You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

63 lines
1.8 KiB

package styles
import (
var (
// Inspired by Apple's Xcode "Default (Dark)" Theme
background = "#1F1F24"
plainText = "#FFFFFF"
comments = "#6C7986"
strings = "#FC6A5D"
numbers = "#D0BF69"
keywords = "#FC5FA3"
preprocessorStatements = "#FD8F3F"
typeDeclarations = "#5DD8FF"
otherDeclarations = "#41A1C0"
otherFunctionAndMethodNames = "#A167E6"
otherTypeNames = "#D0A8FF"
// Xcode dark style
var XcodeDark = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("xcode-dark", chroma.StyleEntries{
chroma.Background: plainText + " bg: " + background,
chroma.Comment: comments,
chroma.CommentMultiline: comments,
chroma.CommentPreproc: preprocessorStatements,
chroma.CommentSingle: comments,
chroma.CommentSpecial: comments + " italic",
chroma.Error: "#960050",
chroma.Keyword: keywords,
chroma.KeywordConstant: keywords,
chroma.KeywordDeclaration: keywords,
chroma.KeywordReserved: keywords,
chroma.LiteralNumber: numbers,
chroma.LiteralNumberBin: numbers,
chroma.LiteralNumberFloat: numbers,
chroma.LiteralNumberHex: numbers,
chroma.LiteralNumberInteger: numbers,
chroma.LiteralNumberOct: numbers,
chroma.LiteralString: strings,
chroma.LiteralStringEscape: strings,
chroma.LiteralStringInterpol: plainText,
chroma.Name: plainText,
chroma.NameBuiltin: otherTypeNames,
chroma.NameBuiltinPseudo: otherFunctionAndMethodNames,
chroma.NameClass: typeDeclarations,
chroma.NameFunction: otherDeclarations,
chroma.NameVariable: otherDeclarations,
chroma.Operator: plainText,
chroma.Punctuation: plainText,
chroma.Text: plainText,