// Copyright 2015 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2016 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package v1 Gitea API.
// This documentation describes the Gitea API.
// Schemes: http, https
// BasePath: /api/v1
// Version: {{AppVer | JSEscape | Safe}}
// License: MIT http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// Consumes:
// - application/json
// - text/plain
// Produces:
// - application/json
// - text/html
// Security:
// - BasicAuth :
// - Token :
// - AccessToken :
// - AuthorizationHeaderToken :
// - SudoParam :
// - SudoHeader :
// - TOTPHeader :
// SecurityDefinitions:
// BasicAuth:
// type: basic
// Token:
// type: apiKey
// name: token
// in: query
// AccessToken:
// type: apiKey
// name: access_token
// in: query
// AuthorizationHeaderToken:
// type: apiKey
// name: Authorization
// in: header
// description: API tokens must be prepended with "token" followed by a space.
// SudoParam:
// type: apiKey
// name: sudo
// in: query
// description: Sudo API request as the user provided as the key. Admin privileges are required.
// SudoHeader:
// type: apiKey
// name: Sudo
// in: header
// description: Sudo API request as the user provided as the key. Admin privileges are required.
// TOTPHeader:
// type: apiKey
// name: X-GITEA-OTP
// in: header
// description: Must be used in combination with BasicAuth if two-factor authentication is enabled.
// swagger:meta
package v1
import (
access_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/perm/access"
repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
api "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/structs"
context_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/context"
_ "code.gitea.io/gitea/routers/api/v1/swagger" // for swagger generation
func sudo() func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
sudo := ctx.FormString("sudo")
if len(sudo) == 0 {
sudo = ctx.Req.Header.Get("Sudo")
if len(sudo) > 0 {
if ctx.IsSigned && ctx.Doer.IsAdmin {
user, err := user_model.GetUserByName(ctx, sudo)
if err != nil {
if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetUserByName", err)
log.Trace("Sudo from (%s) to: %s", ctx.Doer.Name, user.Name)
ctx.Doer = user
} else {
ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, map[string]string{
"message": "Only administrators allowed to sudo.",
func repoAssignment() func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
userName := ctx.Params("username")
repoName := ctx.Params("reponame")
var (
owner *user_model.User
err error
// Check if the user is the same as the repository owner.
if ctx.IsSigned && ctx.Doer.LowerName == strings.ToLower(userName) {
owner = ctx.Doer
} else {
owner, err = user_model.GetUserByName(ctx, userName)
if err != nil {
if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
if redirectUserID, err := user_model.LookupUserRedirect(userName); err == nil {
context.RedirectToUser(ctx.Context, userName, redirectUserID)
} else if user_model.IsErrUserRedirectNotExist(err) {
ctx.NotFound("GetUserByName", err)
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "LookupUserRedirect", err)
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetUserByName", err)
ctx.Repo.Owner = owner
ctx.ContextUser = owner
// Get repository.
repo, err := repo_model.GetRepositoryByName(owner.ID, repoName)
if err != nil {
if repo_model.IsErrRepoNotExist(err) {
redirectRepoID, err := repo_model.LookupRedirect(owner.ID, repoName)
if err == nil {
context.RedirectToRepo(ctx.Context, redirectRepoID)
} else if repo_model.IsErrRedirectNotExist(err) {
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "LookupRepoRedirect", err)
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetRepositoryByName", err)
repo.Owner = owner
ctx.Repo.Repository = repo
ctx.Repo.Permission, err = access_model.GetUserRepoPermission(ctx, repo, ctx.Doer)
if err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetUserRepoPermission", err)
if !ctx.Repo.HasAccess() {
func reqPackageAccess(accessMode perm.AccessMode) func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if ctx.Package.AccessMode < accessMode && !ctx.IsUserSiteAdmin() {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "reqPackageAccess", "user should have specific permission or be a site admin")
// Contexter middleware already checks token for user sign in process.
func reqToken() func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if true == ctx.Data["IsApiToken"] {
if ctx.Context.IsBasicAuth {
if ctx.IsSigned {
ctx.Error(http.StatusUnauthorized, "reqToken", "token is required")
func reqExploreSignIn() func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if setting.Service.Explore.RequireSigninView && !ctx.IsSigned {
ctx.Error(http.StatusUnauthorized, "reqExploreSignIn", "you must be signed in to search for users")
func reqBasicOrRevProxyAuth() func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if ctx.IsSigned && setting.Service.EnableReverseProxyAuth && ctx.Data["AuthedMethod"].(string) == auth.ReverseProxyMethodName {
if !ctx.Context.IsBasicAuth {
ctx.Error(http.StatusUnauthorized, "reqBasicOrRevProxyAuth", "auth required")
// reqSiteAdmin user should be the site admin
func reqSiteAdmin() func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if !ctx.IsUserSiteAdmin() {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "reqSiteAdmin", "user should be the site admin")
// reqOwner user should be the owner of the repo or site admin.
