code === 44 ||\n code === 46 ||\n code === 58 ||\n code === 59 ||\n code === 60 ||\n code === 63 ||\n code === 93 ||\n code === 95 ||\n code === 126\n ) {\n return effects.check(trail, ok, pathAtPunctuation)(code)\n }\n if (\n code === null ||\n markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code) ||\n unicodeWhitespace(code)\n ) {\n return ok(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return pathInside\n }\n\n /**\n * In path, at potential trailing punctuation, that was not trailing.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\"b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function pathAtPunctuation(code) {\n // Count closing parens.\n if (code === 41) {\n sizeClose++\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return pathInside\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Trail.\n *\n * This calls `ok` if this *is* the trail, followed by an end, which means\n * the entire trail is not part of the link.\n * It calls `nok` if this *is* part of the link.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\").\n * ^^^\n * ```\n *\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeTrail(effects, ok, nok) {\n return trail\n\n /**\n * In trail of domain or path.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\").\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function trail(code) {\n // Regular trailing punctuation.\n if (\n code === 33 ||\n code === 34 ||\n code === 39 ||\n code === 41 ||\n code === 42 ||\n code === 44 ||\n code === 46 ||\n code === 58 ||\n code === 59 ||\n code === 63 ||\n code === 95 ||\n code === 126\n ) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return trail\n }\n\n // `&` followed by one or more alphabeticals and then a `;`, is\n // as a whole considered as trailing punctuation.\n // In all other cases, it is considered as continuation of the URL.\n if (code === 38) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return trailCharRefStart\n }\n\n // Needed because we allow literals after `[`, as we fix:\n // .\n // Check that it is not followed by `(` or `[`.\n if (code === 93) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return trailBracketAfter\n }\n if (\n // `<` is an end.\n code === 60 ||\n // So is whitespace.\n code === null ||\n markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code) ||\n unicodeWhitespace(code)\n ) {\n return ok(code)\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In trail, after `]`.\n *\n * > 👉 **Note**: this deviates from `cmark-gfm` to fix a bug.\n * > See end of for more.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |](\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function trailBracketAfter(code) {\n // Whitespace or something that could start a resource or reference is the end.\n // Switch back to trail otherwise.\n if (\n code === null ||\n code === 40 ||\n code === 91 ||\n markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code) ||\n unicodeWhitespace(code)\n ) {\n return ok(code)\n }\n return trail(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In character-reference like trail, after `&`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function trailCharRefStart(code) {\n // When non-alpha, it’s not a trail.\n return asciiAlpha(code) ? trailCharRefInside(code) : nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In character-reference like trail.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function trailCharRefInside(code) {\n // Switch back to trail if this is well-formed.\n if (code === 59) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return trail\n }\n if (asciiAlpha(code)) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return trailCharRefInside\n }\n\n // It’s not a trail.\n return nok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Dot in email domain trail.\n *\n * This calls `ok` if this *is* the trail, followed by an end, which means\n * the trail is not part of the link.\n * It calls `nok` if this *is* part of the link.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeEmailDomainDotTrail(effects, ok, nok) {\n return start\n\n /**\n * Dot.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^ ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n // Must be dot.\n effects.consume(code)\n return after\n }\n\n /**\n * After dot.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > |\n * ^ ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function after(code) {\n // Not a trail if alphanumeric.\n return asciiAlphanumeric(code) ? nok(code) : ok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * See:\n * .\n *\n * @type {Previous}\n */\nfunction previousWww(code) {\n return (\n code === null ||\n code === 40 ||\n code === 42 ||\n code === 95 ||\n code === 91 ||\n code === 93 ||\n code === 126 ||\n markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)\n )\n}\n\n/**\n * See:\n * .\n *\n * @type {Previous}\n */\nfunction previousProtocol(code) {\n return !asciiAlpha(code)\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Previous}\n */\nfunction previousEmail(code) {\n // Do not allow a slash “inside” atext.\n // The reference code is a bit weird, but that’s what it results in.\n // Source: .\n // Other than slash, every preceding character is allowed.\n return !(code === 47 || gfmAtext(code))\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Code} code\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\nfunction gfmAtext(code) {\n return (\n code === 43 ||\n code === 45 ||\n code === 46 ||\n code === 95 ||\n asciiAlphanumeric(code)\n )\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} events\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\nfunction previousUnbalanced(events) {\n let index = events.length\n let result = false\n while (index--) {\n const token = events[index][1]\n if (\n (token.type === 'labelLink' || token.type === 'labelImage') &&\n !token._balanced\n ) {\n result = true\n break\n }\n\n // If we’ve seen this token, and it was marked as not having any unbalanced\n // bracket before it, we can exit.\n if (token._gfmAutolinkLiteralWalkedInto) {\n result = false\n break\n }\n }\n if (events.length > 0 && !result) {\n // Mark the last token as “walked into” w/o finding\n // anything.\n events[events.length - 1][1]._gfmAutolinkLiteralWalkedInto = true\n }\n return result\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Exiter} Exiter\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Extension} Extension\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {blankLine} from 'micromark-core-commonmark'\nimport {factorySpace} from 'micromark-factory-space'\nimport {markdownLineEndingOrSpace} from 'micromark-util-character'\nimport {normalizeIdentifier} from 'micromark-util-normalize-identifier'\nconst indent = {\n tokenize: tokenizeIndent,\n partial: true\n}\n\n// To do: micromark should support a `_hiddenGfmFootnoteSupport`, which only\n// affects label start (image).\n// That will let us drop `tokenizePotentialGfmFootnote*`.\n// It currently has a `_hiddenFootnoteSupport`, which affects that and more.\n// That can be removed when `micromark-extension-footnote` is archived.\n\n/**\n * Create an extension for `micromark` to enable GFM footnote syntax.\n *\n * @returns {Extension}\n * Extension for `micromark` that can be passed in `extensions` to\n * enable GFM footnote syntax.\n */\nexport function gfmFootnote() {\n /** @type {Extension} */\n return {\n document: {\n [91]: {\n tokenize: tokenizeDefinitionStart,\n continuation: {\n tokenize: tokenizeDefinitionContinuation\n },\n exit: gfmFootnoteDefinitionEnd\n }\n },\n text: {\n [91]: {\n tokenize: tokenizeGfmFootnoteCall\n },\n [93]: {\n add: 'after',\n tokenize: tokenizePotentialGfmFootnoteCall,\n resolveTo: resolveToPotentialGfmFootnoteCall\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n// To do: remove after micromark update.\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizePotentialGfmFootnoteCall(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n let index =\n /** @type {Array} */\n // @ts-expect-error It’s fine!\n const defined = self.parser.gfmFootnotes || (self.parser.gfmFootnotes = [])\n /** @type {Token} */\n let labelStart\n\n // Find an opening.\n while (index--) {\n const token =[index][1]\n if (token.type === 'labelImage') {\n labelStart = token\n break\n }\n\n // Exit if we’ve walked far enough.\n if (\n token.type === 'gfmFootnoteCall' ||\n token.type === 'labelLink' ||\n token.type === 'label' ||\n token.type === 'image' ||\n token.type === 'link'\n ) {\n break\n }\n }\n return start\n\n /**\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n if (!labelStart || !labelStart._balanced) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n const id = normalizeIdentifier(\n self.sliceSerialize({\n start: labelStart.end,\n end:\n })\n )\n if (id.codePointAt(0) !== 94 || !defined.includes(id.slice(1))) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n effects.enter('gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker')\n return ok(code)\n }\n}\n\n// To do: remove after micromark update.\n/** @type {Resolver} */\nfunction resolveToPotentialGfmFootnoteCall(events, context) {\n let index = events.length\n /** @type {Token | undefined} */\n let labelStart\n\n // Find an opening.\n while (index--) {\n if (\n events[index][1].type === 'labelImage' &&\n events[index][0] === 'enter'\n ) {\n labelStart = events[index][1]\n break\n }\n }\n // Change the `labelImageMarker` to a `data`.\n events[index + 1][1].type = 'data'\n events[index + 3][1].type = 'gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker'\n\n // The whole (without `!`):\n /** @type {Token} */\n const call = {\n type: 'gfmFootnoteCall',\n start: Object.assign({}, events[index + 3][1].start),\n end: Object.assign({}, events[events.length - 1][1].end)\n }\n // The `^` marker\n /** @type {Token} */\n const marker = {\n type: 'gfmFootnoteCallMarker',\n start: Object.assign({}, events[index + 3][1].end),\n end: Object.assign({}, events[index + 3][1].end)\n }\n // Increment the end 1 character.\n marker.end.column++\n marker.end.offset++\n marker.end._bufferIndex++\n /** @type {Token} */\n const string = {\n type: 'gfmFootnoteCallString',\n start: Object.assign({}, marker.end),\n end: Object.assign({}, events[events.length - 1][1].start)\n }\n /** @type {Token} */\n const chunk = {\n type: 'chunkString',\n contentType: 'string',\n start: Object.assign({}, string.start),\n end: Object.assign({}, string.end)\n }\n\n /** @type {Array} */\n const replacement = [\n // Take the `labelImageMarker` (now `data`, the `!`)\n events[index + 1],\n events[index + 2],\n ['enter', call, context],\n // The `[`\n events[index + 3],\n events[index + 4],\n // The `^`.\n ['enter', marker, context],\n ['exit', marker, context],\n // Everything in between.\n ['enter', string, context],\n ['enter', chunk, context],\n ['exit', chunk, context],\n ['exit', string, context],\n // The ending (`]`, properly parsed and labelled).\n events[events.length - 2],\n events[events.length - 1],\n ['exit', call, context]\n ]\n events.splice(index, events.length - index + 1, ...replacement)\n return events\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeGfmFootnoteCall(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n /** @type {Array} */\n // @ts-expect-error It’s fine!\n const defined = self.parser.gfmFootnotes || (self.parser.gfmFootnotes = [])\n let size = 0\n /** @type {boolean} */\n let data\n\n // Note: the implementation of `markdown-rs` is different, because it houses\n // core *and* extensions in one project.\n // Therefore, it can include footnote logic inside `label-end`.\n // We can’t do that, but luckily, we can parse footnotes in a simpler way than\n // needed for labels.\n return start\n\n /**\n * Start of footnote label.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a [^b] c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n effects.enter('gfmFootnoteCall')\n effects.enter('gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker')\n return callStart\n }\n\n /**\n * After `[`, at `^`.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a [^b] c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function callStart(code) {\n if (code !== 94) return nok(code)\n effects.enter('gfmFootnoteCallMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('gfmFootnoteCallMarker')\n effects.enter('gfmFootnoteCallString')\n effects.enter('chunkString').contentType = 'string'\n return callData\n }\n\n /**\n * In label.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a [^b] c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function callData(code) {\n if (\n // Too long.\n size > 999 ||\n // Closing brace with nothing.\n (code === 93 && !data) ||\n // Space or tab is not supported by GFM for some reason.\n // `\\n` and `[` not being supported makes sense.\n code === null ||\n code === 91 ||\n markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)\n ) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n if (code === 93) {\n effects.exit('chunkString')\n const token = effects.exit('gfmFootnoteCallString')\n if (!defined.includes(normalizeIdentifier(self.sliceSerialize(token)))) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n effects.enter('gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker')\n effects.exit('gfmFootnoteCall')\n return ok\n }\n if (!markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {\n data = true\n }\n size++\n effects.consume(code)\n return code === 92 ? callEscape : callData\n }\n\n /**\n * On character after escape.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | a [^b\\c] d\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function callEscape(code) {\n if (code === 91 || code === 92 || code === 93) {\n effects.consume(code)\n size++\n return callData\n }\n return callData(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeDefinitionStart(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n /** @type {Array} */\n // @ts-expect-error It’s fine!\n const defined = self.parser.gfmFootnotes || (self.parser.gfmFootnotes = [])\n /** @type {string} */\n let identifier\n let size = 0\n /** @type {boolean | undefined} */\n let data\n return start\n\n /**\n * Start of GFM footnote definition.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [^a]: b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n effects.enter('gfmFootnoteDefinition')._container = true\n effects.enter('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabel')\n effects.enter('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelMarker')\n return labelAtMarker\n }\n\n /**\n * In label, at caret.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [^a]: b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function labelAtMarker(code) {\n if (code === 94) {\n effects.enter('gfmFootnoteDefinitionMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('gfmFootnoteDefinitionMarker')\n effects.enter('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelString')\n effects.enter('chunkString').contentType = 'string'\n return labelInside\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In label.\n *\n * > 👉 **Note**: `cmark-gfm` prevents whitespace from occurring in footnote\n * > definition labels.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [^a]: b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function labelInside(code) {\n if (\n // Too long.\n size > 999 ||\n // Closing brace with nothing.\n (code === 93 && !data) ||\n // Space or tab is not supported by GFM for some reason.\n // `\\n` and `[` not being supported makes sense.\n code === null ||\n code === 91 ||\n markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)\n ) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n if (code === 93) {\n effects.exit('chunkString')\n const token = effects.exit('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelString')\n identifier = normalizeIdentifier(self.sliceSerialize(token))\n effects.enter('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelMarker')\n effects.exit('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabel')\n return labelAfter\n }\n if (!markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {\n data = true\n }\n size++\n effects.consume(code)\n return code === 92 ? labelEscape : labelInside\n }\n\n /**\n * After `\\`, at a special character.\n *\n * > 👉 **Note**: `cmark-gfm` currently does not support escaped brackets:\n * > \n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [^a\\*b]: c\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function labelEscape(code) {\n if (code === 91 || code === 92 || code === 93) {\n effects.consume(code)\n size++\n return labelInside\n }\n return labelInside(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After definition label.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [^a]: b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function labelAfter(code) {\n if (code === 58) {\n effects.enter('definitionMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('definitionMarker')\n if (!defined.includes(identifier)) {\n defined.push(identifier)\n }\n\n // Any whitespace after the marker is eaten, forming indented code\n // is not possible.\n // No space is also fine, just like a block quote marker.\n return factorySpace(\n effects,\n whitespaceAfter,\n 'gfmFootnoteDefinitionWhitespace'\n )\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After definition prefix.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | [^a]: b\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function whitespaceAfter(code) {\n // `markdown-rs` has a wrapping token for the prefix that is closed here.\n return ok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeDefinitionContinuation(effects, ok, nok) {\n /// Start of footnote definition continuation.\n ///\n /// ```markdown\n /// | [^a]: b\n /// > | c\n /// ^\n /// ```\n //\n // Either a blank line, which is okay, or an indented thing.\n return effects.check(blankLine, ok, effects.attempt(indent, ok, nok))\n}\n\n/** @type {Exiter} */\nfunction gfmFootnoteDefinitionEnd(effects) {\n effects.exit('gfmFootnoteDefinition')\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeIndent(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n return factorySpace(\n effects,\n afterPrefix,\n 'gfmFootnoteDefinitionIndent',\n 4 + 1\n )\n\n /**\n * @type {State}\n */\n function afterPrefix(code) {\n const tail =[ - 1]\n return tail &&\n tail[1].type === 'gfmFootnoteDefinitionIndent' &&\n tail[2].sliceSerialize(tail[1], true).length === 4\n ? ok(code)\n : nok(code)\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Extension} Extension\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n *\n * @typedef Options\n * Configuration (optional).\n * @property {boolean} [singleTilde=true]\n * Whether to support strikethrough with a single tilde.\n *\n * Single tildes work on, but are technically prohibited by the\n * GFM spec.\n */\n\nimport {splice} from 'micromark-util-chunked'\nimport {classifyCharacter} from 'micromark-util-classify-character'\nimport {resolveAll} from 'micromark-util-resolve-all'\n/**\n * Create an extension for `micromark` to enable GFM strikethrough syntax.\n *\n * @param {Options | null | undefined} [options]\n * Configuration.\n * @returns {Extension}\n * Extension for `micromark` that can be passed in `extensions`, to\n * enable GFM strikethrough syntax.\n */\nexport function gfmStrikethrough(options) {\n const options_ = options || {}\n let single = options_.singleTilde\n const tokenizer = {\n tokenize: tokenizeStrikethrough,\n resolveAll: resolveAllStrikethrough\n }\n if (single === null || single === undefined) {\n single = true\n }\n return {\n text: {\n [126]: tokenizer\n },\n insideSpan: {\n null: [tokenizer]\n },\n attentionMarkers: {\n null: [126]\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Take events and resolve strikethrough.\n *\n * @type {Resolver}\n */\n function resolveAllStrikethrough(events, context) {\n let index = -1\n\n // Walk through all events.\n while (++index < events.length) {\n // Find a token that can close.\n if (\n events[index][0] === 'enter' &&\n events[index][1].type === 'strikethroughSequenceTemporary' &&\n events[index][1]._close\n ) {\n let open = index\n\n // Now walk back to find an opener.\n while (open--) {\n // Find a token that can open the closer.\n if (\n events[open][0] === 'exit' &&\n events[open][1].type === 'strikethroughSequenceTemporary' &&\n events[open][1]._open &&\n // If the sizes are the same:\n events[index][1].end.offset - events[index][1].start.offset ===\n events[open][1].end.offset - events[open][1].start.offset\n ) {\n events[index][1].type = 'strikethroughSequence'\n events[open][1].type = 'strikethroughSequence'\n\n /** @type {Token} */\n const strikethrough = {\n type: 'strikethrough',\n start: Object.assign({}, events[open][1].start),\n end: Object.assign({}, events[index][1].end)\n }\n\n /** @type {Token} */\n const text = {\n type: 'strikethroughText',\n start: Object.assign({}, events[open][1].end),\n end: Object.assign({}, events[index][1].start)\n }\n\n // Opening.\n /** @type {Array} */\n const nextEvents = [\n ['enter', strikethrough, context],\n ['enter', events[open][1], context],\n ['exit', events[open][1], context],\n ['enter', text, context]\n ]\n const insideSpan = context.parser.constructs.insideSpan.null\n if (insideSpan) {\n // Between.\n splice(\n nextEvents,\n nextEvents.length,\n 0,\n resolveAll(insideSpan, events.slice(open + 1, index), context)\n )\n }\n\n // Closing.\n splice(nextEvents, nextEvents.length, 0, [\n ['exit', text, context],\n ['enter', events[index][1], context],\n ['exit', events[index][1], context],\n ['exit', strikethrough, context]\n ])\n splice(events, open - 1, index - open + 3, nextEvents)\n index = open + nextEvents.length - 2\n break\n }\n }\n }\n }\n index = -1\n while (++index < events.length) {\n if (events[index][1].type === 'strikethroughSequenceTemporary') {\n events[index][1].type = 'data'\n }\n }\n return events\n }\n\n /**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\n function tokenizeStrikethrough(effects, ok, nok) {\n const previous = this.previous\n const events =\n let size = 0\n return start\n\n /** @type {State} */\n function start(code) {\n if (\n previous === 126 &&\n events[events.length - 1][1].type !== 'characterEscape'\n ) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n effects.enter('strikethroughSequenceTemporary')\n return more(code)\n }\n\n /** @type {State} */\n function more(code) {\n const before = classifyCharacter(previous)\n if (code === 126) {\n // If this is the third marker, exit.\n if (size > 1) return nok(code)\n effects.consume(code)\n size++\n return more\n }\n if (size < 2 && !single) return nok(code)\n const token = effects.exit('strikethroughSequenceTemporary')\n const after = classifyCharacter(code)\n token._open = !after || (after === 2 && Boolean(before))\n token._close = !before || (before === 2 && Boolean(after))\n return ok(code)\n }\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event\n */\n\n// Port of `` from `markdown-rs`.\n// This should move to `markdown-js` later.\n\n// Deal with several changes in events, batching them together.\n//\n// Preferably, changes should be kept to a minimum.\n// Sometimes, it’s needed to change the list of events, because parsing can be\n// messy, and it helps to expose a cleaner interface of events to the compiler\n// and other users.\n// It can also help to merge many adjacent similar events.\n// And, in other cases, it’s needed to parse subcontent: pass some events\n// through another tokenizer and inject the result.\n\n/**\n * @typedef {[number, number, Array]} Change\n * @typedef {[number, number, number]} Jump\n */\n\n/**\n * Tracks a bunch of edits.\n */\nexport class EditMap {\n /**\n * Create a new edit map.\n */\n constructor() {\n /**\n * Record of changes.\n *\n * @type {Array}\n */\n = []\n }\n\n /**\n * Create an edit: a remove and/or add at a certain place.\n *\n * @param {number} index\n * @param {number} remove\n * @param {Array} add\n * @returns {void}\n */\n add(index, remove, add) {\n addImpl(this, index, remove, add)\n }\n\n // To do: not used here.\n // /**\n // * Create an edit: but insert `add` before existing additions.\n // *\n // * @param {number} index\n // * @param {number} remove\n // * @param {Array} add\n // * @returns {void}\n // */\n // addBefore(index, remove, add) {\n // addImpl(this, index, remove, add, true)\n // }\n\n /**\n * Done, change the events.\n *\n * @param {Array} events\n * @returns {void}\n */\n consume(events) {\n, b) => a[0] - b[0])\n\n /* c8 ignore next 3 -- `resolve` is never called without tables, so without edits. */\n if ( === 0) {\n return\n }\n\n // To do: if links are added in events, like they are in `markdown-rs`,\n // this is needed.\n // // Calculate jumps: where items in the current list move to.\n // /** @type {Array} */\n // const jumps = []\n // let index = 0\n // let addAcc = 0\n // let removeAcc = 0\n // while (index < {\n // const [at, remove, add] =[index]\n // removeAcc += remove\n // addAcc += add.length\n // jumps.push([at, removeAcc, addAcc])\n // index += 1\n // }\n //\n // . shiftLinks(events, jumps)\n\n let index =\n /** @type {Array>} */\n const vecs = []\n while (index > 0) {\n index -= 1\n vecs.push(events.slice([index][0] +[index][1]))\n // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-push-push\n vecs.push([index][2])\n\n // Truncate rest.\n events.length =[index][0]\n }\n vecs.push([])\n events.length = 0\n let slice = vecs.pop()\n while (slice) {\n events.push(...slice)\n slice = vecs.pop()\n }\n\n // Truncate everything.\n = 0\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Create an edit.\n *\n * @param {EditMap} editMap\n * @param {number} at\n * @param {number} remove\n * @param {Array} add\n * @returns {void}\n */\nfunction addImpl(editMap, at, remove, add) {\n let index = 0\n\n /* c8 ignore next 3 -- `resolve` is never called without tables, so without edits. */\n if (remove === 0 && add.length === 0) {\n return\n }\n while (index < {\n if ([index][0] === at) {\n[index][1] += remove\n\n // To do: before not used.