mirror of https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea.git
Merge branch 'main' into lunny/add_last_commit_when
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Copyright 2024 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package web
// Combo represents a tiny group routes with same pattern
type Combo struct {
r *Router
pattern string
h []any
// Get delegates Get method
func (c *Combo) Get(h ...any) *Combo {
c.r.Get(c.pattern, append(c.h, h...)...)
return c
// Post delegates Post method
func (c *Combo) Post(h ...any) *Combo {
c.r.Post(c.pattern, append(c.h, h...)...)
return c
// Delete delegates Delete method
func (c *Combo) Delete(h ...any) *Combo {
c.r.Delete(c.pattern, append(c.h, h...)...)
return c
// Put delegates Put method
func (c *Combo) Put(h ...any) *Combo {
c.r.Put(c.pattern, append(c.h, h...)...)
return c
// Patch delegates Patch method
func (c *Combo) Patch(h ...any) *Combo {
c.r.Patch(c.pattern, append(c.h, h...)...)
return c
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
// Copyright 2024 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package web
import (
type RouterPathGroup struct {
r *Router
pathParam string
matchers []*routerPathMatcher
func (g *RouterPathGroup) ServeHTTP(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
chiCtx := chi.RouteContext(req.Context())
path := chiCtx.URLParam(g.pathParam)
for _, m := range g.matchers {
if m.matchPath(chiCtx, path) {
handler := m.handlerFunc
for i := len(m.middlewares) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
handler = m.middlewares[i](handler).ServeHTTP
handler(resp, req)
g.r.chiRouter.NotFoundHandler().ServeHTTP(resp, req)
// MatchPath matches the request method, and uses regexp to match the path.
// The pattern uses "<...>" to define path parameters, for example: "/<name>" (different from chi router)
// It is only designed to resolve some special cases which chi router can't handle.
// For most cases, it shouldn't be used because it needs to iterate all rules to find the matched one (inefficient).
func (g *RouterPathGroup) MatchPath(methods, pattern string, h ...any) {
g.matchers = append(g.matchers, newRouterPathMatcher(methods, pattern, h...))
type routerPathParam struct {
name string
captureGroup int
type routerPathMatcher struct {
methods container.Set[string]
re *regexp.Regexp
params []routerPathParam
middlewares []func(http.Handler) http.Handler
handlerFunc http.HandlerFunc
func (p *routerPathMatcher) matchPath(chiCtx *chi.Context, path string) bool {
if !p.methods.Contains(chiCtx.RouteMethod) {
return false
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
path = "/" + path
pathMatches := p.re.FindStringSubmatchIndex(path) // Golang regexp match pairs [start, end, start, end, ...]
if pathMatches == nil {
return false
var paramMatches [][]int
for i := 2; i < len(pathMatches); {
paramMatches = append(paramMatches, []int{pathMatches[i], pathMatches[i+1]})
pmIdx := len(paramMatches) - 1
end := pathMatches[i+1]
i += 2
for ; i < len(pathMatches); i += 2 {
if pathMatches[i] >= end {
paramMatches[pmIdx] = append(paramMatches[pmIdx], pathMatches[i], pathMatches[i+1])
for i, pm := range paramMatches {
groupIdx := p.params[i].captureGroup * 2
chiCtx.URLParams.Add(p.params[i].name, path[pm[groupIdx]:pm[groupIdx+1]])
return true
func newRouterPathMatcher(methods, pattern string, h ...any) *routerPathMatcher {
middlewares, handlerFunc := wrapMiddlewareAndHandler(nil, h)
p := &routerPathMatcher{methods: make(container.Set[string]), middlewares: middlewares, handlerFunc: handlerFunc}
for _, method := range strings.Split(methods, ",") {
re := []byte{'^'}
lastEnd := 0
for lastEnd < len(pattern) {
start := strings.IndexByte(pattern[lastEnd:], '<')
if start == -1 {
re = append(re, pattern[lastEnd:]...)
end := strings.IndexByte(pattern[lastEnd+start:], '>')
if end == -1 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid pattern: %s", pattern))
re = append(re, pattern[lastEnd:lastEnd+start]...)
