@ -120,6 +120,16 @@ func (c *halfCommitter) Close() error {
// TxContext represents a transaction Context,
// it will reuse the existing transaction in the parent context or create a new one.
// Some tips to use:
// 1 It's always recommended to use `WithTx` in new code instead of `TxContext`, since `WithTx` will handle the transaction automatically.
// 2. To maintain the old code which uses `TxContext`:
// a. Always call `Close()` before returning regardless of whether `Commit()` has been called.
// b. Always call `Commit()` before returning if there are no errors, even if the code did not change any data.
// c. Remember the `Committer` will be a halfCommitter when a transaction is being reused.
// So calling `Commit()` will do nothing, but calling `Close()` without calling `Commit()` will rollback the transaction.
// And all operations submitted by the caller stack will be rollbacked as well, not only the operations in the current function.
// d. It doesn't mean rollback is forbidden, but always do it only when there is an error, and you do want to rollback.
func TxContext ( parentCtx context . Context ) ( * Context , Committer , error ) {
if sess , ok := inTransaction ( parentCtx ) ; ok {
return newContext ( parentCtx , sess , true ) , & halfCommitter { committer : sess } , nil