\n // if (before) {\n // add.push([index][2])\n //[index][2] = add\n // } else {\n[index][2].push(...add)\n // }\n\n return\n }\n index += 1\n }\n[at, remove, add])\n}\n\n// /**\n// * Shift `previous` and `next` links according to `jumps`.\n// *\n// * This fixes links in case there are events removed or added between them.\n// *\n// * @param {Array} events\n// * @param {Array} jumps\n// */\n// function shiftLinks(events, jumps) {\n// let jumpIndex = 0\n// let index = 0\n// let add = 0\n// let rm = 0\n\n// while (index < events.length) {\n// const rmCurr = rm\n\n// while (jumpIndex < jumps.length && jumps[jumpIndex][0] <= index) {\n// add = jumps[jumpIndex][2]\n// rm = jumps[jumpIndex][1]\n// jumpIndex += 1\n// }\n\n// // Ignore items that will be removed.\n// if (rm > rmCurr) {\n// index += rm - rmCurr\n// } else {\n// console.log('to do: links?', add, rmCurr)\n// // ?\n// // if let Some(link) = &events[index].link {\n// // if let Some(next) = {\n// // events[next].link.as_mut().unwrap().previous = Some(index + add - rm);\n// // while jumpIndex < jumps.len() && jumps[jumpIndex].0 <= next {\n// // add = jumps[jumpIndex].2;\n// // rm = jumps[jumpIndex].1;\n// // jumpIndex += 1;\n// // }\n// // events[index].link.as_mut().unwrap().next = Some(next + add - rm);\n// // index = next;\n// // continue;\n// // }\n// // }\n// index += 1\n// }\n// }\n// }\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'none'} Align\n */\n\n/**\n * Figure out the alignment of a GFM table.\n *\n * @param {Array} events\n * @param {number} index\n * @returns {Array}\n */\nexport function gfmTableAlign(events, index) {\n let inDelimiterRow = false\n /** @type {Array} */\n const align = []\n while (index < events.length) {\n const event = events[index]\n if (inDelimiterRow) {\n if (event[0] === 'enter') {\n // Start of alignment value: set a new column.\n // To do: `markdown-rs` uses `tableDelimiterCellValue`.\n if (event[1].type === 'tableContent') {\n align.push(\n events[index + 1][1].type === 'tableDelimiterMarker'\n ? 'left'\n : 'none'\n )\n }\n }\n // Exits:\n // End of alignment value: change the column.\n // To do: `markdown-rs` uses `tableDelimiterCellValue`.\n else if (event[1].type === 'tableContent') {\n if (events[index - 1][1].type === 'tableDelimiterMarker') {\n const alignIndex = align.length - 1\n align[alignIndex] = align[alignIndex] === 'left' ? 'center' : 'right'\n }\n }\n // Done!\n else if (event[1].type === 'tableDelimiterRow') {\n break\n }\n } else if (event[0] === 'enter' && event[1].type === 'tableDelimiterRow') {\n inDelimiterRow = true\n }\n index += 1\n }\n return align\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Event} Event\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Extension} Extension\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Point} Point\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Resolver} Resolver\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Token} Token\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {[number, number, number, number]} Range\n * Cell info.\n *\n * @typedef {0 | 1 | 2 | 3} RowKind\n * Where we are: `1` for head row, `2` for delimiter row, `3` for body row.\n */\n\nimport {factorySpace} from 'micromark-factory-space'\nimport {\n markdownLineEnding,\n markdownLineEndingOrSpace,\n markdownSpace\n} from 'micromark-util-character'\nimport {EditMap} from './edit-map.js'\nimport {gfmTableAlign} from './infer.js'\n\n// To do: next major: expose functions.\n\n/**\n * Extension for `micromark` that can be passed in `extensions` to enable GFM\n * table syntax.\n *\n * @type {Extension}\n */\nexport const gfmTable = {\n flow: {\n null: {\n tokenize: tokenizeTable,\n resolveAll: resolveTable\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeTable(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n let size = 0\n let sizeB = 0\n /** @type {boolean | undefined} */\n let seen\n return start\n\n /**\n * Start of a GFM table.\n *\n * If there is a valid table row or table head before, then we try to parse\n * another row.\n * Otherwise, we try to parse a head.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | | a |\n * ^\n * | | - |\n * > | | b |\n * ^\n * ```\n * @type {State}\n */\n function start(code) {\n let index = - 1\n while (index > -1) {\n const type =[index][1].type\n if (\n type === 'lineEnding' ||\n // Note: markdown-rs uses `whitespace` instead of `linePrefix`\n type === 'linePrefix'\n )\n index--\n else break\n }\n const tail = index > -1 ?[index][1].type : null\n const next =\n tail === 'tableHead' || tail === 'tableRow' ? bodyRowStart : headRowBefore\n\n // Don’t allow lazy body rows.\n if (next === bodyRowStart && self.parser.lazy[]) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n return next(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * Before table head row.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | | a |\n * ^\n * | | - |\n * | | b |\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function headRowBefore(code) {\n effects.enter('tableHead')\n effects.enter('tableRow')\n return headRowStart(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * Before table head row, after whitespace.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | | a |\n * ^\n * | | - |\n * | | b |\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function headRowStart(code) {\n if (code === 124) {\n return headRowBreak(code)\n }\n\n // To do: micromark-js should let us parse our own whitespace in extensions,\n // like `markdown-rs`:\n //\n // ```js\n // // 4+ spaces.\n // if (markdownSpace(code)) {\n // return nok(code)\n // }\n // ```\n\n seen = true\n // Count the first character, that isn’t a pipe, double.\n sizeB += 1\n return headRowBreak(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * At break in table head row.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | | a |\n * ^\n * ^\n * ^\n * | | - |\n * | | b |\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function headRowBreak(code) {\n if (code === null) {\n // Note: in `markdown-rs`, we need to reset, in `micromark-js` we don‘t.\n return nok(code)\n }\n if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n // If anything other than one pipe (ignoring whitespace) was used, it’s fine.\n if (sizeB > 1) {\n sizeB = 0\n // To do: check if this works.\n // Feel free to interrupt:\n self.interrupt = true\n effects.exit('tableRow')\n effects.enter('lineEnding')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('lineEnding')\n return headDelimiterStart\n }\n\n // Note: in `markdown-rs`, we need to reset, in `micromark-js` we don‘t.\n return nok(code)\n }\n if (markdownSpace(code)) {\n // To do: check if this is fine.\n // effects.attempt(State::Next(StateName::GfmTableHeadRowBreak), State::Nok)\n // State::Retry(space_or_tab(tokenizer))\n return factorySpace(effects, headRowBreak, 'whitespace')(code)\n }\n sizeB += 1\n if (seen) {\n seen = false\n // Header cell count.\n size += 1\n }\n if (code === 124) {\n effects.enter('tableCellDivider')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('tableCellDivider')\n // Whether a delimiter was seen.\n seen = true\n return headRowBreak\n }\n\n // Anything else is cell data.\n effects.enter('data')\n return headRowData(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In table head row data.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | | a |\n * ^\n * | | - |\n * | | b |\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function headRowData(code) {\n if (code === null || code === 124 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {\n effects.exit('data')\n return headRowBreak(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return code === 92 ? headRowEscape : headRowData\n }\n\n /**\n * In table head row escape.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | | a\\-b |\n * ^\n * | | ---- |\n * | | c |\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function headRowEscape(code) {\n if (code === 92 || code === 124) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return headRowData\n }\n return headRowData(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * Before delimiter row.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | | a |\n * > | | - |\n * ^\n * | | b |\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function headDelimiterStart(code) {\n // Reset `interrupt`.\n self.interrupt = false\n\n // Note: in `markdown-rs`, we need to handle piercing here too.\n if (self.parser.lazy[]) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n effects.enter('tableDelimiterRow')\n // Track if we’ve seen a `:` or `|`.\n seen = false\n if (markdownSpace(code)) {\n return factorySpace(\n effects,\n headDelimiterBefore,\n 'linePrefix',\n self.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented')\n ? undefined\n : 4\n )(code)\n }\n return headDelimiterBefore(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * Before delimiter row, after optional whitespace.\n *\n * Reused when a `|` is found later, to parse another cell.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | | a |\n * > | | - |\n * ^\n * | | b |\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function headDelimiterBefore(code) {\n if (code === 45 || code === 58) {\n return headDelimiterValueBefore(code)\n }\n if (code === 124) {\n seen = true\n // If we start with a pipe, we open a cell marker.\n effects.enter('tableCellDivider')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('tableCellDivider')\n return headDelimiterCellBefore\n }\n\n // More whitespace / empty row not allowed at start.\n return headDelimiterNok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After `|`, before delimiter cell.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | | a |\n * > | | - |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function headDelimiterCellBefore(code) {\n if (markdownSpace(code)) {\n return factorySpace(effects, headDelimiterValueBefore, 'whitespace')(code)\n }\n return headDelimiterValueBefore(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * Before delimiter cell value.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | | a |\n * > | | - |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function headDelimiterValueBefore(code) {\n // Align: left.\n if (code === 58) {\n sizeB += 1\n seen = true\n effects.enter('tableDelimiterMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('tableDelimiterMarker')\n return headDelimiterLeftAlignmentAfter\n }\n\n // Align: none.\n if (code === 45) {\n sizeB += 1\n // To do: seems weird that this *isn’t* left aligned, but that state is used?\n return headDelimiterLeftAlignmentAfter(code)\n }\n if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n return headDelimiterCellAfter(code)\n }\n return headDelimiterNok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After delimiter cell left alignment marker.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | | a |\n * > | | :- |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function headDelimiterLeftAlignmentAfter(code) {\n if (code === 45) {\n effects.enter('tableDelimiterFiller')\n return headDelimiterFiller(code)\n }\n\n // Anything else is not ok after the left-align colon.\n return headDelimiterNok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In delimiter cell filler.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | | a |\n * > | | - |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function headDelimiterFiller(code) {\n if (code === 45) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return headDelimiterFiller\n }\n\n // Align is `center` if it was `left`, `right` otherwise.\n if (code === 58) {\n seen = true\n effects.exit('tableDelimiterFiller')\n effects.enter('tableDelimiterMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('tableDelimiterMarker')\n return headDelimiterRightAlignmentAfter\n }\n effects.exit('tableDelimiterFiller')\n return headDelimiterRightAlignmentAfter(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After delimiter cell right alignment marker.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | | a |\n * > | | -: |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function headDelimiterRightAlignmentAfter(code) {\n if (markdownSpace(code)) {\n return factorySpace(effects, headDelimiterCellAfter, 'whitespace')(code)\n }\n return headDelimiterCellAfter(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * After delimiter cell.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | | a |\n * > | | -: |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function headDelimiterCellAfter(code) {\n if (code === 124) {\n return headDelimiterBefore(code)\n }\n if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n // Exit when:\n // * there was no `:` or `|` at all (it’s a thematic break or setext\n // underline instead)\n // * the header cell count is not the delimiter cell count\n if (!seen || size !== sizeB) {\n return headDelimiterNok(code)\n }\n\n // Note: in markdown-rs`, a reset is needed here.\n effects.exit('tableDelimiterRow')\n effects.exit('tableHead')\n // To do: in `markdown-rs`, resolvers need to be registered manually.\n // effects.register_resolver(ResolveName::GfmTable)\n return ok(code)\n }\n return headDelimiterNok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In delimiter row, at a disallowed byte.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | | a |\n * > | | x |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function headDelimiterNok(code) {\n // Note: in `markdown-rs`, we need to reset, in `micromark-js` we don‘t.\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * Before table body row.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | | a |\n * | | - |\n * > | | b |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function bodyRowStart(code) {\n // Note: in `markdown-rs` we need to manually take care of a prefix,\n // but in `micromark-js` that is done for us, so if we’re here, we’re\n // never at whitespace.\n effects.enter('tableRow')\n return bodyRowBreak(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * At break in table body row.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | | a |\n * | | - |\n * > | | b |\n * ^\n * ^\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function bodyRowBreak(code) {\n if (code === 124) {\n effects.enter('tableCellDivider')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('tableCellDivider')\n return bodyRowBreak\n }\n if (code === null || markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n effects.exit('tableRow')\n return ok(code)\n }\n if (markdownSpace(code)) {\n return factorySpace(effects, bodyRowBreak, 'whitespace')(code)\n }\n\n // Anything else is cell content.\n effects.enter('data')\n return bodyRowData(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * In table body row data.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | | a |\n * | | - |\n * > | | b |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function bodyRowData(code) {\n if (code === null || code === 124 || markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {\n effects.exit('data')\n return bodyRowBreak(code)\n }\n effects.consume(code)\n return code === 92 ? bodyRowEscape : bodyRowData\n }\n\n /**\n * In table body row escape.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | | a |\n * | | ---- |\n * > | | b\\-c |\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function bodyRowEscape(code) {\n if (code === 92 || code === 124) {\n effects.consume(code)\n return bodyRowData\n }\n return bodyRowData(code)\n }\n}\n\n/** @type {Resolver} */\n// eslint-disable-next-line complexity\nfunction resolveTable(events, context) {\n let index = -1\n let inFirstCellAwaitingPipe = true\n /** @type {RowKind} */\n let rowKind = 0\n /** @type {Range} */\n let lastCell = [0, 0, 0, 0]\n /** @type {Range} */\n let cell = [0, 0, 0, 0]\n let afterHeadAwaitingFirstBodyRow = false\n let lastTableEnd = 0\n /** @type {Token | undefined} */\n let currentTable\n /** @type {Token | undefined} */\n let currentBody\n /** @type {Token | undefined} */\n let currentCell\n const map = new EditMap()\n while (++index < events.length) {\n const event = events[index]\n const token = event[1]\n if (event[0] === 'enter') {\n // Start of head.\n if (token.type === 'tableHead') {\n afterHeadAwaitingFirstBodyRow = false\n\n // Inject previous (body end and) table end.\n if (lastTableEnd !== 0) {\n flushTableEnd(map, context, lastTableEnd, currentTable, currentBody)\n currentBody = undefined\n lastTableEnd = 0\n }\n\n // Inject table start.\n currentTable = {\n type: 'table',\n start: Object.assign({}, token.start),\n // Note: correct end is set later.\n end: Object.assign({}, token.end)\n }\n map.add(index, 0, [['enter', currentTable, context]])\n } else if (\n token.type === 'tableRow' ||\n token.type === 'tableDelimiterRow'\n ) {\n inFirstCellAwaitingPipe = true\n currentCell = undefined\n lastCell = [0, 0, 0, 0]\n cell = [0, index + 1, 0, 0]\n\n // Inject table body start.\n if (afterHeadAwaitingFirstBodyRow) {\n afterHeadAwaitingFirstBodyRow = false\n currentBody = {\n type: 'tableBody',\n start: Object.assign({}, token.start),\n // Note: correct end is set later.\n end: Object.assign({}, token.end)\n }\n map.add(index, 0, [['enter', currentBody, context]])\n }\n rowKind = token.type === 'tableDelimiterRow' ? 2 : currentBody ? 3 : 1\n }\n // Cell data.\n else if (\n rowKind &&\n (token.type === 'data' ||\n token.type === 'tableDelimiterMarker' ||\n token.type === 'tableDelimiterFiller')\n ) {\n inFirstCellAwaitingPipe = false\n\n // First value in cell.\n if (cell[2] === 0) {\n if (lastCell[1] !== 0) {\n cell[0] = cell[1]\n currentCell = flushCell(\n map,\n context,\n lastCell,\n rowKind,\n undefined,\n currentCell\n )\n lastCell = [0, 0, 0, 0]\n }\n cell[2] = index\n }\n } else if (token.type === 'tableCellDivider') {\n if (inFirstCellAwaitingPipe) {\n inFirstCellAwaitingPipe = false\n } else {\n if (lastCell[1] !== 0) {\n cell[0] = cell[1]\n currentCell = flushCell(\n map,\n context,\n lastCell,\n rowKind,\n undefined,\n currentCell\n )\n }\n lastCell = cell\n cell = [lastCell[1], index, 0, 0]\n }\n }\n }\n // Exit events.\n else if (token.type === 'tableHead') {\n afterHeadAwaitingFirstBodyRow = true\n lastTableEnd = index\n } else if (\n token.type === 'tableRow' ||\n token.type === 'tableDelimiterRow'\n ) {\n lastTableEnd = index\n if (lastCell[1] !== 0) {\n cell[0] = cell[1]\n currentCell = flushCell(\n map,\n context,\n lastCell,\n rowKind,\n index,\n currentCell\n )\n } else if (cell[1] !== 0) {\n currentCell = flushCell(map, context, cell, rowKind, index, currentCell)\n }\n rowKind = 0\n } else if (\n rowKind &&\n (token.type === 'data' ||\n token.type === 'tableDelimiterMarker' ||\n token.type === 'tableDelimiterFiller')\n ) {\n cell[3] = index\n }\n }\n if (lastTableEnd !== 0) {\n flushTableEnd(map, context, lastTableEnd, currentTable, currentBody)\n }\n map.consume(\n\n // To do: move this into `html`, when events are exposed there.\n // That’s what `markdown-rs` does.\n // That needs updates to `mdast-util-gfm-table`.\n index = -1\n while (++index < {\n const event =[index]\n if (event[0] === 'enter' && event[1].type === 'table') {\n event[1]._align = gfmTableAlign(, index)\n }\n }\n return events\n}\n\n/// Generate a cell.\n/**\n *\n * @param {EditMap} map\n * @param {TokenizeContext} context\n * @param {Range} range\n * @param {RowKind} rowKind\n * @param {number | undefined} rowEnd\n * @param {Token | undefined} previousCell\n * @returns {Token | undefined}\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line max-params\nfunction flushCell(map, context, range, rowKind, rowEnd, previousCell) {\n // `markdown-rs` uses:\n // rowKind === 2 ? 'tableDelimiterCell' : 'tableCell'\n const groupName =\n rowKind === 1\n ? 'tableHeader'\n : rowKind === 2\n ? 'tableDelimiter'\n : 'tableData'\n // `markdown-rs` uses:\n // rowKind === 2 ? 'tableDelimiterCellValue' : 'tableCellText'\n const valueName = 'tableContent'\n\n // Insert an exit for the previous cell, if there is one.\n //\n // ```markdown\n // > | | aa | bb | cc |\n // ^-- exit\n // ^^^^-- this cell\n // ```\n if (range[0] !== 0) {\n previousCell.end = Object.assign({}, getPoint(, range[0]))\n map.add(range[0], 0, [['exit', previousCell, context]])\n }\n\n // Insert enter of this cell.\n //\n // ```markdown\n // > | | aa | bb | cc |\n // ^-- enter\n // ^^^^-- this cell\n // ```\n const now = getPoint(, range[1])\n previousCell = {\n type: groupName,\n start: Object.assign({}, now),\n // Note: correct end is set later.\n end: Object.assign({}, now)\n }\n map.add(range[1], 0, [['enter', previousCell, context]])\n\n // Insert text start at first data start and end at last data end, and\n // remove events between.\n //\n // ```markdown\n // > | | aa | bb | cc |\n // ^-- enter\n // ^-- exit\n // ^^^^-- this cell\n // ```\n if (range[2] !== 0) {\n const relatedStart = getPoint(, range[2])\n const relatedEnd = getPoint(, range[3])\n /** @type {Token} */\n const valueToken = {\n type: valueName,\n start: Object.assign({}, relatedStart),\n end: Object.assign({}, relatedEnd)\n }\n map.add(range[2], 0, [['enter', valueToken, context]])\n if (rowKind !== 2) {\n // Fix positional info on remaining events\n const start =[range[2]]\n const end =[range[3]]\n start[1].end = Object.assign({}, end[1].end)\n start[1].type = 'chunkText'\n start[1].contentType = 'text'\n\n // Remove if needed.\n if (range[3] > range[2] + 1) {\n const a = range[2] + 1\n const b = range[3] - range[2] - 1\n map.add(a, b, [])\n }\n }\n map.add(range[3] + 1, 0, [['exit', valueToken, context]])\n }\n\n // Insert an exit for the last cell, if at the row end.\n //\n // ```markdown\n // > | | aa | bb | cc |\n // ^-- exit\n // ^^^^^^-- this cell (the last one contains two “between” parts)\n // ```\n if (rowEnd !== undefined) {\n previousCell.end = Object.assign({}, getPoint(, rowEnd))\n map.add(rowEnd, 0, [['exit', previousCell, context]])\n previousCell = undefined\n }\n return previousCell\n}\n\n/**\n * Generate table end (and table body end).\n *\n * @param {EditMap} map\n * @param {TokenizeContext} context\n * @param {number} index\n * @param {Token} table\n * @param {Token | undefined} tableBody\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line max-params\nfunction flushTableEnd(map, context, index, table, tableBody) {\n /** @type {Array} */\n const exits = []\n const related = getPoint(, index)\n if (tableBody) {\n tableBody.end = Object.assign({}, related)\n exits.push(['exit', tableBody, context])\n }\n table.end = Object.assign({}, related)\n exits.push(['exit', table, context])\n map.add(index + 1, 0, exits)\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} events\n * @param {number} index\n * @returns {readonly Point}\n */\nfunction getPoint(events, index) {\n const event = events[index]\n const side = event[0] === 'enter' ? 'start' : 'end'\n return event[1][side]\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Extension} Extension\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').State} State\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext} TokenizeContext\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Tokenizer} Tokenizer\n */\n\nimport {factorySpace} from 'micromark-factory-space'\nimport {\n markdownLineEndingOrSpace,\n markdownLineEnding,\n markdownSpace\n} from 'micromark-util-character'\nconst tasklistCheck = {\n tokenize: tokenizeTasklistCheck\n}\n\n// To do: next major: expose function to make extension.\n\n/**\n * Extension for `micromark` that can be passed in `extensions`, to\n * enable GFM task list items syntax.\n *\n * @type {Extension}\n */\nexport const gfmTaskListItem = {\n text: {\n [91]: tasklistCheck\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction tokenizeTasklistCheck(effects, ok, nok) {\n const self = this\n return open\n\n /**\n * At start of task list item check.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | * [x] y.\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function open(code) {\n if (\n // Exit if there’s stuff before.\n self.previous !== null ||\n // Exit if not in the first content that is the first child of a list\n // item.\n !self._gfmTasklistFirstContentOfListItem\n ) {\n return nok(code)\n }\n effects.enter('taskListCheck')\n effects.enter('taskListCheckMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('taskListCheckMarker')\n return inside\n }\n\n /**\n * In task list item check.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | * [x] y.\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function inside(code) {\n // Currently we match how GH works in files.\n // To match how GH works in comments, use `markdownSpace` (`[\\t ]`) instead\n // of `markdownLineEndingOrSpace` (`[\\t\\n\\r ]`).\n if (markdownLineEndingOrSpace(code)) {\n effects.enter('taskListCheckValueUnchecked')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('taskListCheckValueUnchecked')\n return close\n }\n if (code === 88 || code === 120) {\n effects.enter('taskListCheckValueChecked')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('taskListCheckValueChecked')\n return close\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * At close of task list item check.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | * [x] y.\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function close(code) {\n if (code === 93) {\n effects.enter('taskListCheckMarker')\n effects.consume(code)\n effects.exit('taskListCheckMarker')\n effects.exit('taskListCheck')\n return after\n }\n return nok(code)\n }\n\n /**\n * @type {State}\n */\n function after(code) {\n // EOL in paragraph means there must be something else after it.\n if (markdownLineEnding(code)) {\n return ok(code)\n }\n\n // Space or tab?\n // Check what comes after.\n if (markdownSpace(code)) {\n return effects.check(\n {\n tokenize: spaceThenNonSpace\n },\n ok,\n nok\n )(code)\n }\n\n // EOF, or non-whitespace, both wrong.\n return nok(code)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {TokenizeContext}\n * @type {Tokenizer}\n */\nfunction spaceThenNonSpace(effects, ok, nok) {\n return factorySpace(effects, after, 'whitespace')\n\n /**\n * After whitespace, after task list item check.\n *\n * ```markdown\n * > | * [x] y.\n * ^\n * ```\n *\n * @type {State}\n */\n function after(code) {\n // EOF means there was nothing, so bad.