partName, partExp, _ := strings.Cut(pattern[lastEnd+start+1:lastEnd+start+end], ":")
lastEnd += start + end + 1
// TODO: it could support to specify a "capture group" for the name, for example: "/<name[2]:(\d)-(\d)>"
// it is not used so no need to implement it now
param := routerPathParam{}
if partExp == "*" {
re = append(re, "(.*?)/?"...)
if lastEnd < len(pattern) && pattern[lastEnd] == '/' {
lastEnd++ // the "*" pattern is able to handle the last slash, so skip it
} else {
partExp = util.IfZero(partExp, "[^/]+")
re = append(re, '(')
re = append(re, partExp...)
re = append(re, ')')
param.name = partName
p.params = append(p.params, param)
re = append(re, '$')
reStr := string(re)
p.re = regexp.MustCompile(reStr)
return p
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
{{template "devtest/devtest-header"}}
<div class="page-content devtest ui container">
<h1>Commit Sign Badges</h1>
{{range $commit := .MockCommits}}
<div class="flex-text-block tw-my-2">
{{template "repo/commit_sign_badge" dict "Commit" $commit "CommitBaseLink" "/devtest/commit" "CommitSignVerification" $commit.Verification}}
{{template "repo/commit_sign_badge" dict "CommitSignVerification" $commit.Verification}}
{{template "devtest/devtest-footer"}}
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
{{/* Template attributes:
* Commit
* CommitBaseLink
* CommitSignVerification
If you'd like to modify this template, you could test it on the devtest page.
ATTENTION: this template could be re-rendered many times (on the graph and commit list page),
so this template should be kept as small as possbile, DO NOT put large components like modal/dialog into it.
{{- $commit := $.Commit -}}
{{- $commitBaseLink := $.CommitBaseLink -}}
{{- $verification := $.CommitSignVerification -}}
{{- $extraClass := "" -}}
{{- $verified := false -}}
{{- $signingUser := NIL -}}
{{- $signingEmail := "" -}}
{{- $msgReasonPrefix := "" -}}
{{- $msgReason := "" -}}
{{- $msgSigningKey := "" -}}
{{- if $verification -}}
{{- $signingUser = $verification.SigningUser -}}
{{- $signingEmail = $verification.SigningEmail -}}
{{- $extraClass = print $extraClass " commit-is-signed" -}}
{{- if $verification.Verified -}}
{{- /* reason is "{name} / {key-id}" */ -}}
{{- $msgReason = $verification.Reason -}}
{{- $verified = true -}}
{{- if eq $verification.TrustStatus "trusted" -}}
{{- $extraClass = print $extraClass " sign-trusted" -}}
{{- else if eq $verification.TrustStatus "untrusted" -}}
{{- $extraClass = print $extraClass " sign-untrusted" -}}
{{- $msgReasonPrefix = ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.commits.signed_by_untrusted_user" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $extraClass = print $extraClass " sign-unmatched" -}}
{{- $msgReasonPrefix = ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.commits.signed_by_untrusted_user_unmatched" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- if $verification.Warning -}}
{{- $extraClass = print $extraClass " sign-warning" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $msgReason = ctx.Locale.Tr $verification.Reason -}}{{- /* dirty part: it is the translation key ..... */ -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $msgReasonPrefix -}}
{{- $msgReason = print $msgReasonPrefix ": " $msgReason -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $verification.SigningSSHKey -}}
{{- $msgSigningKey = print (ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.commits.ssh_key_fingerprint") ": " $verification.SigningSSHKey.Fingerprint -}}
{{- else if $verification.SigningKey -}}
{{- $msgSigningKey = print (ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.commits.gpg_key_id") ": " $verification.SigningKey.PaddedKeyID -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $commit -}}
<a {{if $commitBaseLink}}href="{{$commitBaseLink}}/{{$commit.ID}}"{{end}} class="ui label commit-id-short {{$extraClass}}" rel="nofollow">
{{- ShortSha $commit.ID.String -}}
{{- end -}}
<span class="ui label commit-sign-badge {{$extraClass}}">
{{- if $verified -}}
{{- if and $signingUser $signingUser.ID -}}
<span data-tooltip-content="{{$msgReason}}">{{svg "gitea-lock"}}</span>
<span data-tooltip-content="{{$msgSigningKey}}">{{ctx.AvatarUtils.Avatar $signingUser 16}}</span>
{{- else -}}
<span data-tooltip-content="{{$msgReason}}">{{svg "gitea-lock-cog"}}</span>
<span data-tooltip-content="{{$msgSigningKey}}">{{ctx.AvatarUtils.AvatarByEmail $signingEmail "" 16}}</span>
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
<span data-tooltip-content="{{$msgReason}}">{{svg "gitea-unlock"}}</span>
{{- end -}}
