Unknwon 4438b7793b Add new config option for builtin SSH server
Config option [server] SSH_LISTEN_PORT to the port the builtin SSH server will be listen.
It can be different from SSH_PORT which is supposed to be exposed in the clone URL.
This should solve the problem when user runs Gogs inside Docker container
and still want to use builtin SSH server.
gitignore try to indicate sqlite session issue when merge
license fix
locale Minor fix for
readme complate list of gitignores and licenses complate list of gitignores and licenses
app.ini Add new config option for builtin SSH server

Execute following command in ROOT directory when anything is changed:

$ go-bindata -o=modules/bindata/bindata.go -ignore="\.DS_Store|" -pkg=bindata conf/...

Add -debug flag to make life easier in development(somehow isn't working):

$ go-bindata -debug -o=modules/bindata/bindata.go -ignore="\.DS_Store|" -pkg=bindata conf/...