escaped,_=EscapeControlReader(strings.NewReader(string(html)),sb,locale,allowed...)// err has been handled in EscapeControlReader
// EscapeControlReaders escapes the unicode control sequences in a provided reader of HTML content and writer in a locale and returns the findings as an EscapeStatus and the escaped []byte
// EscapeControlReader escapes the unicode control sequences in a provided reader of HTML content and writer in a locale and returns the findings as an EscapeStatus
// EscapeControlStringReader escapes the unicode control sequences in a provided reader of string content and writer in a locale and returns the findings as an EscapeStatus and the escaped []byte. HTML line breaks are not inserted after every newline by this method.
""//nolint:depguard // only this file can use the internal type CmdArg, other files and packages should use AddXxx functions