Jason Song e253888a0e
Fix isAllowed of escapeStreamer ()
The use of `sort.Search` is wrong: The slice should be sorted, and
`return >= 0` doen't mean it exists, see the

Could be fixed like this if we really need it:

diff --git a/modules/charset/escape_stream.go b/modules/charset/escape_stream.go
index 823b63513..fcf1ffbc1 100644
--- a/modules/charset/escape_stream.go
+++ b/modules/charset/escape_stream.go
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ import (
 var defaultWordRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(-?\d*\.\d\w*)|([^\` + "`" + `\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\-\=\+\[\{\]\}\\\|\;\:\'\"\,\.\<\>\/\?\s\x00-\x1f]+)`)

 func NewEscapeStreamer(locale translation.Locale, next HTMLStreamer, allowed ...rune) HTMLStreamer {
+       sort.Slice(allowed, func(i, j int) bool {
+               return allowed[i] < allowed[j]
+       })
        return &escapeStreamer{
                escaped:                 &EscapeStatus{},
                PassthroughHTMLStreamer: *NewPassthroughStreamer(next),
@@ -284,14 +287,8 @@ func (e *escapeStreamer) runeTypes(runes ...rune) (types []runeType, confusables

 func (e *escapeStreamer) isAllowed(r rune) bool {
-       if len(e.allowed) == 0 {
-               return false
-       }
-       if len(e.allowed) == 1 {
-               return e.allowed[0] == r
-       }
-       return sort.Search(len(e.allowed), func(i int) bool {
+       i := sort.Search(len(e.allowed), func(i int) bool {
                return e.allowed[i] >= r
-       }) >= 0
+       })
+       return i < len(e.allowed) && e.allowed[i] == r

But I don't think so, a map is better to do it.
ambiguous Implement FSFE REUSE for golang files ()
invisible Implement FSFE REUSE for golang files ()
ambiguous.go Ensure that Chinese punctuation is not ambiguous when locale is Chinese ()
ambiguous_gen.go Implement FSFE REUSE for golang files ()
ambiguous_gen_test.go Implement FSFE REUSE for golang files ()
breakwriter.go Implement FSFE REUSE for golang files ()
breakwriter_test.go Implement FSFE REUSE for golang files ()
charset.go Implement FSFE REUSE for golang files ()
charset_test.go Implement FSFE REUSE for golang files ()
escape.go Fix line spacing for plaintext previews ()
escape_status.go Implement FSFE REUSE for golang files ()
escape_stream.go Fix isAllowed of escapeStreamer ()
escape_test.go Implement FSFE REUSE for golang files ()
htmlstream.go Implement FSFE REUSE for golang files ()
invisible_gen.go Implement FSFE REUSE for golang files ()