func reqOwner() func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if !ctx.IsUserRepoOwner() && !ctx.IsUserSiteAdmin() {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "reqOwner", "user should be the owner of the repo")
// reqAdmin user should be an owner or a collaborator with admin write of a repository, or site admin
func reqAdmin() func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if !ctx.IsUserRepoAdmin() && !ctx.IsUserSiteAdmin() {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "reqAdmin", "user should be an owner or a collaborator with admin write of a repository")
// reqRepoWriter user should have a permission to write to a repo, or be a site admin
func reqRepoWriter(unitTypes ...unit.Type) func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if !ctx.IsUserRepoWriter(unitTypes) && !ctx.IsUserRepoAdmin() && !ctx.IsUserSiteAdmin() {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "reqRepoWriter", "user should have a permission to write to a repo")
// reqRepoBranchWriter user should have a permission to write to a branch, or be a site admin
func reqRepoBranchWriter(ctx *context.APIContext) {
options, ok := web.GetForm(ctx).(api.FileOptionInterface)
if !ok || (!ctx.Repo.CanWriteToBranch(ctx.Doer, options.Branch()) && !ctx.IsUserSiteAdmin()) {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "reqRepoBranchWriter", "user should have a permission to write to this branch")
// reqRepoReader user should have specific read permission or be a repo admin or a site admin
func reqRepoReader(unitType unit.Type) func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if !ctx.IsUserRepoReaderSpecific(unitType) && !ctx.IsUserRepoAdmin() && !ctx.IsUserSiteAdmin() {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "reqRepoReader", "user should have specific read permission or be a repo admin or a site admin")
// reqAnyRepoReader user should have any permission to read repository or permissions of site admin
func reqAnyRepoReader() func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if !ctx.IsUserRepoReaderAny() && !ctx.IsUserSiteAdmin() {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "reqAnyRepoReader", "user should have any permission to read repository or permissions of site admin")
// reqOrgOwnership user should be an organization owner, or a site admin
func reqOrgOwnership() func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if ctx.Context.IsUserSiteAdmin() {
var orgID int64
if ctx.Org.Organization != nil {
orgID = ctx.Org.Organization.ID
} else if ctx.Org.Team != nil {
orgID = ctx.Org.Team.OrgID
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "", "reqOrgOwnership: unprepared context")
isOwner, err := organization.IsOrganizationOwner(ctx, orgID, ctx.Doer.ID)
if err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "IsOrganizationOwner", err)
} else if !isOwner {
if ctx.Org.Organization != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "", "Must be an organization owner")
} else {
// reqTeamMembership user should be an team member, or a site admin
func reqTeamMembership() func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if ctx.Context.IsUserSiteAdmin() {
if ctx.Org.Team == nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "", "reqTeamMembership: unprepared context")
orgID := ctx.Org.Team.OrgID
isOwner, err := organization.IsOrganizationOwner(ctx, orgID, ctx.Doer.ID)
if err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "IsOrganizationOwner", err)
} else if isOwner {
if isTeamMember, err := organization.IsTeamMember(ctx, orgID, ctx.Org.Team.ID, ctx.Doer.ID); err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "IsTeamMember", err)
} else if !isTeamMember {
isOrgMember, err := organization.IsOrganizationMember(ctx, orgID, ctx.Doer.ID)
if err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "IsOrganizationMember", err)
} else if isOrgMember {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "", "Must be a team member")
} else {
// reqOrgMembership user should be an organization member, or a site admin
func reqOrgMembership() func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if ctx.Context.IsUserSiteAdmin() {
var orgID int64
if ctx.Org.Organization != nil {
orgID = ctx.Org.Organization.ID
} else if ctx.Org.Team != nil {
orgID = ctx.Org.Team.OrgID
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "", "reqOrgMembership: unprepared context")
if isMember, err := organization.IsOrganizationMember(ctx, orgID, ctx.Doer.ID); err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "IsOrganizationMember", err)
} else if !isMember {
if ctx.Org.Organization != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "", "Must be an organization member")
} else {
func reqGitHook() func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if !ctx.Doer.CanEditGitHook() {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "", "must be allowed to edit Git hooks")
// reqWebhooksEnabled requires webhooks to be enabled by admin.
func reqWebhooksEnabled() func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if setting.DisableWebhooks {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "", "webhooks disabled by administrator")
func orgAssignment(args ...bool) func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
var (
assignOrg bool
assignTeam bool
if len(args) > 0 {
assignOrg = args[0]
if len(args) > 1 {
assignTeam = args[1]
return func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
ctx.Org = new(context.APIOrganization)
var err error
if assignOrg {
ctx.Org.Organization, err = organization.GetOrgByName(ctx.Params(":org"))
if err != nil {
if organization.IsErrOrgNotExist(err) {
redirectUserID, err := user_model.LookupUserRedirect(ctx.Params(":org"))
if err == nil {
context.RedirectToUser(ctx.Context, ctx.Params(":org"), redirectUserID)
} else if user_model.IsErrUserRedirectNotExist(err) {
ctx.NotFound("GetOrgByName", err)
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "LookupUserRedirect", err)
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetOrgByName", err)
ctx.ContextUser = ctx.Org.Organization.AsUser()
if assignTeam {
ctx.Org.Team, err = organization.GetTeamByID(ctx, ctx.ParamsInt64(":teamid"))
if err != nil {
if organization.IsErrTeamNotExist(err) {
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetTeamById", err)
func mustEnableIssues(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeIssues) {
if log.IsTrace() {
if ctx.IsSigned {
log.Trace("Permission Denied: User %-v cannot read %-v in Repo %-v\n"+
"User in Repo has Permissions: %-+v",
} else {
log.Trace("Permission Denied: Anonymous user cannot read %-v in Repo %-v\n"+
"Anonymous user in Repo has Permissions: %-+v",
func mustAllowPulls(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if !(ctx.Repo.Repository.CanEnablePulls() && ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypePullRequests)) {
if ctx.Repo.Repository.CanEnablePulls() && log.IsTrace() {
if ctx.IsSigned {
log.Trace("Permission Denied: User %-v cannot read %-v in Repo %-v\n"+
"User in Repo has Permissions: %-+v",
} else {
log.Trace("Permission Denied: Anonymous user cannot read %-v in Repo %-v\n"+
"Anonymous user in Repo has Permissions: %-+v",
func mustEnableIssuesOrPulls(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeIssues) &&
!(ctx.Repo.Repository.CanEnablePulls() && ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypePullRequests)) {
if ctx.Repo.Repository.CanEnablePulls() && log.IsTrace() {
if ctx.IsSigned {
log.Trace("Permission Denied: User %-v cannot read %-v and %-v in Repo %-v\n"+
"User in Repo has Permissions: %-+v",
} else {
log.Trace("Permission Denied: Anonymous user cannot read %-v and %-v in Repo %-v\n"+
"Anonymous user in Repo has Permissions: %-+v",
func mustEnableWiki(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if !(ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeWiki)) {
func mustNotBeArchived(ctx *context.APIContext) {
if ctx.Repo.Repository.IsArchived {
// bind binding an obj to a func(ctx *context.APIContext)
func bind(obj interface{}) http.HandlerFunc {
tp := reflect.TypeOf(obj)
for tp.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
tp = tp.Elem()
return web.Wrap(func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
theObj := reflect.New(tp).Interface() // create a new form obj for every request but not use obj directly
errs := binding.Bind(ctx.Req, theObj)
if len(errs) > 0 {
ctx.Error(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "validationError", fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", errs[0].FieldNames, errs[0].Error()))
web.SetForm(ctx, theObj)
// The OAuth2 plugin is expected to be executed first, as it must ignore the user id stored
// in the session (if there is a user id stored in session other plugins might return the user
// object for that id).
