<div class="four wide column">
<div class="ui segment metas">
{{template "repo/issue/branch_selector_field" .}}
{{if .Issue.IsPull}}
<input id="reviewer_id" name="reviewer_id" type="hidden" value="{{.reviewer_id}}">
<div class="ui {{if or (not .Reviewers) (not .CanChooseReviewer) .Repository.IsArchived}}disabled{{end}} floating jump select-reviewers-modify dropdown">
<a class="text gt-df gt-ac muted">
<strong>{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.review.reviewers"}}</strong>
{{if and .CanChooseReviewer (not .Repository.IsArchived)}}
{{svg "octicon-gear" 16 "gt-ml-2"}}
<div class="filter menu" data-action="update" data-issue-id="{{$.Issue.ID}}" data-update-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/issues/request_review">
<div class="header" style="text-transform: none;font-size:16px;">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.new.add_reviewer_title"}}</div>
{{if .Reviewers}}
<div class="ui icon search input">
<i class="icon gt-df gt-ac gt-jc">{{svg "octicon-search" 16}}</i>
<input type="text" placeholder="{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.filter_reviewers"}}">
{{if .Reviewers}}
{{range .Reviewers}}
{{if .User}}
<a class="{{if not .CanChange}}ui{{end}} item {{if .Checked}}checked{{end}} {{if not .CanChange}}ban-change{{end}}" href="#" data-id="{{.ItemID}}" data-id-selector="#review_request_{{.ItemID}}" {{if not .CanChange}} data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.remove_request_review_block"}}"{{end}}>
<span class="octicon-check {{if not .Checked}}invisible{{end}}">{{svg "octicon-check"}}</span>
<span class="text">
{{avatar $.Context .User 28 "gt-mr-3"}}{{template "repo/search_name" .User}}
{{if .TeamReviewers}}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
{{range .TeamReviewers}}
{{if .Team}}
<a class="{{if not .CanChange}}ui{{end}} item {{if .Checked}}checked{{end}} {{if not .CanChange}}ban-change{{end}}" href="#" data-id="{{.ItemID}}" data-id-selector="#review_request_team_{{.Team.ID}}" {{if not .CanChange}} data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.remove_request_review_block"}}"{{end}}>
<span class="octicon-check {{if not .Checked}}invisible{{end}}">{{svg "octicon-check" 16}}</span>
<span class="text">
{{svg "octicon-people" 16 "gt-ml-4 gt-mr-2"}}{{$.Issue.Repo.OwnerName}}/{{.Team.Name}}
<div class="ui assignees list">
<span class="no-select item {{if or .OriginalReviews .PullReviewers}}gt-hidden{{end}}">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.new.no_reviewers"}}</span>
<div class="selected">
{{range .PullReviewers}}
<div class="item gt-mb-2">
{{if .User}}
<a class="muted sidebar-item-link" href="{{.User.HomeLink}}">
Add context cache as a request level cache (#22294)
To avoid duplicated load of the same data in an HTTP request, we can set
a context cache to do that. i.e. Some pages may load a user from a
database with the same id in different areas on the same page. But the
code is hidden in two different deep logic. How should we share the
user? As a result of this PR, now if both entry functions accept
`context.Context` as the first parameter and we just need to refactor
`GetUserByID` to reuse the user from the context cache. Then it will not
be loaded twice on an HTTP request.
But of course, sometimes we would like to reload an object from the
database, that's why `RemoveContextData` is also exposed.
The core context cache is here. It defines a new context
type cacheContext struct {
ctx context.Context
data map[any]map[any]any
lock sync.RWMutex
var cacheContextKey = struct{}{}
func WithCacheContext(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, cacheContextKey, &cacheContext{
ctx: ctx,
data: make(map[any]map[any]any),
Then you can use the below 4 methods to read/write/del the data within
the same context.
func GetContextData(ctx context.Context, tp, key any) any
func SetContextData(ctx context.Context, tp, key, value any)
func RemoveContextData(ctx context.Context, tp, key any)
func GetWithContextCache[T any](ctx context.Context, cacheGroupKey string, cacheTargetID any, f func() (T, error)) (T, error)
Then let's take a look at how `system.GetString` implement it.
func GetSetting(ctx context.Context, key string) (string, error) {
return cache.GetWithContextCache(ctx, contextCacheKey, key, func() (string, error) {
return cache.GetString(genSettingCacheKey(key), func() (string, error) {
res, err := GetSettingNoCache(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return res.SettingValue, nil
First, it will check if context data include the setting object with the
key. If not, it will query from the global cache which may be memory or
a Redis cache. If not, it will get the object from the database. In the
end, if the object gets from the global cache or database, it will be
set into the context cache.
