@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import $ from 'jquery' ;
import { GET } from '../modules/fetch.js' ;
const { appSubUrl , csrfToken, notificationSettings, assetVersionEncoded } = window . config ;
const { appSubUrl , notificationSettings, assetVersionEncoded } = window . config ;
let notificationSequenceNumber = 0 ;
export function initNotificationsTable ( ) {
@ -27,25 +28,6 @@ export function initNotificationsTable() {
e . target . closest ( '.notifications-item' ) . setAttribute ( 'data-remove' , 'true' ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#notification_table .button' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
( async ( ) => {
const data = await updateNotification (
$ ( this ) . data ( 'url' ) ,
$ ( this ) . data ( 'status' ) ,
$ ( this ) . data ( 'page' ) ,
$ ( this ) . data ( 'q' ) ,
$ ( this ) . data ( 'notification-id' ) ,
) ;
if ( $ ( data ) . data ( 'sequence-number' ) === notificationSequenceNumber ) {
$ ( '#notification_div' ) . replaceWith ( data ) ;
initNotificationsTable ( ) ;
await updateNotificationCount ( ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
async function receiveUpdateCount ( event ) {
@ -163,58 +145,50 @@ async function updateNotificationCountWithCallback(callback, timeout, lastCount)
async function updateNotificationTable ( ) {
const notificationDiv = $ ( '#notification_div' ) ;
if ( notificationDiv . length > 0 ) {
const data = await $ . ajax ( {
type : 'GET' ,
url : ` ${ appSubUrl } /notifications ${ window . location . search } ` ,
data : {
'div-only' : true ,
'sequence-number' : ++ notificationSequenceNumber ,
try {
const params = new URLSearchParams ( window . location . search ) ;
params . set ( 'div-only' , true ) ;
params . set ( 'sequence-number' , ++ notificationSequenceNumber ) ;
const url = ` ${ appSubUrl } /notifications? ${ params . toString ( ) } ` ;
const response = await GET ( url ) ;
if ( ! response . ok ) {
throw new Error ( 'Failed to fetch notification table' ) ;
} ) ;
if ( $ ( data ) . data ( 'sequence-number' ) === notificationSequenceNumber ) {
notificationDiv . replaceWith ( data ) ;
initNotificationsTable ( ) ;
const data = await response . text ( ) ;
if ( $ ( data ) . data ( 'sequence-number' ) === notificationSequenceNumber ) {
notificationDiv . replaceWith ( data ) ;
initNotificationsTable ( ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . error ( error ) ;
async function updateNotificationCount ( ) {
const data = await $ . ajax ( {
type : 'GET' ,
url : ` ${ appSubUrl } /notifications/new ` ,
headers : {
'X-Csrf-Token' : csrfToken ,
} ,
} ) ;
try {
const response = await GET ( ` ${ appSubUrl } /notifications/new ` ) ;
const notificationCount = $ ( '.notification_count' ) ;
if ( data . new === 0 ) {
notificationCount . addClass ( 'gt-hidden' ) ;
} else {
notificationCount . removeClass ( 'gt-hidden' ) ;
if ( ! response . ok ) {
throw new Error ( 'Failed to fetch notification count' ) ;
notificationCount . text ( ` ${ data . new } ` ) ;
const data = await response . json ( ) ;
return ` ${ data . new } ` ;
const notificationCount = $ ( '.notification_count' ) ;
if ( data . new === 0 ) {
notificationCount . addClass ( 'gt-hidden' ) ;
} else {
notificationCount . removeClass ( 'gt-hidden' ) ;
async function updateNotification ( url , status , page , q , notificationID ) {
if ( status !== 'pinned' ) {
$ ( ` #notification_ ${ notificationID } ` ) . remove ( ) ;
notificationCount . text ( ` ${ data . new } ` ) ;
return $ . ajax ( {
type : 'POST' ,
url ,
data : {
_csrf : csrfToken ,
notification _id : notificationID ,
status ,
page ,
q ,
noredirect : true ,
'sequence-number' : ++ notificationSequenceNumber ,
} ,
} ) ;
return ` ${ data . new } ` ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . error ( error ) ;
return '0' ;