// The Session plugin is expected to be executed second, in order to skip authentication
// for users that have already signed in.
func buildAuthGroup() *auth.Group {
group := auth.NewGroup(
&auth.Basic{}, // FIXME: this should be removed once we don't allow basic auth in API
if setting.Service.EnableReverseProxyAuth {
return group
// Routes registers all v1 APIs routes to web application.
func Routes() *web.Route {
m := web.NewRoute()
if setting.CORSConfig.Enabled {
// Scheme: setting.CORSConfig.Scheme, // FIXME: the cors middleware needs scheme option
AllowedOrigins: setting.CORSConfig.AllowDomain,
// setting.CORSConfig.AllowSubdomain // FIXME: the cors middleware needs allowSubdomain option
AllowedMethods: setting.CORSConfig.Methods,
AllowCredentials: setting.CORSConfig.AllowCredentials,
AllowedHeaders: []string{"Authorization", "X-Gitea-OTP"},
MaxAge: int(setting.CORSConfig.MaxAge.Seconds()),
group := buildAuthGroup()
if err := group.Init(); err != nil {
log.Error("Could not initialize '%s' auth method, error: %s", group.Name(), err)
// Get user from session if logged in.
SignInRequired: setting.Service.RequireSignInView,
m.Group("", func() {
// Miscellaneous
if setting.API.EnableSwagger {
m.Get("/swagger", func(ctx *context.APIContext) {
ctx.Redirect(setting.AppSubURL + "/api/swagger")
m.Get("/version", misc.Version)
if setting.Federation.Enabled {
m.Get("/nodeinfo", misc.NodeInfo)
m.Group("/activitypub", func() {
m.Group("/user/{username}", func() {
m.Get("", activitypub.Person)
m.Post("/inbox", activitypub.ReqSignature(), activitypub.PersonInbox)
m.Get("/signing-key.gpg", misc.SigningKey)
m.Post("/markdown", bind(api.MarkdownOption{}), misc.Markdown)
m.Post("/markdown/raw", misc.MarkdownRaw)
m.Group("/settings", func() {
m.Get("/ui", settings.GetGeneralUISettings)
m.Get("/api", settings.GetGeneralAPISettings)
m.Get("/attachment", settings.GetGeneralAttachmentSettings)
m.Get("/repository", settings.GetGeneralRepoSettings)
// Notifications
m.Group("/notifications", func() {
m.Get("/new", notify.NewAvailable)
}, reqToken())
// Users
m.Group("/users", func() {
m.Get("/search", reqExploreSignIn(), user.Search)
m.Group("/{username}", func() {
m.Get("", reqExploreSignIn(), user.GetInfo)
if setting.Service.EnableUserHeatmap {
m.Get("/heatmap", user.GetUserHeatmapData)
m.Get("/repos", reqExploreSignIn(), user.ListUserRepos)
m.Group("/tokens", func() {
Post(bind(api.CreateAccessTokenOption{}), user.CreateAccessToken)
}, reqBasicOrRevProxyAuth())
}, context_service.UserAssignmentAPI())
m.Group("/users", func() {
m.Group("/{username}", func() {
m.Get("/keys", user.ListPublicKeys)
m.Get("/gpg_keys", user.ListGPGKeys)
m.Get("/followers", user.ListFollowers)
m.Group("/following", func() {
m.Get("", user.ListFollowing)
m.Get("/{target}", user.CheckFollowing)
m.Get("/starred", user.GetStarredRepos)
m.Get("/subscriptions", user.GetWatchedRepos)
}, context_service.UserAssignmentAPI())
}, reqToken())
m.Group("/user", func() {
m.Get("", user.GetAuthenticatedUser)
m.Group("/settings", func() {
m.Get("", user.GetUserSettings)
m.Patch("", bind(api.UserSettingsOptions{}), user.UpdateUserSettings)
}, reqToken())
Post(bind(api.CreateEmailOption{}), user.AddEmail).
Delete(bind(api.DeleteEmailOption{}), user.DeleteEmail)
m.Get("/followers", user.ListMyFollowers)
m.Group("/following", func() {
m.Get("", user.ListMyFollowing)
m.Group("/{username}", func() {
m.Get("", user.CheckMyFollowing)
m.Put("", user.Follow)
m.Delete("", user.Unfollow)
}, context_service.UserAssignmentAPI())
m.Group("/keys", func() {
Post(bind(api.CreateKeyOption{}), user.CreatePublicKey)
m.Group("/applications", func() {
Post(bind(api.CreateOAuth2ApplicationOptions{}), user.CreateOauth2Application)
Patch(bind(api.CreateOAuth2ApplicationOptions{}), user.UpdateOauth2Application).
