@ -16,8 +16,27 @@ type LogLine = {
message: string;
const LogLinePrefixGroup = '::group::';
const LogLinePrefixEndGroup = '::endgroup::';
const LogLinePrefixesGroup = ['::group::', '##[group]'];
const LogLinePrefixesEndGroup = ['::endgroup::', '##[endgroup]'];
type LogLineCommand = {
name: 'group' | 'endgroup',
prefix: string,
function parseLineCommand(line: LogLine): LogLineCommand | null {
for (const prefix of LogLinePrefixesGroup) {
if (line.message.startsWith(prefix)) {
return {name: 'group', prefix};
for (const prefix of LogLinePrefixesEndGroup) {
if (line.message.startsWith(prefix)) {
return {name: 'endgroup', prefix};
return null;
const sfc = {
name: 'RepoActionView',
@ -129,13 +148,13 @@ const sfc = {
return el._stepLogsActiveContainer ?? el;
// begin a log group
beginLogGroup(stepIndex: number, startTime: number, line: LogLine) {
beginLogGroup(stepIndex: number, startTime: number, line: LogLine, cmd: LogLineCommand) {
const el = this.$refs.logs[stepIndex];
const elJobLogGroupSummary = createElementFromAttrs('summary', {class: 'job-log-group-summary'},
this.createLogLine(stepIndex, startTime, {
index: line.index,
timestamp: line.timestamp,
message: line.message.substring(LogLinePrefixGroup.length),
message: line.message.substring(cmd.prefix.length),
const elJobLogList = createElementFromAttrs('div', {class: 'job-log-list'});
@ -147,13 +166,13 @@ const sfc = {
el._stepLogsActiveContainer = elJobLogList;
// end a log group
endLogGroup(stepIndex: number, startTime: number, line: LogLine) {
endLogGroup(stepIndex: number, startTime: number, line: LogLine, cmd: LogLineCommand) {
const el = this.$refs.logs[stepIndex];
el._stepLogsActiveContainer = null;
el.append(this.createLogLine(stepIndex, startTime, {
index: line.index,
timestamp: line.timestamp,
message: line.message.substring(LogLinePrefixEndGroup.length),
message: line.message.substring(cmd.prefix.length),
@ -201,11 +220,12 @@ const sfc = {
appendLogs(stepIndex: number, startTime: number, logLines: LogLine[]) {
for (const line of logLines) {
const el = this.getLogsContainer(stepIndex);
if (line.message.startsWith(LogLinePrefixGroup)) {
this.beginLogGroup(stepIndex, startTime, line);
const cmd = parseLineCommand(line);
if (cmd?.name === 'group') {
this.beginLogGroup(stepIndex, startTime, line, cmd);
} else if (line.message.startsWith(LogLinePrefixEndGroup)) {
this.endLogGroup(stepIndex, startTime, line);
} else if (cmd?.name === 'endgroup') {
this.endLogGroup(stepIndex, startTime, line, cmd);
el.append(this.createLogLine(stepIndex, startTime, line));
@ -393,7 +413,7 @@ export function initRepositoryActionView() {
<button class="ui basic small compact button red" @click="cancelRun()" v-else-if="run.canCancel">
{{ locale.cancel }}
<button class="ui basic small compact button tw-mr-0 tw-whitespace-nowrap link-action" :data-url="`${run.link}/rerun`" v-else-if="run.canRerun">
<button class="ui basic small compact button link-action" :data-url="`${run.link}/rerun`" v-else-if="run.canRerun">
{{ locale.rerun_all }}
@ -539,6 +559,11 @@ export function initRepositoryActionView() {
overflow-wrap: anywhere;
.action-info-summary .ui.button {
margin: 0;
white-space: nowrap;
.action-commit-summary {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;