An object stored in the context cache will only be destroyed after the
context disappeared.
2 years ago
{{avatar $.Context .User 28 "gt-mr-3"}}
{{else if .Team}}
<span class="text">{{svg "octicon-people" 16 "teamavatar"}}{{$.Issue.Repo.OwnerName}}/{{.Team.Name}}</span>
<span class="ui right type-icon text {{if eq .Review.Type 1}}green
{{- else if eq .Review.Type 2}}grey
{{- else if eq .Review.Type 3}}red
{{- else if eq .Review.Type 4}}yellow
{{- else}}grey{{end}} right ">
{{if .CanChange}}
<a href="#" class="ui icon re-request-review {{if .Checked}}checked{{end}}" data-tooltip-content="{{if .Checked}} {{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.remove_request_review"}} {{else}} {{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.re_request_review"}} {{end}}" data-issue-id="{{$.Issue.ID}}" data-id="{{.ItemID}}" data-update-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/issues/request_review">
{{if .Checked}} {{svg "octicon-trash"}} {{else}} {{svg "octicon-sync"}} {{end}}
{{svg (printf "octicon-%s" .Review.Type.Icon)}}
{{range .OriginalReviews}}
<div class="item" style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
<a href="{{$.Repository.OriginalURL}}" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.migrated_from_fake" ($.Repository.GetOriginalURLHostname|Escape) | Safe}}">
<span class="text black">
{{svg (MigrationIcon $.Repository.GetOriginalURLHostname)}}
<span class="ui right type-icon text {{if eq .Type 1}}green
{{- else if eq .Type 2}}grey
{{- else if eq .Type 3}}red
{{- else if eq .Type 4}}yellow
{{- else}}grey{{end}} right ">
{{svg (printf "octicon-%s" .Type.Icon)}}
{{if and (or .HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission .IsIssuePoster) (not .HasMerged) (not .Issue.IsClosed) (not .IsPullWorkInProgress)}}
<div class="toggle-wip" data-title="{{.Issue.Title}}" data-wip-prefix="{{(index .PullRequestWorkInProgressPrefixes 0| Escape)}}" data-update-url="{{.Issue.Link}}/title">
<a class="muted">
{{.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.still_in_progress"}} {{.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.add_prefix" (index .PullRequestWorkInProgressPrefixes 0| Escape) | Safe}}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
{{template "repo/issue/labels/labels_selector_field" .}}
{{template "repo/issue/labels/labels_sidebar" dict "root" $}}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="ui {{if or (not .HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission) .Repository.IsArchived}}disabled{{end}} floating jump select-milestone dropdown">
<a class="text gt-df gt-ac muted">
<strong>{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.new.milestone"}}</strong>
{{if and .HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission (not .Repository.IsArchived)}}
{{svg "octicon-gear" 16 "gt-ml-2"}}
<div class="menu" data-action="update" data-issue-id="{{$.Issue.ID}}" data-update-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/issues/milestone">
{{template "repo/issue/milestone/select_menu" .}}
<div class="ui select-milestone list">
<span class="no-select item {{if .Issue.Milestone}}gt-hidden{{end}}">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.new.no_milestone"}}</span>
<div class="selected">
{{if .Issue.Milestone}}
<a class="item muted sidebar-item-link" href="{{.RepoLink}}/milestone/{{.Issue.Milestone.ID}}">
{{svg "octicon-milestone" 18 "gt-mr-3"}}
{{if .IsProjectsEnabled}}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="ui {{if or (not .HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission) .Repository.IsArchived}}disabled{{end}} floating jump select-project dropdown">
<a class="text gt-df gt-ac muted">
<strong>{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.new.projects"}}</strong>
{{if and .HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission (not .Repository.IsArchived)}}
{{svg "octicon-gear" 16 "gt-ml-2"}}
<div class="menu" data-action="update" data-issue-id="{{$.Issue.ID}}" data-update-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/issues/projects">
<div class="header" style="text-transform: none;font-size:16px;">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.new.add_project_title"}}</div>
{{if or .OpenProjects .ClosedProjects}}
<div class="ui icon search input">
<i class="icon gt-df gt-ac gt-jc">{{svg "octicon-search" 16}}</i>
<input type="text" placeholder="{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.filter_projects"}}">
<div class="no-select item">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.new.clear_projects"}}</div>
{{if .OpenProjects}}
<div class="divider"></div>
<div class="header">
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.new.open_projects"}}
{{range .OpenProjects}}
<a class="item muted sidebar-item-link" data-id="{{.ID}}" data-href="{{.Link}}">
{{svg .IconName 18 "gt-mr-3"}}{{.Title}}
{{if .ClosedProjects}}