}, reqToken())
m.Group("/gpg_keys", func() {
Post(bind(api.CreateGPGKeyOption{}), user.CreateGPGKey)
m.Get("/gpg_key_token", user.GetVerificationToken)
m.Post("/gpg_key_verify", bind(api.VerifyGPGKeyOption{}), user.VerifyUserGPGKey)
Post(bind(api.CreateRepoOption{}), repo.Create)
m.Group("/starred", func() {
m.Get("", user.GetMyStarredRepos)
m.Group("/{username}/{reponame}", func() {
m.Get("", user.IsStarring)
m.Put("", user.Star)
m.Delete("", user.Unstar)
}, repoAssignment())
m.Get("/times", repo.ListMyTrackedTimes)
m.Get("/stopwatches", repo.GetStopwatches)
m.Get("/subscriptions", user.GetMyWatchedRepos)
m.Get("/teams", org.ListUserTeams)
}, reqToken())
// Repositories
m.Post("/org/{org}/repos", reqToken(), bind(api.CreateRepoOption{}), repo.CreateOrgRepoDeprecated)
m.Combo("/repositories/{id}", reqToken()).Get(repo.GetByID)
m.Group("/repos", func() {
m.Get("/search", repo.Search)
m.Get("/issues/search", repo.SearchIssues)
Allow cross-repository dependencies on issues (#7901)
* in progress changes for #7405, added ability to add cross-repo dependencies
* removed unused repolink var
* fixed query that was breaking ci tests; fixed check in issue dependency add so that the id of the issue and dependency is checked rather than the indexes
* reverted removal of string in local files becasue these are done via crowdin, not updated manually
* removed 'Select("issue.*")' from getBlockedByDependencies and getBlockingDependencies based on comments in PR review
* changed getBlockedByDependencies and getBlockingDependencies to use a more xorm-like query, also updated the sidebar as a result
* simplified the getBlockingDependencies and getBlockedByDependencies methods; changed the sidebar to show the dependencies in a different format where you can see the name of the repository
* made some changes to the issue view in the dependencies (issue name on top, repo full name on separate line). Change view of issue in the dependency search results (also showing the full repo name on separate line)
* replace call to FindUserAccessibleRepoIDs with SearchRepositoryByName. The former was hardcoded to use isPrivate = false on the repo search, but this code needed it to be true. The SearchRepositoryByName method is used more in the code including on the user's dashboard
* some more tweaks to the layout of the issues when showing dependencies and in the search box when you add new dependencies
* added Name to the RepositoryMeta struct
* updated swagger doc
* fixed total count for link header on SearchIssues
* fixed indentation
* fixed aligment of remove icon on dependencies in issue sidebar
* removed unnecessary nil check (unnecessary because issue.loadRepo is called prior to this block)
* reverting .css change, somehow missed or forgot that less is used
* updated less file and generated css; updated sidebar template with styles to line up delete and issue index
* added ordering to the blocked by/depends on queries
* fixed sorting in issue dependency search and the depends on/blocks views to show issues from the current repo first, then by created date descending; added a "all cross repository dependencies" setting to allow this feature to be turned off, if turned off, the issue dependency search will work the way it did before (restricted to the current repository)
* re-applied my swagger changes after merge
* fixed split string condition in issue search
* changed ALLOW_CROSS_REPOSITORY_DEPENDENCIES description to sound more global than just the issue dependency search; returning 400 in the cross repo issue search api method if not enabled; fixed bug where the issue count did not respect the state parameter
* when adding a dependency to an issue, added a check to make sure the issue and dependency are in the same repo if cross repo dependencies is not enabled
* updated sortIssuesSession call in PullRequests, another commit moved this method from pull.go to pull_list.go so I had to re-apply my change here
* fixed incorrect setting of user id parameter in search repos call
5 years ago
m.Post("/migrate", reqToken(), bind(api.MigrateRepoOptions{}), repo.Migrate)
m.Group("/{username}/{reponame}", func() {
m.Combo("").Get(reqAnyRepoReader(), repo.Get).
Delete(reqToken(), reqOwner(), repo.Delete).
Patch(reqToken(), reqAdmin(), bind(api.EditRepoOption{}), repo.Edit)
m.Post("/generate", reqToken(), reqRepoReader(unit.TypeCode), bind(api.GenerateRepoOption{}), repo.Generate)
m.Post("/transfer", reqOwner(), bind(api.TransferRepoOption{}), repo.Transfer)
m.Post("/transfer/accept", reqToken(), repo.AcceptTransfer)
m.Post("/transfer/reject", reqToken(), repo.RejectTransfer)
Get(reqToken(), notify.ListRepoNotifications).
Put(reqToken(), notify.ReadRepoNotifications)
m.Group("/hooks/git", func() {
m.Group("/{id}", func() {
Patch(bind(api.EditGitHookOption{}), repo.EditGitHook).
}, reqToken(), reqAdmin(), reqGitHook(), context.ReferencesGitRepo(true))
m.Group("/hooks", func() {
Post(bind(api.CreateHookOption{}), repo.CreateHook)
m.Group("/{id}", func() {
Patch(bind(api.EditHookOption{}), repo.EditHook).
m.Post("/tests", context.ReferencesGitRepo(), context.RepoRefForAPI, repo.TestHook)
}, reqToken(), reqAdmin(), reqWebhooksEnabled())
m.Group("/collaborators", func() {
m.Get("", reqAnyRepoReader(), repo.ListCollaborators)
m.Group("/{collaborator}", func() {
m.Combo("").Get(reqAnyRepoReader(), repo.IsCollaborator).
Put(reqAdmin(), bind(api.AddCollaboratorOption{}), repo.AddCollaborator).
