app_desc = Un service Git écrit en Go auto-hébergé
home = Accueil
dashboard = Tableau de bord
explore = Explorer
help = Aide
sign_in = Connexion
social_sign_in = Social Sign In: 2nd Step <small>associate account</small>
sign_out = Déconnexion
sign_up = Créer un compte
register = S'inscrire
website = Site web
version = Version
page = Page
template = Gabarit
language = Langage
username = Usager
email = Courriel
password = Mot de passe
re_type = Tapez de nouveau
captcha = Captcha
repository = Dépôt
organization = Organisme
mirror = Mirroir
new_repo = Nouveau dépôt
new_migrate = Nouvelle migration
new_org = Nouvel organisme
manage_org = Gestion de organismes
admin_panel = Gestion
account_settings = Profil usager
settings = Configuration
news_feed = Fil de nouvelles
pull_requests = Demandes de fusion (pull requests)
issues = Suivi de problèmes
cancel = Annuler
uname_holder = Nom d'usager ou courriel
password_holder = Mot de passe
switch_dashboard_context = Changer de tableau de bord
my_repos = Mes dépôts
collaborative_repos = Dépôts partagés
my_orgs = Mes organismes
my_mirrors = Mes mirroirs
create_new_account = Créer un nouveau compte
register_hepler_msg = Déjà inscrits? Connectez-vous maintenant!
social_register_hepler_msg = Déjà inscrits? Branchez-vous!
disable_register_prompt = Désolé, l'auto-inscription n'est pas activée. Contactez l'admnistrateur du site.
disable_register_mail = Désolé, la confirmation d'inscription par courriel est désactivée. Contactez l'administrateur du site.
remember_me = Se souvenir de moi
forgot_password= Mot de passe oublié
forget_password = Mot de passe oublié?
sign_up_now = Besoin d'un compte? Inscrivez-vous maintenant.
confirmation_mail_sent_prompt = Un courriel de confirmation à été envoyé à <b>%s</b>, consultez vos courriels d'ici %d heures pour terminer l'inscription.
sign_in_email = Connexion avec votre courriel
active_your_account = Activez votre compte
resent_limit_prompt = Désolé vous demandez trop souvent un courriel de confirmation. S.v.p. patientez 3 minutes.
has_unconfirmed_mail = Bonjour %s, votre adresse courriel n'est pas vérifiée(<b>%s</b>). Si vous n'avez pas reçu de courriel de confirmation ou si vous avez besoin d'en envoyer un maintenant, appuyez sur le bouton ci-dessous.
resend_mail = Appuyez ici pour envoyer de nouveau un courriel de confirmation.
email_not_associate = Ce courriel ne correspond à aucun compte.
send_reset_mail = Appuyez ici pour (ré)envoyer un courriel pour réinitialiser de mot de passe.
reset_password = Réinitialiser votre mot de passe
invalid_code = Désolé, ce code de confirmation est périmé ou non-valide.
reset_password_helper = Appuyez ici pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe
password_too_short = La longueur du mot de passe doit être d'au moins 6 caractères.
UserName = Nom d'usager
RepoName = Nom du dépôt
Email = Adresse de courriel
Password = Mot de passe
Retype = Mot de passe (confirmation)
SSHTitle = Nom de la clef SSH
HttpsUrl = URL HTTPS
PayloadUrl = URL cible
TeamName = Nom de l'équipe
AuthName = Nom d'usager
require_error = ` ne peut être vide.`
alpha_dash_error = ` doit être composé de caractères alpha-numériques et/ou d'un tiret(-_).`
alpha_dash_dot_error = ` doit être composé de caractères alpha-numérique, un point(.) et/ou tiret(-_).`
min_size_error = ` doit être composé d'au moins %s caractères.`
max_size_error = ` doit être conposé d'au plus %s caractères.`
email_error = ` n'est pas une adresse de courriel bien formée.`
url_error = ` n'est pas un URL valide.`
unknown_error = Erreur inconnue:
captcha_incorrect = Le captcha ne concorde pas.
password_not_match = Les deux mots de passe diffèrent.
username_been_taken = `Nom d'usager dèjà utilisé.`
repo_name_been_taken = Nom de dépôt déjà utilisé.
org_name_been_taken = Nom d'organisme déjà utilisé.
team_name_been_taken = Nom d'équipe déjà utilisé.
email_been_used = Adresse de courriel déjà utilisée.
ssh_key_been_used = Nom de clef public déjà utilisé.