<div class="divider"></div>
<div class="header">
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.new.closed_projects"}}
{{range .ClosedProjects}}
<a class="item muted sidebar-item-link" data-id="{{.ID}}" data-href="{{.Link}}">
{{svg .IconName 18 "gt-mr-3"}}{{.Title}}
<div class="ui select-project list">
<span class="no-select item {{if .Issue.ProjectID}}gt-hidden{{end}}">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.new.no_projects"}}</span>
<div class="selected">
{{if .Issue.ProjectID}}
<a class="item muted sidebar-item-link" href="{{.Issue.Project.Link}}">
{{svg .Issue.Project.IconName 18 "gt-mr-3"}}{{.Issue.Project.Title}}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<input id="assignee_id" name="assignee_id" type="hidden" value="{{.assignee_id}}">
<div class="ui {{if or (not .HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission) .Repository.IsArchived}}disabled{{end}} floating jump select-assignees-modify dropdown">
<a class="text gt-df gt-ac muted">
<strong>{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.new.assignees"}}</strong>
{{if and .HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission (not .Repository.IsArchived)}}
{{svg "octicon-gear" 16 "gt-ml-2"}}
<div class="filter menu" data-action="update" data-issue-id="{{$.Issue.ID}}" data-update-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/issues/assignee">
<div class="header" style="text-transform: none;font-size:16px;">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.new.add_assignees_title"}}</div>
<div class="ui icon search input">
<i class="icon gt-df gt-ac gt-jc">{{svg "octicon-search" 16}}</i>
<input type="text" placeholder="{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.filter_assignees"}}">
<div class="no-select item">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.new.clear_assignees"}}</div>
{{range .Assignees}}
{{$AssigneeID := .ID}}
<a class="item{{range $.Issue.Assignees}}{{if eq .ID $AssigneeID}} checked{{end}}{{end}}" href="#" data-id="{{.ID}}" data-id-selector="#assignee_{{.ID}}">
{{$checked := false}}
{{range $.Issue.Assignees}}
{{if eq .ID $AssigneeID}}
{{$checked = true}}
<span class="octicon-check {{if not $checked}}invisible{{end}}">{{svg "octicon-check"}}</span>
<span class="text">
{{avatar $.Context . 20 "gt-mr-3"}}{{template "repo/search_name" .}}
<div class="ui assignees list">
<span class="no-select item {{if .Issue.Assignees}}gt-hidden{{end}}">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.new.no_assignees"}}</span>
<div class="selected">
{{range .Issue.Assignees}}
<div class="item">
<a class="muted sidebar-item-link" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/{{if $.Issue.IsPull}}pulls{{else}}issues{{end}}?assignee={{.ID}}">
Add context cache as a request level cache (#22294)
To avoid duplicated load of the same data in an HTTP request, we can set
a context cache to do that. i.e. Some pages may load a user from a
database with the same id in different areas on the same page. But the
code is hidden in two different deep logic. How should we share the
user? As a result of this PR, now if both entry functions accept
`context.Context` as the first parameter and we just need to refactor
`GetUserByID` to reuse the user from the context cache. Then it will not
be loaded twice on an HTTP request.
But of course, sometimes we would like to reload an object from the
database, that's why `RemoveContextData` is also exposed.
The core context cache is here. It defines a new context
type cacheContext struct {
ctx context.Context
data map[any]map[any]any
lock sync.RWMutex
var cacheContextKey = struct{}{}
func WithCacheContext(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, cacheContextKey, &cacheContext{
ctx: ctx,
data: make(map[any]map[any]any),
Then you can use the below 4 methods to read/write/del the data within
the same context.
func GetContextData(ctx context.Context, tp, key any) any
func SetContextData(ctx context.Context, tp, key, value any)
func RemoveContextData(ctx context.Context, tp, key any)
func GetWithContextCache[T any](ctx context.Context, cacheGroupKey string, cacheTargetID any, f func() (T, error)) (T, error)
Then let's take a look at how `system.GetString` implement it.
func GetSetting(ctx context.Context, key string) (string, error) {
return cache.GetWithContextCache(ctx, contextCacheKey, key, func() (string, error) {
return cache.GetString(genSettingCacheKey(key), func() (string, error) {
res, err := GetSettingNoCache(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return res.SettingValue, nil
First, it will check if context data include the setting object with the
key. If not, it will query from the global cache which may be memory or
a Redis cache. If not, it will get the object from the database. In the
end, if the object gets from the global cache or database, it will be
set into the context cache.