Delete(reqAdmin(), repo.DeleteCollaborator)
m.Get("/permission", repo.GetRepoPermissions)
}, reqToken())
}, reqToken())
m.Get("/assignees", reqToken(), reqAnyRepoReader(), repo.GetAssignees)
m.Get("/reviewers", reqToken(), reqAnyRepoReader(), repo.GetReviewers)
m.Group("/teams", func() {
m.Get("", reqAnyRepoReader(), repo.ListTeams)
m.Combo("/{team}").Get(reqAnyRepoReader(), repo.IsTeam).
Put(reqAdmin(), repo.AddTeam).
Delete(reqAdmin(), repo.DeleteTeam)
}, reqToken())
m.Get("/raw/*", context.ReferencesGitRepo(), context.RepoRefForAPI, reqRepoReader(unit.TypeCode), repo.GetRawFile)
m.Get("/media/*", context.ReferencesGitRepo(), context.RepoRefForAPI, reqRepoReader(unit.TypeCode), repo.GetRawFileOrLFS)
m.Get("/archive/*", reqRepoReader(unit.TypeCode), repo.GetArchive)
Post(reqToken(), reqRepoReader(unit.TypeCode), bind(api.CreateForkOption{}), repo.CreateFork)
m.Group("/branches", func() {
m.Get("", repo.ListBranches)
m.Get("/*", repo.GetBranch)
m.Delete("/*", reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeCode), repo.DeleteBranch)
m.Post("", reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeCode), bind(api.CreateBranchRepoOption{}), repo.CreateBranch)
}, context.ReferencesGitRepo(), reqRepoReader(unit.TypeCode))
m.Group("/branch_protections", func() {
m.Get("", repo.ListBranchProtections)
m.Post("", bind(api.CreateBranchProtectionOption{}), repo.CreateBranchProtection)
m.Group("/{name}", func() {
m.Get("", repo.GetBranchProtection)
m.Patch("", bind(api.EditBranchProtectionOption{}), repo.EditBranchProtection)
m.Delete("", repo.DeleteBranchProtection)
}, reqToken(), reqAdmin())
m.Group("/tags", func() {
m.Get("", repo.ListTags)
m.Get("/*", repo.GetTag)
m.Post("", reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeCode), bind(api.CreateTagOption{}), repo.CreateTag)
m.Delete("/*", repo.DeleteTag)
}, reqRepoReader(unit.TypeCode), context.ReferencesGitRepo(true))
m.Group("/keys", func() {
Post(bind(api.CreateKeyOption{}), repo.CreateDeployKey)
}, reqToken(), reqAdmin())
m.Group("/times", func() {
}, mustEnableIssues, reqToken())
m.Group("/wiki", func() {
Patch(mustNotBeArchived, reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeWiki), bind(api.CreateWikiPageOptions{}), repo.EditWikiPage).
Delete(mustNotBeArchived, reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeWiki), repo.DeleteWikiPage)
m.Get("/revisions/{pageName}", repo.ListPageRevisions)
m.Post("/new", mustNotBeArchived, reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeWiki), bind(api.CreateWikiPageOptions{}), repo.NewWikiPage)
m.Get("/pages", repo.ListWikiPages)
}, mustEnableWiki)
m.Group("/issues", func() {
Post(reqToken(), mustNotBeArchived, bind(api.CreateIssueOption{}), repo.CreateIssue)
m.Group("/comments", func() {
m.Get("", repo.ListRepoIssueComments)
m.Group("/{id}", func() {
Patch(mustNotBeArchived, reqToken(), bind(api.EditIssueCommentOption{}), repo.EditIssueComment).
Delete(reqToken(), repo.DeleteIssueComment)
Post(reqToken(), bind(api.EditReactionOption{}), repo.PostIssueCommentReaction).
Delete(reqToken(), bind(api.EditReactionOption{}), repo.DeleteIssueCommentReaction)
m.Group("/{index}", func() {
Patch(reqToken(), bind(api.EditIssueOption{}), repo.EditIssue).
Delete(reqToken(), reqAdmin(), repo.DeleteIssue)
m.Group("/comments", func() {
Post(reqToken(), mustNotBeArchived, bind(api.CreateIssueCommentOption{}), repo.CreateIssueComment)
m.Combo("/{id}", reqToken()).Patch(bind(api.EditIssueCommentOption{}), repo.EditIssueCommentDeprecated).
m.Get("/timeline", repo.ListIssueCommentsAndTimeline)
m.Group("/labels", func() {
Post(reqToken(), bind(api.IssueLabelsOption{}), repo.AddIssueLabels).
Put(reqToken(), bind(api.IssueLabelsOption{}), repo.ReplaceIssueLabels).
Delete(reqToken(), repo.ClearIssueLabels)
m.Delete("/{id}", reqToken(), repo.DeleteIssueLabel)
m.Group("/times", func() {
Post(bind(api.AddTimeOption{}), repo.AddTime).
m.Delete("/{id}", repo.DeleteTime)
}, reqToken())
m.Combo("/deadline").Post(reqToken(), bind(api.EditDeadlineOption{}), repo.UpdateIssueDeadline)
m.Group("/stopwatch", func() {
m.Post("/start", reqToken(), repo.StartIssueStopwatch)
m.Post("/stop", reqToken(), repo.StopIssueStopwatch)
m.Delete("/delete", reqToken(), repo.DeleteIssueStopwatch)
m.Group("/subscriptions", func() {
m.Get("", repo.GetIssueSubscribers)
m.Get("/check", reqToken(), repo.CheckIssueSubscription)
m.Put("/{user}", reqToken(), repo.AddIssueSubscription)
m.Delete("/{user}", reqToken(), repo.DelIssueSubscription)
Post(reqToken(), bind(api.EditReactionOption{}), repo.PostIssueReaction).
Delete(reqToken(), bind(api.EditReactionOption{}), repo.DeleteIssueReaction)
}, mustEnableIssuesOrPulls)
m.Group("/labels", func() {
Post(reqToken(), reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeIssues, unit.TypePullRequests), bind(api.CreateLabelOption{}), repo.CreateLabel)
Patch(reqToken(), reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeIssues, unit.TypePullRequests), bind(api.EditLabelOption{}), repo.EditLabel).
