declare module '*.svg' { const value: string; export default value; } declare module '*.css' { const value: string; export default value; } declare module '*.vue' { import type {DefineComponent} from 'vue'; const component: DefineComponent; export default component; // List of named exports from vue components, used to make `tsc` output clean. // To actually lint .vue files, `vue-tsc` is used because `tsc` can not parse them. export function initRepoBranchTagSelector(selector: string): void; export function initDashboardRepoList(): void; export function initRepositoryActionView(): void; } declare let __webpack_public_path__: string; declare module '' { const value = await import(''); export default value; } declare module 'uint8-to-base64' { export function encode(arrayBuffer: Uint8Array): string; export function decode(base64str: string): Uint8Array; } declare module 'swagger-ui-dist/swagger-ui-es-bundle.js' { const value = await import('swagger-ui-dist'); export default value.SwaggerUIBundle; } interface JQuery { api: any, // fomantic areYouSure: any, // jquery.are-you-sure dimmer: any, // fomantic dropdown: any; // fomantic modal: any; // fomantic tab: any; // fomantic transition: any, // fomantic search: any, // fomantic } interface JQueryStatic { api: any, // fomantic } interface Element { _tippy: import('tippy.js').Instance; } type Writable = { -readonly [K in keyof T]: T[K] }; interface Window { config: import('./web_src/js/types.ts').Config; $: typeof import('@types/jquery'), jQuery: typeof import('@types/jquery'), htmx: Omit & { config?: Writable, process?: (elt: Element | string) => void, }, ui?: any, _globalHandlerErrors: Array & { _inited: boolean, push: (e: ErrorEvent & PromiseRejectionEvent) => void | number, }, __webpack_public_path__: string; grecaptcha: any, turnstile: any, hcaptcha: any, codeEditors: any[], updateCloneStates: () => void, }