An object stored in the context cache will only be destroyed after the
context disappeared.
2 years ago
{{avatar $.Context . 28 "gt-mr-3"}}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
{{if .Participants}}
<span class="text"><strong>{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.num_participants" .NumParticipants}}</strong></span>
<div class="ui list gt-df gt-fw">
{{range .Participants}}
<a {{if gt .ID 0}}href="{{.HomeLink}}"{{end}} data-tooltip-content="{{.GetDisplayName}}">
Add context cache as a request level cache (#22294)
To avoid duplicated load of the same data in an HTTP request, we can set
a context cache to do that. i.e. Some pages may load a user from a
database with the same id in different areas on the same page. But the
code is hidden in two different deep logic. How should we share the
user? As a result of this PR, now if both entry functions accept
`context.Context` as the first parameter and we just need to refactor
`GetUserByID` to reuse the user from the context cache. Then it will not
be loaded twice on an HTTP request.
But of course, sometimes we would like to reload an object from the
database, that's why `RemoveContextData` is also exposed.
The core context cache is here. It defines a new context
type cacheContext struct {
ctx context.Context
data map[any]map[any]any
lock sync.RWMutex
var cacheContextKey = struct{}{}
func WithCacheContext(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, cacheContextKey, &cacheContext{
ctx: ctx,
data: make(map[any]map[any]any),
Then you can use the below 4 methods to read/write/del the data within
the same context.
func GetContextData(ctx context.Context, tp, key any) any
func SetContextData(ctx context.Context, tp, key, value any)
func RemoveContextData(ctx context.Context, tp, key any)
func GetWithContextCache[T any](ctx context.Context, cacheGroupKey string, cacheTargetID any, f func() (T, error)) (T, error)
Then let's take a look at how `system.GetString` implement it.
func GetSetting(ctx context.Context, key string) (string, error) {
return cache.GetWithContextCache(ctx, contextCacheKey, key, func() (string, error) {
return cache.GetString(genSettingCacheKey(key), func() (string, error) {
res, err := GetSettingNoCache(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return res.SettingValue, nil
First, it will check if context data include the setting object with the
key. If not, it will query from the global cache which may be memory or
a Redis cache. If not, it will get the object from the database. In the
end, if the object gets from the global cache or database, it will be
set into the context cache.
An object stored in the context cache will only be destroyed after the
context disappeared.
2 years ago
{{avatar $.Context . 28 "gt-my-1 gt-mr-2"}}
{{if and $.IssueWatch (not .Repository.IsArchived)}}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="ui watching">
<span class="text"><strong>{{.locale.Tr "notification.notifications"}}</strong></span>
<div class="gt-mt-3">
<form method="POST" action="{{.Issue.Link}}/watch">
<input type="hidden" name="watch" value="{{if $.IssueWatch.IsWatching}}0{{else}}1{{end}}">
<button class="fluid ui button gt-df gt-jc">
{{if $.IssueWatch.IsWatching}}
{{svg "octicon-mute" 16 "gt-mr-3"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.unsubscribe"}}
{{svg "octicon-unmute" 16 "gt-mr-3"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.subscribe"}}
{{if .Repository.IsTimetrackerEnabled $.Context}}
{{if and .CanUseTimetracker (not .Repository.IsArchived)}}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="ui timetrack">
<span class="text"><strong>{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.tracker"}}</strong></span>
<div class="gt-mt-3">
<form method="POST" action="{{.Issue.Link}}/times/stopwatch/toggle" id="toggle_stopwatch_form">
<form method="POST" action="{{.Issue.Link}}/times/stopwatch/cancel" id="cancel_stopwatch_form">
{{if $.IsStopwatchRunning}}
<button class="ui fluid button issue-stop-time">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.stop_tracking"}}</button>
<button class="ui fluid negative button issue-cancel-time gt-mt-3">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.cancel_tracking"}}</button>
{{if .HasUserStopwatch}}
<div class="ui warning message">
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.tracking_already_started" (.OtherStopwatchURL|Escape) | Safe}}
<button class="ui fluid button issue-start-time" data-tooltip-content='{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.start_tracking"}}'>{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.start_tracking_short"}}</button>
<div class="ui mini modal issue-start-time-modal">
<div class="header">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.add_time"}}</div>
<div class="content">
<form method="POST" id="add_time_manual_form" action="{{.Issue.Link}}/times/add" class="ui action input fluid">
<input placeholder='{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.add_time_hours"}}' type="number" name="hours">
<input placeholder='{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.add_time_minutes"}}' type="number" name="minutes" class="ui compact">
<div class="actions">
<button class="ui green approve button">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.add_time_short"}}</button>
<button class="ui red cancel button">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.add_time_cancel"}}</button>
<button class="ui fluid button green issue-add-time gt-mt-3" data-tooltip-content='{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.add_time"}}'>{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.add_time_short"}}</button>
{{if gt (len .WorkingUsers) 0}}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="ui comments">
<span class="text"><strong>{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.time_spent_from_all_authors" ($.Issue.TotalTrackedTime | Sec2Time) | Safe}}</strong></span>
{{range $user, $trackedtime := .WorkingUsers}}
<div class="comment gt-mt-3">
<a class="avatar">
Add context cache as a request level cache (#22294)
To avoid duplicated load of the same data in an HTTP request, we can set
a context cache to do that. i.e. Some pages may load a user from a
database with the same id in different areas on the same page. But the
code is hidden in two different deep logic. How should we share the
user? As a result of this PR, now if both entry functions accept
`context.Context` as the first parameter and we just need to refactor
`GetUserByID` to reuse the user from the context cache. Then it will not
be loaded twice on an HTTP request.