\n // EOL means there’s content after it, so good.\n // Impossible to have more spaces.\n // Anything else is good.\n return code === null ? nok(code) : ok(code)\n }\n}\n","/**\n * Count how often a character (or substring) is used in a string.\n *\n * @param {string} value\n * Value to search in.\n * @param {string} character\n * Character (or substring) to look for.\n * @return {number}\n * Number of times `character` occurred in `value`.\n */\nexport function ccount(value, character) {\n const source = String(value)\n\n if (typeof character !== 'string') {\n throw new TypeError('Expected character')\n }\n\n let count = 0\n let index = source.indexOf(character)\n\n while (index !== -1) {\n count++\n index = source.indexOf(character, index + character.length)\n }\n\n return count\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Parent} MdastParent\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Content} Content\n * @typedef {import('mdast').PhrasingContent} PhrasingContent\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Text} Text\n * @typedef {import('unist-util-visit-parents').Test} Test\n * @typedef {import('unist-util-visit-parents').VisitorResult} VisitorResult\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Content | Root} Node\n * @typedef {Extract} Parent\n * @typedef {Exclude} ContentParent\n *\n * @typedef RegExpMatchObject\n * Info on the match.\n * @property {number} index\n * The index of the search at which the result was found.\n * @property {string} input\n * A copy of the search string in the text node.\n * @property {[Root, ...Array, Text]} stack\n * All ancestors of the text node, where the last node is the text itself.\n *\n * @callback ReplaceFunction\n * Callback called when a search matches.\n * @param {...any} parameters\n * The parameters are the result of corresponding search expression:\n *\n * * `value` (`string`) — whole match\n * * `...capture` (`Array`) — matches from regex capture groups\n * * `match` (`RegExpMatchObject`) — info on the match\n * @returns {Array | PhrasingContent | string | false | undefined | null}\n * Thing to replace with.\n *\n * * when `null`, `undefined`, `''`, remove the match\n * * …or when `false`, do not replace at all\n * * …or when `string`, replace with a text node of that value\n * * …or when `Node` or `Array`, replace with those nodes\n *\n * @typedef {string | RegExp} Find\n * Pattern to find.\n *\n * Strings are escaped and then turned into global expressions.\n *\n * @typedef {Array} FindAndReplaceList\n * Several find and replaces, in array form.\n * @typedef {Record} FindAndReplaceSchema\n * Several find and replaces, in object form.\n * @typedef {[Find, Replace]} FindAndReplaceTuple\n * Find and replace in tuple form.\n * @typedef {string | ReplaceFunction} Replace\n * Thing to replace with.\n * @typedef {[RegExp, ReplaceFunction]} Pair\n * Normalized find and replace.\n * @typedef {Array} Pairs\n * All find and replaced.\n *\n * @typedef Options\n * Configuration.\n * @property {Test | null | undefined} [ignore]\n * Test for which nodes to ignore.\n */\n\nimport escape from 'escape-string-regexp'\nimport {visitParents} from 'unist-util-visit-parents'\nimport {convert} from 'unist-util-is'\n\nconst own = {}.hasOwnProperty\n\n/**\n * Find patterns in a tree and replace them.\n *\n * The algorithm searches the tree in *preorder* for complete values in `Text`\n * nodes.\n * Partial matches are not supported.\n *\n * @param tree\n * Tree to change.\n * @param find\n * Patterns to find.\n * @param replace\n * Things to replace with (when `find` is `Find`) or configuration.\n * @param options\n * Configuration (when `find` is not `Find`).\n * @returns\n * Given, modified, tree.\n */\n// To do: next major: remove `find` & `replace` combo, remove schema.\nexport const findAndReplace =\n /**\n * @type {(\n * ((tree: Tree, find: Find, replace?: Replace | null | undefined, options?: Options | null | undefined) => Tree) &\n * ((tree: Tree, schema: FindAndReplaceSchema | FindAndReplaceList, options?: Options | null | undefined) => Tree)\n * )}\n **/\n (\n /**\n * @template {Node} Tree\n * @param {Tree} tree\n * @param {Find | FindAndReplaceSchema | FindAndReplaceList} find\n * @param {Replace | Options | null | undefined} [replace]\n * @param {Options | null | undefined} [options]\n * @returns {Tree}\n */\n function (tree, find, replace, options) {\n /** @type {Options | null | undefined} */\n let settings\n /** @type {FindAndReplaceSchema|FindAndReplaceList} */\n let schema\n\n if (typeof find === 'string' || find instanceof RegExp) {\n // @ts-expect-error don’t expect options twice.\n schema = [[find, replace]]\n settings = options\n } else {\n schema = find\n // @ts-expect-error don’t expect replace twice.\n settings = replace\n }\n\n if (!settings) {\n settings = {}\n }\n\n const ignored = convert(settings.ignore || [])\n const pairs = toPairs(schema)\n let pairIndex = -1\n\n while (++pairIndex < pairs.length) {\n visitParents(tree, 'text', visitor)\n }\n\n // To do next major: don’t return the given tree.\n return tree\n\n /** @type {import('unist-util-visit-parents/complex-types.js').BuildVisitor} */\n function visitor(node, parents) {\n let index = -1\n /** @type {Parent | undefined} */\n let grandparent\n\n while (++index < parents.length) {\n const parent = parents[index]\n\n if (\n ignored(\n parent,\n // @ts-expect-error: TS doesn’t understand but it’s perfect.\n grandparent ? grandparent.children.indexOf(parent) : undefined,\n grandparent\n )\n ) {\n return\n }\n\n grandparent = parent\n }\n\n if (grandparent) {\n return handler(node, parents)\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Handle a text node which is not in an ignored parent.\n *\n * @param {Text} node\n * Text node.\n * @param {Array} parents\n * Parents.\n * @returns {VisitorResult}\n * Result.\n */\n function handler(node, parents) {\n const parent = parents[parents.length - 1]\n const find = pairs[pairIndex][0]\n const replace = pairs[pairIndex][1]\n let start = 0\n // @ts-expect-error: TS is wrong, some of these children can be text.\n const index = parent.children.indexOf(node)\n let change = false\n /** @type {Array} */\n let nodes = []\n\n find.lastIndex = 0\n\n let match = find.exec(node.value)\n\n while (match) {\n const position = match.index\n /** @type {RegExpMatchObject} */\n const matchObject = {\n index: match.index,\n input: match.input,\n // @ts-expect-error: stack is fine.\n stack: [...parents, node]\n }\n let value = replace(...match, matchObject)\n\n if (typeof value === 'string') {\n value = value.length > 0 ? {type: 'text', value} : undefined\n }\n\n // It wasn’t a match after all.\n if (value !== false) {\n if (start !== position) {\n nodes.push({\n type: 'text',\n value: node.value.slice(start, position)\n })\n }\n\n if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n nodes.push(...value)\n } else if (value) {\n nodes.push(value)\n }\n\n start = position + match[0].length\n change = true\n }\n\n if (! {\n break\n }\n\n match = find.exec(node.value)\n }\n\n if (change) {\n if (start < node.value.length) {\n nodes.push({type: 'text', value: node.value.slice(start)})\n }\n\n parent.children.splice(index, 1, ...nodes)\n } else {\n nodes = [node]\n }\n\n return index + nodes.length\n }\n }\n )\n\n/**\n * Turn a schema into pairs.\n *\n * @param {FindAndReplaceSchema | FindAndReplaceList} schema\n * Schema.\n * @returns {Pairs}\n * Clean pairs.\n */\nfunction toPairs(schema) {\n /** @type {Pairs} */\n const result = []\n\n if (typeof schema !== 'object') {\n throw new TypeError('Expected array or object as schema')\n }\n\n if (Array.isArray(schema)) {\n let index = -1\n\n while (++index < schema.length) {\n result.push([\n toExpression(schema[index][0]),\n toFunction(schema[index][1])\n ])\n }\n } else {\n /** @type {string} */\n let key\n\n for (key in schema) {\n if (, key)) {\n result.push([toExpression(key), toFunction(schema[key])])\n }\n }\n }\n\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Turn a find into an expression.\n *\n * @param {Find} find\n * Find.\n * @returns {RegExp}\n * Expression.\n */\nfunction toExpression(find) {\n return typeof find === 'string' ? new RegExp(escape(find), 'g') : find\n}\n\n/**\n * Turn a replace into a function.\n *\n * @param {Replace} replace\n * Replace.\n * @returns {ReplaceFunction}\n * Function.\n */\nfunction toFunction(replace) {\n return typeof replace === 'function' ? replace : () => replace\n}\n","export default function escapeStringRegexp(string) {\n\tif (typeof string !== 'string') {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError('Expected a string');\n\t}\n\n\t// Escape characters with special meaning either inside or outside character sets.\n\t// Use a simple backslash escape when it’s always valid, and a `\\xnn` escape when the simpler form would be disallowed by Unicode patterns’ stricter grammar.\n\treturn string\n\t\t.replace(/[|\\\\{}()[\\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\\\$&')\n\t\t.replace(/-/g, '\\\\x2d');\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Link} Link\n * @typedef {import('mdast').PhrasingContent} PhrasingContent\n *\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').CompileContext} CompileContext\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Extension} FromMarkdownExtension\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Handle} FromMarkdownHandle\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Transform} FromMarkdownTransform\n *\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').ConstructName} ConstructName\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Options} ToMarkdownExtension\n *\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-find-and-replace').ReplaceFunction} ReplaceFunction\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-find-and-replace').RegExpMatchObject} RegExpMatchObject\n */\n\nimport {ccount} from 'ccount'\nimport {findAndReplace} from 'mdast-util-find-and-replace'\nimport {unicodePunctuation, unicodeWhitespace} from 'micromark-util-character'\n\n/** @type {ConstructName} */\nconst inConstruct = 'phrasing'\n/** @type {Array} */\nconst notInConstruct = ['autolink', 'link', 'image', 'label']\n\n// To do: next major: expose functions instead of extensions.\n\n/**\n * Extension for `mdast-util-from-markdown` to enable GFM autolink literals.\n *\n * @type {FromMarkdownExtension}\n */\nexport const gfmAutolinkLiteralFromMarkdown = {\n transforms: [transformGfmAutolinkLiterals],\n enter: {\n literalAutolink: enterLiteralAutolink,\n literalAutolinkEmail: enterLiteralAutolinkValue,\n literalAutolinkHttp: enterLiteralAutolinkValue,\n literalAutolinkWww: enterLiteralAutolinkValue\n },\n exit: {\n literalAutolink: exitLiteralAutolink,\n literalAutolinkEmail: exitLiteralAutolinkEmail,\n literalAutolinkHttp: exitLiteralAutolinkHttp,\n literalAutolinkWww: exitLiteralAutolinkWww\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Extension for `mdast-util-to-markdown` to enable GFM autolink literals.\n *\n * @type {ToMarkdownExtension}\n */\nexport const gfmAutolinkLiteralToMarkdown = {\n unsafe: [\n {\n character: '@',\n before: '[+\\\\-.\\\\w]',\n after: '[\\\\-.\\\\w]',\n inConstruct,\n notInConstruct\n },\n {\n character: '.',\n before: '[Ww]',\n after: '[\\\\-.\\\\w]',\n inConstruct,\n notInConstruct\n },\n {character: ':', before: '[ps]', after: '\\\\/', inConstruct, notInConstruct}\n ]\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction enterLiteralAutolink(token) {\n this.enter({type: 'link', title: null, url: '', children: []}, token)\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction enterLiteralAutolinkValue(token) {\n, token)\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction exitLiteralAutolinkHttp(token) {\n, token)\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction exitLiteralAutolinkWww(token) {\n, token)\n const node = /** @type {Link} */ (this.stack[this.stack.length - 1])\n node.url = 'http://' + this.sliceSerialize(token)\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction exitLiteralAutolinkEmail(token) {\n, token)\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction exitLiteralAutolink(token) {\n this.exit(token)\n}\n\n/** @type {FromMarkdownTransform} */\nfunction transformGfmAutolinkLiterals(tree) {\n findAndReplace(\n tree,\n [\n [/(https?:\\/\\/|www(?=\\.))([-.\\w]+)([^ \\t\\r\\n]*)/gi, findUrl],\n [/([-.\\w+]+)@([-\\w]+(?:\\.[-\\w]+)+)/g, findEmail]\n ],\n {ignore: ['link', 'linkReference']}\n )\n}\n\n/**\n * @type {ReplaceFunction}\n * @param {string} _\n * @param {string} protocol\n * @param {string} domain\n * @param {string} path\n * @param {RegExpMatchObject} match\n * @returns {Link | Array | false}\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line max-params\nfunction findUrl(_, protocol, domain, path, match) {\n let prefix = ''\n\n // Not an expected previous character.\n if (!previous(match)) {\n return false\n }\n\n // Treat `www` as part of the domain.\n if (/^w/i.test(protocol)) {\n domain = protocol + domain\n protocol = ''\n prefix = 'http://'\n }\n\n if (!isCorrectDomain(domain)) {\n return false\n }\n\n const parts = splitUrl(domain + path)\n\n if (!parts[0]) return false\n\n /** @type {Link} */\n const result = {\n type: 'link',\n title: null,\n url: prefix + protocol + parts[0],\n children: [{type: 'text', value: protocol + parts[0]}]\n }\n\n if (parts[1]) {\n return [result, {type: 'text', value: parts[1]}]\n }\n\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * @type {ReplaceFunction}\n * @param {string} _\n * @param {string} atext\n * @param {string} label\n * @param {RegExpMatchObject} match\n * @returns {Link | false}\n */\nfunction findEmail(_, atext, label, match) {\n if (\n // Not an expected previous character.\n !previous(match, true) ||\n // Label ends in not allowed character.\n /[-\\d_]$/.test(label)\n ) {\n return false\n }\n\n return {\n type: 'link',\n title: null,\n url: 'mailto:' + atext + '@' + label,\n children: [{type: 'text', value: atext + '@' + label}]\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} domain\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\nfunction isCorrectDomain(domain) {\n const parts = domain.split('.')\n\n if (\n parts.length < 2 ||\n (parts[parts.length - 1] &&\n (/_/.test(parts[parts.length - 1]) ||\n !/[a-zA-Z\\d]/.test(parts[parts.length - 1]))) ||\n (parts[parts.length - 2] &&\n (/_/.test(parts[parts.length - 2]) ||\n !/[a-zA-Z\\d]/.test(parts[parts.length - 2])))\n ) {\n return false\n }\n\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} url\n * @returns {[string, string | undefined]}\n */\nfunction splitUrl(url) {\n const trailExec = /[!\"&'),.:;<>?\\]}]+$/.exec(url)\n\n if (!trailExec) {\n return [url, undefined]\n }\n\n url = url.slice(0, trailExec.index)\n\n let trail = trailExec[0]\n let closingParenIndex = trail.indexOf(')')\n const openingParens = ccount(url, '(')\n let closingParens = ccount(url, ')')\n\n while (closingParenIndex !== -1 && openingParens > closingParens) {\n url += trail.slice(0, closingParenIndex + 1)\n trail = trail.slice(closingParenIndex + 1)\n closingParenIndex = trail.indexOf(')')\n closingParens++\n }\n\n return [url, trail]\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {RegExpMatchObject} match\n * @param {boolean | null | undefined} [email=false]\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\nfunction previous(match, email) {\n const code = match.input.charCodeAt(match.index - 1)\n\n return (\n (match.index === 0 ||\n unicodeWhitespace(code) ||\n unicodePunctuation(code)) &&\n (!email || code !== 47)\n )\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').AssociationId} AssociationId\n */\n\nimport {decodeString} from 'micromark-util-decode-string'\n\n/**\n * Get an identifier from an association to match it to others.\n *\n * Associations are nodes that match to something else through an ID:\n * .\n *\n * The `label` of an association is the string value: character escapes and\n * references work, and casing is intact.\n * The `identifier` is used to match one association to another:\n * controversially, character escapes and references don’t work in this\n * matching: `©` does not match `©`, and `\\+` does not match `+`.\n *\n * But casing is ignored (and whitespace) is trimmed and collapsed: ` A\\nb`\n * matches `a b`.\n * So, we do prefer the label when figuring out how we’re going to serialize:\n * it has whitespace, casing, and we can ignore most useless character\n * escapes and all character references.\n *\n * @type {AssociationId}\n */\nexport function association(node) {\n if (node.label || !node.identifier) {\n return node.label || ''\n }\n\n return decodeString(node.identifier)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').FlowContent} FlowContent\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').Node} Node\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').Parent} Parent\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').State} State\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').TrackFields} TrackFields\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {Parent & {children: Array}} parent\n * Parent of flow nodes.\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around about the current state.\n * @param {TrackFields} info\n * Info on where we are in the document we are generating.\n * @returns {string}\n * Serialized children, joined by (blank) lines.\n */\nexport function containerFlow(parent, state, info) {\n const indexStack = state.indexStack\n const children = parent.children || []\n const tracker = state.createTracker(info)\n /** @type {Array} */\n const results = []\n let index = -1\n\n indexStack.push(-1)\n\n while (++index < children.length) {\n const child = children[index]\n\n indexStack[indexStack.length - 1] = index\n\n results.push(\n tracker.move(\n state.handle(child, parent, state, {\n before: '\\n',\n after: '\\n',\n ...tracker.current()\n })\n )\n )\n\n if (child.type !== 'list') {\n state.bulletLastUsed = undefined\n }\n\n if (index < children.length - 1) {\n results.push(\n tracker.move(between(child, children[index + 1], parent, state))\n )\n }\n }\n\n indexStack.pop()\n\n return results.join('')\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Node} left\n * @param {Node} right\n * @param {Parent} parent\n * @param {State} state\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction between(left, right, parent, state) {\n let index = state.join.length\n\n while (index--) {\n const result = state.join[index](left, right, parent, state)\n\n if (result === true || result === 1) {\n break\n }\n\n if (typeof result === 'number') {\n return '\\n'.repeat(1 + result)\n }\n\n if (result === false) {\n return '\\n\\n\\n\\n'\n }\n }\n\n return '\\n\\n'\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').IndentLines} IndentLines\n */\n\nconst eol = /\\r?\\n|\\r/g\n\n/**\n * @type {IndentLines}\n */\nexport function indentLines(value, map) {\n /** @type {Array} */\n const result = []\n let start = 0\n let line = 0\n /** @type {RegExpExecArray | null} */\n let match\n\n while ((match = eol.exec(value))) {\n one(value.slice(start, match.index))\n result.push(match[0])\n start = match.index + match[0].length\n line++\n }\n\n one(value.slice(start))\n\n return result.join('')\n\n /**\n * @param {string} value\n */\n function one(value) {\n result.push(map(value, line, !value))\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').Unsafe} Unsafe\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {Unsafe} pattern\n * @returns {RegExp}\n */\nexport function patternCompile(pattern) {\n if (!pattern._compiled) {\n const before =\n (pattern.atBreak ? '[\\\\r\\\\n][\\\\t ]*' : '') +\n (pattern.before ? '(?:' + pattern.before + ')' : '')\n\n pattern._compiled = new RegExp(\n (before ? '(' + before + ')' : '') +\n (/[|\\\\{}()[\\]^$+*?.-]/.test(pattern.character) ? '\\\\' : '') +\n pattern.character +\n (pattern.after ? '(?:' + pattern.after + ')' : ''),\n 'g'\n )\n }\n\n return pattern._compiled\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').Unsafe} Unsafe\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').ConstructName} ConstructName\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} stack\n * @param {Unsafe} pattern\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\nexport function patternInScope(stack, pattern) {\n return (\n listInScope(stack, pattern.inConstruct, true) &&\n !listInScope(stack, pattern.notInConstruct, false)\n )\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Array} stack\n * @param {Unsafe['inConstruct']} list\n * @param {boolean} none\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\nfunction listInScope(stack, list, none) {\n if (typeof list === 'string') {\n list = [list]\n }\n\n if (!list || list.length === 0) {\n return none\n }\n\n let index = -1\n\n while (++index < list.length) {\n if (stack.includes(list[index])) {\n return true\n }\n }\n\n return false\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').State} State\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').SafeConfig} SafeConfig\n */\n\nimport {patternCompile} from './pattern-compile.js'\nimport {patternInScope} from './pattern-in-scope.js'\n\n/**\n * Make a string safe for embedding in markdown constructs.\n *\n * In markdown, almost all punctuation characters can, in certain cases,\n * result in something.\n * Whether they do is highly subjective to where they happen and in what\n * they happen.\n *\n * To solve this, `mdast-util-to-markdown` tracks:\n *\n * * Characters before and after something;\n * * What “constructs” we are in.\n *\n * This information is then used by this function to escape or encode\n * special characters.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around about the current state.\n * @param {string | null | undefined} input\n * Raw value to make safe.\n * @param {SafeConfig} config\n * Configuration.\n * @returns {string}\n * Serialized markdown safe for embedding.\n */\nexport function safe(state, input, config) {\n const value = (config.before || '') + (input || '') + (config.after || '')\n /** @type {Array} */\n const positions = []\n /** @type {Array} */\n const result = []\n /** @type {Record} */\n const infos = {}\n let index = -1\n\n while (++index < state.unsafe.length) {\n const pattern = state.unsafe[index]\n\n if (!patternInScope(state.stack, pattern)) {\n continue\n }\n\n const expression = patternCompile(pattern)\n /** @type {RegExpExecArray | null} */\n let match\n\n while ((match = expression.exec(value))) {\n const before = 'before' in pattern || Boolean(pattern.atBreak)\n const after = 'after' in pattern\n const position = match.index + (before ? match[1].length : 0)\n\n if (positions.includes(position)) {\n if (infos[position].before && !before) {\n infos[position].before = false\n }\n\n if (infos[position].after && !after) {\n infos[position].after = false\n }\n } else {\n positions.push(position)\n infos[position] = {before, after}\n }\n }\n }\n\n positions.sort(numerical)\n\n let start = config.before ? config.before.length : 0\n const end = value.length - (config.after ? config.after.length : 0)\n index = -1\n\n while (++index < positions.length) {\n const position = positions[index]\n\n // Character before or after matched:\n if (position < start || position >= end) {\n continue\n }\n\n // If this character is supposed to be escaped because it has a condition on\n // the next character, and the next character is definitly being escaped,\n // then skip this escape.\n if (\n (position + 1 < end &&\n positions[index + 1] === position + 1 &&\n infos[position].after &&\n !infos[position + 1].before &&\n !infos[position + 1].after) ||\n (positions[index - 1] === position - 1 &&\n infos[position].before &&\n !infos[position - 1].before &&\n !infos[position - 1].after)\n ) {\n continue\n }\n\n if (start !== position) {\n // If we have to use a character reference, an ampersand would be more\n // correct, but as backslashes only care about punctuation, either will\n // do the trick\n result.push(escapeBackslashes(value.slice(start, position), '\\\\'))\n }\n\n start = position\n\n if (\n /[!-/:-@[-`{-~]/.test(value.charAt(position)) &&\n (!config.encode || !config.encode.includes(value.charAt(position)))\n ) {\n // Character escape.\n result.push('\\\\')\n } else {\n // Character reference.\n result.push(\n '&#x' + value.charCodeAt(position).toString(16).toUpperCase() + ';'\n )\n start++\n }\n }\n\n result.push(escapeBackslashes(value.slice(start, end), config.after))\n\n return result.join('')\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {number} a\n * @param {number} b\n * @returns {number}\n */\nfunction numerical(a, b) {\n return a - b\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @param {string} after\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction escapeBackslashes(value, after) {\n const expression = /\\\\(?=[!-/:-@[-`{-~])/g\n /** @type {Array} */\n const positions = []\n /** @type {Array} */\n const results = []\n const whole = value + after\n let index = -1\n let start = 0\n /** @type {RegExpExecArray | null} */\n let match\n\n while ((match = expression.exec(whole))) {\n positions.push(match.index)\n }\n\n while (++index < positions.length) {\n if (start !== positions[index]) {\n results.push(value.slice(start, positions[index]))\n }\n\n results.push('\\\\')\n start = positions[index]\n }\n\n results.push(value.slice(start))\n\n return results.join('')\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').CreateTracker} CreateTracker\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').TrackCurrent} TrackCurrent\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').TrackMove} TrackMove\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').TrackShift} TrackShift\n */\n\n/**\n * Track positional info in the output.\n *\n * @type {CreateTracker}\n */\nexport function track(config) {\n // Defaults are used to prevent crashes when older utilities somehow activate\n // this code.\n /* c8 ignore next 5 */\n const options = config || {}\n const now = || {}\n let lineShift = options.lineShift || 0\n let line = now.line || 1\n let column = now.column || 1\n\n return {move, current, shift}\n\n /**\n * Get the current tracked info.