{{- if $commit -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* This template should be kept as small as possbile, DO NOT put large components like modal/dialog into it. */ -}}
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
<div class="ui detail icon button">
{{if .verification.Verified}}
<div title="{{if eq .verification.TrustStatus "trusted"}}{{else if eq .verification.TrustStatus "untrusted"}}{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.commits.signed_by_untrusted_user"}}: {{else}}{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.commits.signed_by_untrusted_user_unmatched"}}: {{end}}{{.verification.Reason}}">
{{if ne .verification.SigningUser.ID 0}}
{{svg "gitea-lock"}}
{{ctx.AvatarUtils.Avatar .verification.SigningUser 16 "signature"}}
<span title="{{ctx.Locale.Tr "gpg.default_key"}}">{{svg "gitea-lock-cog"}}</span>
{{ctx.AvatarUtils.AvatarByEmail .verification.SigningEmail "" 16 "signature"}}
<span title="{{ctx.Locale.Tr .verification.Reason}}">{{svg "gitea-unlock"}}</span>
@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
// Copyright 2024 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package integration
import (
actions_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/actions"
auth_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/auth"
user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
api "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/structs"
runnerv1 "code.gitea.io/actions-proto-go/runner/v1"
func TestJobWithNeeds(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
treePath string
fileContent string
outcomes map[string]*mockTaskOutcome
expectedStatuses map[string]string
treePath: ".gitea/workflows/job-with-needs.yml",
fileContent: `name: job-with-needs
- '.gitea/workflows/job-with-needs.yml'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- run: echo job1
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [job1]
- run: echo job2
outcomes: map[string]*mockTaskOutcome{
"job1": {
result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SUCCESS,
"job2": {
result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SUCCESS,
expectedStatuses: map[string]string{
"job1": actions_model.StatusSuccess.String(),
"job2": actions_model.StatusSuccess.String(),
treePath: ".gitea/workflows/job-with-needs-fail.yml",
fileContent: `name: job-with-needs-fail
- '.gitea/workflows/job-with-needs-fail.yml'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- run: echo job1
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [job1]
- run: echo job2
outcomes: map[string]*mockTaskOutcome{
"job1": {
result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_FAILURE,
expectedStatuses: map[string]string{
"job1": actions_model.StatusFailure.String(),
"job2": actions_model.StatusSkipped.String(),
treePath: ".gitea/workflows/job-with-needs-fail-if.yml",
fileContent: `name: job-with-needs-fail-if
- '.gitea/workflows/job-with-needs-fail-if.yml'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- run: echo job1
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: [job1]
- run: echo job2
outcomes: map[string]*mockTaskOutcome{
"job1": {
result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_FAILURE,
"job2": {
result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SUCCESS,
expectedStatuses: map[string]string{
"job1": actions_model.StatusFailure.String(),
"job2": actions_model.StatusSuccess.String(),
onGiteaRun(t, func(t *testing.T, u *url.URL) {
user2 := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &user_model.User{ID: 2})
session := loginUser(t, user2.Name)
token := getTokenForLoggedInUser(t, session, auth_model.AccessTokenScopeWriteRepository, auth_model.AccessTokenScopeWriteUser)
apiRepo := createActionsTestRepo(t, token, "actions-jobs-with-needs", false)
runner := newMockRunner()
runner.registerAsRepoRunner(t, user2.Name, apiRepo.Name, "mock-runner", []string{"ubuntu-latest"})
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("test %s", tc.treePath), func(t *testing.T) {
// create the workflow file
opts := getWorkflowCreateFileOptions(user2, apiRepo.DefaultBranch, fmt.Sprintf("create %s", tc.treePath), tc.fileContent)
fileResp := createWorkflowFile(t, token, user2.Name, apiRepo.Name, tc.treePath, opts)
// fetch and execute task
for i := 0; i < len(tc.outcomes); i++ {
task := runner.fetchTask(t)
jobName := getTaskJobNameByTaskID(t, token, user2.Name, apiRepo.Name, task.Id)
outcome := tc.outcomes[jobName]
assert.NotNil(t, outcome)
runner.execTask(t, task, outcome)
// check result
req := NewRequest(t, "GET", fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/actions/tasks", user2.Name, apiRepo.Name)).