But of course, sometimes we would like to reload an object from the
database, that's why `RemoveContextData` is also exposed.
The core context cache is here. It defines a new context
type cacheContext struct {
ctx context.Context
data map[any]map[any]any
lock sync.RWMutex
var cacheContextKey = struct{}{}
func WithCacheContext(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, cacheContextKey, &cacheContext{
ctx: ctx,
data: make(map[any]map[any]any),
Then you can use the below 4 methods to read/write/del the data within
the same context.
func GetContextData(ctx context.Context, tp, key any) any
func SetContextData(ctx context.Context, tp, key, value any)
func RemoveContextData(ctx context.Context, tp, key any)
func GetWithContextCache[T any](ctx context.Context, cacheGroupKey string, cacheTargetID any, f func() (T, error)) (T, error)
Then let's take a look at how `system.GetString` implement it.
func GetSetting(ctx context.Context, key string) (string, error) {
return cache.GetWithContextCache(ctx, contextCacheKey, key, func() (string, error) {
return cache.GetString(genSettingCacheKey(key), func() (string, error) {
res, err := GetSettingNoCache(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return res.SettingValue, nil
First, it will check if context data include the setting object with the
key. If not, it will query from the global cache which may be memory or
a Redis cache. If not, it will get the object from the database. In the
end, if the object gets from the global cache or database, it will be
set into the context cache.
An object stored in the context cache will only be destroyed after the
context disappeared.
2 years ago
{{avatar $.Context $user}}
<div class="content">
{{template "shared/user/authorlink" $user}}
<div class="text">
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<span class="text"><strong>{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.due_date"}}</strong></span>
<div class="ui form" id="deadline-loader">
<div class="ui negative message gt-hidden" id="deadline-err-invalid-date">
{{svg "octicon-x" 16 "close icon"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.due_date_invalid"}}
{{if ne .Issue.DeadlineUnix 0}}
<div class="gt-df gt-sb gt-ac">
<div class="due-date {{if .Issue.IsOverdue}}text red{{end}}" {{if .Issue.IsOverdue}}data-tooltip-content="{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.due_date_overdue"}}"{{end}}>
{{svg "octicon-calendar" 16 "gt-mr-3"}}
{{DateTime "long" .Issue.DeadlineUnix}}
{{if and .HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission (not .Repository.IsArchived)}}
<a class="issue-due-edit muted" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.due_date_form_edit"}}">{{svg "octicon-pencil" 16 "gt-mr-2"}}</a>
<a class="issue-due-remove muted" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.due_date_form_remove"}}">{{svg "octicon-trash"}}</a>
<p>{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.due_date_not_set"}}</p>
{{if and .HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission (not .Repository.IsArchived)}}
<div {{if ne .Issue.DeadlineUnix 0}} class="gt-hidden"{{end}} id="deadlineForm">
<form class="ui fluid action input issue-due-form" action="{{AppSubUrl}}/{{PathEscape .Repository.Owner.Name}}/{{PathEscape .Repository.Name}}/issues/{{.Issue.Index}}/deadline" method="post" id="update-issue-deadline-form">
<input required placeholder="{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.due_date_form"}}" {{if gt .Issue.DeadlineUnix 0}}value="{{.Issue.DeadlineUnix.Format "2006-01-02"}}"{{end}} type="date" name="deadlineDate" id="deadlineDate">
<button class="ui green icon button">
{{if ne .Issue.DeadlineUnix 0}}
{{svg "octicon-pencil"}}
{{svg "octicon-plus"}}
{{if .Repository.IsDependenciesEnabled $.Context}}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="ui depending">
{{if (and (not .BlockedByDependencies) (not .BlockedByDependenciesNotPermitted) (not .BlockingDependencies) (not .BlockingDependenciesNotPermitted))}}
<span class="text"><strong>{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.title"}}</strong></span>
{{if .Issue.IsPull}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.pr_no_dependencies"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.issue_no_dependencies"}}
{{if or .BlockingDependencies .BlockingDependenciesNotPermitted}}
<span class="text" data-tooltip-content="{{if .Issue.IsPull}}{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.pr_close_blocks"}}{{else}}{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.issue_close_blocks"}}{{end}}">