\n *\n * @type {TrackCurrent}\n */\n function current() {\n return {now: {line, column}, lineShift}\n }\n\n /**\n * Define an increased line shift (the typical indent for lines).\n *\n * @type {TrackShift}\n */\n function shift(value) {\n lineShift += value\n }\n\n /**\n * Move past some generated markdown.\n *\n * @type {TrackMove}\n */\n function move(input) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-default-parameters\n const value = input || ''\n const chunks = value.split(/\\r?\\n|\\r/g)\n const tail = chunks[chunks.length - 1]\n line += chunks.length - 1\n column =\n chunks.length === 1 ? column + tail.length : 1 + tail.length + lineShift\n return value\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('mdast').FootnoteReference} FootnoteReference\n * @typedef {import('mdast').FootnoteDefinition} FootnoteDefinition\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').CompileContext} CompileContext\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Extension} FromMarkdownExtension\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Handle} FromMarkdownHandle\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Options} ToMarkdownExtension\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Handle} ToMarkdownHandle\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Map} Map\n */\n\nimport {normalizeIdentifier} from 'micromark-util-normalize-identifier'\nimport {association} from 'mdast-util-to-markdown/lib/util/association.js'\nimport {containerFlow} from 'mdast-util-to-markdown/lib/util/container-flow.js'\nimport {indentLines} from 'mdast-util-to-markdown/lib/util/indent-lines.js'\nimport {safe} from 'mdast-util-to-markdown/lib/util/safe.js'\nimport {track} from 'mdast-util-to-markdown/lib/util/track.js'\n\nfootnoteReference.peek = footnoteReferencePeek\n\n// To do: next major: rename `context` -> `state`, `safeOptions` to `info`, use\n// utilities on `state`.\n\n/**\n * Create an extension for `mdast-util-from-markdown` to enable GFM footnotes\n * in markdown.\n *\n * @returns {FromMarkdownExtension}\n * Extension for `mdast-util-from-markdown`.\n */\nexport function gfmFootnoteFromMarkdown() {\n return {\n enter: {\n gfmFootnoteDefinition: enterFootnoteDefinition,\n gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelString: enterFootnoteDefinitionLabelString,\n gfmFootnoteCall: enterFootnoteCall,\n gfmFootnoteCallString: enterFootnoteCallString\n },\n exit: {\n gfmFootnoteDefinition: exitFootnoteDefinition,\n gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelString: exitFootnoteDefinitionLabelString,\n gfmFootnoteCall: exitFootnoteCall,\n gfmFootnoteCallString: exitFootnoteCallString\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Create an extension for `mdast-util-to-markdown` to enable GFM footnotes\n * in markdown.\n *\n * @returns {ToMarkdownExtension}\n * Extension for `mdast-util-to-markdown`.\n */\nexport function gfmFootnoteToMarkdown() {\n return {\n // This is on by default already.\n unsafe: [{character: '[', inConstruct: ['phrasing', 'label', 'reference']}],\n handlers: {footnoteDefinition, footnoteReference}\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction enterFootnoteDefinition(token) {\n this.enter(\n {type: 'footnoteDefinition', identifier: '', label: '', children: []},\n token\n )\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction enterFootnoteDefinitionLabelString() {\n this.buffer()\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction exitFootnoteDefinitionLabelString(token) {\n const label = this.resume()\n const node = /** @type {FootnoteDefinition} */ (\n this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n )\n node.label = label\n node.identifier = normalizeIdentifier(\n this.sliceSerialize(token)\n ).toLowerCase()\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction exitFootnoteDefinition(token) {\n this.exit(token)\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction enterFootnoteCall(token) {\n this.enter({type: 'footnoteReference', identifier: '', label: ''}, token)\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction enterFootnoteCallString() {\n this.buffer()\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction exitFootnoteCallString(token) {\n const label = this.resume()\n const node = /** @type {FootnoteDefinition} */ (\n this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]\n )\n node.label = label\n node.identifier = normalizeIdentifier(\n this.sliceSerialize(token)\n ).toLowerCase()\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction exitFootnoteCall(token) {\n this.exit(token)\n}\n\n/**\n * @type {ToMarkdownHandle}\n * @param {FootnoteReference} node\n */\nfunction footnoteReference(node, _, context, safeOptions) {\n const tracker = track(safeOptions)\n let value = tracker.move('[^')\n const exit = context.enter('footnoteReference')\n const subexit = context.enter('reference')\n value += tracker.move(\n safe(context, association(node), {\n ...tracker.current(),\n before: value,\n after: ']'\n })\n )\n subexit()\n exit()\n value += tracker.move(']')\n return value\n}\n\n/** @type {ToMarkdownHandle} */\nfunction footnoteReferencePeek() {\n return '['\n}\n\n/**\n * @type {ToMarkdownHandle}\n * @param {FootnoteDefinition} node\n */\nfunction footnoteDefinition(node, _, context, safeOptions) {\n const tracker = track(safeOptions)\n let value = tracker.move('[^')\n const exit = context.enter('footnoteDefinition')\n const subexit = context.enter('label')\n value += tracker.move(\n safe(context, association(node), {\n ...tracker.current(),\n before: value,\n after: ']'\n })\n )\n subexit()\n value += tracker.move(\n ']:' + (node.children && node.children.length > 0 ? ' ' : '')\n )\n tracker.shift(4)\n value += tracker.move(\n indentLines(containerFlow(node, context, tracker.current()), map)\n )\n exit()\n\n return value\n}\n\n/** @type {Map} */\nfunction map(line, index, blank) {\n if (index === 0) {\n return line\n }\n\n return (blank ? '' : ' ') + line\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').Handle} Handle\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').Info} Info\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').Parent} Parent\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').PhrasingContent} PhrasingContent\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').State} State\n */\n\n/**\n * Serialize the children of a parent that contains phrasing children.\n *\n * These children will be joined flush together.\n *\n * @param {Parent & {children: Array}} parent\n * Parent of flow nodes.\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around about the current state.\n * @param {Info} info\n * Info on where we are in the document we are generating.\n * @returns {string}\n * Serialized children, joined together.\n */\nexport function containerPhrasing(parent, state, info) {\n const indexStack = state.indexStack\n const children = parent.children || []\n /** @type {Array} */\n const results = []\n let index = -1\n let before = info.before\n\n indexStack.push(-1)\n let tracker = state.createTracker(info)\n\n while (++index < children.length) {\n const child = children[index]\n /** @type {string} */\n let after\n\n indexStack[indexStack.length - 1] = index\n\n if (index + 1 < children.length) {\n /** @type {Handle} */\n // @ts-expect-error: hush, it’s actually a `zwitch`.\n let handle = state.handle.handlers[children[index + 1].type]\n /** @type {Handle} */\n // @ts-expect-error: hush, it’s actually a `zwitch`.\n if (handle && handle.peek) handle = handle.peek\n after = handle\n ? handle(children[index + 1], parent, state, {\n before: '',\n after: '',\n ...tracker.current()\n }).charAt(0)\n : ''\n } else {\n after = info.after\n }\n\n // In some cases, html (text) can be found in phrasing right after an eol.\n // When we’d serialize that, in most cases that would be seen as html\n // (flow).\n // As we can’t escape or so to prevent it from happening, we take a somewhat\n // reasonable approach: replace that eol with a space.\n // See: \n if (\n results.length > 0 &&\n (before === '\\r' || before === '\\n') &&\n child.type === 'html'\n ) {\n results[results.length - 1] = results[results.length - 1].replace(\n /(\\r?\\n|\\r)$/,\n ' '\n )\n before = ' '\n\n // To do: does this work to reset tracker?\n tracker = state.createTracker(info)\n tracker.move(results.join(''))\n }\n\n results.push(\n tracker.move(\n state.handle(child, parent, state, {\n ...tracker.current(),\n before,\n after\n })\n )\n )\n\n before = results[results.length - 1].slice(-1)\n }\n\n indexStack.pop()\n\n return results.join('')\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Delete} Delete\n *\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').CompileContext} CompileContext\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Extension} FromMarkdownExtension\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Handle} FromMarkdownHandle\n *\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').ConstructName} ConstructName\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Options} ToMarkdownExtension\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Handle} ToMarkdownHandle\n */\n\nimport {containerPhrasing} from 'mdast-util-to-markdown/lib/util/container-phrasing.js'\nimport {track} from 'mdast-util-to-markdown/lib/util/track.js'\n\n// To do: next major: expose functions.\n// To do: next major: use `state`, state utilities.\n\n/**\n * List of constructs that occur in phrasing (paragraphs, headings), but cannot\n * contain strikethrough.\n * So they sort of cancel each other out.\n * Note: could use a better name.\n *\n * Note: keep in sync with: \n *\n * @type {Array}\n */\nconst constructsWithoutStrikethrough = [\n 'autolink',\n 'destinationLiteral',\n 'destinationRaw',\n 'reference',\n 'titleQuote',\n 'titleApostrophe'\n]\n\nhandleDelete.peek = peekDelete\n\n/**\n * Extension for `mdast-util-from-markdown` to enable GFM strikethrough.\n *\n * @type {FromMarkdownExtension}\n */\nexport const gfmStrikethroughFromMarkdown = {\n canContainEols: ['delete'],\n enter: {strikethrough: enterStrikethrough},\n exit: {strikethrough: exitStrikethrough}\n}\n\n/**\n * Extension for `mdast-util-to-markdown` to enable GFM strikethrough.\n *\n * @type {ToMarkdownExtension}\n */\nexport const gfmStrikethroughToMarkdown = {\n unsafe: [\n {\n character: '~',\n inConstruct: 'phrasing',\n notInConstruct: constructsWithoutStrikethrough\n }\n ],\n handlers: {delete: handleDelete}\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction enterStrikethrough(token) {\n this.enter({type: 'delete', children: []}, token)\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction exitStrikethrough(token) {\n this.exit(token)\n}\n\n/**\n * @type {ToMarkdownHandle}\n * @param {Delete} node\n */\nfunction handleDelete(node, _, context, safeOptions) {\n const tracker = track(safeOptions)\n const exit = context.enter('strikethrough')\n let value = tracker.move('~~')\n value += containerPhrasing(node, context, {\n ...tracker.current(),\n before: value,\n after: '~'\n })\n value += tracker.move('~~')\n exit()\n return value\n}\n\n/** @type {ToMarkdownHandle} */\nfunction peekDelete() {\n return '~'\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('mdast').InlineCode} InlineCode\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').Parent} Parent\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').State} State\n */\n\nimport {patternCompile} from '../util/pattern-compile.js'\n\ninlineCode.peek = inlineCodePeek\n\n/**\n * @param {InlineCode} node\n * @param {Parent | undefined} _\n * @param {State} state\n * @returns {string}\n */\nexport function inlineCode(node, _, state) {\n let value = node.value || ''\n let sequence = '`'\n let index = -1\n\n // If there is a single grave accent on its own in the code, use a fence of\n // two.\n // If there are two in a row, use one.\n while (new RegExp('(^|[^`])' + sequence + '([^`]|$)').test(value)) {\n sequence += '`'\n }\n\n // If this is not just spaces or eols (tabs don’t count), and either the\n // first or last character are a space, eol, or tick, then pad with spaces.\n if (\n /[^ \\r\\n]/.test(value) &&\n ((/^[ \\r\\n]/.test(value) && /[ \\r\\n]$/.test(value)) || /^`|`$/.test(value))\n ) {\n value = ' ' + value + ' '\n }\n\n // We have a potential problem: certain characters after eols could result in\n // blocks being seen.\n // For example, if someone injected the string `'\\n# b'`, then that would\n // result in an ATX heading.\n // We can’t escape characters in `inlineCode`, but because eols are\n // transformed to spaces when going from markdown to HTML anyway, we can swap\n // them out.\n while (++index < state.unsafe.length) {\n const pattern = state.unsafe[index]\n const expression = patternCompile(pattern)\n /** @type {RegExpExecArray | null} */\n let match\n\n // Only look for `atBreak`s.\n // Btw: note that `atBreak` patterns will always start the regex at LF or\n // CR.\n if (!pattern.atBreak) continue\n\n while ((match = expression.exec(value))) {\n let position = match.index\n\n // Support CRLF (patterns only look for one of the characters).\n if (\n value.charCodeAt(position) === 10 /* `\\n` */ &&\n value.charCodeAt(position - 1) === 13 /* `\\r` */\n ) {\n position--\n }\n\n value = value.slice(0, position) + ' ' + value.slice(match.index + 1)\n }\n }\n\n return sequence + value + sequence\n}\n\n/**\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction inlineCodePeek() {\n return '`'\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef Options\n * Configuration (optional).\n * @property {string|null|ReadonlyArray} [align]\n * One style for all columns, or styles for their respective columns.\n * Each style is either `'l'` (left), `'r'` (right), or `'c'` (center).\n * Other values are treated as `''`, which doesn’t place the colon in the\n * alignment row but does align left.\n * *Only the lowercased first character is used, so `Right` is fine.*\n * @property {boolean} [padding=true]\n * Whether to add a space of padding between delimiters and cells.\n *\n * When `true`, there is padding:\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | Alpha | B |\n * | ----- | ----- |\n * | C | Delta |\n * ```\n *\n * When `false`, there is no padding:\n *\n * ```markdown\n * |Alpha|B |\n * |-----|-----|\n * |C |Delta|\n * ```\n * @property {boolean} [delimiterStart=true]\n * Whether to begin each row with the delimiter.\n *\n * > 👉 **Note**: please don’t use this: it could create fragile structures\n * > that aren’t understandable to some markdown parsers.\n *\n * When `true`, there are starting delimiters:\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | Alpha | B |\n * | ----- | ----- |\n * | C | Delta |\n * ```\n *\n * When `false`, there are no starting delimiters:\n *\n * ```markdown\n * Alpha | B |\n * ----- | ----- |\n * C | Delta |\n * ```\n * @property {boolean} [delimiterEnd=true]\n * Whether to end each row with the delimiter.\n *\n * > 👉 **Note**: please don’t use this: it could create fragile structures\n * > that aren’t understandable to some markdown parsers.\n *\n * When `true`, there are ending delimiters:\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | Alpha | B |\n * | ----- | ----- |\n * | C | Delta |\n * ```\n *\n * When `false`, there are no ending delimiters:\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | Alpha | B\n * | ----- | -----\n * | C | Delta\n * ```\n * @property {boolean} [alignDelimiters=true]\n * Whether to align the delimiters.\n * By default, they are aligned:\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | Alpha | B |\n * | ----- | ----- |\n * | C | Delta |\n * ```\n *\n * Pass `false` to make them staggered:\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | Alpha | B |\n * | - | - |\n * | C | Delta |\n * ```\n * @property {(value: string) => number} [stringLength]\n * Function to detect the length of table cell content.\n * This is used when aligning the delimiters (`|`) between table cells.\n * Full-width characters and emoji mess up delimiter alignment when viewing\n * the markdown source.\n * To fix this, you can pass this function, which receives the cell content\n * and returns its “visible” size.\n * Note that what is and isn’t visible depends on where the text is displayed.\n *\n * Without such a function, the following:\n *\n * ```js\n * markdownTable([\n * ['Alpha', 'Bravo'],\n * ['中文', 'Charlie'],\n * ['👩‍❤️‍👩', 'Delta']\n * ])\n * ```\n *\n * Yields:\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | Alpha | Bravo |\n * | - | - |\n * | 中文 | Charlie |\n * | 👩‍❤️‍👩 | Delta |\n * ```\n *\n * With [`string-width`](\n *\n * ```js\n * import stringWidth from 'string-width'\n *\n * markdownTable(\n * [\n * ['Alpha', 'Bravo'],\n * ['中文', 'Charlie'],\n * ['👩‍❤️‍👩', 'Delta']\n * ],\n * {stringLength: stringWidth}\n * )\n * ```\n *\n * Yields:\n *\n * ```markdown\n * | Alpha | Bravo |\n * | ----- | ------- |\n * | 中文 | Charlie |\n * | 👩‍❤️‍👩 | Delta |\n * ```\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Options} MarkdownTableOptions\n * @todo\n * Remove next major.\n */\n\n/**\n * Generate a markdown ([GFM]( table..\n *\n * @param {ReadonlyArray>} table\n * Table data (matrix of strings).\n * @param {Options} [options]\n * Configuration (optional).\n * @returns {string}\n */\nexport function markdownTable(table, options = {}) {\n const align = (options.align || []).concat()\n const stringLength = options.stringLength || defaultStringLength\n /** @type {Array} Character codes as symbols for alignment per column. */\n const alignments = []\n /** @type {Array>} Cells per row. */\n const cellMatrix = []\n /** @type {Array>} Sizes of each cell per row. */\n const sizeMatrix = []\n /** @type {Array} */\n const longestCellByColumn = []\n let mostCellsPerRow = 0\n let rowIndex = -1\n\n // This is a superfluous loop if we don’t align delimiters, but otherwise we’d\n // do superfluous work when aligning, so optimize for aligning.\n while (++rowIndex < table.length) {\n /** @type {Array} */\n const row = []\n /** @type {Array} */\n const sizes = []\n let columnIndex = -1\n\n if (table[rowIndex].length > mostCellsPerRow) {\n mostCellsPerRow = table[rowIndex].length\n }\n\n while (++columnIndex < table[rowIndex].length) {\n const cell = serialize(table[rowIndex][columnIndex])\n\n if (options.alignDelimiters !== false) {\n const size = stringLength(cell)\n sizes[columnIndex] = size\n\n if (\n longestCellByColumn[columnIndex] === undefined ||\n size > longestCellByColumn[columnIndex]\n ) {\n longestCellByColumn[columnIndex] = size\n }\n }\n\n row.push(cell)\n }\n\n cellMatrix[rowIndex] = row\n sizeMatrix[rowIndex] = sizes\n }\n\n // Figure out which alignments to use.\n let columnIndex = -1\n\n if (typeof align === 'object' && 'length' in align) {\n while (++columnIndex < mostCellsPerRow) {\n alignments[columnIndex] = toAlignment(align[columnIndex])\n }\n } else {\n const code = toAlignment(align)\n\n while (++columnIndex < mostCellsPerRow) {\n alignments[columnIndex] = code\n }\n }\n\n // Inject the alignment row.\n columnIndex = -1\n /** @type {Array} */\n const row = []\n /** @type {Array} */\n const sizes = []\n\n while (++columnIndex < mostCellsPerRow) {\n const code = alignments[columnIndex]\n let before = ''\n let after = ''\n\n if (code === 99 /* `c` */) {\n before = ':'\n after = ':'\n } else if (code === 108 /* `l` */) {\n before = ':'\n } else if (code === 114 /* `r` */) {\n after = ':'\n }\n\n // There *must* be at least one hyphen-minus in each alignment cell.\n let size =\n options.alignDelimiters === false\n ? 1\n : Math.max(\n 1,\n longestCellByColumn[columnIndex] - before.length - after.length\n )\n\n const cell = before + '-'.repeat(size) + after\n\n if (options.alignDelimiters !== false) {\n size = before.length + size + after.length\n\n if (size > longestCellByColumn[columnIndex]) {\n longestCellByColumn[columnIndex] = size\n }\n\n sizes[columnIndex] = size\n }\n\n row[columnIndex] = cell\n }\n\n // Inject the alignment row.\n cellMatrix.splice(1, 0, row)\n sizeMatrix.splice(1, 0, sizes)\n\n rowIndex = -1\n /** @type {Array} */\n const lines = []\n\n while (++rowIndex < cellMatrix.length) {\n const row = cellMatrix[rowIndex]\n const sizes = sizeMatrix[rowIndex]\n columnIndex = -1\n /** @type {Array} */\n const line = []\n\n while (++columnIndex < mostCellsPerRow) {\n const cell = row[columnIndex] || ''\n let before = ''\n let after = ''\n\n if (options.alignDelimiters !== false) {\n const size =\n longestCellByColumn[columnIndex] - (sizes[columnIndex] || 0)\n const code = alignments[columnIndex]\n\n if (code === 114 /* `r` */) {\n before = ' '.repeat(size)\n } else if (code === 99 /* `c` */) {\n if (size % 2) {\n before = ' '.repeat(size / 2 + 0.5)\n after = ' '.repeat(size / 2 - 0.5)\n } else {\n before = ' '.repeat(size / 2)\n after = before\n }\n } else {\n after = ' '.repeat(size)\n }\n }\n\n if (options.delimiterStart !== false && !columnIndex) {\n line.push('|')\n }\n\n if (\n options.padding !== false &&\n // Don’t add the opening space if we’re not aligning and the cell is\n // empty: there will be a closing space.\n !(options.alignDelimiters === false && cell === '') &&\n (options.delimiterStart !== false || columnIndex)\n ) {\n line.push(' ')\n }\n\n if (options.alignDelimiters !== false) {\n line.push(before)\n }\n\n line.push(cell)\n\n if (options.alignDelimiters !== false) {\n line.push(after)\n }\n\n if (options.padding !== false) {\n line.push(' ')\n }\n\n if (\n options.delimiterEnd !== false ||\n columnIndex !== mostCellsPerRow - 1\n ) {\n line.push('|')\n }\n }\n\n lines.push(\n options.delimiterEnd === false\n ? line.join('').replace(/ +$/, '')\n : line.join('')\n )\n }\n\n return lines.join('\\n')\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string|null|undefined} [value]\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction serialize(value) {\n return value === null || value === undefined ? '' : String(value)\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} value\n * @returns {number}\n */\nfunction defaultStringLength(value) {\n return value.length\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string|null|undefined} value\n * @returns {number}\n */\nfunction toAlignment(value) {\n const code = typeof value === 'string' ? value.codePointAt(0) : 0\n\n return code === 67 /* `C` */ || code === 99 /* `c` */\n ? 99 /* `c` */\n : code === 76 /* `L` */ || code === 108 /* `l` */\n ? 108 /* `l` */\n : code === 82 /* `R` */ || code === 114 /* `r` */\n ? 114 /* `r` */\n : 0\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Table} Table\n * @typedef {import('mdast').TableRow} TableRow\n * @typedef {import('mdast').TableCell} TableCell\n * @typedef {import('mdast').InlineCode} InlineCode\n *\n * @typedef {import('markdown-table').MarkdownTableOptions} MarkdownTableOptions\n *\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').CompileContext} CompileContext\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Extension} FromMarkdownExtension\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Handle} FromMarkdownHandle\n *\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Options} ToMarkdownExtension\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Handle} ToMarkdownHandle\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Context} ToMarkdownContext\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').SafeOptions} SafeOptions\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef Options\n * Configuration.\n * @property {boolean | null | undefined} [tableCellPadding=true]\n * Whether to add a space of padding between delimiters and cells.\n * @property {boolean | null | undefined} [tablePipeAlign=true]\n * Whether to align the delimiters.\n * @property {MarkdownTableOptions['stringLength'] | null | undefined} [stringLength]\n * Function to detect the length of table cell content, used when aligning\n * the delimiters between cells\n */\n\nimport {containerPhrasing} from 'mdast-util-to-markdown/lib/util/container-phrasing.js'\nimport {inlineCode} from 'mdast-util-to-markdown/lib/handle/inline-code.js'\nimport {markdownTable} from 'markdown-table'\n\n// To do: next major: use `state` and `state` utilities from `mdast-util-to-markdown`.\n// To do: next major: use `defaultHandlers.inlineCode`.\n// To do: next major: expose functions.\n\n/**\n * Extension for `mdast-util-from-markdown` to enable GFM tables.\n *\n * @type {FromMarkdownExtension}\n */\nexport const gfmTableFromMarkdown = {\n enter: {\n table: enterTable,\n tableData: enterCell,\n tableHeader: enterCell,\n tableRow: enterRow\n },\n exit: {\n codeText: exitCodeText,\n table: exitTable,\n tableData: exit,\n tableHeader: exit,\n tableRow: exit\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction enterTable(token) {\n /** @type {Array<'left' | 'right' | 'center' | 'none'>} */\n // @ts-expect-error: `align` is custom.\n const align = token._align\n this.enter(\n {\n type: 'table',\n align: => (d === 'none' ? null : d)),\n children: []\n },\n token\n )\n this.setData('inTable', true)\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction exitTable(token) {\n this.exit(token)\n this.setData('inTable')\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction enterRow(token) {\n this.enter({type: 'tableRow', children: []}, token)\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction exit(token) {\n this.exit(token)\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction enterCell(token) {\n this.enter({type: 'tableCell', children: []}, token)\n}\n\n// Overwrite the default code text data handler to unescape escaped pipes when\n// they are in tables.\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction exitCodeText(token) {\n let value = this.resume()\n\n if (this.getData('inTable')) {\n value = value.replace(/\\\\([\\\\|])/g, replace)\n }\n\n const node = /** @type {InlineCode} */ (this.stack[this.stack.length - 1])\n node.value = value\n this.exit(token)\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {string} $0\n * @param {string} $1\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction replace($0, $1) {\n // Pipes work, backslashes don’t (but can’t escape pipes).\n return $1 === '|' ? $1 : $0\n}\n\n/**\n * Create an extension for `mdast-util-to-markdown` to enable GFM tables in\n * markdown.