resp := MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK)
var actionTaskRespAfter api.ActionTaskResponse
DecodeJSON(t, resp, &actionTaskRespAfter)
for _, apiTask := range actionTaskRespAfter.Entries {
if apiTask.HeadSHA != fileResp.Commit.SHA {
status := apiTask.Status
assert.Equal(t, status, tc.expectedStatuses[apiTask.Name])
httpContext := NewAPITestContext(t, user2.Name, apiRepo.Name, auth_model.AccessTokenScopeWriteRepository)
func TestJobNeedsMatrix(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
treePath string
fileContent string
outcomes map[string]*mockTaskOutcome
expectedTaskNeeds map[string]*runnerv1.TaskNeed // jobID => TaskNeed
treePath: ".gitea/workflows/jobs-outputs-with-matrix.yml",
fileContent: `name: jobs-outputs-with-matrix
- '.gitea/workflows/jobs-outputs-with-matrix.yml'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
output_1: ${{ steps.gen_output.outputs.output_1 }}
output_2: ${{ steps.gen_output.outputs.output_2 }}
output_3: ${{ steps.gen_output.outputs.output_3 }}
version: [1, 2, 3]
- name: Generate output
id: gen_output
run: |
version="${{ matrix.version }}"
echo "output_${version}=${version}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [job1]
- run: echo '${{ toJSON(needs.job1.outputs) }}'
outcomes: map[string]*mockTaskOutcome{
"job1 (1)": {
result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SUCCESS,
outputs: map[string]string{
"output_1": "1",
"output_2": "",
"output_3": "",
"job1 (2)": {
result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SUCCESS,
outputs: map[string]string{
"output_1": "",
"output_2": "2",
"output_3": "",
"job1 (3)": {
result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SUCCESS,
outputs: map[string]string{
"output_1": "",
"output_2": "",
"output_3": "3",
expectedTaskNeeds: map[string]*runnerv1.TaskNeed{
"job1": {
Result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SUCCESS,
Outputs: map[string]string{
"output_1": "1",
"output_2": "2",
"output_3": "3",
treePath: ".gitea/workflows/jobs-outputs-with-matrix-failure.yml",
fileContent: `name: jobs-outputs-with-matrix-failure
- '.gitea/workflows/jobs-outputs-with-matrix-failure.yml'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
output_1: ${{ steps.gen_output.outputs.output_1 }}
output_2: ${{ steps.gen_output.outputs.output_2 }}
output_3: ${{ steps.gen_output.outputs.output_3 }}
version: [1, 2, 3]
- name: Generate output
id: gen_output
run: |
version="${{ matrix.version }}"
echo "output_${version}=${version}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: [job1]
- run: echo '${{ toJSON(needs.job1.outputs) }}'
outcomes: map[string]*mockTaskOutcome{
"job1 (1)": {
result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SUCCESS,
outputs: map[string]string{
"output_1": "1",
"output_2": "",
"output_3": "",
"job1 (2)": {
result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_FAILURE,
outputs: map[string]string{
"output_1": "",
"output_2": "",
"output_3": "",
"job1 (3)": {
result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SUCCESS,
outputs: map[string]string{
"output_1": "",
"output_2": "",
"output_3": "3",
expectedTaskNeeds: map[string]*runnerv1.TaskNeed{
"job1": {
Result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_FAILURE,
Outputs: map[string]string{
"output_1": "1",
"output_2": "",