Delete(reqToken(), reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeIssues, unit.TypePullRequests), repo.DeleteLabel)
m.Post("/markdown", bind(api.MarkdownOption{}), misc.Markdown)
m.Post("/markdown/raw", misc.MarkdownRaw)
m.Group("/milestones", func() {
Post(reqToken(), reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeIssues, unit.TypePullRequests), bind(api.CreateMilestoneOption{}), repo.CreateMilestone)
Patch(reqToken(), reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeIssues, unit.TypePullRequests), bind(api.EditMilestoneOption{}), repo.EditMilestone).
Delete(reqToken(), reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeIssues, unit.TypePullRequests), repo.DeleteMilestone)
m.Get("/stargazers", repo.ListStargazers)
m.Get("/subscribers", repo.ListSubscribers)
m.Group("/subscription", func() {
m.Get("", user.IsWatching)
m.Put("", reqToken(), user.Watch)
m.Delete("", reqToken(), user.Unwatch)
m.Group("/releases", func() {
Post(reqToken(), reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeReleases), context.ReferencesGitRepo(), bind(api.CreateReleaseOption{}), repo.CreateRelease)
m.Group("/{id}", func() {
Patch(reqToken(), reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeReleases), context.ReferencesGitRepo(), bind(api.EditReleaseOption{}), repo.EditRelease).
Delete(reqToken(), reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeReleases), repo.DeleteRelease)
m.Group("/assets", func() {
Post(reqToken(), reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeReleases), repo.CreateReleaseAttachment)
Patch(reqToken(), reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeReleases), bind(api.EditAttachmentOptions{}), repo.EditReleaseAttachment).
Delete(reqToken(), reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeReleases), repo.DeleteReleaseAttachment)
m.Group("/tags", func() {
Delete(reqToken(), reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeReleases), repo.DeleteReleaseByTag)
}, reqRepoReader(unit.TypeReleases))
m.Post("/mirror-sync", reqToken(), reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeCode), repo.MirrorSync)
m.Get("/editorconfig/{filename}", context.ReferencesGitRepo(), context.RepoRefForAPI, reqRepoReader(unit.TypeCode), repo.GetEditorconfig)
m.Group("/pulls", func() {
Post(reqToken(), mustNotBeArchived, bind(api.CreatePullRequestOption{}), repo.CreatePullRequest)
m.Group("/{index}", func() {
Patch(reqToken(), bind(api.EditPullRequestOption{}), repo.EditPullRequest)
m.Get(".{diffType:diff|patch}", repo.DownloadPullDiffOrPatch)
m.Post("/update", reqToken(), repo.UpdatePullRequest)
m.Get("/commits", repo.GetPullRequestCommits)
Post(reqToken(), mustNotBeArchived, bind(forms.MergePullRequestForm{}), repo.MergePullRequest).
Delete(reqToken(), mustNotBeArchived, repo.CancelScheduledAutoMerge)
m.Group("/reviews", func() {
Post(reqToken(), bind(api.CreatePullReviewOptions{}), repo.CreatePullReview)
m.Group("/{id}", func() {
Delete(reqToken(), repo.DeletePullReview).
Post(reqToken(), bind(api.SubmitPullReviewOptions{}), repo.SubmitPullReview)
m.Post("/dismissals", reqToken(), bind(api.DismissPullReviewOptions{}), repo.DismissPullReview)
m.Post("/undismissals", reqToken(), repo.UnDismissPullReview)
Delete(reqToken(), bind(api.PullReviewRequestOptions{}), repo.DeleteReviewRequests).
Post(reqToken(), bind(api.PullReviewRequestOptions{}), repo.CreateReviewRequests)
}, mustAllowPulls, reqRepoReader(unit.TypeCode), context.ReferencesGitRepo())
m.Group("/statuses", func() {
Post(reqToken(), bind(api.CreateStatusOption{}), repo.NewCommitStatus)
}, reqRepoReader(unit.TypeCode))
m.Group("/commits", func() {
m.Get("", context.ReferencesGitRepo(), repo.GetAllCommits)
m.Group("/{ref}", func() {
m.Get("/status", repo.GetCombinedCommitStatusByRef)
m.Get("/statuses", repo.GetCommitStatusesByRef)
}, context.ReferencesGitRepo())
}, reqRepoReader(unit.TypeCode))
m.Group("/git", func() {
m.Group("/commits", func() {
m.Get("/{sha}", repo.GetSingleCommit)
m.Get("/{sha}.{diffType:diff|patch}", repo.DownloadCommitDiffOrPatch)
m.Get("/refs", repo.GetGitAllRefs)
m.Get("/refs/*", repo.GetGitRefs)
m.Get("/trees/{sha}", repo.GetTree)
m.Get("/blobs/{sha}", repo.GetBlob)
m.Get("/tags/{sha}", repo.GetAnnotatedTag)
m.Get("/notes/{sha}", repo.GetNote)
}, context.ReferencesGitRepo(), reqRepoReader(unit.TypeCode))
m.Post("/diffpatch", reqRepoWriter(unit.TypeCode), reqToken(), bind(api.ApplyDiffPatchFileOptions{}), repo.ApplyDiffPatch)
m.Group("/contents", func() {
m.Get("", repo.GetContentsList)
m.Get("/*", repo.GetContents)
m.Group("/*", func() {
m.Post("", bind(api.CreateFileOptions{}), reqRepoBranchWriter, repo.CreateFile)
m.Put("", bind(api.UpdateFileOptions{}), reqRepoBranchWriter, repo.UpdateFile)
m.Delete("", bind(api.DeleteFileOptions{}), reqRepoBranchWriter, repo.DeleteFile)
}, reqToken())
}, reqRepoReader(unit.TypeCode))
m.Get("/signing-key.gpg", misc.SigningKey)
m.Group("/topics", func() {
Put(reqToken(), reqAdmin(), bind(api.RepoTopicOptions{}), repo.UpdateTopics)
m.Group("/{topic}", func() {
m.Combo("").Put(reqToken(), repo.AddTopic).