\n *\n * @param {Options | null | undefined} [options]\n * Configuration.\n * @returns {ToMarkdownExtension}\n * Extension for `mdast-util-to-markdown` to enable GFM tables.\n */\nexport function gfmTableToMarkdown(options) {\n const settings = options || {}\n const padding = settings.tableCellPadding\n const alignDelimiters = settings.tablePipeAlign\n const stringLength = settings.stringLength\n const around = padding ? ' ' : '|'\n\n return {\n unsafe: [\n {character: '\\r', inConstruct: 'tableCell'},\n {character: '\\n', inConstruct: 'tableCell'},\n // A pipe, when followed by a tab or space (padding), or a dash or colon\n // (unpadded delimiter row), could result in a table.\n {atBreak: true, character: '|', after: '[\\t :-]'},\n // A pipe in a cell must be encoded.\n {character: '|', inConstruct: 'tableCell'},\n // A colon must be followed by a dash, in which case it could start a\n // delimiter row.\n {atBreak: true, character: ':', after: '-'},\n // A delimiter row can also start with a dash, when followed by more\n // dashes, a colon, or a pipe.\n // This is a stricter version than the built in check for lists, thematic\n // breaks, and setex heading underlines though:\n // \n {atBreak: true, character: '-', after: '[:|-]'}\n ],\n handlers: {\n table: handleTable,\n tableRow: handleTableRow,\n tableCell: handleTableCell,\n inlineCode: inlineCodeWithTable\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @type {ToMarkdownHandle}\n * @param {Table} node\n */\n function handleTable(node, _, context, safeOptions) {\n return serializeData(\n handleTableAsData(node, context, safeOptions),\n node.align\n )\n }\n\n /**\n * This function isn’t really used normally, because we handle rows at the\n * table level.\n * But, if someone passes in a table row, this ensures we make somewhat sense.\n *\n * @type {ToMarkdownHandle}\n * @param {TableRow} node\n */\n function handleTableRow(node, _, context, safeOptions) {\n const row = handleTableRowAsData(node, context, safeOptions)\n const value = serializeData([row])\n // `markdown-table` will always add an align row\n return value.slice(0, value.indexOf('\\n'))\n }\n\n /**\n * @type {ToMarkdownHandle}\n * @param {TableCell} node\n */\n function handleTableCell(node, _, context, safeOptions) {\n const exit = context.enter('tableCell')\n const subexit = context.enter('phrasing')\n const value = containerPhrasing(node, context, {\n ...safeOptions,\n before: around,\n after: around\n })\n subexit()\n exit()\n return value\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Array>} matrix\n * @param {Array | null | undefined} [align]\n */\n function serializeData(matrix, align) {\n return markdownTable(matrix, {\n align,\n // @ts-expect-error: `markdown-table` types should support `null`.\n alignDelimiters,\n // @ts-expect-error: `markdown-table` types should support `null`.\n padding,\n // @ts-expect-error: `markdown-table` types should support `null`.\n stringLength\n })\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Table} node\n * @param {ToMarkdownContext} context\n * @param {SafeOptions} safeOptions\n */\n function handleTableAsData(node, context, safeOptions) {\n const children = node.children\n let index = -1\n /** @type {Array>} */\n const result = []\n const subexit = context.enter('table')\n\n while (++index < children.length) {\n result[index] = handleTableRowAsData(\n children[index],\n context,\n safeOptions\n )\n }\n\n subexit()\n\n return result\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {TableRow} node\n * @param {ToMarkdownContext} context\n * @param {SafeOptions} safeOptions\n */\n function handleTableRowAsData(node, context, safeOptions) {\n const children = node.children\n let index = -1\n /** @type {Array} */\n const result = []\n const subexit = context.enter('tableRow')\n\n while (++index < children.length) {\n // Note: the positional info as used here is incorrect.\n // Making it correct would be impossible due to aligning cells?\n // And it would need copy/pasting `markdown-table` into this project.\n result[index] = handleTableCell(\n children[index],\n node,\n context,\n safeOptions\n )\n }\n\n subexit()\n\n return result\n }\n\n /**\n * @type {ToMarkdownHandle}\n * @param {InlineCode} node\n */\n function inlineCodeWithTable(node, parent, context) {\n let value = inlineCode(node, parent, context)\n\n if (context.stack.includes('tableCell')) {\n value = value.replace(/\\|/g, '\\\\$&')\n }\n\n return value\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('mdast').ListItem} ListItem\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').Map} Map\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').Parent} Parent\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').State} State\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').Info} Info\n */\n\nimport {checkBullet} from '../util/check-bullet.js'\nimport {checkListItemIndent} from '../util/check-list-item-indent.js'\n\n/**\n * @param {ListItem} node\n * @param {Parent | undefined} parent\n * @param {State} state\n * @param {Info} info\n * @returns {string}\n */\nexport function listItem(node, parent, state, info) {\n const listItemIndent = checkListItemIndent(state)\n let bullet = state.bulletCurrent || checkBullet(state)\n\n // Add the marker value for ordered lists.\n if (parent && parent.type === 'list' && parent.ordered) {\n bullet =\n (typeof parent.start === 'number' && parent.start > -1\n ? parent.start\n : 1) +\n (state.options.incrementListMarker === false\n ? 0\n : parent.children.indexOf(node)) +\n bullet\n }\n\n let size = bullet.length + 1\n\n if (\n listItemIndent === 'tab' ||\n (listItemIndent === 'mixed' &&\n ((parent && parent.type === 'list' && parent.spread) || node.spread))\n ) {\n size = Math.ceil(size / 4) * 4\n }\n\n const tracker = state.createTracker(info)\n tracker.move(bullet + ' '.repeat(size - bullet.length))\n tracker.shift(size)\n const exit = state.enter('listItem')\n const value = state.indentLines(\n state.containerFlow(node, tracker.current()),\n map\n )\n exit()\n\n return value\n\n /** @type {Map} */\n function map(line, index, blank) {\n if (index) {\n return (blank ? '' : ' '.repeat(size)) + line\n }\n\n return (blank ? bullet : bullet + ' '.repeat(size - bullet.length)) + line\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').State} State\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').Options} Options\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {State} state\n * @returns {Exclude}\n */\nexport function checkListItemIndent(state) {\n const style = state.options.listItemIndent || 'tab'\n\n // To do: remove in a major.\n // @ts-expect-error: deprecated.\n if (style === 1 || style === '1') {\n return 'one'\n }\n\n if (style !== 'tab' && style !== 'one' && style !== 'mixed') {\n throw new Error(\n 'Cannot serialize items with `' +\n style +\n '` for `options.listItemIndent`, expected `tab`, `one`, or `mixed`'\n )\n }\n\n return style\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').State} State\n * @typedef {import('../types.js').Options} Options\n */\n\n/**\n * @param {State} state\n * @returns {Exclude}\n */\nexport function checkBullet(state) {\n const marker = state.options.bullet || '*'\n\n if (marker !== '*' && marker !== '+' && marker !== '-') {\n throw new Error(\n 'Cannot serialize items with `' +\n marker +\n '` for `options.bullet`, expected `*`, `+`, or `-`'\n )\n }\n\n return marker\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Content} Content\n * @typedef {import('mdast').ListItem} ListItem\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Paragraph} Paragraph\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Parent} Parent\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').CompileContext} CompileContext\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Extension} FromMarkdownExtension\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Handle} FromMarkdownHandle\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Options} ToMarkdownExtension\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Handle} ToMarkdownHandle\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Extract} Parents\n */\n\nimport {listItem} from 'mdast-util-to-markdown/lib/handle/list-item.js'\nimport {track} from 'mdast-util-to-markdown/lib/util/track.js'\n\n// To do: next major: rename `context` -> `state`, `safeOptions` -> `info`, use\n// `track` from `state`.\n// To do: next major: replace exports with functions.\n// To do: next major: use `defaulthandlers.listItem`.\n\n/**\n * Extension for `mdast-util-from-markdown` to enable GFM task list items.\n *\n * @type {FromMarkdownExtension}\n */\nexport const gfmTaskListItemFromMarkdown = {\n exit: {\n taskListCheckValueChecked: exitCheck,\n taskListCheckValueUnchecked: exitCheck,\n paragraph: exitParagraphWithTaskListItem\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Extension for `mdast-util-to-markdown` to enable GFM task list items.\n *\n * @type {ToMarkdownExtension}\n */\nexport const gfmTaskListItemToMarkdown = {\n unsafe: [{atBreak: true, character: '-', after: '[:|-]'}],\n handlers: {listItem: listItemWithTaskListItem}\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction exitCheck(token) {\n const node = /** @type {ListItem} */ (this.stack[this.stack.length - 2])\n // We’re always in a paragraph, in a list item.\n node.checked = token.type === 'taskListCheckValueChecked'\n}\n\n/**\n * @this {CompileContext}\n * @type {FromMarkdownHandle}\n */\nfunction exitParagraphWithTaskListItem(token) {\n const parent = /** @type {Parents} */ (this.stack[this.stack.length - 2])\n\n if (\n parent &&\n parent.type === 'listItem' &&\n typeof parent.checked === 'boolean'\n ) {\n const node = /** @type {Paragraph} */ (this.stack[this.stack.length - 1])\n const head = node.children[0]\n\n if (head && head.type === 'text') {\n const siblings = parent.children\n let index = -1\n /** @type {Paragraph | undefined} */\n let firstParaghraph\n\n while (++index < siblings.length) {\n const sibling = siblings[index]\n if (sibling.type === 'paragraph') {\n firstParaghraph = sibling\n break\n }\n }\n\n if (firstParaghraph === node) {\n // Must start with a space or a tab.\n head.value = head.value.slice(1)\n\n if (head.value.length === 0) {\n node.children.shift()\n } else if (\n node.position &&\n head.position &&\n typeof head.position.start.offset === 'number'\n ) {\n head.position.start.column++\n head.position.start.offset++\n node.position.start = Object.assign({}, head.position.start)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n this.exit(token)\n}\n\n/**\n * @type {ToMarkdownHandle}\n * @param {ListItem} node\n */\nfunction listItemWithTaskListItem(node, parent, context, safeOptions) {\n const head = node.children[0]\n const checkable =\n typeof node.checked === 'boolean' && head && head.type === 'paragraph'\n const checkbox = '[' + (node.checked ? 'x' : ' ') + '] '\n const tracker = track(safeOptions)\n\n if (checkable) {\n tracker.move(checkbox)\n }\n\n let value = listItem(node, parent, context, {\n ...safeOptions,\n ...tracker.current()\n })\n\n if (checkable) {\n value = value.replace(/^(?:[*+-]|\\d+\\.)([\\r\\n]| {1,3})/, check)\n }\n\n return value\n\n /**\n * @param {string} $0\n * @returns {string}\n */\n function check($0) {\n return $0 + checkbox\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('micromark-extension-gfm').Options & import('mdast-util-gfm').Options} Options\n */\n\nimport {gfm} from 'micromark-extension-gfm'\nimport {gfmFromMarkdown, gfmToMarkdown} from 'mdast-util-gfm'\n\n/**\n * Plugin to support GFM (autolink literals, footnotes, strikethrough, tables, tasklists).\n *\n * @type {import('unified').Plugin<[Options?]|void[], Root>}\n */\nexport default function remarkGfm(options = {}) {\n const data =\n\n add('micromarkExtensions', gfm(options))\n add('fromMarkdownExtensions', gfmFromMarkdown())\n add('toMarkdownExtensions', gfmToMarkdown(options))\n\n /**\n * @param {string} field\n * @param {unknown} value\n */\n function add(field, value) {\n const list = /** @type {unknown[]} */ (\n // Other extensions\n /* c8 ignore next 2 */\n data[field] ? data[field] : (data[field] = [])\n )\n\n list.push(value)\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('micromark-extension-gfm-footnote').HtmlOptions} HtmlOptions\n * @typedef {import('micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough').Options} Options\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').Extension} Extension\n * @typedef {import('micromark-util-types').HtmlExtension} HtmlExtension\n */\n\nimport {\n combineExtensions,\n combineHtmlExtensions\n} from 'micromark-util-combine-extensions'\nimport {\n gfmAutolinkLiteral,\n gfmAutolinkLiteralHtml\n} from 'micromark-extension-gfm-autolink-literal'\nimport {gfmFootnote, gfmFootnoteHtml} from 'micromark-extension-gfm-footnote'\nimport {\n gfmStrikethrough,\n gfmStrikethroughHtml\n} from 'micromark-extension-gfm-strikethrough'\nimport {gfmTable, gfmTableHtml} from 'micromark-extension-gfm-table'\nimport {gfmTagfilterHtml} from 'micromark-extension-gfm-tagfilter'\nimport {\n gfmTaskListItem,\n gfmTaskListItemHtml\n} from 'micromark-extension-gfm-task-list-item'\n\n/**\n * Create an extension for `micromark` to enable GFM syntax.\n *\n * @param {Options | null | undefined} [options]\n * Configuration (optional).\n *\n * Passed to `micromark-extens-gfm-strikethrough`.\n * @returns {Extension}\n * Extension for `micromark` that can be passed in `extensions` to enable GFM\n * syntax.\n */\nexport function gfm(options) {\n return combineExtensions([\n gfmAutolinkLiteral,\n gfmFootnote(),\n gfmStrikethrough(options),\n gfmTable,\n gfmTaskListItem\n ])\n}\n\n/**\n * Create an extension for `micromark` to support GFM when serializing to HTML.\n *\n * @param {HtmlOptions | null | undefined} [options]\n * Configuration.\n *\n * Passed to `micromark-extens-gfm-footnote`.\n * @returns {HtmlExtension}\n * Extension for `micromark` that can be passed in `htmlExtensions` to\n * support GFM when serializing to HTML.\n */\nexport function gfmHtml(options) {\n return combineHtmlExtensions([\n gfmAutolinkLiteralHtml,\n gfmFootnoteHtml(options),\n gfmStrikethroughHtml,\n gfmTableHtml,\n gfmTagfilterHtml,\n gfmTaskListItemHtml\n ])\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Extension} FromMarkdownExtension\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Options} ToMarkdownExtension\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {import('mdast-util-gfm-table').Options} Options\n * Configuration.\n */\n\nimport {\n gfmAutolinkLiteralFromMarkdown,\n gfmAutolinkLiteralToMarkdown\n} from 'mdast-util-gfm-autolink-literal'\nimport {\n gfmFootnoteFromMarkdown,\n gfmFootnoteToMarkdown\n} from 'mdast-util-gfm-footnote'\nimport {\n gfmStrikethroughFromMarkdown,\n gfmStrikethroughToMarkdown\n} from 'mdast-util-gfm-strikethrough'\nimport {gfmTableFromMarkdown, gfmTableToMarkdown} from 'mdast-util-gfm-table'\nimport {\n gfmTaskListItemFromMarkdown,\n gfmTaskListItemToMarkdown\n} from 'mdast-util-gfm-task-list-item'\n\n/**\n * Create an extension for `mdast-util-from-markdown` to enable GFM (autolink\n * literals, footnotes, strikethrough, tables, tasklists).\n *\n * @returns {Array}\n * Extension for `mdast-util-from-markdown` to enable GFM (autolink literals,\n * footnotes, strikethrough, tables, tasklists).\n */\nexport function gfmFromMarkdown() {\n return [\n gfmAutolinkLiteralFromMarkdown,\n gfmFootnoteFromMarkdown(),\n gfmStrikethroughFromMarkdown,\n gfmTableFromMarkdown,\n gfmTaskListItemFromMarkdown\n ]\n}\n\n/**\n * Create an extension for `mdast-util-to-markdown` to enable GFM (autolink\n * literals, footnotes, strikethrough, tables, tasklists).\n *\n * @param {Options | null | undefined} [options]\n * Configuration.\n * @returns {ToMarkdownExtension}\n * Extension for `mdast-util-to-markdown` to enable GFM (autolink literals,\n * footnotes, strikethrough, tables, tasklists).\n */\nexport function gfmToMarkdown(options) {\n return {\n extensions: [\n gfmAutolinkLiteralToMarkdown,\n gfmFootnoteToMarkdown(),\n gfmStrikethroughToMarkdown,\n gfmTableToMarkdown(options),\n gfmTaskListItemToMarkdown\n ]\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('./core.js').HChild} Child\n * Acceptable child value.\n * @typedef {import('./core.js').HProperties} Properties\n * Acceptable value for element properties.\n * @typedef {import('./core.js').HResult} Result\n * Result from a `h` (or `s`) call.\n *\n * @typedef {import('./jsx-classic.js').Element} s.JSX.Element\n * @typedef {import('./jsx-classic.js').IntrinsicAttributes} s.JSX.IntrinsicAttributes\n * @typedef {import('./jsx-classic.js').IntrinsicElements} s.JSX.IntrinsicElements\n * @typedef {import('./jsx-classic.js').ElementChildrenAttribute} s.JSX.ElementChildrenAttribute\n */\n\nimport {svg} from 'property-information'\nimport {core} from './core.js'\nimport {svgCaseSensitiveTagNames} from './svg-case-sensitive-tag-names.js'\n\nexport const s = core(svg, 'g', svgCaseSensitiveTagNames)\n","export const svgCaseSensitiveTagNames = [\n 'altGlyph',\n 'altGlyphDef',\n 'altGlyphItem',\n 'animateColor',\n 'animateMotion',\n 'animateTransform',\n 'clipPath',\n 'feBlend',\n 'feColorMatrix',\n 'feComponentTransfer',\n 'feComposite',\n 'feConvolveMatrix',\n 'feDiffuseLighting',\n 'feDisplacementMap',\n 'feDistantLight',\n 'feDropShadow',\n 'feFlood',\n 'feFuncA',\n 'feFuncB',\n 'feFuncG',\n 'feFuncR',\n 'feGaussianBlur',\n 'feImage',\n 'feMerge',\n 'feMergeNode',\n 'feMorphology',\n 'feOffset',\n 'fePointLight',\n 'feSpecularLighting',\n 'feSpotLight',\n 'feTile',\n 'feTurbulence',\n 'foreignObject',\n 'glyphRef',\n 'linearGradient',\n 'radialGradient',\n 'solidColor',\n 'textArea',\n 'textPath'\n]\n","/**\n * Map of web namespaces.\n *\n * @type {Record}\n */\nexport const webNamespaces = {\n html: '',\n mathml: '',\n svg: '',\n xlink: '',\n xml: '',\n xmlns: ''\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile\n * @typedef {import('property-information').Schema} Schema\n * @typedef {import('unist').Position} Position\n * @typedef {import('unist').Point} Point\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('hast').Content} Content\n * @typedef {import('parse5').DefaultTreeAdapterMap} DefaultTreeAdapterMap\n * @typedef {import('parse5').Token.ElementLocation} P5ElementLocation\n * @typedef {import('parse5').Token.Location} P5Location\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Content | Root} Node\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['document']} P5Document\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['documentFragment']} P5DocumentFragment\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['documentType']} P5DocumentType\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['commentNode']} P5Comment\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['textNode']} P5Text\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['element']} P5Element\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['node']} P5Node\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['template']} P5Template\n *\n * @typedef {'html' | 'svg'} Space\n * Namespace.\n *\n * @typedef Options\n * Configuration.\n * @property {Space | null | undefined} [space='html']\n * Which space the document is in.\n *\n * When an `` element is found in the HTML space, this package already\n * automatically switches to and from the SVG space when entering and exiting\n * it.\n * @property {VFile | null | undefined} [file]\n * File used to add positional info to nodes.\n *\n * If given, the file should represent the original HTML source.\n * @property {boolean} [verbose=false]\n * Whether to add extra positional info about starting tags, closing tags,\n * and attributes to elements.\n *\n * > 👉 **Note**: only used when `file` is given.\n *\n * @typedef State\n * Info passed around about the current state.\n * @property {Schema} schema\n * Current schema.\n * @property {VFile | undefined} file\n * Corresponding file.\n * @property {boolean | undefined} verbose\n * Add extra positional info.\n * @property {boolean} location\n * Whether location info was found.\n */\n\nimport {h, s} from 'hastscript'\nimport {html, svg, find} from 'property-information'\nimport {location} from 'vfile-location'\nimport {webNamespaces} from 'web-namespaces'\n\nconst own = {}.hasOwnProperty\n/** @type {unknown} */\n// type-coverage:ignore-next-line\nconst proto = Object.prototype\n\n/**\n * Transform a `parse5` AST to hast.\n *\n * @param {P5Node} tree\n * `parse5` tree to transform.\n * @param {Options | VFile | null | undefined} [options]\n * Configuration.\n * @returns {Node}\n * hast tree.\n */\nexport function fromParse5(tree, options) {\n const options_ = options || {}\n /** @type {Options} */\n let settings\n /** @type {VFile | undefined} */\n let file\n\n if (isFile(options_)) {\n file = options_\n settings = {}\n } else {\n file = options_.file || undefined\n settings = options_\n }\n\n return one(\n {\n schema: === 'svg' ? svg : html,\n file,\n verbose: settings.verbose,\n location: false\n },\n tree\n )\n}\n\n/**\n * Transform a node.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around about the current state.\n * @param {P5Node} node\n * p5 node.\n * @returns {Node}\n * hast node.\n */\nfunction one(state, node) {\n /** @type {Node} */\n let result\n\n switch (node.nodeName) {\n case '#comment': {\n const reference = /** @type {P5Comment} */ (node)\n result = {type: 'comment', value:}\n patch(state, reference, result)\n return result\n }\n\n case '#document':\n case '#document-fragment': {\n const reference = /** @type {P5Document | P5DocumentFragment} */ (node)\n const quirksMode =\n 'mode' in reference\n ? reference.mode === 'quirks' || reference.mode === 'limited-quirks'\n : false\n\n result = {\n type: 'root',\n children: all(state, node.childNodes),\n data: {quirksMode}\n }\n\n if (state.file && state.location) {\n const doc = String(state.file)\n const loc = location(doc)\n const start = loc.toPoint(0)\n const end = loc.toPoint(doc.length)\n // @ts-expect-error: always defined as we give valid input.\n result.position = {start, end}\n }\n\n return result\n }\n\n case '#documentType': {\n const reference = /** @type {P5DocumentType} */ (node)\n // @ts-expect-error Types are out of date.\n result = {type: 'doctype'}\n patch(state, reference, result)\n return result\n }\n\n case '#text': {\n const reference = /** @type {P5Text} */ (node)\n result = {type: 'text', value: reference.value}\n patch(state, reference, result)\n return result\n }\n\n // Element.\n default: {\n const reference = /** @type {P5Element} */ (node)\n result = element(state, reference)\n return result\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Transform children.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around about the current state.\n * @param {Array} nodes\n * Nodes.\n * @returns {Array}\n * hast nodes.\n */\nfunction all(state, nodes) {\n let index = -1\n /** @type {Array} */\n const result = []\n\n while (++index < nodes.length) {\n // @ts-expect-error Assume no roots in `nodes`.\n result[index] = one(state, nodes[index])\n }\n\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Transform an element.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around about the current state.\n * @param {P5Element} node\n * `parse5` node to transform.\n * @returns {Element}\n * hast node.\n */\nfunction element(state, node) {\n const schema = state.schema\n\n state.schema = node.namespaceURI === webNamespaces.svg ? svg : html\n\n // Props.\n let index = -1\n /** @type {Record} */\n const props = {}\n\n while (++index < node.attrs.length) {\n const attribute = node.attrs[index]\n const name =\n (attribute.prefix ? attribute.prefix + ':' : '') +\n if (!, name)) {\n props[name] = attribute.value\n }\n }\n\n // Build.\n const fn = === 'svg' ? s : h\n const result = fn(node.tagName, props, all(state, node.childNodes))\n patch(state, node, result)\n\n // Switch content.\n if (result.tagName === 'template') {\n const reference = /** @type {P5Template} */ (node)\n const pos = reference.sourceCodeLocation\n const startTag = pos && pos.startTag && position(pos.startTag)\n const endTag = pos && pos.endTag && position(pos.endTag)\n\n /** @type {Root} */\n // @ts-expect-error Types are wrong.\n const content = one(state, reference.content)\n\n if (startTag && endTag && state.file) {\n content.position = {start: startTag.end, end: endTag.start}\n }\n\n result.content = content\n }\n\n state.schema = schema\n\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Patch positional info from `from` onto `to`.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around about the current state.\n * @param {P5Node} from\n * p5 node.\n * @param {Node} to\n * hast node.\n * @returns {void}\n * Nothing.\n */\nfunction patch(state, from, to) {\n if ('sourceCodeLocation' in from && from.sourceCodeLocation && state.file) {\n const position = createLocation(state, to, from.sourceCodeLocation)\n\n if (position) {\n state.location = true\n to.position = position\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Create clean positional information.\n *\n * @param {State} state\n * Info passed around about the current state.\n * @param {Node} node\n * hast node.\n * @param {P5ElementLocation} location\n * p5 location info.\n * @returns {Position | undefined}\n * Position, or nothing.\n */\nfunction createLocation(state, node, location) {\n const result = position(location)\n\n if (node.type === 'element') {\n const tail = node.children[node.children.length - 1]\n\n // Bug for unclosed with children.\n // See: .\n if (\n result &&\n !location.endTag &&\n tail &&\n tail.position &&\n tail.position.end\n ) {\n result.end = Object.assign({}, tail.position.end)\n }\n\n if (state.verbose) {\n /** @type {Record} */\n const props = {}\n /** @type {string} */\n let key\n\n if (location.attrs) {\n for (key in location.attrs) {\n if (, key)) {\n props[find(state.schema, key).property] = position(\n location.attrs[key]\n )\n }\n }\n }\n\n = {\n position: {\n // @ts-expect-error: assume not `undefined`.\n opening: position(location.startTag),\n closing: location.endTag ? position(location.endTag) : null,\n properties: props\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Turn a p5 location into a position.