illegal_username = Votre nom d'usager contient des caractères interdits.
illegal_repo_name = Le nom du dépôt contient des caractères interdits.
illegal_org_name = Le nom de l'organisation contient des caractères interdits.
illegal_team_name = Le nom de l'équipe contient des caractères interdits.
username_password_incorrect = Nom d'usager ou mot de passe erroné.
enterred_invalid_repo_name = Nom de dépôt inexistant.
enterred_invalid_owner_name = Responsable de dépôt inexistant.
enterred_invalid_password = Mot de passe erroné.
user_not_exist = Nom d'usager inexistant.
last_org_owner = Ceci est le dernier responsable du dépôt. Il doit y avoir obligatoirement au moins un usager responsable.
invalid_ssh_key = Désolé, impossible de vérifier votre clef SSH: %
auth_failed = Erreur d'authentification : %v
still_own_repo = Votre compte est responsable d'au moins un dépôt. Vous devez soit détruire ces dépôts, soit transférer la responsabilité à un autre usager.
org_still_own_repo = Cet organisme est responsable d'au moins un dépôt. Vous devez soit détruire ces dépôts, soit transférer la responsabilité à un autre usager ou organisme.
still_own_user = Cet authentification est utilisé par un usager.
profile = Profile
password = Mot de passe
ssh_keys = Clefs SSH
social = Comptes médias sociaux
orgs = Organismes
delete = Supprimer votre compte
public_profile = Profil public
profile_desc = Votre adresse de couriel est publique et sera utilisée pour les avis produits par le site.
full_name = Nom complêt
website = Site web
location = Endroit
update_profile = Mettre à jour le profil
update_profile_success = Mise à jour du profil réussie.
change_password = Changer le mot de passe
old_password = Mot de passe actuel
new_password = Nouveau mot de passe
password_incorrect = Mot de passe actuel erroné.
change_password_success = Modification du mot de passe effectuée. Vous pouvez dorénavant vous connecter avec le nouveau mot de passe.
manage_ssh_keys = Gestion des clefs SSH
add_key = Ajouter une clef
ssh_desc = Voici la liste de clefs SSH associées à votre profil. Détruire les clefs que vous ne reconnaissez pas.
ssh_helper = <strong>Beson d'aide?</strong> Consultez le guide au <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys">generating SSH keys</a> ou vérifiez <a href="https://help.github.com/ssh-issues/">les problèmes SSH fréquents</a>.
add_new_key = Ajouter une clef SSH
key_name = Nom de la clef
key_content = Contenu
add_key_success = Clef SSH ajoutée!
delete_key = Détruire
add_on = Ajoutée le
last_used = Dernière utilisation le
no_activity = Pas d'activité récente
manage_social = Gestion des profils de Internets associés
social_desc = Ceci est une list de profils Internet associés. Déassociez les profils que vous ne reconnaissez pas.
unbind = Déaccocier
unbind_success = Profil Internet déassocié.
delete_account = Detruire votre compte
delete_prompt = Cette opération détruira votre compte et <strong>ne pourra être annulée</strong>!
confirm_delete_account = Confirmez la suppression
owner = Responsable
repo_name = Nom du dépôt
repo_name_helper = Les bons noms de dépôts sont courts, mémorables et <strong>uniques</strong>
visibility = Visibilité
visiblity_helper = Ce dépôt est <span class="label label-red label-radius">privé</span>
repo_desc = Description
repo_lang = Langue
repo_lang_helper = Choisir un fichier .gitignore
license = License
license_helper = Choisir un fichier de licence
init_readme = Initialiser le dépôt avec un fichier README.md
create_repo = Créer le dépôt
default_branch = Branche par défaut
mirror_interval = Intervale de synchronisation (heures)
goget_meta = Métadonnées Go-Get
goget_meta_helper = Ce dépôt sera <span class="label label-blue label-radius">Go-Getable</span>
need_auth = Authorisation requise
migrate_type = Type de migration
migrate_type_helper = Ce dépôt sera un <span class="label label-blue label-radius">mirroir</span>
migrate_repo = Migrer le dépôt
copy_link = Copier
clone_helper = Besoin d'aide pour cloner? Obtenez de l' <a target="_blank" href="http://git-scm.com/book/fr/Les-bases-de-Git-Démarrer-un-dépôt-Git">aide</a>!