"output_3": "3",
onGiteaRun(t, func(t *testing.T, u *url.URL) {
user2 := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &user_model.User{ID: 2})
session := loginUser(t, user2.Name)
token := getTokenForLoggedInUser(t, session, auth_model.AccessTokenScopeWriteRepository, auth_model.AccessTokenScopeWriteUser)
apiRepo := createActionsTestRepo(t, token, "actions-jobs-outputs-with-matrix", false)
runner := newMockRunner()
runner.registerAsRepoRunner(t, user2.Name, apiRepo.Name, "mock-runner", []string{"ubuntu-latest"})
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("test %s", tc.treePath), func(t *testing.T) {
opts := getWorkflowCreateFileOptions(user2, apiRepo.DefaultBranch, fmt.Sprintf("create %s", tc.treePath), tc.fileContent)
createWorkflowFile(t, token, user2.Name, apiRepo.Name, tc.treePath, opts)
for i := 0; i < len(tc.outcomes); i++ {
task := runner.fetchTask(t)
jobName := getTaskJobNameByTaskID(t, token, user2.Name, apiRepo.Name, task.Id)
outcome := tc.outcomes[jobName]
assert.NotNil(t, outcome)
runner.execTask(t, task, outcome)
task := runner.fetchTask(t)
actualTaskNeeds := task.Needs
assert.Len(t, actualTaskNeeds, len(tc.expectedTaskNeeds))
for jobID, tn := range tc.expectedTaskNeeds {
actualNeed := actualTaskNeeds[jobID]
assert.Equal(t, tn.Result, actualNeed.Result)
assert.Len(t, actualNeed.Outputs, len(tn.Outputs))
for outputKey, outputValue := range tn.Outputs {
assert.Equal(t, outputValue, actualNeed.Outputs[outputKey])
httpContext := NewAPITestContext(t, user2.Name, apiRepo.Name, auth_model.AccessTokenScopeWriteRepository)
func createActionsTestRepo(t *testing.T, authToken, repoName string, isPrivate bool) *api.Repository {
req := NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", "/api/v1/user/repos", &api.CreateRepoOption{
Name: repoName,
Private: isPrivate,
Readme: "Default",
AutoInit: true,
DefaultBranch: "main",
resp := MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusCreated)
var apiRepo api.Repository
DecodeJSON(t, resp, &apiRepo)
return &apiRepo
func getWorkflowCreateFileOptions(u *user_model.User, branch, msg, content string) *api.CreateFileOptions {
return &api.CreateFileOptions{
FileOptions: api.FileOptions{
BranchName: branch,
Message: msg,
Author: api.Identity{
Name: u.Name,
Email: u.Email,
Committer: api.Identity{
Name: u.Name,
Email: u.Email,
Dates: api.CommitDateOptions{
Author: time.Now(),
Committer: time.Now(),
ContentBase64: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(content)),
func createWorkflowFile(t *testing.T, authToken, ownerName, repoName, treePath string, opts *api.CreateFileOptions) *api.FileResponse {
req := NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/contents/%s", ownerName, repoName, treePath), opts).
resp := MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusCreated)
var fileResponse api.FileResponse
DecodeJSON(t, resp, &fileResponse)
return &fileResponse
// getTaskJobNameByTaskID get the job name of the task by task ID
// there is currently not an API for querying a task by ID so we have to list all the tasks
func getTaskJobNameByTaskID(t *testing.T, authToken, ownerName, repoName string, taskID int64) string {
// FIXME: we may need to query several pages
req := NewRequest(t, "GET", fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/actions/tasks", ownerName, repoName)).