\n *\n * @param {P5Location} loc\n * Location.\n * @returns {Position | undefined}\n * Position or nothing.\n */\nfunction position(loc) {\n const start = point({\n line: loc.startLine,\n column: loc.startCol,\n offset: loc.startOffset\n })\n const end = point({\n line: loc.endLine,\n column: loc.endCol,\n offset: loc.endOffset\n })\n // @ts-expect-error `undefined` is fine.\n return start || end ? {start, end} : undefined\n}\n\n/**\n * Filter out invalid points.\n *\n * @param {Point} point\n * Point with potentially `undefined` values.\n * @returns {Point | undefined}\n * Point or nothing.\n */\nfunction point(point) {\n return point.line && point.column ? point : undefined\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if something is a file.\n *\n * @param {VFile | Options} value\n * File or options.\n * @returns {value is VFile}\n * Whether `value` is a file.\n */\nfunction isFile(value) {\n return 'messages' in value\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile\n * @typedef {import('vfile').Value} Value\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef Point\n * unist point, where `line` and `column` can be `undefined`.\n * @property {number | undefined} line\n * Line.\n * @property {number | undefined} column\n * Column.\n * @property {number | undefined} [offset]\n * Offset.\n *\n * @typedef PointLike\n * unist point, allowed as input.\n * @property {number | null | undefined} [line]\n * Line.\n * @property {number | null | undefined} [column]\n * Column.\n * @property {number | null | undefined} [offset]\n * Offset.\n *\n * @callback ToPoint\n * Get a line/column-based `point` from `offset`.\n * @param {number | null | undefined} [offset]\n * Something that should be an `offset.\n * @returns {Point}\n * Point, line/column are undefined for invalid or out of bounds input.\n *\n * @callback ToOffset\n * Get an offset from a line/column-based `point`.\n * @param {Point | null | undefined} [point]\n * Something that should be a `point.\n * @returns {number}\n * Offset or `-1` for invalid or out of bounds input.\n *\n * @typedef Location\n * Accessors for index.\n * @property {ToPoint} toPoint\n * Get a line/column-based `point` from `offset`.\n * @property {ToOffset} toOffset\n * Get an offset from a line/column-based `point`.\n */\n\n/**\n * Index the given document so you can translate between line/column and offset\n * based positional info.\n *\n * @param {VFile | Value} file\n * File to index.\n * @returns {Location}\n * Accessors for index.\n */\nexport function location(file) {\n const value = String(file)\n /** @type {Array} */\n const indices = []\n const search = /\\r?\\n|\\r/g\n\n while (search.test(value)) {\n indices.push(search.lastIndex)\n }\n\n indices.push(value.length + 1)\n\n return {toPoint, toOffset}\n\n /** @type {ToPoint} */\n function toPoint(offset) {\n let index = -1\n\n if (\n typeof offset === 'number' &&\n offset > -1 &&\n offset < indices[indices.length - 1]\n ) {\n while (++index < indices.length) {\n if (indices[index] > offset) {\n return {\n line: index + 1,\n column: offset - (index > 0 ? indices[index - 1] : 0) + 1,\n offset\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return {line: undefined, column: undefined, offset: undefined}\n }\n\n /** @type {ToOffset} */\n function toOffset(point) {\n const line = point && point.line\n const column = point && point.column\n\n if (\n typeof line === 'number' &&\n typeof column === 'number' &&\n !Number.isNaN(line) &&\n !Number.isNaN(column) &&\n line - 1 in indices\n ) {\n const offset = (indices[line - 2] || 0) + column - 1 || 0\n\n if (offset > -1 && offset < indices[indices.length - 1]) {\n return offset\n }\n }\n\n return -1\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @callback Handler\n * Handle a value, with a certain ID field set to a certain value.\n * The ID field is passed to `zwitch`, and it’s value is this function’s\n * place on the `handlers` record.\n * @param {...any} parameters\n * Arbitrary parameters passed to the zwitch.\n * The first will be an object with a certain ID field set to a certain value.\n * @returns {any}\n * Anything!\n */\n\n/**\n * @callback UnknownHandler\n * Handle values that do have a certain ID field, but it’s set to a value\n * that is not listed in the `handlers` record.\n * @param {unknown} value\n * An object with a certain ID field set to an unknown value.\n * @param {...any} rest\n * Arbitrary parameters passed to the zwitch.\n * @returns {any}\n * Anything!\n */\n\n/**\n * @callback InvalidHandler\n * Handle values that do not have a certain ID field.\n * @param {unknown} value\n * Any unknown value.\n * @param {...any} rest\n * Arbitrary parameters passed to the zwitch.\n * @returns {void|null|undefined|never}\n * This should crash or return nothing.\n */\n\n/**\n * @template {InvalidHandler} [Invalid=InvalidHandler]\n * @template {UnknownHandler} [Unknown=UnknownHandler]\n * @template {Record} [Handlers=Record]\n * @typedef Options\n * Configuration (required).\n * @property {Invalid} [invalid]\n * Handler to use for invalid values.\n * @property {Unknown} [unknown]\n * Handler to use for unknown values.\n * @property {Handlers} [handlers]\n * Handlers to use.\n */\n\nconst own = {}.hasOwnProperty\n\n/**\n * Handle values based on a field.\n *\n * @template {InvalidHandler} [Invalid=InvalidHandler]\n * @template {UnknownHandler} [Unknown=UnknownHandler]\n * @template {Record} [Handlers=Record]\n * @param {string} key\n * Field to switch on.\n * @param {Options} [options]\n * Configuration (required).\n * @returns {{unknown: Unknown, invalid: Invalid, handlers: Handlers, (...parameters: Parameters): ReturnType, (...parameters: Parameters): ReturnType}}\n */\nexport function zwitch(key, options) {\n const settings = options || {}\n\n /**\n * Handle one value.\n *\n * Based on the bound `key`, a respective handler will be called.\n * If `value` is not an object, or doesn’t have a `key` property, the special\n * “invalid” handler will be called.\n * If `value` has an unknown `key`, the special “unknown” handler will be\n * called.\n *\n * All arguments, and the context object, are passed through to the handler,\n * and it’s result is returned.\n *\n * @this {unknown}\n * Any context object.\n * @param {unknown} [value]\n * Any value.\n * @param {...unknown} parameters\n * Arbitrary parameters passed to the zwitch.\n * @property {Handler} invalid\n * Handle for values that do not have a certain ID field.\n * @property {Handler} unknown\n * Handle values that do have a certain ID field, but it’s set to a value\n * that is not listed in the `handlers` record.\n * @property {Handlers} handlers\n * Record of handlers.\n * @returns {unknown}\n * Anything.\n */\n function one(value, ...parameters) {\n /** @type {Handler|undefined} */\n let fn = one.invalid\n const handlers = one.handlers\n\n if (value &&, key)) {\n // @ts-expect-error Indexable.\n const id = String(value[key])\n // @ts-expect-error Indexable.\n fn =, id) ? handlers[id] : one.unknown\n }\n\n if (fn) {\n return, value, ...parameters)\n }\n }\n\n one.handlers = settings.handlers || {}\n one.invalid = settings.invalid\n one.unknown = settings.unknown\n\n // @ts-expect-error: matches!\n return one\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('parse5').DefaultTreeAdapterMap} DefaultTreeAdapterMap\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['document']} P5Document\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['documentFragment']} P5Fragment\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['element']} P5Element\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['node']} P5Node\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['documentType']} P5Doctype\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['commentNode']} P5Comment\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['textNode']} P5Text\n * @typedef {DefaultTreeAdapterMap['parentNode']} P5Parent\n * @typedef {import('parse5').Token.Attribute} P5Attribute\n * @typedef {Exclude} P5Child\n * @typedef {import('property-information').Schema} Schema\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('hast').DocType} Doctype\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').Text} Text\n * @typedef {import('hast').Comment} Comment\n * @typedef {import('hast').Content} Content\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Content | Root} Node\n * @typedef {'html' | 'svg'} Space\n *\n * @typedef Options\n * Configuration.\n * @property {Space | null | undefined} [space='html']\n * Which space the document is in.\n *\n * When an `` element is found in the HTML space, this package already\n * automatically switches to and from the SVG space when entering and exiting\n * it.\n */\n\nimport {stringify as commas} from 'comma-separated-tokens'\nimport {html, svg, find} from 'property-information'\nimport {stringify as spaces} from 'space-separated-tokens'\nimport {webNamespaces} from 'web-namespaces'\nimport {zwitch} from 'zwitch'\n\nconst own = {}.hasOwnProperty\n\n/** @type {(from: Node, schema: Schema) => P5Node} */\nconst one = zwitch('type', {handlers: {root, element, text, comment, doctype}})\n\n/**\n * Transform a hast tree to Parse5’s AST.\n *\n * @param {Node} tree\n * Tree to transform.\n * @param {Options | Space | null | undefined} [options]\n * Configuration.\n * @returns {P5Node}\n * `parse5` node.\n */\nexport function toParse5(tree, options) {\n const space = options && typeof options === 'object' ? : options\n return one(tree, space === 'svg' ? svg : html)\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Root} node\n * @param {Schema} schema\n * Current schema.\n * @returns {P5Document}\n */\nfunction root(node, schema) {\n /** @type {P5Document} */\n const result = {\n nodeName: '#document',\n // @ts-expect-error: `parse5` uses enums, which are actually strings.\n mode: ( || {}).quirksMode ? 'quirks' : 'no-quirks',\n childNodes: []\n }\n result.childNodes = all(node.children, result, schema)\n patch(node, result)\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Root} node\n * @param {Schema} schema\n * Current schema.\n * @returns {P5Fragment}\n */\nfunction fragment(node, schema) {\n /** @type {P5Fragment} */\n const result = {nodeName: '#document-fragment', childNodes: []}\n result.childNodes = all(node.children, result, schema)\n patch(node, result)\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Doctype} node\n * @returns {P5Doctype}\n */\nfunction doctype(node) {\n /** @type {P5Doctype} */\n const result = {\n nodeName: '#documentType',\n name: 'html',\n publicId: '',\n systemId: '',\n // @ts-expect-error: change to `null` in a major?\n parentNode: undefined\n }\n\n patch(node, result)\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Text} node\n * @returns {P5Text}\n */\nfunction text(node) {\n /** @type {P5Text} */\n const result = {\n nodeName: '#text',\n value: node.value,\n // @ts-expect-error: no `parentNode`\n parentNode: undefined\n }\n patch(node, result)\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Comment} node\n * @returns {P5Comment}\n */\nfunction comment(node) {\n /** @type {P5Comment} */\n const result = {\n nodeName: '#comment',\n data: node.value,\n // @ts-expect-error: no `parentNode`\n parentNode: undefined\n }\n\n patch(node, result)\n\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Element} node\n * @param {Schema} schema\n * Current schema.\n * @returns {P5Element}\n * `parse5` node.\n */\nfunction element(node, schema) {\n const parentSchema = schema\n let currentSchema = parentSchema\n\n if (\n node.type === 'element' &&\n node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'svg' &&\n === 'html'\n ) {\n currentSchema = svg\n }\n\n /** @type {Array} */\n const attrs = []\n /** @type {string} */\n let prop\n\n if ( {\n for (prop in {\n if (prop !== 'children' &&, prop)) {\n const result = createProperty(\n currentSchema,\n prop,\n[prop]\n )\n\n if (result) {\n attrs.push(result)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n /** @type {P5Element} */\n const result = {\n nodeName: node.tagName,\n tagName: node.tagName,\n attrs,\n // @ts-expect-error: html and svg both have a space.\n namespaceURI: webNamespaces[],\n childNodes: [],\n // @ts-expect-error: no `parentNode`\n parentNode: undefined\n }\n result.childNodes = all(node.children, result, currentSchema)\n patch(node, result)\n\n if (node.tagName === 'template' && node.content) {\n // @ts-expect-error: `parse5` types are wrong.\n result.content = fragment(node.content, currentSchema)\n }\n\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Handle a property.\n *\n * @param {Schema} schema\n * Current schema.\n * @param {string} prop\n * Key.\n * @param {Array | string | number | boolean | null | undefined} value\n * hast property value.\n * @returns {P5Attribute | void}\n * Field for runtime, optional.\n */\nfunction createProperty(schema, prop, value) {\n const info = find(schema, prop)\n\n // Ignore nullish and `NaN` values.\n if (\n value === undefined ||\n value === null ||\n value === false ||\n (typeof value === 'number' && Number.isNaN(value)) ||\n (!value && info.boolean)\n ) {\n return\n }\n\n if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n // Accept `array`.\n // Most props are space-separated.\n value = info.commaSeparated ? commas(value) : spaces(value)\n }\n\n /** @type {P5Attribute} */\n const attribute = {\n name: info.attribute,\n value: value === true ? '' : String(value)\n }\n\n if ( && !== 'html' && !== 'svg') {\n const index =':')\n\n if (index < 0) {\n attribute.prefix = ''\n } else {\n = + 1)\n attribute.prefix = info.attribute.slice(0, index)\n }\n\n attribute.namespace = webNamespaces[]\n }\n\n return attribute\n}\n\n/**\n * Transform all hast nodes.\n *\n * @param {Array} children\n * List of children.\n * @param {P5Parent} parentNode\n * `parse5` parent node.\n * @param {Schema} schema\n * Current schema.\n * @returns {Array}\n * Transformed children.\n */\nfunction all(children, parentNode, schema) {\n let index = -1\n /** @type {Array} */\n const results = []\n\n if (children) {\n while (++index < children.length) {\n /** @type {P5Child} */\n // @ts-expect-error assume no document.\n const child = one(children[index], schema)\n\n child.parentNode = parentNode\n\n results.push(child)\n }\n }\n\n return results\n}\n\n/**\n * Add position info from `from` to `to`.\n *\n * @param {Node} from\n * hast node.\n * @param {P5Node} to\n * `parse5` node.\n * @returns {void}\n * Nothing.\n */\nfunction patch(from, to) {\n const position = from.position\n\n if (position && position.start && position.end) {\n to.sourceCodeLocation = {\n startLine: position.start.line,\n startCol: position.start.column,\n // @ts-expect-error assume this is set.\n startOffset: position.start.offset,\n endLine: position.end.line,\n endCol: position.end.column,\n // @ts-expect-error assume this is set.\n endOffset: position.end.offset\n }\n }\n}\n","/**\n * List of HTML void tag names.\n *\n * @type {Array}\n */\nexport const htmlVoidElements = [\n 'area',\n 'base',\n 'basefont',\n 'bgsound',\n 'br',\n 'col',\n 'command',\n 'embed',\n 'frame',\n 'hr',\n 'image',\n 'img',\n 'input',\n 'isindex',\n 'keygen',\n 'link',\n 'menuitem',\n 'meta',\n 'nextid',\n 'param',\n 'source',\n 'track',\n 'wbr'\n]\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('vfile').VFile} VFile\n * @typedef {import('parse5').Document} P5Document\n * @typedef {import('parse5').DocumentFragment} P5Fragment\n * @typedef {Omit} P5Element\n * @typedef {import('parse5').Attribute} P5Attribute\n * @typedef {Omit & {startOffset: number|undefined, endOffset: number|undefined}} P5Location\n * @typedef {import('parse5').ParserOptions} P5ParserOptions\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('hast').DocType} Doctype\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').Text} Text\n * @typedef {import('hast').Comment} Comment\n * @typedef {import('hast').Content} Content\n * @typedef {Root|Content} Node\n * @typedef {import('../complex-types').Raw} Raw\n *\n * @typedef {Omit & {value: {stitch: Node}}} Stitch\n *\n * @typedef Options\n * @property {Array} [passThrough]\n * List of custom hast node types to pass through (keep) in hast.\n * If the passed through nodes have children, those children are expected to\n * be hast and will be handled.\n *\n * @typedef HiddenTokenizer\n * @property {Array} __mixins\n * Way too simple, but works for us.\n * @property {HiddenPreprocessor} preprocessor\n * @property {(value: string) => void} write\n * @property {() => number} _consume\n * @property {Array} tokenQueue\n * @property {string} state\n * @property {string} returnState\n * @property {number} charRefCode\n * @property {Array} tempBuff\n * @property {Function} _flushCodePointsConsumedAsCharacterReference\n * @property {string} lastStartTagName\n * @property {number} consumedAfterSnapshot\n * @property {boolean} active\n * @property {HiddenToken|undefined} currentCharacterToken\n * @property {HiddenToken|undefined} currentToken\n * @property {unknown} currentAttr\n * @property {Function} NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_STATE\n * @property {Function} NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END_STATE\n *\n * @typedef {Record & {location: P5Location}} HiddenToken\n *\n * @typedef HiddenPreprocessor\n * @property {string|undefined} html\n * @property {number} pos\n * @property {number} lastGapPos\n * @property {number} lastCharPos\n * @property {Array} gapStack\n * @property {boolean} skipNextNewLine\n * @property {boolean} lastChunkWritten\n * @property {boolean} endOfChunkHit\n *\n * @typedef HiddenLocationTracker\n * @property {P5Location|undefined} currentAttrLocation\n * @property {P5Location} ctLoc\n * @property {HiddenPosTracker} posTracker\n *\n * @typedef HiddenPosTracker\n * @property {boolean} isEol\n * @property {number} lineStartPos\n * @property {number} droppedBufferSize\n * @property {number} offset\n * @property {number} col\n * @property {number} line\n */\n\n// @ts-expect-error: untyped.\nimport Parser from 'parse5/lib/parser/index.js'\nimport {pointStart, pointEnd} from 'unist-util-position'\nimport {visit} from 'unist-util-visit'\nimport {fromParse5} from 'hast-util-from-parse5'\nimport {toParse5} from 'hast-util-to-parse5'\nimport {htmlVoidElements} from 'html-void-elements'\nimport {webNamespaces} from 'web-namespaces'\nimport {zwitch} from 'zwitch'\n\nconst inTemplateMode = 'IN_TEMPLATE_MODE'\nconst dataState = 'DATA_STATE'\nconst characterToken = 'CHARACTER_TOKEN'\nconst startTagToken = 'START_TAG_TOKEN'\nconst endTagToken = 'END_TAG_TOKEN'\nconst commentToken = 'COMMENT_TOKEN'\nconst doctypeToken = 'DOCTYPE_TOKEN'\n\n/** @type {P5ParserOptions} */\nconst parseOptions = {sourceCodeLocationInfo: true, scriptingEnabled: false}\n\n/**\n * Given a hast tree and an optional vfile (for positional info), return a new\n * parsed-again hast tree.\n *\n * @param tree\n * Original hast tree.\n * @param file\n * Virtual file for positional info, optional.\n * @param options\n * Configuration.\n */\nexport const raw =\n /**\n * @type {(\n * ((tree: Node, file: VFile|undefined, options?: Options) => Node) &\n * ((tree: Node, options?: Options) => Node)\n * )}\n */\n (\n /**\n * @param {Node} tree\n * @param {VFile} [file]\n * @param {Options} [options]\n */\n function (tree, file, options) {\n let index = -1\n const parser = new Parser(parseOptions)\n const one = zwitch('type', {\n handlers: {root, element, text, comment, doctype, raw: handleRaw},\n // @ts-expect-error: hush.\n unknown\n })\n /** @type {boolean|undefined} */\n let stitches\n /** @type {HiddenTokenizer|undefined} */\n let tokenizer\n /** @type {HiddenPreprocessor|undefined} */\n let preprocessor\n /** @type {HiddenPosTracker|undefined} */\n let posTracker\n /** @type {HiddenLocationTracker|undefined} */\n let locationTracker\n\n if (isOptions(file)) {\n options = file\n file = undefined\n }\n\n if (options && options.passThrough) {\n while (++index < options.passThrough.length) {\n // @ts-expect-error: hush.\n one.handlers[options.passThrough[index]] = stitch\n }\n }\n\n const result = fromParse5(\n documentMode(tree) ? document() : fragment(),\n file\n )\n\n if (stitches) {\n visit(result, 'comment', (node, index, parent) => {\n const stitch = /** @type {Stitch} */ (/** @type {unknown} */ (node))\n if (stitch.value.stitch && parent !== null && index !== null) {\n // @ts-expect-error: assume the stitch is allowed.\n parent.children[index] = stitch.value.stitch\n return index\n }\n })\n }\n\n // Unpack if possible and when not given a `root`.\n if (\n tree.type !== 'root' &&\n result.type === 'root' &&\n result.children.length === 1\n ) {\n return result.children[0]\n }\n\n return result\n\n /**\n * @returns {P5Fragment}\n */\n function fragment() {\n /** @type {P5Element} */\n const context = {\n nodeName: 'template',\n tagName: 'template',\n attrs: [],\n namespaceURI: webNamespaces.html,\n childNodes: []\n }\n /** @type {P5Element} */\n const mock = {\n nodeName: 'documentmock',\n tagName: 'documentmock',\n attrs: [],\n namespaceURI: webNamespaces.html,\n childNodes: []\n }\n /** @type {P5Fragment} */\n const doc = {nodeName: '#document-fragment', childNodes: []}\n\n parser._bootstrap(mock, context)\n parser._pushTmplInsertionMode(inTemplateMode)\n parser._initTokenizerForFragmentParsing()\n parser._insertFakeRootElement()\n parser._resetInsertionMode()\n parser._findFormInFragmentContext()\n\n tokenizer = parser.tokenizer\n /* c8 ignore next */\n if (!tokenizer) throw new Error('Expected `tokenizer`')\n preprocessor = tokenizer.preprocessor\n locationTracker = tokenizer.__mixins[0]\n posTracker = locationTracker.posTracker\n\n one(tree)\n\n resetTokenizer()\n\n parser._adoptNodes(mock.childNodes[0], doc)\n\n return doc\n }\n\n /**\n * @returns {P5Document}\n */\n function document() {\n /** @type {P5Document} */\n const doc = parser.treeAdapter.createDocument()\n\n parser._bootstrap(doc, undefined)\n tokenizer = parser.tokenizer\n /* c8 ignore next */\n if (!tokenizer) throw new Error('Expected `tokenizer`')\n preprocessor = tokenizer.preprocessor\n locationTracker = tokenizer.__mixins[0]\n posTracker = locationTracker.posTracker\n\n one(tree)\n\n resetTokenizer()\n\n return doc\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Array} nodes\n * @returns {void}\n */\n function all(nodes) {\n let index = -1\n\n /* istanbul ignore else - invalid nodes, see rehypejs/rehype-raw#7. */\n if (nodes) {\n while (++index < nodes.length) {\n one(nodes[index])\n }\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Root} node\n * @returns {void}\n */\n function root(node) {\n all(node.children)\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Element} node\n * @returns {void}\n */\n function element(node) {\n resetTokenizer()\n parser._processInputToken(startTag(node))\n\n all(node.children)\n\n if (!htmlVoidElements.includes(node.tagName)) {\n resetTokenizer()\n parser._processInputToken(endTag(node))\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Text} node\n * @returns {void}\n */\n function text(node) {\n resetTokenizer()\n parser._processInputToken({\n type: characterToken,\n chars: node.value,\n location: createParse5Location(node)\n })\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Doctype} node\n * @returns {void}\n */\n function doctype(node) {\n resetTokenizer()\n parser._processInputToken({\n type: doctypeToken,\n name: 'html',\n forceQuirks: false,\n publicId: '',\n systemId: '',\n location: createParse5Location(node)\n })\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Comment|Stitch} node\n * @returns {void}\n */\n function comment(node) {\n resetTokenizer()\n parser._processInputToken({\n type: commentToken,\n data: node.value,\n location: createParse5Location(node)\n })\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Raw} node\n * @returns {void}\n */\n function handleRaw(node) {\n const start = pointStart(node)\n const line = start.line || 1\n const column = start.column || 1\n const offset = start.offset || 0\n\n /* c8 ignore next 4 */\n if (!preprocessor) throw new Error('Expected `preprocessor`')\n if (!tokenizer) throw new Error('Expected `tokenizer`')\n if (!posTracker) throw new Error('Expected `posTracker`')\n if (!locationTracker) throw new Error('Expected `locationTracker`')\n\n // Reset preprocessor:\n // See: .\n preprocessor.html = undefined\n preprocessor.pos = -1\n preprocessor.lastGapPos = -1\n preprocessor.lastCharPos = -1\n preprocessor.gapStack = []\n preprocessor.skipNextNewLine = false\n preprocessor.lastChunkWritten = false\n preprocessor.endOfChunkHit = false\n\n // Reset preprocessor mixin:\n // See: .\n posTracker.isEol = false\n posTracker.lineStartPos = -column + 1 // Looks weird, but ensures we get correct positional info.\n posTracker.droppedBufferSize = offset\n posTracker.offset = 0\n posTracker.col = 1\n posTracker.line = line\n\n // Reset location tracker:\n // See: .\n locationTracker.currentAttrLocation = undefined\n locationTracker.ctLoc = createParse5Location(node)\n\n // See the code for `parse` and `parseFragment`:\n // See: .\n tokenizer.write(node.value)\n parser._runParsingLoop(null)\n\n // Character references hang, so if we ended there, we need to flush\n // those too.\n // We reset the preprocessor as if the document ends here.\n // Then one single call to the relevant state does the trick, parse5\n // consumes the whole token.\n if (\n tokenizer.state === 'NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_STATE' ||\n tokenizer.state === 'NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END_STATE'\n ) {\n preprocessor.lastChunkWritten = true\n tokenizer[tokenizer.state](tokenizer._consume())\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Node} node\n */\n function stitch(node) {\n stitches = true\n\n /** @type {Node} */\n let clone\n\n // Recurse, because to somewhat handle `[]` (where `[]` denotes the\n // passed through node).\n if ('children' in node) {\n clone = {\n ...node,\n children: raw(\n {type: 'root', children: node.children},\n file,\n options\n // @ts-expect-error Assume a given parent yields a parent.\n ).children\n }\n } else {\n clone = {...node}\n }\n\n // Hack: `value` is supposed to be a string, but as none of the tools\n // (`parse5` or `hast-util-from-parse5`) looks at it, we can pass nodes\n // through.