GiteaBot ed84f3737a [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
AL [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Actionscript Update gitignore list ()
Ada Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Agda chore: update gitignore list ()
Alteryx [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
AltiumDesigner [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Android [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Anjuta Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Ansible Synced gitignores with github repo ()
AppEngine Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
AppceleratorTitanium Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
ArchLinuxPackages Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Archives [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
AtmelStudio chore: update gitignore list ()
AutoIt [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
AutomationStudio [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Autotools [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
B4X [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Backup Update gitignore list ()
Ballerina [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Bazaar Synced gitignores with github repo ()
Bazel [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Beef [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Bitrix chore: update gitignore list ()
BricxCC Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
C Update gitignore list ()
C++ Synced gitignores with github repo ()
CDK [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
CFWheels Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
CMake [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
CUDA Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
CVS Synced gitignores with github repo ()
CakePHP Synced gitignores with github repo ()
Calabash Synced gitignores with github repo ()
ChefCookbook Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Clojure Update gitignore list ()
Cloud9 Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
CodeIgniter [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
CodeKit Update gitignore list ()
CodeSniffer chore: update gitignore list ()
CommonLisp Synced gitignores with github repo ()
Composer Update gitignore list ()
Concrete5 Add make targed generate-license & generate-gitignore + Update ()
Coq [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Cordova chore: update gitignore list ()
CraftCMS Update gitignore list ()
D Synced gitignores with github repo ()
DM Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Dart [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
DartEditor Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Delphi [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Diff Update gitignore list ()
Dreamweaver Synced gitignores with github repo ()
Dropbox Synced gitignores with github repo ()
Drupal [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Drupal7 chore: update gitignore list ()
ECU-TEST [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
EPiServer Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Eagle Update gitignore list ()
Eclipse Add make targed generate-license & generate-gitignore + Update ()
EiffelStudio Synced gitignores with github repo ()
Elisp Synced gitignores with github repo ()
Elixir chore: update gitignore list ()
Elm Synced gitignores with github repo ()
Emacs chore: update gitignore list ()
Ensime Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Erlang chore: update gitignore list ()
Espresso Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Exercism chore: update gitignore list ()
ExpressionEngine Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
ExtJs Update gitignore list ()
Fancy Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Finale Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Firebase [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
FlaxEngine [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
FlexBuilder Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Flutter [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
ForceDotCom Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Fortran Update gitignore list ()
FuelPHP Synced gitignores with github repo ()
GNOMEShellExtension chore: update gitignore list ()
GPG Synced gitignores with github repo ()
GWT Update gitignore list ()
Gcov Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
GitBook Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
GitHubPages [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Go [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Go.AllowList [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Godot [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Gradle [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Grails Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Gretl [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Haskell chore: update gitignore list ()
Hexo [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Hugo [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
IAR [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
IAR_EWARM [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
IGORPro Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Idris [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Images Update gitignore list ()
InforCMS chore: update gitignore list ()
JBoss chore: update gitignore list ()
JBoss4 chore: update gitignore list ()
JBoss6 chore: update gitignore list ()
JDeveloper Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
JENKINS_HOME Add make targed generate-license & generate-gitignore + Update ()
JEnv Update gitignore list ()
Java [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Jekyll [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
JetBrains [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Jigsaw Add make targed generate-license & generate-gitignore + Update ()
Joomla chore: update gitignore list ()
Julia chore: update gitignore list ()
JupyterNotebooks chore: update gitignore list ()
KDevelop4 Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Kate Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Kentico chore: update gitignore list ()
KiCad [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Kohana Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Kotlin [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
LabVIEW Update gitignore list ()
Laravel [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Lazarus Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Leiningen Update gitignore list ()
LemonStand Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
LensStudio [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
LibreOffice Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Lilypond Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Linux Synced gitignores with github repo ()
Lithium Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Logtalk chore: update gitignore list ()
Lua Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
LyX Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
MATLAB chore: update gitignore list ()
Magento Update gitignore list ()