resp := MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK)
var taskRespBefore api.ActionTaskResponse
DecodeJSON(t, resp, &taskRespBefore)
for _, apiTask := range taskRespBefore.Entries {
if apiTask.ID == taskID {
return apiTask.Name
return ""
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
// Copyright 2024 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package integration
import (
auth_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/auth"
repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
runnerv1 "code.gitea.io/actions-proto-go/runner/v1"
func TestDownloadTaskLogs(t *testing.T) {
now := time.Now()
testCases := []struct {
treePath string
fileContent string
outcome *mockTaskOutcome
zstdEnabled bool
treePath: ".gitea/workflows/download-task-logs-zstd.yml",
fileContent: `name: download-task-logs-zstd
- '.gitea/workflows/download-task-logs-zstd.yml'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- run: echo job1 with zstd enabled
outcome: &mockTaskOutcome{
result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SUCCESS,
logRows: []*runnerv1.LogRow{
Time: timestamppb.New(now.Add(1 * time.Second)),
Content: " \U0001F433 docker create image",
Time: timestamppb.New(now.Add(2 * time.Second)),
Content: "job1 zstd enabled",
Time: timestamppb.New(now.Add(3 * time.Second)),
Content: "\U0001F3C1 Job succeeded",
zstdEnabled: true,
treePath: ".gitea/workflows/download-task-logs-no-zstd.yml",
fileContent: `name: download-task-logs-no-zstd
- '.gitea/workflows/download-task-logs-no-zstd.yml'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- run: echo job1 with zstd disabled
outcome: &mockTaskOutcome{
result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SUCCESS,
logRows: []*runnerv1.LogRow{
Time: timestamppb.New(now.Add(4 * time.Second)),
Content: " \U0001F433 docker create image",
Time: timestamppb.New(now.Add(5 * time.Second)),
Content: "job1 zstd disabled",
Time: timestamppb.New(now.Add(6 * time.Second)),
Content: "\U0001F3C1 Job succeeded",
zstdEnabled: false,
onGiteaRun(t, func(t *testing.T, u *url.URL) {
user2 := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &user_model.User{ID: 2})
session := loginUser(t, user2.Name)
token := getTokenForLoggedInUser(t, session, auth_model.AccessTokenScopeWriteRepository, auth_model.AccessTokenScopeWriteUser)
apiRepo := createActionsTestRepo(t, token, "actions-download-task-logs", false)
repo := unittest.AssertExistsAndLoadBean(t, &repo_model.Repository{ID: apiRepo.ID})
runner := newMockRunner()
runner.registerAsRepoRunner(t, user2.Name, repo.Name, "mock-runner", []string{"ubuntu-latest"})
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("test %s", tc.treePath), func(t *testing.T) {
var resetFunc func()
if tc.zstdEnabled {
resetFunc = test.MockVariableValue(&setting.Actions.LogCompression, "zstd")
assert.True(t, setting.Actions.LogCompression.IsZstd())
} else {
resetFunc = test.MockVariableValue(&setting.Actions.LogCompression, "none")
assert.False(t, setting.Actions.LogCompression.IsZstd())
// create the workflow file
opts := getWorkflowCreateFileOptions(user2, repo.DefaultBranch, fmt.Sprintf("create %s", tc.treePath), tc.fileContent)
createWorkflowFile(t, token, user2.Name, repo.Name, tc.treePath, opts)
// fetch and execute task
task := runner.fetchTask(t)
runner.execTask(t, task, tc.outcome)
// check whether the log file exists
logFileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%02x/%d.log", repo.FullName(), task.Id%256, task.Id)
if setting.Actions.LogCompression.IsZstd() {
logFileName += ".zst"
_, err := storage.Actions.Stat(logFileName)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// download task logs and check content
runIndex := task.Context.GetFields()["run_number"].GetStringValue()
req := NewRequest(t, "GET", fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/actions/runs/%s/jobs/0/logs", user2.Name, repo.Name, runIndex)).
