@ -340,41 +340,39 @@ func SearchRepositoryByCondition(opts *SearchRepoOptions, cond builder.Cond) (Re
// accessibleRepositoryCondition takes a user a returns a condition for checking if a repository is accessible
func accessibleRepositoryCondition ( userID int64 ) builder . Cond {
if userID <= 0 {
// Public repositories that are not in private or limited organizations
return builder . And (
builder . Eq { "`repository`.is_private" : false } ,
builder . Or (
// A. Aren't in organisations __OR__
builder . NotIn ( "`repository`.owner_id" , builder . Select ( "id" ) . From ( "`user`" ) . Where ( builder . Eq { "type" : UserTypeOrganization } ) ) ,
// B. Is a public organisation.
builder . In ( "`repository`.owner_id" , builder . Select ( "id" ) . From ( "`user`" ) . Where ( builder . Eq { "visibility" : structs . VisibleTypePublic } ) ) ) ,
builder . NotIn ( "`repository`.owner_id" ,
builder . Select ( "id" ) . From ( "`user`" ) . Where ( builder . Eq { "type" : UserTypeOrganization } ) . And ( builder . Neq { "visibility" : structs . VisibleTypePublic } ) ) )
return builder . Or (
// 1. Be able to see all non-private repositories that either:
// 1. All public repositories that are not in private organizations
builder . And (
builder . Eq { "`repository`.is_private" : false } ,
builder . Or (
// A. Aren't in organisations __OR__
builder . NotIn ( "`repository`.owner_id" , builder . Select ( "id" ) . From ( "`user`" ) . Where ( builder . Eq { "type" : UserTypeOrganization } ) ) ,
// B. Isn't a private organisation. (Limited is OK because we're logged in)
builder . NotIn ( "`repository`.owner_id" , builder . Select ( "id" ) . From ( "`user`" ) . Where ( builder . Eq { "visibility" : structs . VisibleTypePrivate } ) ) ) ,
) ,
// 2. Be able to see all repositories that we have access to
builder . Or (
builder . In ( "`repository`.id" , builder . Select ( "repo_id" ) .
From ( "`access`" ) .
Where ( builder . And (
builder . Eq { "user_id" : userID } ,
builder . Gt { "mode" : int ( AccessModeNone ) } ) ) ) ,
builder . In ( "`repository`.id" , builder . Select ( "id" ) .
From ( "`repository`" ) .
Where ( builder . Eq { "owner_id" : userID } ) ) ) ,
// 3. Be able to see all repositories that we are in a team
builder . NotIn ( "`repository`.owner_id" ,
builder . Select ( "id" ) . From ( "`user`" ) . Where ( builder . Eq { "type" : UserTypeOrganization } ) . And ( builder . Eq { "visibility" : structs . VisibleTypePrivate } ) ) ) ,
// 2. Be able to see all repositories that we own
builder . Eq { "`repository`.owner_id" : userID } ,
// 3. Be able to see all repositories that we have access to
builder . In ( "`repository`.id" , builder . Select ( "repo_id" ) .
From ( "`access`" ) .
Where ( builder . And (
builder . Eq { "user_id" : userID } ,
builder . Gt { "mode" : int ( AccessModeNone ) } ) ) ) ,
// 4. Be able to see all repositories that we are in a team
builder . In ( "`repository`.id" , builder . Select ( "`team_repo`.repo_id" ) .
From ( "team_repo" ) .
Where ( builder . Eq { "`team_user`.uid" : userID } ) .
Join ( "INNER" , "team_user" , "`team_user`.team_id = `team_repo`.team_id" ) ) )
Join ( "INNER" , "team_user" , "`team_user`.team_id = `team_repo`.team_id" ) ) ,
// 5. Be able to see all public repos in private organizations that we are an org_user of
builder . And ( builder . Eq { "`repository`.is_private" : false } ,
builder . In ( "`repository`.owner_id" ,
builder . Select ( "`org_user`.org_id" ) .
From ( "org_user" ) .
Where ( builder . Eq { "`org_user`.uid" : userID } ) ) ) ,
// SearchRepositoryByName takes keyword and part of repository name to search,