unwatch = Ne plus suivre
watch = Suivre
unstar = Retirer étoile
star = Étoile
fork = Fork
quick_guide = Guide rapide
clone_this_repo = Cloner ce dépôt
create_new_repo_command = Créer un nouveau dépôt à la ligne de commande
push_exist_repo = Pousser un dépôt existant depuis la ligne de commande
settings = Réglages
settings.options = Réglages de base
settings.collaboration = Collaboration
settings.hooks = Webhooks
settings.deploy_keys = Clef de déploiement
settings.basic_settings = réglages de base
settings.danger_zone = Danger!
settings.site = Site officiel
settings.update_settings = Réglage des mises à jour
settings.transfer = Transférer la responsabilité
settings.transfer_desc = Transférer ce dépôt à un autre usager ou organisation si vous en avez la responsabilité.
settings.delete = Détruire ce dépôt
settings.delete_desc = La destruction est irrémédiable, impossible d'annuler. Soyez sûr de votre décision.
settings.update_settings_success = Réglages modifiés
settings.transfer_owner = Nouveau responsable
settings.make_transfer = Faire le transfert
settings.confirm_delete = Confirm Deletion
settings.add_collaborator = Add New Collaborator
settings.add_collaborator_success = New collaborator has been added.
settings.remove_collaborator_success = Collaborator has been removed.
settings.add_webhook = Add Webhook
settings.hooks_desc = Webhooks allow external services to be notified when certain events happen on Gogs. When the specified events happen, we'll send a POST request to each of the URLs you provide. Learn more in our <a target="_blank" href="http://gogs.io/docs/features/webhook.html">Webhooks Guide</a>.
settings.remove_hook_success = Webhook has been removed.
settings.add_webhook_desc = We’ll send a <code>POST</code> request to the URL below with details of any subscribed events. You can also specify which data format you'd like to receive (JSON, <code>x-www-form-urlencoded</code>, <em>etc</em>). More information can be found in <a target="_blank" href="http://gogs.io/docs/features/webhook.html">Webhooks Guide</a>.
settings.payload_url = Payload URL
settings.content_type = Content Type
settings.secret = Secret
settings.event_desc = Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?
settings.event_push_only = Just the <code>push</code> event.
settings.active = Active
settings.active_helper = We will deliver event details when this hook is triggered.
settings.add_hook_success = New webhook has been added.
settings.update_webhook = Update Webhook
settings.update_hook_success = Webhook has been updated.
settings.delete_webhook = Delete Webhook
settings.recent_deliveries = Recent Deliveries
settings.hook_type = Hook Type
settings.add_slack_hook_desc = Add <a href="http://slack.com">Slack</a> integration to your repository.
settings.slack_token = Token
settings.slack_domain = Domain
settings.slack_channel = Channel
org_name_holder = Organization Name
org_name_helper = Great organization names are short and memorable.
org_email_helper = Organization's Email receives all notifications and confirmations.
create_org = Create Organization
repo_updated = Updated
people = People
invite_someone = Invite Someone
teams = Teams
lower_members = members
lower_repositories = repositories
create_new_team = Create New Team
org_desc = Description
team_name = Team Name
team_desc = Description
team_name_helper = You'll use this name to mention this team in conversations.
team_desc_helper = What is this team all about?
team_permission_desc = What permission level should this team have?
settings = Settings
settings.options = Options
settings.full_name = Full Name
settings.website = Website
settings.location = Location
settings.update_settings = Update Settings
settings.update_setting_success = Organization setting has been successfully updated.
settings.delete = Delete Organization
settings.delete_account = Delete This Organization
settings.delete_prompt = The operation will delete this organization permanently, and <strong>CANNOT</strong> be undo!
settings.confirm_delete_account = Confirm Deletion
members.public = Public
members.public_helper = make private
members.private = Private
members.private_helper = make public
members.owner = Owner
members.member = Member
members.conceal = Conceal
members.remove = Remove
members.leave = Leave
members.invite_desc = Start typing a username to invite a new member to %s:
members.invite_now = Invite Now
teams.join = Join
teams.leave = Leave
teams.read_access = Read Access
teams.read_access_helper = This team will be able to view and clone its repositories.
teams.write_access = Write Access
teams.write_access_helper = This team will be able to read its repositories, as well as push to them.
teams.admin_access = Admin Access
teams.admin_access_helper = This team will be able to push/pull to its repositories, as well as add other collaborators to them.
teams.no_desc = This team has no description
teams.settings = Settings
teams.owners_permission_desc = Owners have full access to <strong>all repositories</strong> and have <strong>admin rights</strong> to the organization.