Delete(reqToken(), repo.DeleteTopic)
}, reqAdmin())
}, reqAnyRepoReader())
m.Get("/issue_templates", context.ReferencesGitRepo(), repo.GetIssueTemplates)
m.Get("/languages", reqRepoReader(unit.TypeCode), repo.GetLanguages)
}, repoAssignment())
m.Group("/packages/{username}", func() {
m.Group("/{type}/{name}/{version}", func() {
m.Get("", packages.GetPackage)
m.Delete("", reqPackageAccess(perm.AccessModeWrite), packages.DeletePackage)
m.Get("/files", packages.ListPackageFiles)
m.Get("/", packages.ListPackages)
}, context_service.UserAssignmentAPI(), context.PackageAssignmentAPI(), reqPackageAccess(perm.AccessModeRead))
// Organizations
m.Get("/user/orgs", reqToken(), org.ListMyOrgs)
m.Group("/users/{username}/orgs", func() {
m.Get("", org.ListUserOrgs)
m.Get("/{org}/permissions", reqToken(), org.GetUserOrgsPermissions)
}, context_service.UserAssignmentAPI())
m.Post("/orgs", reqToken(), bind(api.CreateOrgOption{}), org.Create)
m.Get("/orgs", org.GetAll)
m.Group("/orgs/{org}", func() {
Patch(reqToken(), reqOrgOwnership(), bind(api.EditOrgOption{}), org.Edit).
Delete(reqToken(), reqOrgOwnership(), org.Delete)
Post(reqToken(), bind(api.CreateRepoOption{}), repo.CreateOrgRepo)
m.Group("/members", func() {
m.Get("", org.ListMembers)
Delete(reqToken(), reqOrgOwnership(), org.DeleteMember)
m.Group("/public_members", func() {
m.Get("", org.ListPublicMembers)
Put(reqToken(), reqOrgMembership(), org.PublicizeMember).
Delete(reqToken(), reqOrgMembership(), org.ConcealMember)
m.Group("/teams", func() {
m.Get("", org.ListTeams)
m.Post("", reqOrgOwnership(), bind(api.CreateTeamOption{}), org.CreateTeam)
m.Get("/search", org.SearchTeam)
}, reqToken(), reqOrgMembership())
Add Organization Wide Labels (#10814)
* Add organization wide labels
Implement organization wide labels similar to organization wide
webhooks. This lets you create individual labels for organizations that can be used
for all repos under that organization (so being able to reuse the same
label across multiple repos).
This makes it possible for small organizations with many repos to use
labels effectively.
Fixes #7406
* Add migration
* remove comments
* fix tests
* Update options/locale/locale_en-US.ini
Removed unused translation string
* show org labels in issue search label filter
* Use more clear var name
* rename migration after merge from master
* comment typo
* update migration again after rebase with master
* check for orgID <=0 per guillep2k review
* fmt
* Apply suggestions from code review
Co-Authored-By: guillep2k <18600385+guillep2k@users.noreply.github.com>
* remove unused code
* Make sure RepoID is 0 when searching orgID per code review
* more changes/code review requests
* More descriptive translation var per code review
* func description/delete comment when issue label deleted instead of hiding it
* remove comment
* only use issues in that repo when calculating number of open issues for org label on repo label page
* Add integration test for IssuesSearch API with labels
* remove unused function
* Update models/issue_label.go
Co-Authored-By: guillep2k <18600385+guillep2k@users.noreply.github.com>
* Use subquery in GetLabelIDsInReposByNames
* Fix tests to use correct orgID
* fix more tests
* IssuesSearch api now uses new BuildLabelNamesIssueIDsCondition. Add a few more tests as well
* update comment for clarity
* Revert previous code change now that we can use the new BuildLabelNamesIssueIDsCondition
* Don't sort repos by date in IssuesSearch API
After much debugging I've found a strange issue where in some cases MySQL will return a different result than other enigines if a query is sorted by a null collumn. For example with our integration test data where we don't set updated_unix in repository fixtures:
SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `owner_name`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `original_service_type`, `original_url`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `status`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `is_template`, `template_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` ORDER BY updated_unix DESC LIMIT 15 OFFSET 45
Returns different results for MySQL than other engines. However, the similar query:
SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `owner_name`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `original_service_type`, `original_url`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `status`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `is_template`, `template_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` ORDER BY updated_unix DESC LIMIT 15 OFFSET 30
Returns the same results.
This causes integration tests to fail on MySQL in certain cases but would never show up in a real installation. Since this API call always returns issues based on the optionally provided repo_priority_id or the issueID itself, there is no change to results by changing the repo sorting method used to get ids earlier in the function.
* linter is back!
* code review
* remove now unused option
* Fix newline at end of files
* more unused code
* update to master
* check for matching ids before query
* Update models/issue_label.go
Co-Authored-By: 6543 <6543@obermui.de>
* Update models/issue_label.go
* update comments
* Update routers/org/setting.go
Co-authored-by: Lauris BH <lauris@nix.lv>
Co-authored-by: guillep2k <18600385+guillep2k@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: 6543 <6543@obermui.de>
5 years ago
m.Group("/labels", func() {
m.Get("", org.ListLabels)
m.Post("", reqToken(), reqOrgOwnership(), bind(api.CreateLabelOption{}), org.CreateLabel)
Add Organization Wide Labels (#10814)
* Add organization wide labels
Implement organization wide labels similar to organization wide
webhooks. This lets you create individual labels for organizations that can be used
for all repos under that organization (so being able to reuse the same
label across multiple repos).
