@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ package git
import (
@ -95,84 +94,37 @@ func (repo *Repository) GetTag(name string) (*Tag, error) {
return tag, nil
// TagOption describes tag options
type TagOption struct {
// parseTag parse the line
// 2016-10-14 20:54:25 +0200 (tag: translation/20161014.01) d3b76dcf2 Dirk Baeumer dirkb@microsoft.com Merge in translations
func parseTag(line string, opt TagOption) (*Tag, error) {
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
if len(line) < 40 {
return nil, nil
var (
err error
tag Tag
sig Signature
sig.When, err = time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700", line[0:25])
// GetTagInfos returns all tag infos of the repository.
func (repo *Repository) GetTagInfos() ([]*Tag, error) {
// TODO this a slow implementation, makes one git command per tag
stdout, err := NewCommand("tag").RunInDir(repo.Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
left := strings.TrimSpace(line[25:])
start := strings.Index(left, "tag: ")
if start < 0 {
return nil, nil
end := strings.LastIndexByte(left[start+1:], ')')
if end < 0 {
return nil, nil
end = end + start + 1
part := strings.IndexByte(left[start+5:end], ',')
if part > 0 {
tag.Name = strings.TrimSpace(left[start+5 : start+5+part])
} else {
tag.Name = strings.TrimSpace(left[start+5 : end])
next := strings.IndexByte(left[end+2:], ' ')
if next < 0 {
return nil, nil
tag.Object = MustIDFromString(strings.TrimSpace(left[end+2 : end+2+next]))
next = end + 2 + next
emailStart := strings.IndexByte(left[next:], '<')
sig.Name = strings.TrimSpace(left[next:][:emailStart-1])
emailEnd := strings.IndexByte(left[next:], '>')
sig.Email = strings.TrimSpace(left[next:][emailStart+1 : emailEnd])
tag.Tagger = &sig
tag.Message = strings.TrimSpace(left[next+emailEnd+1:])
return &tag, nil
tagNames := strings.Split(stdout, "\n")
var tags []*Tag
for _, tagName := range tagNames {
tagName = strings.TrimSpace(tagName)
if len(tagName) == 0 {
// GetTagInfos returns all tag infos of the repository.
func (repo *Repository) GetTagInfos(opt TagOption) ([]*Tag, error) {
cmd := NewCommand("log", "--tags", "--simplify-by-decoration", `--pretty=format:"%ci %d %H %cn<%ce> %s"`)
stdout, err := cmd.RunInDir(repo.Path)
commitID, err := NewCommand("rev-parse", tagName).RunInDir(repo.Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tagSlices := strings.Split(stdout, "\n")
var tags []*Tag
for _, line := range tagSlices {
line := strings.Trim(line, `"`)
tag, err := parseTag(line, opt)
commit, err := repo.GetCommit(commitID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if tag != nil {
tag.repo = repo
tags = append(tags, tag)
tags = append(tags, &Tag{
Name: tagName,
Message: commit.Message(),
Object: commit.ID,
Tagger: commit.Author,
return tags, nil