teams.members = Team Members
teams.update_settings = Update Settings
teams.delete_team = Delete This Team
teams.add_team_member = Add Team Member
teams.delete_team_success = Given team has been successfully deleted.
teams.read_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Read</strong> access: members can view and clone the team's repositories.
teams.write_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Write</strong> access: members can read from and push to the team's repositories.
teams.admin_permission_desc = This team grants <strong>Admin</strong> access: members can read from, push to, and add collaborators to the team's repositories.
teams.repositories = Team Repositories
teams.add_team_repository = Add Team Repository
teams.remove_repo = Remove
dashboard = Dashboard
users = Users
organizations = Organizations
repositories = Repositories
authentication = Authentications
config = Configuration
monitor = Monitoring
prev = Prev.
next = Next
dashboard.statistic = Statistic
dashboard.operations = Operations
dashboard.system_status = System Monitor Status
dashboard.statistic_info = Gogs database has <b>%d</b> users, <b>%d</b> organizations, <b>%d</b> public keys, <b>%d</b> repositories, <b>%d</b> watches, <b>%d</b> stars, <b>%d</b> actions, <b>%d</b> accesses, <b>%d</b> issues, <b>%d</b> comments, <b>%d</b> social accounts, <b>%d</b> follows, <b>%d</b> mirrors, <b>%d</b> releases, <b>%d</b> login sources, <b>%d</b> webhooks, <b>%d</b> milestones, <b>%d</b> labels, <b>%d</b> hook tasks, <b>%d</b> teams, <b>%d</b> update tasks, <b>%d</b> attachments.
dashboard.operation_name = Operation Name
dashboard.operation_switch = Switch
dashboard.operation_run = Run
dashboard.clean_unbind_oauth = Clean unbound OAuthes
dashboard.delete_inactivate_accounts = Delete all inactive accounts
dashboard.server_uptime = Server Uptime
dashboard.current_goroutine = Current Goroutines
dashboard.current_memory_usage = Current Memory Usage
dashboard.total_memory_allocated = Total Memory Allocated
dashboard.memory_obtained = Memory Obtained
dashboard.pointer_lookup_times = Pointer Lookup Times
dashboard.memory_allocate_times = Memory Allocate Times
dashboard.memory_free_times = Memory Free Times
dashboard.current_heap_usage = Current Heap Usage
dashboard.heap_memory_obtained = Heap Memory Obtained
dashboard.heap_memory_idle = Heap Memory Idle
dashboard.heap_memory_in_use = Heap Memory In Use
dashboard.heap_memory_released = Heap Memory Released
dashboard.heap_objects = Heap Objects
dashboard.bootstrap_stack_usage = Bootstrap Stack Usage
dashboard.stack_memory_obtained = Stack Memory Obtained
dashboard.mspan_structures_usage = MSpan Structures Usage
dashboard.mspan_structures_obtained = MSpan Structures Obtained
dashboard.mcache_structures_usage = MCache Structures Usage
dashboard.mcache_structures_obtained = MCache Structures Obtained
dashboard.profiling_bucket_hash_table_obtained = Profiling Bucket Hash Table Obtained
dashboard.gc_metadata_obtained = GC Metadada Obtained
dashboard.other_system_allocation_obtained = Other System Allocation Obtained
dashboard.next_gc_recycle = Next GC Recycle
dashboard.last_gc_time = Since Last GC Time
dashboard.total_gc_time = Total GC Pause
dashboard.total_gc_pause = Total GC Pause
dashboard.last_gc_pause = Last GC Pause
dashboard.gc_times = GC Times
users.user_manage_panel = User Manage Panel
users.new_account = Create New Account
users.name = Name
users.activated = Activated
users.admin = Admin
users.repos = Repos
users.created = Created
users.edit = Edit
users.auth_source = Authorization Source
users.local = Local
users.auth_login_name = Authorization Login Name
users.update_profile_success = Account profile has been successfully updated.
users.edit_account = Edit Account
users.is_activated = This account is activated
users.is_admin = This account has administrator permissions
users.update_profile = Update Account Profile
users.delete_account = Delete This Account
users.still_own_repo = This account still have ownership of repository, you have to delete or transfer them first.
