#31970 should have just showed the commit summary, but
`strings.SplitN()` was misused such that we did not perform any
splitting at all and just used the message. This was not caught in the
unit test made in that PR since the test commit summary was > 50 (which
truncated away the commit description).
This snapshot resolves this and adds another unit test to ensure that we
only show the commit summary.
assert.Equal(t,"[test/repo:test] 2 new commits",pl.Embeds[0].Title)
assert.Equal(t,"[2020558](http://localhost:3000/test/repo/commit/2020558fe2e34debb818a514715839cabd25e778) chore: This is a commit summary - user1\n[2020558](http://localhost:3000/test/repo/commit/2020558fe2e34debb818a514715839cabd25e778) chore: This is a commit summary - user1",pl.Embeds[0].Description)
p:=pushTestPayloadWithCommitMessage("This is a commit summary ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ containing 你好 ⚠️⚠️️\n\nThis is the message body")
assert.Equal(t,"[test/repo:test] 2 new commits",pl.Embeds[0].Title)
assert.Equal(t,"[2020558](http://localhost:3000/test/repo/commit/2020558fe2e34debb818a514715839cabd25e778) This is a commit summary ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ containing 你好... - user1\n[2020558](http://localhost:3000/test/repo/commit/2020558fe2e34debb818a514715839cabd25e778) This is a commit summary ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ containing 你好... - user1",pl.Embeds[0].Description)