Magento1 chore: update gitignore list ()
Magento2 [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Maven [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Mercurial Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Mercury Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
MetaProgrammingSystem Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Metals Add make targed generate-license & generate-gitignore + Update ()
Meteor chore: update gitignore list ()
MicrosoftOffice Update gitignore list ()
ModelSim Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Modelica [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Momentics Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
MonoDevelop Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Move [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
NWjs chore: update gitignore list ()
Nanoc Update gitignore list ()
NasaSpecsIntact [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
NetBeans chore: update gitignore list ()
Nikola chore: update gitignore list ()
Nim chore: update gitignore list ()
Ninja Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Nix [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Node [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
NotepadPP Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
NotesAndCoreConfiguration [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
NotesAndExtendedConfiguration [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
NotesOnly [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
OCaml chore: update gitignore list ()
Objective-C [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Octave chore: update gitignore list ()
Opa Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
OpenCart Synced gitignores with github repo ()
OpenSSL [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
OpenTofu [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
OracleForms Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Otto Synced gitignores with github repo ()
PSoCCreator Update gitignore list ()
Packer [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Patch Update gitignore list ()
Perl [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Perl6 Update gitignore list ()
Phalcon Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Phoenix chore: update gitignore list ()
Pimcore chore: update gitignore list ()
PlayFramework Synced gitignores with github repo ()
Plone Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Prestashop Add make targed generate-license & generate-gitignore + Update ()
Processing chore: update gitignore list ()
PuTTY chore: update gitignore list ()
Puppet chore: update gitignore list ()
PureScript Add make targed generate-license & generate-gitignore + Update ()
Python [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Qooxdoo Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Qt [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
R [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
ROS Update gitignore list ()
ROS2 [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Racket chore: update gitignore list ()
Rails [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Raku Add make targed generate-license & generate-gitignore + Update ()
ReScript [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Red chore: update gitignore list ()
Redcar Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Redis Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
RhodesRhomobile Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Ruby chore: update gitignore list ()
Rust [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
SAM Add make targed generate-license & generate-gitignore + Update ()
SBT Synced gitignores with github repo ()
SCons chore: update gitignore list ()
SPFx [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
SVN Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Sass Update gitignore list ()
Scala [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Scheme Synced gitignores with github repo ()
Scrivener chore: update gitignore list ()
Sdcc Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
SeamGen Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
SketchUp Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
SlickEdit Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Smalltalk chore: update gitignore list ()
Snap chore: update gitignore list ()
Splunk chore: update gitignore list ()
Stata Synced gitignores with github repo ()
Stella Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Strapi [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
SublimeText Add make targed generate-license & generate-gitignore + Update ()
SugarCRM Update gitignore list ()
Swift [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Symfony Update gitignore list ()
SymphonyCMS Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Syncthing [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
SynopsysVCS Update gitignore list ()
Tags Synced gitignores with github repo ()
TeX [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Terraform [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Terragrunt [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
TextMate Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Textpattern Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
ThinkPHP chore: update gitignore list ()
Toit [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
TortoiseGit Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
TurboGears2 Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
TwinCAT3 [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Typo3 Update gitignore list ()
UiPath [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Umbraco [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Unity [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
UnrealEngine [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
V [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
VVVV Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Vagrant chore: update gitignore list ()
Vim chore: update gitignore list ()
VirtualEnv Synced gitignores with github repo ()
Virtuoso chore: update gitignore list ()
VisualStudio [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
VisualStudioCode [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Vue chore: update gitignore list ()
Waf Synced gitignores with github repo ()
WebMethods Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Windows chore: update gitignore list ()
WordPress [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Xcode [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Xilinx chore: update gitignore list ()
XilinxISE Synced gitignores with github repo ()
Xojo [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
Yeoman Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Yii Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
ZendFramework Update gitignore list ()
Zephir Bindata is optional and over-writable on restart ()
Zig [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
core [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores
esp-idf chore: update gitignore list ()
macOS Update gitignore list ()
uVision [skip ci] Updated licenses and gitignores