\n comment({type: 'comment', value: {stitch: clone}})\n }\n\n function resetTokenizer() {\n /* c8 ignore next 2 */\n if (!tokenizer) throw new Error('Expected `tokenizer`')\n if (!posTracker) throw new Error('Expected `posTracker`')\n\n // Process final characters if they’re still there after hibernating.\n // Similar to:\n // See: .\n const token = tokenizer.currentCharacterToken\n\n if (token) {\n token.location.endLine = posTracker.line\n token.location.endCol = posTracker.col + 1\n token.location.endOffset = posTracker.offset + 1\n parser._processInputToken(token)\n }\n\n // Reset tokenizer:\n // See: .\n // Especially putting it back in the `data` state is useful: some elements,\n // like textareas and iframes, change the state.\n // See GH-7.\n // But also if broken HTML is in `raw`, and then a correct element is given.\n // See GH-11.\n tokenizer.tokenQueue = []\n tokenizer.state = dataState\n tokenizer.returnState = ''\n tokenizer.charRefCode = -1\n tokenizer.tempBuff = []\n tokenizer.lastStartTagName = ''\n tokenizer.consumedAfterSnapshot = -1\n = false\n tokenizer.currentCharacterToken = undefined\n tokenizer.currentToken = undefined\n tokenizer.currentAttr = undefined\n }\n }\n )\n/**\n * @param {Element} node\n * @returns {HiddenToken}\n */\nfunction startTag(node) {\n /** @type {P5Location} */\n const location = Object.assign(createParse5Location(node))\n // @ts-expect-error extra positional info.\n location.startTag = Object.assign({}, location)\n\n // Untyped token.\n return {\n type: startTagToken,\n tagName: node.tagName,\n selfClosing: false,\n attrs: attributes(node),\n location\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Element} node\n * @returns {Array}\n */\nfunction attributes(node) {\n return toParse5({\n tagName: node.tagName,\n type: 'element',\n properties:,\n children: []\n // @ts-expect-error Assume element.\n }).attrs\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Element} node\n * @returns {HiddenToken}\n */\nfunction endTag(node) {\n /** @type {P5Location} */\n const location = Object.assign(createParse5Location(node))\n // @ts-expect-error extra positional info.\n location.startTag = Object.assign({}, location)\n\n // Untyped token.\n return {\n type: endTagToken,\n tagName: node.tagName,\n attrs: [],\n location\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Node} node\n */\nfunction unknown(node) {\n throw new Error('Cannot compile `' + node.type + '` node')\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Node} node\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\nfunction documentMode(node) {\n const head = node.type === 'root' ? node.children[0] : node\n return Boolean(\n head &&\n (head.type === 'doctype' ||\n (head.type === 'element' && head.tagName === 'html'))\n )\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Node|Stitch} node\n * @returns {P5Location}\n */\nfunction createParse5Location(node) {\n const start = pointStart(node)\n const end = pointEnd(node)\n\n return {\n startLine: start.line,\n startCol: start.column,\n startOffset: start.offset,\n endLine: end.line,\n endCol: end.column,\n endOffset: end.offset\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {VFile|Options|undefined} value\n * @return {value is Options}\n */\nfunction isOptions(value) {\n return Boolean(value && !('message' in value && 'messages' in value))\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('hast-util-raw').Options} Options\n * @typedef {import('hast-util-raw')} DoNotTouchAsThisImportIncludesRawInTree\n */\n\nimport {raw} from 'hast-util-raw'\n\n/**\n * Plugin to parse the tree again (and raw nodes).\n * Keeping positional info OK. 🙌\n *\n * @type {import('unified').Plugin<[Options?] | Array, Root>}\n */\nexport default function rehypeRaw(options = {}) {\n return (tree, file) => {\n // Assume that when a root was given, it’s also returned.\n const result = /** @type {Root} */ (raw(tree, file, options))\n return result\n }\n}\n","// This module is generated by `script/`.\n/* eslint-disable no-control-regex, no-misleading-character-class, no-useless-escape */\nexport const regex = /[\\0-\\x1F!-,\\.\\/:-@\\[-\\^`\\{-\\xA9\\xAB-\\xB4\\xB6-\\xB9\\xBB-\\xBF\\xD7\\xF7\\u02C2-\\u02C5\\u02D2-\\u02DF\\u02E5-\\u02EB\\u02ED\\u02EF-\\u02FF\\u0375\\u0378\\u0379\\u037E\\u0380-\\u0385\\u0387\\u038B\\u038D\\u03A2\\u03F6\\u0482\\u0530\\u0557\\u0558\\u055A-\\u055F\\u0589-\\u0590\\u05BE\\u05C0\\u05C3\\u05C6\\u05C8-\\u05CF\\u05EB-\\u05EE\\u05F3-\\u060F\\u061B-\\u061F\\u066A-\\u066D\\u06D4\\u06DD\\u06DE\\u06E9\\u06FD\\u06FE\\u0700-\\u070F\\u074B\\u074C\\u07B2-\\u07BF\\u07F6-\\u07F9\\u07FB\\u07FC\\u07FE\\u07FF\\u082E-\\u083F\\u085C-\\u085F\\u086B-\\u089F\\u08B5\\u08C8-\\u08D2\\u08E2\\u0964\\u0965\\u0970\\u0984\\u098D\\u098E\\u0991\\u0992\\u09A9\\u09B1\\u09B3-\\u09B5\\u09BA\\u09BB\\u09C5\\u09C6\\u09C9\\u09CA\\u09CF-\\u09D6\\u09D8-\\u09DB\\u09DE\\u09E4\\u09E5\\u09F2-\\u09FB\\u09FD\\u09FF\\u0A00\\u0A04\\u0A0B-\\u0A0E\\u0A11\\u0A12\\u0A29\\u0A31\\u0A34\\u0A37\\u0A3A\\u0A3B\\u0A3D\\u0A43-\\u0A46\\u0A49\\u0A4A\\u0A4E-\\u0A50\\u0A52-\\u0A58\\u0A5D\\u0A5F-\\u0A65\\u0A76-\\u0A80\\u0A84\\u0A8E\\u0A92\\u0AA9\\u0AB1\\u0AB4\\u0ABA\\u0ABB\\u0AC6\\u0ACA\\u0ACE\\u0ACF\\u0AD1-\\u0ADF\\u0AE4\\u0AE5\\u0AF0-\\u0AF8\\u0B00\\u0B04\\u0B0D\\u0B0E\\u0B11\\u0B12\\u0B29\\u0B31\\u0B34\\u0B3A\\u0B3B\\u0B45\\u0B46\\u0B49\\u0B4A\\u0B4E-\\u0B54\\u0B58-\\u0B5B\\u0B5E\\u0B64\\u0B65\\u0B70\\u0B72-\\u0B81\\u0B84\\u0B8B-\\u0B8D\\u0B91\\u0B96-\\u0B98\\u0B9B\\u0B9D\\u0BA0-\\u0BA2\\u0BA5-\\u0BA7\\u0BAB-\\u0BAD\\u0BBA-\\u0BBD\\u0BC3-\\u0BC5\\u0BC9\\u0BCE\\u0BCF\\u0BD1-\\u0BD6\\u0BD8-\\u0BE5\\u0BF0-\\u0BFF\\u0C0D\\u0C11\\u0C29\\u0C3A-\\u0C3C\\u0C45\\u0C49\\u0C4E-\\u0C54\\u0C57\\u0C5B-\\u0C5F\\u0C64\\u0C65\\u0C70-\\u0C7F\\u0C84\\u0C8D\\u0C91\\u0CA9\\u0CB4\\u0CBA\\u0CBB\\u0CC5\\u0CC9\\u0CCE-\\u0CD4\\u0CD7-\\u0CDD\\u0CDF\\u0CE4\\u0CE5\\u0CF0\\u0CF3-\\u0CFF\\u0D0D\\u0D11\\u0D45\\u0D49\\u0D4F-\\u0D53\\u0D58-\\u0D5E\\u0D64\\u0D65\\u0D70-\\u0D79\\u0D80\\u0D84\\u0D97-\\u0D99\\u0DB2\\u0DBC\\u0DBE\\u0DBF\\u0DC7-\\u0DC9\\u0DCB-\\u0DCE\\u0DD5\\u0DD7\\u0DE0-\\u0DE5\\u0DF0\\u0DF1\\u0DF4-\\u0E00\\u0E3B-\\u0E3F\\u0E4F\\u0E5A-\\u0E80\\u0E83\\u0E85\\u0E8B\\u0EA4\\u0EA6\\u0EBE\\u0EBF\\u0EC5\\u0EC7\\u0ECE\\u0ECF\\u0EDA\\u0EDB\\u0EE0-\\u0EFF\\u0F01-\\u0F17\\u0F1A-\\u0F1F\\u0F2A-\\u0F34\\u0F36\\u0F38\\u0F3A-\\u0F3D\\u0F48\\u0F6D-\\u0F70\\u0F85\\u0F98\\u0FBD-\\u0FC5\\u0FC7-\\u0FFF\\u104A-\\u104F\\u109E\\u109F\\u10C6\\u10C8-\\u10CC\\u10CE\\u10CF\\u10FB\\u1249\\u124E\\u124F\\u1257\\u1259\\u125E\\u125F\\u1289\\u128E\\u128F\\u12B1\\u12B6\\u12B7\\u12BF\\u12C1\\u12C6\\u12C7\\u12D7\\u1311\\u1316\\u1317\\u135B\\u135C\\u1360-\\u137F\\u1390-\\u139F\\u13F6\\u13F7\\u13FE-\\u1400\\u166D\\u166E\\u1680\\u169B-\\u169F\\u16EB-\\u16ED\\u16F9-\\u16FF\\u170D\\u1715-\\u171F\\u1735-\\u173F\\u1754-\\u175F\\u176D\\u1771\\u1774-\\u177F\\u17D4-\\u17D6\\u17D8-\\u17DB\\u17DE\\u17DF\\u17EA-\\u180A\\u180E\\u180F\\u181A-\\u181F\\u1879-\\u187F\\u18AB-\\u18AF\\u18F6-\\u18FF\\u191F\\u192C-\\u192F\\u193C-\\u1945\\u196E\\u196F\\u1975-\\u197F\\u19AC-\\u19AF\\u19CA-\\u19CF\\u19DA-\\u19FF\\u1A1C-\\u1A1F\\u1A5F\\u1A7D\\u1A7E\\u1A8A-\\u1A8F\\u1A9A-\\u1AA6\\u1AA8-\\u1AAF\\u1AC1-\\u1AFF\\u1B4C-\\u1B4F\\u1B5A-\\u1B6A\\u1B74-\\u1B7F\\u1BF4-\\u1BFF\\u1C38-\\u1C3F\\u1C4A-\\u1C4C\\u1C7E\\u1C7F\\u1C89-\\u1C8F\\u1CBB\\u1CBC\\u1CC0-\\u1CCF\\u1CD3\\u1CFB-\\u1CFF\\u1DFA\\u1F16\\u1F17\\u1F1E\\u1F1F\\u1F46\\u1F47\\u1F4E\\u1F4F\\u1F58\\u1F5A\\u1F5C\\u1F5E\\u1F7E\\u1F7F\\u1FB5\\u1FBD\\u1FBF-\\u1FC1\\u1FC5\\u1FCD-\\u1FCF\\u1FD4\\u1FD5\\u1FDC-\\u1FDF\\u1FED-\\u1FF1\\u1FF5\\u1FFD-\\u203E\\u2041-\\u2053\\u2055-\\u2070\\u2072-\\u207E\\u2080-\\u208F\\u209D-\\u20CF\\u20F1-\\u2101\\u2103-\\u2106\\u2108\\u2109\\u2114\\u2116-\\u2118\\u211E-\\u2123\\u2125\\u2127\\u2129\\u212E\\u213A\\u213B\\u2140-\\u2144\\u214A-\\u214D\\u214F-\\u215F\\u2189-\\u24B5\\u24EA-\\u2BFF\\u2C2F\\u2C5F\\u2CE5-\\u2CEA\\u2CF4-\\u2CFF\\u2D26\\u2D28-\\u2D2C\\u2D2E\\u2D2F\\u2D68-\\u2D6E\\u2D70-\\u2D7E\\u2D97-\\u2D9F\\u2DA7\\u2DAF\\u2DB7\\u2DBF\\u2DC7\\u2DCF\\u2DD7\\u2DDF\\u2E00-\\u2E2E\\u2E30-\\u3004\\u3008-\\u3020\\u3030\\u3036\\u3037\\u303D-\\u3040\\u3097\\u3098\\u309B\\u309C\\u30A0\\u30FB\\u3100-\\u3104\\u3130\\u318F-\\u319F\\u31C0-\\u31EF\\u3200-\\u33FF\\u4DC0-\\u4DFF\\u9FFD-\\u9FFF\\uA48D-\\uA4CF\\uA4FE\\uA4FF\\uA60D-\\uA60F\\uA62C-\\uA63F\\uA673\\uA67E\\uA6F2-\\uA716\\uA720\\uA721\\uA789\\uA78A\\uA7C0\\uA7C1\\uA7CB-\\uA7F4\\uA828-\\uA82B\\uA82D-\\uA83F\\uA874-\\uA87F\\uA8C6-\\uA8CF\\uA8DA-\\uA8DF\\uA8F8-\\uA8FA\\uA8FC\\uA92E\\uA92F\\uA954-\\uA95F\\uA97D-\\uA97F\\uA9C1-\\uA9CE\\uA9DA-\\uA9DF\\uA9FF\\uAA37-\\uAA3F\\uAA4E\\uAA4F\\uAA5A-\\uAA5F\\uAA77-\\uAA79\\uAAC3-\\uAADA\\uAADE\\uAADF\\uAAF0\\uAAF1\\uAAF7-\\uAB00\\uAB07\\uAB08\\uAB0F\\uAB10\\uAB17-\\uAB1F\\uAB27\\uAB2F\\uAB5B\\uAB6A-\\uAB6F\\uABEB\\uABEE\\uABEF\\uABFA-\\uABFF\\uD7A4-\\uD7AF\\uD7C7-\\uD7CA\\uD7FC-\\uD7FF\\uE000-\\uF8FF\\uFA6E\\uFA6F\\uFADA-\\uFAFF\\uFB07-\\uFB12\\uFB18-\\uFB1C\\uFB29\\uFB37\\uFB3D\\uFB3F\\uFB42\\uFB45\\uFBB2-\\uFBD2\\uFD3E-\\uFD4F\\uFD90\\uFD91\\uFDC8-\\uFDEF\\uFDFC-\\uFDFF\\uFE10-\\uFE1F\\uFE30-\\uFE32\\uFE35-\\uFE4C\\uFE50-\\uFE6F\\uFE75\\uFEFD-\\uFF0F\\uFF1A-\\uFF20\\uFF3B-\\uFF3E\\uFF40\\uFF5B-\\uFF65\\uFFBF-\\uFFC1\\uFFC8\\uFFC9\\uFFD0\\uFFD1\\uFFD8\\uFFD9\\uFFDD-\\uFFFF]|\\uD800[\\uDC0C\\uDC27\\uDC3B\\uDC3E\\uDC4E\\uDC4F\\uDC5E-\\uDC7F\\uDCFB-\\uDD3F\\uDD75-\\uDDFC\\uDDFE-\\uDE7F\\uDE9D-\\uDE9F\\uDED1-\\uDEDF\\uDEE1-\\uDEFF\\uDF20-\\uDF2C\\uDF4B-\\uDF4F\\uDF7B-\\uDF7F\\uDF9E\\uDF9F\\uDFC4-\\uDFC7\\uDFD0\\uDFD6-\\uDFFF]|\\uD801[\\uDC9E\\uDC9F\\uDCAA-\\uDCAF\\uDCD4-\\uDCD7\\uDCFC-\\uDCFF\\uDD28-\\uDD2F\\uDD64-\\uDDFF\\uDF37-\\uDF3F\\uDF56-\\uDF5F\\uDF68-\\uDFFF]|\\uD802[\\uDC06\\uDC07\\uDC09\\uDC36\\uDC39-\\uDC3B\\uDC3D\\uDC3E\\uDC56-\\uDC5F\\uDC77-\\uDC7F\\uDC9F-\\uDCDF\\uDCF3\\uDCF6-\\uDCFF\\uDD16-\\uDD1F\\uDD3A-\\uDD7F\\uDDB8-\\uDDBD\\uDDC0-\\uDDFF\\uDE04\\uDE07-\\uDE0B\\uDE14\\uDE18\\uDE36\\uDE37\\uDE3B-\\uDE3E\\uDE40-\\uDE5F\\uDE7D-\\uDE7F\\uDE9D-\\uDEBF\\uDEC8\\uDEE7-\\uDEFF\\uDF36-\\uDF3F\\uDF56-\\uDF5F\\uDF73-\\uDF7F\\uDF92-\\uDFFF]|\\uD803[\\uDC49-\\uDC7F\\uDCB3-\\uDCBF\\uDCF3-\\uDCFF\\uDD28-\\uDD2F\\uDD3A-\\uDE7F\\uDEAA\\uDEAD-\\uDEAF\\uDEB2-\\uDEFF\\uDF1D-\\uDF26\\uDF28-\\uDF2F\\uDF51-\\uDFAF\\uDFC5-\\uDFDF\\uDFF7-\\uDFFF]|\\uD804[\\uDC47-\\uDC65\\uDC70-\\uDC7E\\uDCBB-\\uDCCF\\uDCE9-\\uDCEF\\uDCFA-\\uDCFF\\uDD35\\uDD40-\\uDD43\\uDD48-\\uDD4F\\uDD74\\uDD75\\uDD77-\\uDD7F\\uDDC5-\\uDDC8\\uDDCD\\uDDDB\\uDDDD-\\uDDFF\\uDE12\\uDE38-\\uDE3D\\uDE3F-\\uDE7F\\uDE87\\uDE89\\uDE8E\\uDE9E\\uDEA9-\\uDEAF\\uDEEB-\\uDEEF\\uDEFA-\\uDEFF\\uDF04\\uDF0D\\uDF0E\\uDF11\\uDF12\\uDF29\\uDF31\\uDF34\\uDF3A\\uDF45\\uDF46\\uDF49\\uDF4A\\uDF4E\\uDF4F\\uDF51-\\uDF56\\uDF58-\\uDF5C\\uDF64\\uDF65\\uDF6D-\\uDF6F\\uDF75-\\uDFFF]|\\uD805[\\uDC4B-\\uDC4F\\uDC5A-\\uDC5D\\uDC62-\\uDC7F\\uDCC6\\uDCC8-\\uDCCF\\uDCDA-\\uDD7F\\uDDB6\\uDDB7\\uDDC1-\\uDDD7\\uDDDE-\\uDDFF\\uDE41-\\uDE43\\uDE45-\\uDE4F\\uDE5A-\\uDE7F\\uDEB9-\\uDEBF\\uDECA-\\uDEFF\\uDF1B\\uDF1C\\uDF2C-\\uDF2F\\uDF3A-\\uDFFF]|\\uD806[\\uDC3B-\\uDC9F\\uDCEA-\\uDCFE\\uDD07\\uDD08\\uDD0A\\uDD0B\\uDD14\\uDD17\\uDD36\\uDD39\\uDD3A\\uDD44-\\uDD4F\\uDD5A-\\uDD9F\\uDDA8\\uDDA9\\uDDD8\\uDDD9\\uDDE2\\uDDE5-\\uDDFF\\uDE3F-\\uDE46\\uDE48-\\uDE4F\\uDE9A-\\uDE9C\\uDE9E-\\uDEBF\\uDEF9-\\uDFFF]|\\uD807[\\uDC09\\uDC37\\uDC41-\\uDC4F\\uDC5A-\\uDC71\\uDC90\\uDC91\\uDCA8\\uDCB7-\\uDCFF\\uDD07\\uDD0A\\uDD37-\\uDD39\\uDD3B\\uDD3E\\uDD48-\\uDD4F\\uDD5A-\\uDD5F\\uDD66\\uDD69\\uDD8F\\uDD92\\uDD99-\\uDD9F\\uDDAA-\\uDEDF\\uDEF7-\\uDFAF\\uDFB1-\\uDFFF]|\\uD808[\\uDF9A-\\uDFFF]|\\uD809[\\uDC6F-\\uDC7F\\uDD44-\\uDFFF]|[\\uD80A\\uD80B\\uD80E-\\uD810\\uD812-\\uD819\\uD824-\\uD82B\\uD82D\\uD82E\\uD830-\\uD833\\uD837\\uD839\\uD83D\\uD83F\\uD87B-\\uD87D\\uD87F\\uD885-\\uDB3F\\uDB41-\\uDBFF][\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]|\\uD80D[\\uDC2F-\\uDFFF]|\\uD811[\\uDE47-\\uDFFF]|\\uD81A[\\uDE39-\\uDE3F\\uDE5F\\uDE6A-\\uDECF\\uDEEE\\uDEEF\\uDEF5-\\uDEFF\\uDF37-\\uDF3F\\uDF44-\\uDF4F\\uDF5A-\\uDF62\\uDF78-\\uDF7C\\uDF90-\\uDFFF]|\\uD81B[\\uDC00-\\uDE3F\\uDE80-\\uDEFF\\uDF4B-\\uDF4E\\uDF88-\\uDF8E\\uDFA0-\\uDFDF\\uDFE2\\uDFE5-\\uDFEF\\uDFF2-\\uDFFF]|\\uD821[\\uDFF8-\\uDFFF]|\\uD823[\\uDCD6-\\uDCFF\\uDD09-\\uDFFF]|\\uD82C[\\uDD1F-\\uDD4F\\uDD53-\\uDD63\\uDD68-\\uDD6F\\uDEFC-\\uDFFF]|\\uD82F[\\uDC6B-\\uDC6F\\uDC7D-\\uDC7F\\uDC89-\\uDC8F\\uDC9A-\\uDC9C\\uDC9F-\\uDFFF]|\\uD834[\\uDC00-\\uDD64\\uDD6A-\\uDD6C\\uDD73-\\uDD7A\\uDD83\\uDD84\\uDD8C-\\uDDA9\\uDDAE-\\uDE41\\uDE45-\\uDFFF]|\\uD835[\\uDC55\\uDC9D\\uDCA0\\uDCA1\\uDCA3\\uDCA4\\uDCA7\\uDCA8\\uDCAD\\uDCBA\\uDCBC\\uDCC4\\uDD06\\uDD0B\\uDD0C\\uDD15\\uDD1D\\uDD3A\\uDD3F\\uDD45\\uDD47-\\uDD49\\uDD51\\uDEA6\\uDEA7\\uDEC1\\uDEDB\\uDEFB\\uDF15\\uDF35\\uDF4F\\uDF6F\\uDF89\\uDFA9\\uDFC3\\uDFCC\\uDFCD]|\\uD836[\\uDC00-\\uDDFF\\uDE37-\\uDE3A\\uDE6D-\\uDE74\\uDE76-\\uDE83\\uDE85-\\uDE9A\\uDEA0\\uDEB0-\\uDFFF]|\\uD838[\\uDC07\\uDC19\\uDC1A\\uDC22\\uDC25\\uDC2B-\\uDCFF\\uDD2D-\\uDD2F\\uDD3E\\uDD3F\\uDD4A-\\uDD4D\\uDD4F-\\uDEBF\\uDEFA-\\uDFFF]|\\uD83A[\\uDCC5-\\uDCCF\\uDCD7-\\uDCFF\\uDD4C-\\uDD4F\\uDD5A-\\uDFFF]|\\uD83B[\\uDC00-\\uDDFF\\uDE04\\uDE20\\uDE23\\uDE25\\uDE26\\uDE28\\uDE33\\uDE38\\uDE3A\\uDE3C-\\uDE41\\uDE43-\\uDE46\\uDE48\\uDE4A\\uDE4C\\uDE50\\uDE53\\uDE55\\uDE56\\uDE58\\uDE5A\\uDE5C\\uDE5E\\uDE60\\uDE63\\uDE65\\uDE66\\uDE6B\\uDE73\\uDE78\\uDE7D\\uDE7F\\uDE8A\\uDE9C-\\uDEA0\\uDEA4\\uDEAA\\uDEBC-\\uDFFF]|\\uD83C[\\uDC00-\\uDD2F\\uDD4A-\\uDD4F\\uDD6A-\\uDD6F\\uDD8A-\\uDFFF]|\\uD83E[\\uDC00-\\uDFEF\\uDFFA-\\uDFFF]|\\uD869[\\uDEDE-\\uDEFF]|\\uD86D[\\uDF35-\\uDF3F]|\\uD86E[\\uDC1E\\uDC1F]|\\uD873[\\uDEA2-\\uDEAF]|\\uD87A[\\uDFE1-\\uDFFF]|\\uD87E[\\uDE1E-\\uDFFF]|\\uD884[\\uDF4B-\\uDFFF]|\\uDB40[\\uDC00-\\uDCFF\\uDDF0-\\uDFFF]/g\n","import { regex } from './regex.js'\n\nconst own = Object.hasOwnProperty\n\n/**\n * Slugger.\n */\nexport default class BananaSlug {\n /**\n * Create a new slug class.\n */\n constructor () {\n /** @type {Record} */\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions\n this.occurrences\n\n this.reset()\n }\n\n /**\n * Generate a unique slug.\n *\n * Tracks previously generated slugs: repeated calls with the same value\n * will result in different slugs.\n * Use the `slug` function to get same slugs.\n *\n * @param {string} value\n * String of text to slugify\n * @param {boolean} [maintainCase=false]\n * Keep the current case, otherwise make all lowercase\n * @return {string}\n * A unique slug string\n */\n slug (value, maintainCase) {\n const self = this\n let result = slug(value, maintainCase === true)\n const originalSlug = result\n\n while (, result)) {\n self.occurrences[originalSlug]++\n result = originalSlug + '-' + self.occurrences[originalSlug]\n }\n\n self.occurrences[result] = 0\n\n return result\n }\n\n /**\n * Reset - Forget all previous slugs\n *\n * @return void\n */\n reset () {\n this.occurrences = Object.create(null)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Generate a slug.\n *\n * Does not track previously generated slugs: repeated calls with the same value\n * will result in the exact same slug.\n * Use the `GithubSlugger` class to get unique slugs.\n *\n * @param {string} value\n * String of text to slugify\n * @param {boolean} [maintainCase=false]\n * Keep the current case, otherwise make all lowercase\n * @return {string}\n * A unique slug string\n */\nexport function slug (value, maintainCase) {\n if (typeof value !== 'string') return ''\n if (!maintainCase) value = value.toLowerCase()\n return value.replace(regex, '').replace(/ /g, '-')\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('hast').Content} Content\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Root | Content} Node\n */\n\nconst own = {}.hasOwnProperty\n\n/**\n * Check if `node`is an element and has a `field` property.\n *\n * @param {unknown} node\n * Thing to check (typically `Element`).\n * @param {unknown} field\n * Field name to check (typically `string`).\n * @returns {boolean}\n * Whether `node` is an element that has a `field` property.\n */\nexport function hasProperty(node, field) {\n const value =\n typeof field === 'string' &&\n isNode(node) &&\n node.type === 'element' &&\n &&\n, field) &&\n[field]\n\n return value !== null && value !== undefined && value !== false\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {unknown} value\n * @returns {value is Node}\n */\nfunction isNode(value) {\n return Boolean(value && typeof value === 'object' && 'type' in value)\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('hast').Content} Content\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {Root | Content} Node\n */\n\n// To do next major: return `undefined`.\n/**\n * Get the rank (`1` to `6`) of headings (`h1` to `h6`).\n *\n * @param {Node} node\n * Node to check.\n * @returns {number | null}\n * Rank of the heading or `null` if not a heading.\n */\nexport function headingRank(node) {\n const name =\n (node && node.type === 'element' && node.tagName.toLowerCase()) || ''\n const code =\n name.length === 2 && name.charCodeAt(0) === 104 /* `h` */\n ? name.charCodeAt(1)\n : 0\n return code > 48 /* `0` */ && code < 55 /* `7` */ ? code - 48 /* `0` */ : null\n}\n","/**\n * @fileoverview\n * Get the plain-text value of a hast node.\n * @longdescription\n * ## Use\n *\n * ```js\n * import {h} from 'hastscript'\n * import {toString} from 'hast-util-to-string'\n *\n * toString(h('p', 'Alpha'))\n * //=> 'Alpha'\n * toString(h('div', [h('b', 'Bold'), ' and ', h('i', 'italic'), '.']))\n * //=> 'Bold and italic.'\n * ```\n *\n * ## API\n *\n * ### `toString(node)`\n *\n * Transform a node to a string.\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {Root|Root['children'][number]} Node\n */\n\n/**\n * Get the plain-text value of a hast node.\n *\n * @param {Node} node\n * @returns {string}\n */\nexport function toString(node) {\n // “The concatenation of data of all the Text node descendants of the context\n // object, in tree order.”\n if ('children' in node) {\n return all(node)\n }\n\n // “Context object’s data.”\n return 'value' in node ? node.value : ''\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Node} node\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction one(node) {\n if (node.type === 'text') {\n return node.value\n }\n\n return 'children' in node ? all(node) : ''\n}\n\n/**\n * @param {Root|Element} node\n * @returns {string}\n */\nfunction all(node) {\n let index = -1\n /** @type {string[]} */\n const result = []\n\n while (++index < node.children.length) {\n result[index] = one(node.children[index])\n }\n\n return result.join('')\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef Options\n * Configuration (optional).\n * @property {string} [prefix='']\n * Prefix to add in front of `id`s.\n */\n\nimport Slugger from 'github-slugger'\nimport {hasProperty} from 'hast-util-has-property'\nimport {headingRank} from 'hast-util-heading-rank'\nimport {toString} from 'hast-util-to-string'\nimport {visit} from 'unist-util-visit'\n\nconst slugs = new Slugger()\n\n/**\n * Plugin to add `id`s to headings.\n *\n * @type {import('unified').Plugin<[Options?]|Array, Root>}\n */\nexport default function rehypeSlug(options = {}) {\n const prefix = options.prefix || ''\n\n return (tree) => {\n slugs.reset()\n\n visit(tree, 'element', (node) => {\n if (headingRank(node) && && !hasProperty(node, 'id')) {\n = prefix + slugs.slug(toString(node))\n }\n })\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('unist').Parent} Parent\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n */\n\n/**\n * @typedef {null | undefined | string | TestFunctionAnything | Array} Test\n * Check for an arbitrary element, unaware of TypeScript inferral.\n *\n * @callback TestFunctionAnything\n * Check if an element passes a test, unaware of TypeScript inferral.\n * @param {Element} element\n * An element.\n * @param {number | null | undefined} [index]\n * The element’s position in its parent.\n * @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]\n * The element’s parent.\n * @returns {boolean | void}\n * Whether this element passes the test.\n */\n\n/**\n * @template {Element} T\n * Element type.\n * @typedef {T['tagName'] | TestFunctionPredicate | Array>} PredicateTest\n * Check for an element that can be inferred by TypeScript.\n */\n\n/**\n * Check if an element passes a certain node test.\n *\n * @template {Element} T\n * Element type.\n * @callback TestFunctionPredicate\n * Complex test function for an element that can be inferred by TypeScript.\n * @param {Element} element\n * An element.\n * @param {number | null | undefined} [index]\n * The element’s position in its parent.\n * @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]\n * The element’s parent.\n * @returns {element is T}\n * Whether this element passes the test.\n */\n\n/**\n * @callback AssertAnything\n * Check that an arbitrary value is an element, unaware of TypeScript inferral.\n * @param {unknown} [node]\n * Anything (typically a node).\n * @param {number | null | undefined} [index]\n * The node’s position in its parent.\n * @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]\n * The node’s parent.\n * @returns {boolean}\n * Whether this is an element and passes a test.\n */\n\n/**\n * Check if a node is an element and passes a certain node test\n *\n * @template {Element} T\n * Element type.\n * @callback AssertPredicate\n * Check that an arbitrary value is a specific element, aware of TypeScript.\n * @param {unknown} [node]\n * Anything (typically a node).\n * @param {number | null | undefined} [index]\n * The node’s position in its parent.\n * @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]\n * The node’s parent.\n * @returns {node is T}\n * Whether this is an element and passes a test.\n */\n\n/**\n * Check if `node` is an `Element` and whether it passes the given test.\n *\n * @param node\n * Thing to check, typically `Node`.\n * @param test\n * A check for a specific element.\n * @param index\n * The node’s position in its parent.\n * @param parent\n * The node’s parent.\n * @returns\n * Whether `node` is an element and passes a test.\n */\nexport const isElement =\n /**\n * @type {(\n * (() => false) &\n * ((node: unknown, test?: PredicateTest, index?: number, parent?: Parent, context?: unknown) => node is T) &\n * ((node: unknown, test: Test, index?: number, parent?: Parent, context?: unknown) => boolean)\n * )}\n */\n (\n /**\n * @param {unknown} [node]\n * @param {Test | undefined} [test]\n * @param {number | null | undefined} [index]\n * @param {Parent | null | undefined} [parent]\n * @param {unknown} [context]\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\n // eslint-disable-next-line max-params\n function (node, test, index, parent, context) {\n const check = convertElement(test)\n\n if (\n index !== undefined &&\n index !== null &&\n (typeof index !== 'number' ||\n index < 0 ||\n index === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)\n ) {\n throw new Error('Expected positive finite index for child node')\n }\n\n if (\n parent !== undefined &&\n parent !== null &&\n (!parent.type || !parent.children)\n ) {\n throw new Error('Expected parent node')\n }\n\n // @ts-expect-error Looks like a node.\n if (!node || !node.type || typeof node.type !== 'string') {\n return false\n }\n\n if (\n (parent === undefined || parent === null) !==\n (index === undefined || index === null)\n ) {\n throw new Error('Expected both parent and index')\n }\n\n return, node, index, parent)\n }\n )\n\n/**\n * Generate an assertion from a test.\n *\n * Useful if you’re going to test many nodes, for example when creating a\n * utility where something else passes a compatible test.\n *\n * The created function is a bit faster because it expects valid input only:\n * a `node`, `index`, and `parent`.\n *\n * @param test\n * * When nullish, checks if `node` is an `Element`.\n * * When `string`, works like passing `(element) => element.tagName === test`.\n * * When `function` checks if function passed the element is true.\n * * When `array`, checks any one of the subtests pass.\n * @returns\n * An assertion.\n */\nexport const convertElement =\n /**\n * @type {(\n * ((test: T['tagName'] | TestFunctionPredicate) => AssertPredicate) &\n * ((test?: Test) => AssertAnything)\n * )}\n */\n (\n /**\n * @param {Test | null | undefined} [test]\n * @returns {AssertAnything}\n */\n function (test) {\n if (test === undefined || test === null) {\n return element\n }\n\n if (typeof test === 'string') {\n return tagNameFactory(test)\n }\n\n if (typeof test === 'object') {\n return anyFactory(test)\n }\n\n if (typeof test === 'function') {\n return castFactory(test)\n }\n\n throw new Error('Expected function, string, or array as test')\n }\n )\n\n/**\n * Handle multiple tests.\n *\n * @param {Array} tests\n * @returns {AssertAnything}\n */\nfunction anyFactory(tests) {\n /** @type {Array} */\n const checks = []\n let index = -1\n\n while (++index < tests.length) {\n checks[index] = convertElement(tests[index])\n }\n\n return castFactory(any)\n\n /**\n * @this {unknown}\n * @param {Array} parameters\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\n function any(...parameters) {\n let index = -1\n\n while (++index < checks.length) {\n if (checks[index].call(this, ...parameters)) {\n return true\n }\n }\n\n return false\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Turn a string into a test for an element with a certain tag name.\n *\n * @param {string} check\n * @returns {AssertAnything}\n */\nfunction tagNameFactory(check) {\n return tagName\n\n /**\n * @param {unknown} node\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\n function tagName(node) {\n return element(node) && node.tagName === check\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Turn a custom test into a test for an element that passes that test.\n *\n * @param {TestFunctionAnything} check\n * @returns {AssertAnything}\n */\nfunction castFactory(check) {\n return assertion\n\n /**\n * @this {unknown}\n * @param {unknown} node\n * @param {Array} parameters\n * @returns {boolean}\n */\n function assertion(node, ...parameters) {\n // @ts-expect-error: fine.\n return element(node) && Boolean(, node, ...parameters))\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Make sure something is an element.