This makes it possible for small organizations with many repos to use
labels effectively.
Fixes #7406
* Add migration
* remove comments
* fix tests
* Update options/locale/locale_en-US.ini
Removed unused translation string
* show org labels in issue search label filter
* Use more clear var name
* rename migration after merge from master
* comment typo
* update migration again after rebase with master
* check for orgID <=0 per guillep2k review
* fmt
* Apply suggestions from code review
Co-Authored-By: guillep2k <18600385+guillep2k@users.noreply.github.com>
* remove unused code
* Make sure RepoID is 0 when searching orgID per code review
* more changes/code review requests
* More descriptive translation var per code review
* func description/delete comment when issue label deleted instead of hiding it
* remove comment
* only use issues in that repo when calculating number of open issues for org label on repo label page
* Add integration test for IssuesSearch API with labels
* remove unused function
* Update models/issue_label.go
Co-Authored-By: guillep2k <18600385+guillep2k@users.noreply.github.com>
* Use subquery in GetLabelIDsInReposByNames
* Fix tests to use correct orgID
* fix more tests
* IssuesSearch api now uses new BuildLabelNamesIssueIDsCondition. Add a few more tests as well
* update comment for clarity
* Revert previous code change now that we can use the new BuildLabelNamesIssueIDsCondition
* Don't sort repos by date in IssuesSearch API
After much debugging I've found a strange issue where in some cases MySQL will return a different result than other enigines if a query is sorted by a null collumn. For example with our integration test data where we don't set updated_unix in repository fixtures:
SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `owner_name`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `original_service_type`, `original_url`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `status`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `is_template`, `template_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` ORDER BY updated_unix DESC LIMIT 15 OFFSET 45
Returns different results for MySQL than other engines. However, the similar query:
SELECT `id`, `owner_id`, `owner_name`, `lower_name`, `name`, `description`, `website`, `original_service_type`, `original_url`, `default_branch`, `num_watches`, `num_stars`, `num_forks`, `num_issues`, `num_closed_issues`, `num_pulls`, `num_closed_pulls`, `num_milestones`, `num_closed_milestones`, `is_private`, `is_empty`, `is_archived`, `is_mirror`, `status`, `is_fork`, `fork_id`, `is_template`, `template_id`, `size`, `is_fsck_enabled`, `close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch`, `topics`, `avatar`, `created_unix`, `updated_unix` FROM `repository` ORDER BY updated_unix DESC LIMIT 15 OFFSET 30
Returns the same results.
This causes integration tests to fail on MySQL in certain cases but would never show up in a real installation. Since this API call always returns issues based on the optionally provided repo_priority_id or the issueID itself, there is no change to results by changing the repo sorting method used to get ids earlier in the function.
* linter is back!
* code review
* remove now unused option
* Fix newline at end of files
* more unused code
* update to master
* check for matching ids before query
* Update models/issue_label.go
Co-Authored-By: 6543 <6543@obermui.de>
* Update models/issue_label.go
* update comments
* Update routers/org/setting.go
Co-authored-by: Lauris BH <lauris@nix.lv>
Co-authored-by: guillep2k <18600385+guillep2k@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: 6543 <6543@obermui.de>
5 years ago
Patch(reqToken(), reqOrgOwnership(), bind(api.EditLabelOption{}), org.EditLabel).
Delete(reqToken(), reqOrgOwnership(), org.DeleteLabel)
m.Group("/hooks", func() {
Post(bind(api.CreateHookOption{}), org.CreateHook)
Patch(bind(api.EditHookOption{}), org.EditHook).
}, reqToken(), reqOrgOwnership(), reqWebhooksEnabled())
}, orgAssignment(true))
m.Group("/teams/{teamid}", func() {
Patch(reqOrgOwnership(), bind(api.EditTeamOption{}), org.EditTeam).
Delete(reqOrgOwnership(), org.DeleteTeam)
m.Group("/members", func() {
m.Get("", org.GetTeamMembers)
Put(reqOrgOwnership(), org.AddTeamMember).
Delete(reqOrgOwnership(), org.RemoveTeamMember)
m.Group("/repos", func() {
m.Get("", org.GetTeamRepos)
}, orgAssignment(false, true), reqToken(), reqTeamMembership())
m.Group("/admin", func() {
m.Group("/cron", func() {
m.Get("", admin.ListCronTasks)
m.Post("/{task}", admin.PostCronTask)
m.Get("/orgs", admin.GetAllOrgs)
m.Group("/users", func() {
m.Get("", admin.GetAllUsers)
m.Post("", bind(api.CreateUserOption{}), admin.CreateUser)
m.Group("/{username}", func() {
m.Combo("").Patch(bind(api.EditUserOption{}), admin.EditUser).
m.Group("/keys", func() {
m.Post("", bind(api.CreateKeyOption{}), admin.CreatePublicKey)
m.Delete("/{id}", admin.DeleteUserPublicKey)
m.Get("/orgs", org.ListUserOrgs)
m.Post("/orgs", bind(api.CreateOrgOption{}), admin.CreateOrg)
m.Post("/repos", bind(api.CreateRepoOption{}), admin.CreateRepo)
}, context_service.UserAssignmentAPI())
m.Group("/unadopted", func() {
m.Get("", admin.ListUnadoptedRepositories)
m.Post("/{username}/{reponame}", admin.AdoptRepository)
m.Delete("/{username}/{reponame}", admin.DeleteUnadoptedRepository)
}, reqToken(), reqSiteAdmin())
m.Group("/topics", func() {
m.Get("/search", repo.TopicSearch)
}, sudo())
return m
func securityHeaders() func(http.Handler) http.Handler {
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// CORB: https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/corb-for-developers
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/3146618/244009
resp.Header().Set("x-content-type-options", "nosniff")
next.ServeHTTP(resp, req)