<strong>{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.blocks_short"}}</strong>
<div class="ui relaxed divided list">
{{range .BlockingDependencies}}
<div class="item dependency{{if .Issue.IsClosed}} is-closed{{end}} gt-df gt-ac gt-sb">
<div class="item-left gt-df gt-jc gt-fc gt-f1">
<a class="title" href="{{.Issue.Link}}" data-tooltip-content="#{{.Issue.Index}} {{.Issue.Title | RenderEmoji $.Context}}">
#{{.Issue.Index}} {{.Issue.Title | RenderEmoji $.Context}}
<div class="text small">
<div class="item-right gt-df gt-ac">
{{if and $.CanCreateIssueDependencies (not $.Repository.IsArchived)}}
<a class="delete-dependency-button ci muted" data-id="{{.Issue.ID}}" data-type="blocking" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.remove_info"}}">
{{svg "octicon-trash" 16}}
{{if .BlockingDependenciesNotPermitted}}
<div class="item gt-df gt-ac gt-sb">
<span>{{$.locale.TrN (len .BlockingDependenciesNotPermitted) "repo.issues.dependency.no_permission_1" "repo.issues.dependency.no_permission_n" (len .BlockingDependenciesNotPermitted)}}</span>
{{if or .BlockedByDependencies .BlockedByDependenciesNotPermitted}}
<span class="text" data-tooltip-content="{{if .Issue.IsPull}}{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.pr_closing_blockedby"}}{{else}}{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.issue_closing_blockedby"}}{{end}}">
<strong>{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.blocked_by_short"}}</strong>
<div class="ui relaxed divided list">
{{range .BlockedByDependencies}}
<div class="item dependency{{if .Issue.IsClosed}} is-closed{{end}} gt-df gt-ac gt-sb">
<div class="item-left gt-df gt-jc gt-fc gt-f1">
<a class="title" href="{{.Issue.Link}}" data-tooltip-content="#{{.Issue.Index}} {{.Issue.Title | RenderEmoji $.Context}}">
#{{.Issue.Index}} {{.Issue.Title | RenderEmoji $.Context}}
<div class="text small">
<div class="item-right gt-df gt-ac">
Allow cross-repository dependencies on issues (#7901)
* in progress changes for #7405, added ability to add cross-repo dependencies
* removed unused repolink var
* fixed query that was breaking ci tests; fixed check in issue dependency add so that the id of the issue and dependency is checked rather than the indexes
* reverted removal of string in local files becasue these are done via crowdin, not updated manually
* removed 'Select("issue.*")' from getBlockedByDependencies and getBlockingDependencies based on comments in PR review
* changed getBlockedByDependencies and getBlockingDependencies to use a more xorm-like query, also updated the sidebar as a result
* simplified the getBlockingDependencies and getBlockedByDependencies methods; changed the sidebar to show the dependencies in a different format where you can see the name of the repository
* made some changes to the issue view in the dependencies (issue name on top, repo full name on separate line). Change view of issue in the dependency search results (also showing the full repo name on separate line)
* replace call to FindUserAccessibleRepoIDs with SearchRepositoryByName. The former was hardcoded to use isPrivate = false on the repo search, but this code needed it to be true. The SearchRepositoryByName method is used more in the code including on the user's dashboard
* some more tweaks to the layout of the issues when showing dependencies and in the search box when you add new dependencies
* added Name to the RepositoryMeta struct
* updated swagger doc
* fixed total count for link header on SearchIssues
* fixed indentation
* fixed aligment of remove icon on dependencies in issue sidebar
* removed unnecessary nil check (unnecessary because issue.loadRepo is called prior to this block)
* reverting .css change, somehow missed or forgot that less is used
* updated less file and generated css; updated sidebar template with styles to line up delete and issue index
* added ordering to the blocked by/depends on queries
* fixed sorting in issue dependency search and the depends on/blocks views to show issues from the current repo first, then by created date descending; added a "all cross repository dependencies" setting to allow this feature to be turned off, if turned off, the issue dependency search will work the way it did before (restricted to the current repository)
* re-applied my swagger changes after merge
* fixed split string condition in issue search
