@ -425,23 +425,67 @@ func GetOrgsByUserID(userID int64, showAll bool) ([]*User, error) {
return getOrgsByUserID ( sess , userID , showAll )
// queryUserOrgIDs returns a condition to return user's organization id
func queryUserOrgIDs ( uid int64 ) * builder . Builder {
return builder . Select ( "team.org_id" ) .
From ( "team_user" ) . InnerJoin ( "team" , "team.id = team_user.team_id" ) .
Where ( builder . Eq { "team_user.uid" : uid } )
// MinimalOrg represents a simple orgnization with only needed columns
type MinimalOrg = User
// GetUserOrgsList returns one user's all orgs list
func GetUserOrgsList ( uid int64 ) ( [ ] * MinimalOrg , error ) {
var orgs = make ( [ ] * MinimalOrg , 0 , 20 )
return orgs , x . Select ( "id, name, full_name, visibility, avatar, avatar_email, use_custom_avatar" ) .
func GetUserOrgsList ( user * User ) ( [ ] * MinimalOrg , error ) {
sess := x . NewSession ( )
defer sess . Close ( )
schema , err := x . TableInfo ( new ( User ) )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
outputCols := [ ] string {
"id" ,
"name" ,
"full_name" ,
"visibility" ,
"avatar" ,
"avatar_email" ,
"use_custom_avatar" ,
groupByCols := & strings . Builder { }
for _ , col := range outputCols {
fmt . Fprintf ( groupByCols , "`%s`.%s," , schema . Name , col )
groupByStr := groupByCols . String ( )
groupByStr = groupByStr [ 0 : len ( groupByStr ) - 1 ]
sess . Select ( groupByStr + ", count(repo_id) as org_count" ) .
Table ( "user" ) .
In ( "id" , queryUserOrgIDs ( uid ) ) .
Find ( & orgs )
Join ( "INNER" , "team" , "`team`.org_id = `user`.id" ) .
Join ( "INNER" , "team_user" , "`team`.id = `team_user`.team_id" ) .
Join ( "LEFT" , builder .
Select ( "id as repo_id, owner_id as repo_owner_id" ) .
From ( "repository" ) .
Where ( accessibleRepositoryCondition ( user ) ) , "`repository`.repo_owner_id = `team`.org_id" ) .
Where ( "`team_user`.uid = ?" , user . ID ) .
GroupBy ( groupByStr )
type OrgCount struct {
User ` xorm:"extends" `
OrgCount int
orgCounts := make ( [ ] * OrgCount , 0 , 10 )
if err := sess .
Asc ( "`user`.name" ) .
Find ( & orgCounts ) ; err != nil {
return nil , err
orgs := make ( [ ] * MinimalOrg , len ( orgCounts ) )
for i , orgCount := range orgCounts {
orgCount . User . NumRepos = orgCount . OrgCount
orgs [ i ] = & orgCount . User
return orgs , nil
func getOwnedOrgsByUserID ( sess * xorm . Session , userID int64 ) ( [ ] * User , error ) {