Mura Li d77176912b Use Go1.11 module ()
* Migrate to go modules

* make vendor

* Update

* make vendor

* Update

* make fmt-check

* Update

* make vendor
.drone.yml Use Go1.11 module ()
LICENSE Added all required dependencies Use Go1.11 module ()
builder.go fix forgot removed records when deleting user ()
builder_delete.go fix forgot removed records when deleting user ()
builder_insert.go fix forgot removed records when deleting user ()
builder_limit.go fix forgot removed records when deleting user ()
builder_select.go fix forgot removed records when deleting user ()
builder_union.go fix forgot removed records when deleting user ()
builder_update.go fix forgot removed records when deleting user ()
cond.go fix forgot removed records when deleting user ()
cond_and.go fix MSSQL bug on org ()
cond_between.go fix forgot removed records when deleting user ()
cond_compare.go Update xorm to latest version and fix correct `user` table referencing in sql ()
cond_eq.go Update xorm to latest version and fix correct `user` table referencing in sql ()
cond_expr.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database ()
cond_in.go Fix and test for delete user ()
cond_like.go Update xorm to latest version and fix correct `user` table referencing in sql ()
cond_neq.go Update xorm to latest version and fix correct `user` table referencing in sql ()
cond_not.go Update xorm to latest version and fix correct `user` table referencing in sql ()
cond_notin.go Fix and test for delete user ()
cond_null.go Update xorm and dependencies vendor for feature to dump to other database ()
cond_or.go fix forgot removed records when deleting user ()
doc.go Added all required dependencies
error.go fix forgot removed records when deleting user ()
go.mod Use Go1.11 module ()
sql.go fix forgot removed records when deleting user ()
string_builder.go fix forgot removed records when deleting user ()

SQL builder codecov

Package builder is a lightweight and fast SQL builder for Go and XORM.

Make sure you have installed Go 1.8+ and then:

go get


sql, args, err := builder.Insert(Eq{"c": 1, "d": 2}).Into("table1").ToSQL()

// INSERT INTO table1 SELECT * FROM table2
sql, err := builder.Insert().Into("table1").Select().From("table2").ToBoundSQL()

// INSERT INTO table1 (a, b) SELECT b, c FROM table2
sql, err = builder.Insert("a, b").Into("table1").Select("b, c").From("table2").ToBoundSQL()


// Simple Query
sql, args, err := Select("c, d").From("table1").Where(Eq{"a": 1}).ToSQL()
// With join
sql, args, err = Select("c, d").From("table1").LeftJoin("table2", Eq{"": 1}.And(Lt{"": 3})).
		RightJoin("table3", " = table3.tid").Where(Eq{"a": 1}).ToSQL()
// From sub query
sql, args, err := Select("").From(Select("c").From("table1").Where(Eq{"a": 1}), "sub").Where(Eq{"b": 1}).ToSQL()
// From union query
sql, args, err = Select("").From(
	Select("id").From("table1").Where(Eq{"a": 1}).Union("all", Select("id").From("table1").Where(Eq{"a": 2})),"sub").
	Where(Eq{"b": 1}).ToSQL()
// With order by
sql, args, err = Select("a", "b", "c").From("table1").Where(Eq{"f1": "v1", "f2": "v2"}).
		OrderBy("a ASC").ToSQL()
// With limit.
// Be careful! You should set up specific dialect for builder before performing a query with LIMIT
sql, args, err = Dialect(MYSQL).Select("a", "b", "c").From("table1").OrderBy("a ASC").
		Limit(5, 10).ToSQL()


sql, args, err := Update(Eq{"a": 2}).From("table1").Where(Eq{"a": 1}).ToSQL()


sql, args, err := Delete(Eq{"a": 1}).From("table1").ToSQL()


sql, args, err := Select("*").From("a").Where(Eq{"status": "1"}).
		Union("all", Select("*").From("a").Where(Eq{"status": "2"})).
		Union("distinct", Select("*").From("a").Where(Eq{"status": "3"})).
		Union("", Select("*").From("a").Where(Eq{"status": "4"})).


  • Eq is a redefine of a map, you can give one or more conditions to Eq
import . ""

sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Eq{"a":1})
// a=? [1]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Eq{"b":"c"}.And(Eq{"c": 0}))
// b=? AND c=? ["c", 0]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Eq{"b":"c", "c":0})
// b=? AND c=? ["c", 0]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Eq{"b":"c"}.Or(Eq{"b":"d"}))
// b=? OR b=? ["c", "d"]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Eq{"b": []string{"c", "d"}})
// b IN (?,?) ["c", "d"]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Eq{"b": 1, "c":[]int{2, 3}})
// b=? AND c IN (?,?) [1, 2, 3]
  • Neq is the same to Eq
import . ""

sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Neq{"a":1})
// a<>? [1]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Neq{"b":"c"}.And(Neq{"c": 0}))
// b<>? AND c<>? ["c", 0]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Neq{"b":"c", "c":0})
// b<>? AND c<>? ["c", 0]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Neq{"b":"c"}.Or(Neq{"b":"d"}))
// b<>? OR b<>? ["c", "d"]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Neq{"b": []string{"c", "d"}})
// b NOT IN (?,?) ["c", "d"]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Neq{"b": 1, "c":[]int{2, 3}})
// b<>? AND c NOT IN (?,?) [1, 2, 3]
  • Gt, Gte, Lt, Lte
import . ""

sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Gt{"a", 1}.And(Gte{"b", 2}))
// a>? AND b>=? [1, 2]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Lt{"a", 1}.Or(Lte{"b", 2}))
// a<? OR b<=? [1, 2]
  • Like
import . ""

sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Like{"a", "c"})
// a LIKE ? [%c%]
  • Expr you can customerize your sql with Expr
import . ""

sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Expr("a = ? ", 1))
// a = ? [1]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Eq{"a": Expr("select id from table where c = ?", 1)})
// a=(select id from table where c = ?) [1]
  • In and NotIn
import . ""

sql, args, _ := ToSQL(In("a", 1, 2, 3))
// a IN (?,?,?) [1,2,3]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(In("a", []int{1, 2, 3}))
// a IN (?,?,?) [1,2,3]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(In("a", Expr("select id from b where c = ?", 1))))
// a IN (select id from b where c = ?) [1]
  • IsNull and NotNull
import . ""

sql, args, _ := ToSQL(IsNull{"a"})
// a IS NULL []
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(NotNull{"b"})
	// b IS NOT NULL []
  • And(conds ...Cond), And can connect one or more condtions via And
import . ""

sql, args, _ := ToSQL(And(Eq{"a":1}, Like{"b", "c"}, Neq{"d", 2}))
// a=? AND b LIKE ? AND d<>? [1, %c%, 2]
  • Or(conds ...Cond), Or can connect one or more conditions via Or
import . ""

sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Or(Eq{"a":1}, Like{"b", "c"}, Neq{"d", 2}))
// a=? OR b LIKE ? OR d<>? [1, %c%, 2]
sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Or(Eq{"a":1}, And(Like{"b", "c"}, Neq{"d", 2})))
// a=? OR (b LIKE ? AND d<>?) [1, %c%, 2]
  • Between
import . ""

sql, args, _ := ToSQL(Between{"a", 1, 2})
// a BETWEEN 1 AND 2
  • Define yourself conditions

Since Cond is an interface.

type Cond interface {
	WriteTo(Writer) error
	And(...Cond) Cond
	Or(...Cond) Cond
	IsValid() bool

You can define yourself conditions and compose with other Cond.