{{if not .WorkflowDispatchConfig}} <div class="ui error message tw-block">{{/* using "ui message" in "ui form" needs to force to display */}} {{if not .CurWorkflowExists}} {{ctx.Locale.Tr "actions.workflow.not_found" $.CurWorkflow}} {{else}} {{ctx.Locale.Tr "actions.workflow.has_no_workflow_dispatch" $.CurWorkflow}} {{end}} </div> {{else}} {{range $item := .WorkflowDispatchConfig.Inputs}} <div class="ui field {{if .Required}}required{{end}}"> {{if eq .Type "choice"}} <label>{{or .Description .Name}}:</label> {{/* htmx won't initialize the fomantic dropdown, so it is a standard "select" input */}} <select class="ui selection dropdown" name="{{.Name}}"> {{range .Options}} <option value="{{.}}" {{if eq $item.Default .}}selected{{end}}>{{.}}</option> {{end}} </select> {{else if eq .Type "boolean"}} {{/* htmx doesn't trigger our JS code to attach fomantic label to checkbox, so here we use standard checkbox */}} <label class="tw-flex flex-text-inline"> <input type="checkbox" name="{{.Name}}" {{if eq .Default "true"}}checked{{end}}> {{or .Description .Name}} </label> {{else if eq .Type "number"}} <label>{{or .Description .Name}}:</label> <input name="{{.Name}}" value="{{.Default}}" {{if .Required}}required{{end}}> {{else}} <label>{{or .Description .Name}}:</label> <input name="{{.Name}}" value="{{.Default}}" {{if .Required}}required{{end}}> {{end}} </div> {{end}} <div class="ui field"> <button class="ui tiny primary button" type="submit">{{ctx.Locale.Tr "actions.workflow.run"}}</button> </div> {{end}} {{range .workflows}} {{if and .ErrMsg (eq .Entry.Name $.CurWorkflow)}} <div class="ui field"> <div>{{svg "octicon-alert" 16 "text red"}} {{.ErrMsg}}</div> </div> {{end}} {{end}}