* changed ALLOW_CROSS_REPOSITORY_DEPENDENCIES description to sound more global than just the issue dependency search; returning 400 in the cross repo issue search api method if not enabled; fixed bug where the issue count did not respect the state parameter
* when adding a dependency to an issue, added a check to make sure the issue and dependency are in the same repo if cross repo dependencies is not enabled
* updated sortIssuesSession call in PullRequests, another commit moved this method from pull.go to pull_list.go so I had to re-apply my change here
* fixed incorrect setting of user id parameter in search repos call
5 years ago
{{if and $.CanCreateIssueDependencies (not $.Repository.IsArchived)}}
<a class="delete-dependency-button ci muted" data-id="{{.Issue.ID}}" data-type="blockedBy" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.remove_info"}}">
{{svg "octicon-trash" 16}}
{{if $.CanCreateIssueDependencies}}
{{range .BlockedByDependenciesNotPermitted}}
<div class="item dependency{{if .Issue.IsClosed}} is-closed{{end}} gt-df gt-ac gt-sb">
<div class="item-left gt-df gt-jc gt-fc gt-f1">
<span data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.no_permission.can_remove"}}">{{svg "octicon-lock" 16}}</span>
<span class="title" data-tooltip-content="#{{.Issue.Index}} {{.Issue.Title | RenderEmoji $.Context}}">
#{{.Issue.Index}} {{.Issue.Title | RenderEmoji $.Context}}
<div class="text small">
<div class="item-right gt-df gt-ac">
{{if and $.CanCreateIssueDependencies (not $.Repository.IsArchived)}}
<a class="delete-dependency-button ci muted" data-id="{{.Issue.ID}}" data-type="blocking" data-tooltip-content="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.remove_info"}}">
{{svg "octicon-trash" 16}}
{{else if .BlockedByDependenciesNotPermitted}}
<div class="item gt-df gt-ac gt-sb">
<span>{{$.locale.TrN (len .BlockedByDependenciesNotPermitted) "repo.issues.dependency.no_permission_1" "repo.issues.dependency.no_permission_n" (len .BlockedByDependenciesNotPermitted)}}</span>
{{if and .CanCreateIssueDependencies (not .Repository.IsArchived)}}
<form method="POST" action="{{.Issue.Link}}/dependency/add" id="addDependencyForm">
<div class="ui fluid action input">
<div class="ui search selection dropdown" id="new-dependency-drop-list" data-issue-id="{{.Issue.ID}}">
<input name="newDependency" type="hidden">
{{svg "octicon-triangle-down" 14 "dropdown icon"}}
<input type="text" class="search">
<div class="default text">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.add"}}</div>
<button class="ui green icon button">
{{svg "octicon-plus"}}
{{if and .CanCreateIssueDependencies (not .Repository.IsArchived)}}
<input type="hidden" id="crossRepoSearch" value="{{.AllowCrossRepositoryDependencies}}">
<div class="ui g-modal-confirm modal remove-dependency">
<div class="header">
{{svg "octicon-trash"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.remove_header"}}
<div class="content">
<form method="POST" action="{{.Issue.Link}}/dependency/delete" id="removeDependencyForm">
<input type="hidden" value="" name="removeDependencyID" id="removeDependencyID">
<input type="hidden" value="" name="dependencyType" id="dependencyType">
<p>{{if .Issue.IsPull}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.pr_remove_text"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.issue_remove_text"}}
{{$ModalButtonCancelText := .locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.cancel"}}
{{$ModalButtonOkText := .locale.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.remove"}}
{{template "base/modal_actions_confirm" (dict "." . "ModalButtonCancelText" $ModalButtonCancelText "ModalButtonOkText" $ModalButtonOkText)}}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="ui equal width compact grid">
{{$issueReferenceLink := printf "%s#%d" .Issue.Repo.FullName .Issue.Index}}
<div class="row gt-ac" data-tooltip-content="{{$issueReferenceLink}}">
<span class="text column truncate">{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.reference_link" $issueReferenceLink}}</span>
<button class="ui two wide button column gt-p-3" data-clipboard-text="{{$issueReferenceLink}}">{{svg "octicon-copy" 14}}</button>
{{if and .IsRepoAdmin (not .Repository.IsArchived)}}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="ui watching">
<button class="fluid ui show-modal button {{if .Issue.IsLocked}} negative {{end}}" data-modal="#lock">
{{if .Issue.IsLocked}}
{{svg "octicon-key"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.unlock"}}
{{svg "octicon-lock"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.lock"}}
