@ -165,35 +165,6 @@ func testIndexer(name string, t *testing.T, indexer internal.Indexer) {
} ,
} ,
} ,
// Search for matches on the contents of files within the repo '62'.
// This scenario yields two results (both are based on contents, the first one is an exact match where as the second is a 'fuzzy' one)
RepoIDs : [ ] int64 { 62 } ,
Keyword : "This is not cheese" ,
Langs : 1 ,
Results : [ ] codeSearchResult {
Filename : "potato/ham.md" ,
Content : "This is not cheese" ,
} ,
Filename : "ham.md" ,
Content : "This is also not cheese" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
// Search for matches on the contents of files regardless of case.
RepoIDs : nil ,
Keyword : "dESCRIPTION" ,
Langs : 1 ,
Results : [ ] codeSearchResult {
Filename : "README.md" ,
Content : "# repo1\n\nDescription for repo1" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
// Search for an exact match on the filename within the repo '62' (case insenstive).
// This scenario yields a single result (the file avocado.md on the repo '62')
@ -233,6 +204,47 @@ func testIndexer(name string, t *testing.T, indexer internal.Indexer) {
} ,
if name == "elastic_search" {
// Additional scenarios for elastic_search only
additional := [ ] struct {
RepoIDs [ ] int64
Keyword string
Langs int
Results [ ] codeSearchResult
} {
// Search for matches on the contents of files within the repo '62'.
// This scenario yields two results (both are based on contents, the first one is an exact match where as the second is a 'fuzzy' one)
RepoIDs : [ ] int64 { 62 } ,
Keyword : "This is not cheese" ,
Langs : 1 ,
Results : [ ] codeSearchResult {
Filename : "potato/ham.md" ,
Content : "This is not cheese" ,
} ,
Filename : "ham.md" ,
Content : "This is also not cheese" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
// Search for matches on the contents of files regardless of case.
RepoIDs : nil ,
Keyword : "dESCRIPTION" ,
Langs : 1 ,
Results : [ ] codeSearchResult {
Filename : "README.md" ,
Content : "# repo1\n\nDescription for repo1" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
keywords = append ( keywords , additional ... )
for _ , kw := range keywords {
t . Run ( kw . Keyword , func ( t * testing . T ) {
total , res , langs , err := indexer . Search ( context . TODO ( ) , & internal . SearchOptions {