orgs.org_manage_panel = Organization Manage Panel
orgs.name = Name
orgs.teams = Teams
orgs.members = Members
repos.repo_manage_panel = Repository Manage Panel
repos.owner = Owner
repos.name = Name
repos.private = Private
repos.watches = Watches
repos.stars = Stars
repos.issues = Issues
auths.auth_manage_panel = Authorization Manage Panel
auths.new = Add New Authorization Source
auths.name = Name
auths.type = Type
auths.enabled = Enabled
auths.updated = Updated
auths.auth_type = Authorization Type
auths.auth_name = Authorization Name
auths.domain = Domain
auths.host = Host
auths.port = Port
auths.base_dn = Base DN
auths.attributes = Search Attributes
auths.filter = Search Filter
auths.ms_ad_sa = Ms Ad SA
auths.smtp_auth = SMTP Authorization Type
auths.smtphost = SMTP Host
auths.smtpport = SMTP Port
auths.enable_tls = Enable TLS Encryption
auths.enable_auto_register = Enable Auto Registration
auths.tips = Tips
auths.edit = Edit Authorization Setting
auths.activated = This authentication has activated
auths.update_success = Authorization setting has been successfully updated.
auths.update = Update Authorization Setting
auths.delete = Delete This Authorization
config.server_config = Server Configuration
config.app_name = Application Name
config.app_ver = Application Version
config.app_url = Application URL
config.domain = Domain
config.offline_mode = Offline Mode
config.disable_router_log = Disable Router Log
config.run_user = Run User
config.run_mode = Run Mode
config.repo_root_path = Repository Root Path
config.static_file_root_path = Static File Root Path
config.log_file_root_path = Log File Root Path
config.script_type = Script Type
config.reverse_auth_user = Reverse Authentication User
config.db_config = Database Configuration
config.db_type = Type
config.db_host = Host
config.db_name = Name
config.db_user = User
config.db_ssl_mode = SSL Mode
config.db_ssl_mode_helper = (for "postgres" only)
config.db_path = Path
config.db_path_helper = (for "sqlite3" only)
config.service_config = Service Configuration
config.register_email_confirm = Register Email Confirmation
config.disable_register = Disable Registration
config.require_sign_in_view = Require Sign In View
config.mail_notify = Mail Notification
config.enable_cache_avatar = Enable Cache Avatar
config.active_code_lives = Active Code Lives
config.reset_password_code_lives = Reset Password Code Lives
config.webhook_config = Webhook Configuration
config.task_interval = Task Interval
config.deliver_timeout = Deliver Timeout
config.mailer_config = Mailer Configuration
config.mailer_enabled = Enabled
config.mailer_name = Name
config.mailer_host = Host
config.mailer_user = User
config.oauth_config = OAuth Configuration
config.oauth_enabled = Enabled
config.cache_config = Cache Configuration
config.cache_adapter = Cache Adapter
config.cache_interval = Cache Interval
config.cache_conn = Cache Connection
config.session_config = Session Configuration
config.session_provider = Session Provider
config.provider_config = Provider Config
config.cookie_name = Cookie Name
config.enable_set_cookie = Enable Set Cookie
config.gc_interval_time = GC Interval Time
config.session_life_time = Session Life Time
config.https_only = HTTPS Only
config.cookie_life_time = Cookie Life Time
config.session_hash_function = Session ID Hash Function
config.session_hash_key = Session ID Hash Key
config.picture_config = Picture Configuration
config.picture_service = Picture Service
config.disable_gravatar = Disable Gravatar
config.log_config = Log Configuration
config.log_mode = Log Mode
monitor.cron = Cron Tasks
monitor.name = Name
monitor.schedule = Schedule
monitor.next = Next Time
monitor.previous = Previous Time
monitor.execute_times = Execute Times
monitor.process = Running Processes
monitor.desc = Description
monitor.start = Start Time
monitor.execute_time = Execution Time
create_repo = a créé le dépôt <a href="/%s">%s</a>
commit_repo = a poussé sur <a href="/%s/src/%s">%s</a> à <a href="/%s">%s</a>
create_issue = a ouvert le ticket <a href="/%s/issues/%s">%s#%s</a>
comment_issue = a commenté sur le ticket <a href="/%s/issues/%s">%s#%s</a>
ago = ago
from_now = from now
now = now
1s = 1 second %s
1m = 1 minute %s
1h = 1 hour %s
1d = 1 day %s
1w = 1 week %s
1mon = 1 month %s
1y = 1 year %s
seconds = %d seconds %s
minutes = %d minutes %s
hours = %d hours %s
days = %d days %s
weeks = %d weeks %s
months = %d months %s
years = %d years %s
raw_seconds = seconds
raw_minutes = minutes