<div class="ui tiny modal" id="lock">
<div class="header">
{{if .Issue.IsLocked}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.unlock.title"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.lock.title"}}
<div class="content">
<div class="ui warning message">
{{if .Issue.IsLocked}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.unlock.notice_1"}}<br>
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.unlock.notice_2"}}<br>
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.lock.notice_1"}}<br>
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.lock.notice_2"}}<br>
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.lock.notice_3"}}<br>
<form class="ui form" action="{{.Issue.Link}}{{if .Issue.IsLocked}}/unlock{{else}}/lock{{end}}"
{{if not .Issue.IsLocked}}
<div class="field">
<strong> {{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.lock.reason"}} </strong>
<div class="field">
<div class="ui fluid dropdown selection" tabindex="0">
<select name="reason">
<option value=""> </option>
{{range .LockReasons}}
<option value="{{.}}">{{.}}</option>
{{svg "octicon-triangle-down" 14 "dropdown icon"}}
<div class="default text"> </div>
<div class="menu">
{{range .LockReasons}}
<div class="item" data-value="{{.}}">{{.}}</div>
<div class="text right actions">
<button class="ui cancel button">{{.locale.Tr "settings.cancel"}}</button>
<button class="ui red button">
{{if .Issue.IsLocked}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.unlock_confirm"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.lock_confirm"}}
<button class="fluid ui show-modal button negative gt-mt-3" data-modal="#delete">
{{svg "octicon-trash"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.delete"}}
<div class="ui g-modal-confirm modal" id="delete">
<div class="header">
{{if .Issue.IsPull}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.delete.title"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.delete.title"}}
<div class="content">
{{if .Issue.IsPull}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.delete.text"}}
{{.locale.Tr "repo.issues.delete.text"}}
<form action="{{.Issue.Link}}/delete" method="post">
{{template "base/modal_actions_confirm" .}}
{{if and .Issue.IsPull .IsIssuePoster (not .Issue.IsClosed) .Issue.PullRequest.HeadRepo}}
{{if and (not (eq .Issue.PullRequest.HeadRepo.FullName .Issue.PullRequest.BaseRepo.FullName)) .CanWriteToHeadRepo}}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="inline field">
<div class="ui checkbox" id="allow-edits-from-maintainers"
Use a general approach to show tooltip, fix temporary tooltip bug (#23574)
* Improve performance: lazy creating the tippy instances.
* Transparently support all "tooltip" elements, no need to call
`initTooltip` again and again.
* Fix a temporary tooltip re-entrance bug, which causes showing temp
content forever.
* Upgrade vue3-calendar-heatmap to 2.0.2 with lazy tippy init
(initHeatmap time decreases from 100ms to 50ms)
## Details
### The performance
Creating a lot of tippy tooltip instances is expensive. This PR doesn't
create all tippy tooltip instances, instead, it only adds "mouseover"
event listener to necessary elements, and then switches to the tippy
### The general approach for all tooltips
Before, dynamically generated tooltips need to be called with
After, use MutationObserver to:
* Attach the event listeners to newly created tooltip elements, work for
Vue (easier than before)
* Catch changed attributes and update the tooltip content (better than
It does help a lot, eg:
### Temporary tooltip re-entrance bug
To reproduce, on try.gitea.io, click the "copy clone url" quickly, then
the tooltip will be "Copied!" forever.
After this PR, with the help of `attachTippyTooltip`, the tooltip
content could be reset to the default correctly.
### Other changes
* `data-tooltip-content` is preferred from now on, the old
`data-content` may cause conflicts with other modules.
* `data-placement` was only used for tooltip, so it's renamed to
`data-tooltip-placement`, and removed from `createTippy`.
2 years ago
data-tooltip-content="{{.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.allow_edits_from_maintainers_desc"}}"
data-prompt-error="{{.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.allow_edits_from_maintainers_err"}}"
<label><strong>{{.locale.Tr "repo.pulls.allow_edits_from_maintainers"}}</strong></label>
<input type="checkbox" {{if .Issue.PullRequest.AllowMaintainerEdit}}checked{{end}}>