\n *\n * @param {unknown} node\n * @returns {node is Element}\n */\nfunction element(node) {\n return Boolean(\n node &&\n typeof node === 'object' &&\n // @ts-expect-error Looks like a node.\n node.type === 'element' &&\n // @ts-expect-error Looks like an element.\n typeof node.tagName === 'string'\n )\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root\n * @typedef {import('hast').Parent} Parent\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {Element['children'][number]} ElementChild\n * @typedef {import('hast').Properties} Properties\n * @typedef {import('hast-util-is-element').Test} Test\n *\n * @typedef {'prepend'|'append'|'wrap'|'before'|'after'} Behavior\n *\n * @callback Build\n * @param {Element} node\n * @returns {ElementChild|ElementChild[]}\n *\n * @typedef Options\n * Configuration.\n * @property {Behavior} [behavior='prepend']\n * How to create links.\n * @property {Behavior} [behaviour]\n * Please use `behavior` instead\n * @property {Properties} [properties]\n * Extra properties to set on the link when injecting.\n * Defaults to `{ariaHidden: true, tabIndex: -1}` when `'prepend'` or\n * `'append'`.\n * @property {ElementChild|ElementChild[]|Build} [content={type: 'element', tagName: 'span', properties: {className: ['icon', 'icon-link']}, children: []}]\n * hast nodes to insert in the link.\n * @property {ElementChild|ElementChild[]|Build} [group]\n * hast node to wrap the heading and link with, if `behavior` is `'before'` or\n * `'after'`.\n * There is no default.\n * @property {Test} [test]\n * Test to define which heading elements are linked.\n * Any test that can be given to `hast-util-is-element` is supported.\n * The default (no test) is to link all headings.\n * Can be used to link only h1-h3, or for example all except h1.\n */\n\nimport extend from 'extend'\nimport {hasProperty} from 'hast-util-has-property'\nimport {headingRank} from 'hast-util-heading-rank'\nimport {convertElement} from 'hast-util-is-element'\nimport {visit, SKIP} from 'unist-util-visit'\n\n/** @type {Element} */\nconst contentDefaults = {\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'span',\n properties: {className: ['icon', 'icon-link']},\n children: []\n}\n\n/**\n * Plugin to automatically add links to headings (h1-h6).\n *\n * @type {import('unified').Plugin<[Options?]|void[], Root>}\n */\nexport default function rehypeAutolinkHeadings(options = {}) {\n let props =\n const behavior = options.behaviour || options.behavior || 'prepend'\n const content = options.content || contentDefaults\n const group =\n const is = convertElement(options.test)\n\n /** @type {import('unist-util-visit/complex-types').Visitor} */\n let method\n\n if (behavior === 'wrap') {\n method = wrap\n } else if (behavior === 'before' || behavior === 'after') {\n method = around\n } else {\n if (!props) {\n props = {ariaHidden: 'true', tabIndex: -1}\n }\n\n method = inject\n }\n\n return (tree) => {\n visit(tree, 'element', (node, index, parent) => {\n if (\n headingRank(node) &&\n hasProperty(node, 'id') &&\n is(node, index, parent)\n ) {\n return method(node, index, parent)\n }\n })\n }\n\n /** @type {import('unist-util-visit/complex-types').Visitor} */\n function inject(node) {\n node.children[behavior === 'prepend' ? 'unshift' : 'push'](\n create(node, extend(true, {}, props), toChildren(content, node))\n )\n\n return [SKIP]\n }\n\n /** @type {import('unist-util-visit/complex-types').Visitor} */\n function around(node, index, parent) {\n // Uncommon.\n /* c8 ignore next */\n if (typeof index !== 'number' || !parent) return\n\n const link = create(\n node,\n extend(true, {}, props),\n toChildren(content, node)\n )\n let nodes = behavior === 'before' ? [link, node] : [node, link]\n\n if (group) {\n const grouping = toNode(group, node)\n\n if (grouping && !Array.isArray(grouping) && grouping.type === 'element') {\n grouping.children = nodes\n nodes = [grouping]\n }\n }\n\n parent.children.splice(index, 1, ...nodes)\n\n return [SKIP, index + nodes.length]\n }\n\n /** @type {import('unist-util-visit/complex-types').Visitor} */\n function wrap(node) {\n node.children = [create(node, extend(true, {}, props), node.children)]\n return [SKIP]\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {ElementChild|ElementChild[]|Build} value\n * @param {Element} node\n * @returns {ElementChild[]}\n */\n function toChildren(value, node) {\n const result = toNode(value, node)\n return Array.isArray(result) ? result : [result]\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {ElementChild|ElementChild[]|Build} value\n * @param {Element} node\n * @returns {ElementChild|ElementChild[]}\n */\n function toNode(value, node) {\n if (typeof value === 'function') return value(node)\n return extend(true, Array.isArray(value) ? [] : {}, value)\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Element} node\n * @param {Properties} props\n * @param {ElementChild[]} children\n * @returns {Element}\n */\n function create(node, props, children) {\n return {\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'a',\n properties: Object.assign({}, props, {\n // Fix hast types and make them required.\n /* c8 ignore next */\n href: '#' + ( || {}).id\n }),\n children\n }\n }\n}\n","import { Element, Comment, Literal, ElementContent, RootContent, Properties } from 'hast';\nimport { RehypeAttrsOptions } from './';\n\nexport const getURLParameters = (url: string = '') =>\n ((url.match(/([^?=&]+)(=([^&]*))/g) || []) as string[]).reduce(\n (a: Record, v: string) => (\n (a[v.slice(0, v.indexOf('=')) as keyof typeof a] = v.slice(v.indexOf('=') + 1)), a\n ),\n {}\n )\n\nexport const prevChild = (data: Literal[] = [], index: number): Comment | undefined => {\n let i = index;\n while (i > -1) {\n i--;\n if (!data[i]) return\n if ((data[i] && data[i].value && (data[i].value as string).replace(/(\\n|\\s)/g, '') !== '') || data[i].type !== 'text') {\n if (!/^rehype:/.test(data[i].value as string) || (data[i].type as string) !== 'comment') return;\n return data[i] as unknown as Comment;\n }\n }\n return;\n}\n\nexport const nextChild = (data: RootContent[] | ElementContent[] = [], index: number, tagName?: string, codeBlockParames?: boolean): ElementContent | undefined => {\n let i = index;\n while (i < data.length) {\n i++;\n if (tagName) {\n const element = data[i] as Literal & Element;\n if (element && element.value && (element.value as string).replace(/(\\n|\\s)/g, '') !== '' || data[i] && (data[i].type as string) === 'element') {\n return element.tagName === tagName ? element : undefined\n }\n } else {\n const element = data[i] as ElementContent & Literal;\n if (!element || element.type === 'element') return;\n if (element.type === 'text' && element.value.replace(/(\\n|\\s)/g, '') !== '') return;\n if (element.type && /^(comment|raw)$/ig.test(element.type)) {\n if (element.value && !/^rehype:/.test(element.value.replace(/^(\\s+)?/, '$2') || '')) {\n return\n };\n if (codeBlockParames) {\n const nextNode = nextChild(data, i, 'pre', codeBlockParames)\n if (nextNode) return;\n element.value = (element.value || '').replace(/^(\\n|\\s)+/, '')\n return element;\n } else {\n element.value = (element.value || '').replace(/^(\\n|\\s)+/, '')\n return element;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return\n}\n\n/**\n * 获取代码注视的位置\n * @param data 数据\n * @param index 当前数据所在的位置\n * @returns 返回 当前参数数据 Object,`{}`\n */\nexport const getCommentObject = ({ value = '' }: Comment): Properties => {\n const param = getURLParameters(value.replace(/^/, '$1').replace(/^rehype:/, ''));\n Object.keys(param).forEach((keyName: string) => {\n if (param[keyName] === 'true') {\n param[keyName] = true;\n }\n if (param[keyName] === 'false') {\n param[keyName] = false;\n }\n if (typeof param[keyName] === 'string' && !/^0/.test(param[keyName] as string) && !isNaN(+param[keyName])) {\n param[keyName] = +param[keyName];\n }\n })\n return param;\n}\n\nexport type DataConfig = {\n 'data-config': Properties\n}\n\nexport const propertiesHandle = (defaultAttrs?: Properties | null, attrs?: Properties, type?: RehypeAttrsOptions['properties']): Properties | DataConfig => {\n if (type === 'string') {\n return { ...defaultAttrs, 'data-config': JSON.stringify({ ...attrs, rehyp: true })}\n } else if (type === 'attr') {\n return { ...defaultAttrs, ...attrs}\n }\n return { ...defaultAttrs, 'data-config': { ...attrs, rehyp: true }}\n}","import { Plugin } from 'unified';\nimport { Root, Element, Comment, Properties, Literal } from 'hast';\nimport { visit } from 'unist-util-visit';\nimport { propertiesHandle, nextChild, prevChild, getCommentObject } from './utils';\n\nexport type RehypeAttrsOptions = {\n /**\n * ## `data`\n * \n * ```markdown\n * text\n * \n * ```\n * 👇👇👇👇👇\n * ```html\n *


\n * ```\n * \n * ## `string`\n * \n * ```markdown\n * text\n * \n * ```\n * \n * 👇👇👇👇👇\n * \n * ```html\n *


\n * ```\n * \n * ## attr\n * \n * ```markdown\n * text\n * \n * ```\n * 👇👇👇👇👇\n * ```html\n *


\n * ```\n * @default `data`\n */\n properties?: 'data' | 'string' | 'attr';\n /**\n * Code block passing parameters\n */\n codeBlockParames?: boolean;\n}\n\nconst rehypeAttrs: Plugin<[RehypeAttrsOptions?], Root> = (options = {}) => {\n const { properties = 'data', codeBlockParames = true } = options;\n return (tree) => {\n visit(tree, 'element', (node, index, parent) => {\n if (codeBlockParames && node.tagName === 'pre' && node && Array.isArray(node.children) && parent && Array.isArray(parent.children) && parent.children.length > 1) {\n const firstChild = node.children[0] as Element;\n if (firstChild && firstChild.tagName === 'code' && typeof index === 'number') {\n const child = prevChild(parent.children as Literal[], index);\n if (child) {\n const attr = getCommentObject(child);\n if (Object.keys(attr).length > 0) {\n = {, ...{ 'data-type': 'rehyp' } }\n = propertiesHandle(, attr, properties) as Properties\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (/^(em|strong|b|a|i|p|pre|kbd|blockquote|h(1|2|3|4|5|6)|code|table|img|del|ul|ol)$/.test(node.tagName) && parent && Array.isArray(parent.children) && typeof index === 'number') {\n const child = nextChild(parent.children, index, '', codeBlockParames)\n if (child) {\n const attr = getCommentObject(child as Comment)\n if (Object.keys(attr).length > 0) {\n = propertiesHandle(, attr, properties) as Properties\n }\n }\n }\n });\n }\n}\n\n\nexport default rehypeAttrs\n","import type { Plugin } from 'unified';\nimport type { Root, RootContent, Literal } from 'hast';\nimport { visit } from 'unist-util-visit';\n\n/**\n * Raw string of HTML embedded into HTML AST.\n */\nexport interface Raw extends Literal {\n /**\n * Node type.\n */\n type: 'raw'\n}\n\n// Register nodes in content.\ndeclare module 'hast' {\n interface RootContentMap {\n /**\n * Raw string of HTML embedded into HTML AST.\n */\n raw: Raw\n }\n interface ElementContentMap {\n /**\n * Raw string of HTML embedded into HTML AST.\n */\n raw: Raw\n }\n}\n\n\nexport type RehypeIgnoreOptions = {\n /**\n * Character to use for opening delimiter, by default `rehype:ignore:start`\n */\n openDelimiter?: string;\n /**\n * Character to use for closing delimiter, by default `rehype:ignore:end`\n */\n closeDelimiter?: string;\n}\n\nconst rehypeIgnore: Plugin<[RehypeIgnoreOptions?], Root> = (options = {}) => {\n const { openDelimiter = 'rehype:ignore:start', closeDelimiter = 'rehype:ignore:end' } = options;\n return (tree) => {\n visit(tree, (node: Root | RootContent, index, parent) => {\n if (node.type === 'element' || node.type === 'root') {\n // const start = node.children.findIndex((item) => item.type === 'comment' && item.value === openDelimiter);\n // const end = node.children.findIndex((item) => item.type === 'comment' && item.value === closeDelimiter);\n // if (start > -1 && end > -1) {\n // node.children = node.children.filter((_, idx) => idx < start || idx > end);\n // }\n let start = false;\n node.children = node.children.filter((item) => {\n if (item.type === 'raw' || item.type === 'comment') {\n let str = (item.value || '').trim();\n str = str.replace(/^/, '$1')\n if (str === openDelimiter) {\n start = true;\n return false;\n }\n if (str === closeDelimiter) {\n start = false;\n return false;\n }\n }\n \n return !start;\n })\n }\n });\n }\n}\n\nexport default rehypeIgnore;\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('unist').Node} Node\n * @typedef {import('unist').Parent} Parent\n * @typedef {import('unist-util-is').Test} Test\n *\n * @typedef Options\n * Configuration (optional).\n * @property {boolean | null | undefined} [cascade=true]\n * Whether to drop parent nodes if they had children, but all their children\n * were filtered out.\n */\n\nimport {convert} from 'unist-util-is'\n\nconst own = {}.hasOwnProperty\n\n/**\n * Create a new `tree` of copies of all nodes that pass `test`.\n *\n * The tree is walked in *preorder* (NLR), visiting the node itself, then its\n * head, etc.\n *\n * @param tree\n * Tree to filter.\n * @param options\n * Configuration (optional).\n * @param test\n * `unist-util-is` compatible test.\n * @returns\n * New filtered tree.\n *\n * `null` is returned if `tree` itself didn’t pass the test, or is cascaded\n * away.\n */\nexport const filter =\n /**\n * @type {(\n * ((node: Tree, options: Options | null | undefined, test: Check | null | undefined) => import('./complex-types.js').Matches) &\n * ((node: Tree, test: Check) => import('./complex-types.js').Matches) &\n * ((node: Tree, options?: Options | null | undefined) => Tree)\n * )}\n */\n (\n /**\n * @param {Node} tree\n * @param {Options | Test | null | undefined} [options]\n * @param {Test | null | undefined} [test]\n * @returns {Node | null}\n */\n function (tree, options, test) {\n const is = convert(test || options)\n /** @type {boolean | null | undefined} */\n const cascadeRaw =\n options && typeof options === 'object' && 'cascade' in options\n ? /** @type {boolean | null | undefined} */ (options.cascade)\n : undefined\n const cascade =\n cascadeRaw === undefined || cascadeRaw === null ? true : cascadeRaw\n\n return preorder(tree)\n\n /**\n * @param {Node} node\n * Current node.\n * @param {number | undefined} [index]\n * Index of `node` in `parent`.\n * @param {Parent | undefined} [parent]\n * Parent node.\n * @returns {Node | null}\n * Shallow copy of `node`.\n */\n function preorder(node, index, parent) {\n /** @type {Array} */\n const children = []\n\n if (!is(node, index, parent)) return null\n\n // @ts-expect-error: Looks like a parent.\n if (node.children) {\n let childIndex = -1\n\n // @ts-expect-error Looks like a parent.\n while (++childIndex < node.children.length) {\n // @ts-expect-error Looks like a parent.\n const result = preorder(node.children[childIndex], childIndex, node)\n\n if (result) {\n children.push(result)\n }\n }\n\n // @ts-expect-error Looks like a parent.\n if (cascade && node.children.length > 0 && children.length === 0)\n return null\n }\n\n // Create a shallow clone, using the new children.\n /** @type {typeof node} */\n // @ts-expect-error all the fields will be copied over.\n const next = {}\n /** @type {string} */\n let key\n\n for (key in node) {\n if (, key)) {\n // @ts-expect-error: Looks like a record.\n next[key] = key === 'children' ? children : node[key]\n }\n }\n\n return next\n }\n }\n )\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element\n * @typedef {import('hast').Root} Root\n * @typedef Options options\n * Configuration.\n * @property {boolean} [showLineNumbers]\n * Set `showLineNumbers` to `true` to always display line number\n * @property {boolean} [ignoreMissing]\n * Set `ignoreMissing` to `true` to ignore unsupported languages and line highlighting when no language is specified\n */\n\nimport { visit } from 'unist-util-visit'\nimport { toString } from 'hast-util-to-string'\nimport { filter } from 'unist-util-filter'\nimport rangeParser from 'parse-numeric-range'\n\n/**\n * @param {Element} node\n * @return {string|null}\n */\nconst getLanguage = (node) => {\n const className =\n //@ts-ignore\n for (const classListItem of className) {\n if (classListItem.slice(0, 9) === 'language-') {\n return classListItem.slice(9).toLowerCase()\n }\n }\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Create a closure that determines if we have to highlight the given index\n *\n * @param {string} meta\n * @return { (index:number) => boolean }\n */\nconst calculateLinesToHighlight = (meta) => {\n const RE = /{([\\d,-]+)}/\n // Remove space between {} e.g. {1, 3}\n const parsedMeta = meta\n .split(',')\n .map((str) => str.trim())\n .join()\n if (RE.test(parsedMeta)) {\n const strlineNumbers = RE.exec(parsedMeta)[1]\n const lineNumbers = rangeParser(strlineNumbers)\n return (index) => lineNumbers.includes(index + 1)\n } else {\n return () => false\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if we want to start the line numbering from a given number or 1\n * showLineNumbers=5, will start the numbering from 5\n * @param {string} meta\n * @returns {number}\n */\nconst calculateStartingLine = (meta) => {\n const RE = /showLineNumbers=(?\\d+)/i\n // pick the line number after = using a named capturing group\n if (RE.test(meta)) {\n const {\n groups: { lines },\n } = RE.exec(meta)\n return Number(lines)\n }\n return 1\n}\n\n/**\n * Create container AST for node lines\n *\n * @param {number} number\n * @return {Element[]}\n */\nconst createLineNodes = (number) => {\n const a = new Array(number)\n for (let i = 0; i < number; i++) {\n a[i] = {\n type: 'element',\n tagName: 'span',\n properties: { className: [] },\n children: [],\n }\n }\n return a\n}\n\n/**\n * Split multiline text nodes into individual nodes with positioning\n * Add a node start and end line position information for each text node\n *\n * @return { (ast:Element['children']) => Element['children'] }\n *\n */\nconst addNodePositionClosure = () => {\n let startLineNum = 1\n /**\n * @param {Element['children']} ast\n * @return {Element['children']}\n */\n const addNodePosition = (ast) => {\n return ast.reduce((result, node) => {\n if (node.type === 'text') {\n const value = /** @type {string} */ (node.value)\n const numLines = (value.match(/\\n/g) || '').length\n if (numLines === 0) {\n node.position = {\n // column: 1 is needed to avoid error with @next/mdx\n //\n start: { line: startLineNum, column: 1 },\n end: { line: startLineNum, column: 1 },\n }\n result.push(node)\n } else {\n const lines = value.split('\\n')\n for (const [i, line] of lines.entries()) {\n result.push({\n type: 'text',\n value: i === lines.length - 1 ? line : line + '\\n',\n position: {\n start: { line: startLineNum + i, column: 1 },\n end: { line: startLineNum + i, column: 1 },\n },\n })\n }\n }\n startLineNum = startLineNum + numLines\n\n return result\n }\n\n if (, 'children')) {\n const initialLineNum = startLineNum\n // @ts-ignore\n node.children = addNodePosition(node.children, startLineNum)\n result.push(node)\n node.position = {\n start: { line: initialLineNum, column: 1 },\n end: { line: startLineNum, column: 1 },\n }\n return result\n }\n\n result.push(node)\n return result\n }, [])\n }\n return addNodePosition\n}\n\n/**\n * Rehype prism plugin generator that highlights code blocks with refractor (prismjs)\n *\n * Pass in your own refractor object with the required languages registered:\n *\n *\n * @param {import('refractor/lib/core').Refractor} refractor\n * @return {import('unified').Plugin<[Options?], Root>}\n */\nconst rehypePrismGenerator = (refractor) => {\n return (options = {}) => {\n return (tree) => {\n visit(tree, 'element', visitor)\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Element} node\n * @param {number} index\n * @param {Element} parent\n */\n function visitor(node, index, parent) {\n if (!parent || parent.tagName !== 'pre' || node.tagName !== 'code') {\n return\n }\n\n let meta = /** @type {string} */ (node?.data?.meta || node?.properties?.metastring || '')\n // Coerce className to array\n if ( {\n if (typeof === 'boolean') {\n = []\n } else if (!Array.isArray( {\n = []\n }\n } else {\n = []\n }\n'code-highlight')\n const lang = getLanguage(node)\n\n /** @type {Element} */\n let refractorRoot\n\n // Syntax highlight\n if (lang) {\n try {\n let rootLang\n if (lang?.includes('diff-')){\n rootLang=lang.split('-')[1]\n } else{\n rootLang=lang\n }\n // @ts-ignore\n refractorRoot = refractor.highlight(toString(node), rootLang)\n // @ts-ignore className is already an array\n = ( || []).concat(\n 'language-' + rootLang\n )\n } catch (err) {\n if (options.ignoreMissing && /Unknown language/.test(err.message)) {\n refractorRoot = node\n } else {\n throw err\n }\n }\n } else {\n refractorRoot = node\n }\n\n refractorRoot.children = addNodePositionClosure()(refractorRoot.children)\n\n // Add position info to root\n if (refractorRoot.children.length > 0) {\n refractorRoot.position = {\n start: { line: refractorRoot.children[0].position.start.line, column: 0 },\n end: {\n line: refractorRoot.children[refractorRoot.children.length - 1].position.end.line,\n column: 0,\n },\n }\n } else {\n refractorRoot.position = {\n start: { line: 0, column: 0 },\n end: { line: 0, column: 0 },\n }\n }\n\n const shouldHighlightLine = calculateLinesToHighlight(meta)\n const startingLineNumber = calculateStartingLine(meta)\n const codeLineArray = createLineNodes(refractorRoot.position.end.line)\n\n const falseShowLineNumbersStr = [\n 'showlinenumbers=false',\n 'showlinenumbers=\"false\"',\n 'showlinenumbers={false}',\n ]\n for (const [i, line] of codeLineArray.entries()) {\n // Default class name for each line\n = ['code-line']\n\n // Syntax highlight\n const treeExtract = filter(\n refractorRoot,\n (node) => node.position.start.line <= i + 1 && node.position.end.line >= i + 1\n )\n line.children = treeExtract.children\n\n // Line number\n if (\n (meta.toLowerCase().includes('showLineNumbers'.toLowerCase()) ||\n options.showLineNumbers) &&\n !falseShowLineNumbersStr.some((str) => meta.toLowerCase().includes(str))\n ) {\n = [(i + startingLineNumber).toString()]\n'line-number')\n }\n\n // Line highlight\n if (shouldHighlightLine(i)) {\n'highlight-line')\n }\n\n // Diff classes\n if ((lang === 'diff' || lang?.includes('diff-')) && toString(line).substring(0, 1) === '-') {\n'deleted')\n } else if ((lang === 'diff' || lang?.includes('diff-')) && toString(line).substring(0, 1) === '+') {\n'inserted')\n }\n }\n\n // Remove possible trailing line when splitting by \\n which results in empty array\n if (\n codeLineArray.length > 0 &&\n toString(codeLineArray[codeLineArray.length - 1]).trim() === ''\n ) {\n codeLineArray.pop()\n }\n\n node.children = codeLineArray\n }\n }\n}\n\nexport default rehypePrismGenerator\n","import { refractor as refractorAll } from 'refractor/lib/all.js'\nimport rehypePrismGenerator from './generator.js'\n\n/**\n * Rehype prism plugin that highlights code blocks with refractor (prismjs)\n * This supports all the languages and should be used on the server side.\n *\n * Consider using rehypePrismCommon or rehypePrismGenerator to generate a plugin\n * that supports your required languages.\n */\nconst rehypePrismAll = rehypePrismGenerator(refractorAll)\n\nexport default rehypePrismAll\n","import { refractor as refractorCommon } from 'refractor/lib/common.js'\nimport rehypePrismGenerator from './generator.js'\n\n/**\n * Rehype prism plugin that highlights code blocks with refractor (prismjs)\n * Supported languages:\n *\n * Consider using rehypePrismGenerator to generate a plugin\n * that supports your required languages.\n */\nconst rehypePrismCommon = rehypePrismGenerator(refractorCommon)\n\nexport default rehypePrismCommon\n","const rtlRange = '\\u0591-\\u07FF\\uFB1D-\\uFDFD\\uFE70-\\uFEFC'\nconst ltrRange =\n 'A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6' +\n '\\u00F8-\\u02B8\\u0300-\\u0590\\u0800-\\u1FFF\\u200E\\u2C00-\\uFB1C' +\n '\\uFE00-\\uFE6F\\uFEFD-\\uFFFF'\n\n/* eslint-disable no-misleading-character-class */\nconst rtl = new RegExp('^[^' + ltrRange + ']*[' + rtlRange + ']')\nconst ltr = new RegExp('^[^' + rtlRange + ']*[' + ltrRange + ']')\n/* eslint-enable no-misleading-character-class */\n\n/**\n * Detect the direction of text: left-to-right, right-to-left, or neutral\n *\n * @param {string} value\n * @returns {'rtl'|'ltr'|'neutral'}\n */\nexport function direction(value) {\n const source = String(value || '')\n return rtl.test(source) ? 'rtl' : ltr.test(source) ? 'ltr' : 'neutral'\n}\n","/**\n * @typedef {import('./types.js').SelectState} SelectState\n * @typedef {import('./types.js').Node} Node\n * @typedef {import('./types.js').ElementChild} ElementChild\n * @typedef {import('./types.js').Direction} Direction\n * @typedef {import('unist-util-visit/complex-types.js').Visitor} Visitor\n */\n\nimport {direction} from 'direction'\nimport {toString} from 'hast-util-to-string'\nimport {svg} from 'property-information'\nimport {visit, EXIT, SKIP} from 'unist-util-visit'\n\n/**\n * Enter a node.\n *\n * The caller is responsible for calling the return value `exit`.\n *\n * @param {SelectState} state\n * Current state.\n *\n * Will be mutated: `exit` undos the changes.\n * @param {Node} node\n * Node to enter.\n * @returns {() => void}\n * Call to exit.\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line complexity\nexport function enterState(state, node) {\n const schema = state.schema\n const language = state.language\n const currentDirection = state.direction\n const editableOrEditingHost = state.editableOrEditingHost\n /** @type {Direction | undefined} */\n let dirInferred\n\n if (node.type === 'element' && {\n const lang = ||\n const type = || 'text'\n const dir = dirProperty(node)\n\n if (lang !== undefined && lang !== null) {\n state.language = String(lang)\n }\n\n if (schema && === 'html') {\n if ( === 'true') {\n state.editableOrEditingHost = true\n }\n\n if (node.tagName === 'svg') {\n state.schema = svg\n }\n\n // See: .\n // Explicit `[dir=rtl]`.\n if (dir === 'rtl') {\n dirInferred = dir\n } else if (\n // Explicit `[dir=ltr]`.\n dir === 'ltr' ||\n // HTML with an invalid or no `[dir]`.\n (dir !== 'auto' && node.tagName === 'html') ||\n // `input[type=tel]` with an invalid or no `[dir]`.\n (dir !== 'auto' && node.tagName === 'input' && type === 'tel')\n ) {\n dirInferred = 'ltr'\n // `[dir=auto]` or `bdi` with an invalid or no `[dir]`.\n } else if (dir === 'auto' || node.tagName === 'bdi') {\n if (node.tagName === 'textarea') {\n // Check contents of `