resp := MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK)
logTextLines := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(resp.Body.String()), "\n")
assert.Len(t, logTextLines, len(tc.outcome.logRows))
for idx, lr := range tc.outcome.logRows {
fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", lr.Time.AsTime().Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.0000000Z07:00"), lr.Content),
httpContext := NewAPITestContext(t, user2.Name, repo.Name, auth_model.AccessTokenScopeWriteRepository)
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
// Copyright 2024 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package integration
import (
auth_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/auth"
pingv1 "code.gitea.io/actions-proto-go/ping/v1"
runnerv1 "code.gitea.io/actions-proto-go/runner/v1"
type mockRunner struct {
client *mockRunnerClient
type mockRunnerClient struct {
pingServiceClient pingv1connect.PingServiceClient
runnerServiceClient runnerv1connect.RunnerServiceClient
func newMockRunner() *mockRunner {
client := newMockRunnerClient("", "")
return &mockRunner{client: client}
func newMockRunnerClient(uuid, token string) *mockRunnerClient {
baseURL := fmt.Sprintf("%sapi/actions", setting.AppURL)
opt := connect.WithInterceptors(connect.UnaryInterceptorFunc(func(next connect.UnaryFunc) connect.UnaryFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, req connect.AnyRequest) (connect.AnyResponse, error) {
if uuid != "" {
req.Header().Set("x-runner-uuid", uuid)
if token != "" {
req.Header().Set("x-runner-token", token)
return next(ctx, req)
client := &mockRunnerClient{
pingServiceClient: pingv1connect.NewPingServiceClient(http.DefaultClient, baseURL, opt),
runnerServiceClient: runnerv1connect.NewRunnerServiceClient(http.DefaultClient, baseURL, opt),
return client
func (r *mockRunner) doPing(t *testing.T) {
resp, err := r.client.pingServiceClient.Ping(context.Background(), connect.NewRequest(&pingv1.PingRequest{
Data: "mock-runner",
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "Hello, mock-runner!", resp.Msg.Data)
func (r *mockRunner) doRegister(t *testing.T, name, token string, labels []string) {
resp, err := r.client.runnerServiceClient.Register(context.Background(), connect.NewRequest(&runnerv1.RegisterRequest{
Name: name,
Token: token,
Version: "mock-runner-version",
Labels: labels,
assert.NoError(t, err)
r.client = newMockRunnerClient(resp.Msg.Runner.Uuid, resp.Msg.Runner.Token)
func (r *mockRunner) registerAsRepoRunner(t *testing.T, ownerName, repoName, runnerName string, labels []string) {
session := loginUser(t, ownerName)
token := getTokenForLoggedInUser(t, session, auth_model.AccessTokenScopeWriteRepository)
req := NewRequest(t, "GET", fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/actions/runners/registration-token", ownerName, repoName)).AddTokenAuth(token)
resp := MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK)
var registrationToken struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
DecodeJSON(t, resp, ®istrationToken)
r.doRegister(t, runnerName, registrationToken.Token, labels)
func (r *mockRunner) fetchTask(t *testing.T, timeout ...time.Duration) *runnerv1.Task {
fetchTimeout := 10 * time.Second
if len(timeout) > 0 {
fetchTimeout = timeout[0]
ddl := time.Now().Add(fetchTimeout)
var task *runnerv1.Task
for time.Now().Before(ddl) {
resp, err := r.client.runnerServiceClient.FetchTask(context.Background(), connect.NewRequest(&runnerv1.FetchTaskRequest{
TasksVersion: 0,
assert.NoError(t, err)
if resp.Msg.Task != nil {
task = resp.Msg.Task
assert.NotNil(t, task, "failed to fetch a task")
return task
type mockTaskOutcome struct {
result runnerv1.Result
outputs map[string]string
logRows []*runnerv1.LogRow
execTime time.Duration
func (r *mockRunner) execTask(t *testing.T, task *runnerv1.Task, outcome *mockTaskOutcome) {
for idx, lr := range outcome.logRows {
resp, err := r.client.runnerServiceClient.UpdateLog(context.Background(), connect.NewRequest(&runnerv1.UpdateLogRequest{
TaskId: task.Id,
Index: int64(idx),
Rows: []*runnerv1.LogRow{lr},
NoMore: idx == len(outcome.logRows)-1,
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.EqualValues(t, idx+1, resp.Msg.AckIndex)
sentOutputKeys := make([]string, 0, len(outcome.outputs))
for outputKey, outputValue := range outcome.outputs {
resp, err := r.client.runnerServiceClient.UpdateTask(context.Background(), connect.NewRequest(&runnerv1.UpdateTaskRequest{
State: &runnerv1.TaskState{
Id: task.Id,
Result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED,
Outputs: map[string]string{outputKey: outputValue},
assert.NoError(t, err)
sentOutputKeys = append(sentOutputKeys, outputKey)
assert.ElementsMatch(t, sentOutputKeys, resp.Msg.SentOutputs)
resp, err := r.client.runnerServiceClient.UpdateTask(context.Background(), connect.NewRequest(&runnerv1.UpdateTaskRequest{
State: &runnerv1.TaskState{
Id: task.Id,
Result: outcome.result,
StoppedAt: timestamppb.Now(),
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, outcome.result, resp.Msg.State.Result)
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