// Copyright 2015 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2017 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package migrations
import (
gouuid "github.com/satori/go.uuid"
ini "gopkg.in/ini.v1"
const minDBVersion = 4
// Migration describes on migration from lower version to high version
type Migration interface {
Description ( ) string
Migrate ( * xorm . Engine ) error
type migration struct {
description string
migrate func ( * xorm . Engine ) error
// NewMigration creates a new migration
func NewMigration ( desc string , fn func ( * xorm . Engine ) error ) Migration {
return & migration { desc , fn }
// Description returns the migration's description
func ( m * migration ) Description ( ) string {
return m . description
// Migrate executes the migration
func ( m * migration ) Migrate ( x * xorm . Engine ) error {
return m . migrate ( x )
// Version describes the version table. Should have only one row with id==1
type Version struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
Version int64
func emptyMigration ( x * xorm . Engine ) error {
return nil
// This is a sequence of migrations. Add new migrations to the bottom of the list.
// If you want to "retire" a migration, remove it from the top of the list and
// update minDBVersion accordingly
var migrations = [ ] Migration {
// v0 -> v4: before 0.6.0 -> 0.7.33
NewMigration ( "fix locale file load panic" , fixLocaleFileLoadPanic ) , // V4 -> V5:v0.6.0
NewMigration ( "trim action compare URL prefix" , trimCommitActionAppURLPrefix ) , // V5 -> V6:v0.6.3
NewMigration ( "generate issue-label from issue" , issueToIssueLabel ) , // V6 -> V7:v0.6.4
NewMigration ( "refactor attachment table" , attachmentRefactor ) , // V7 -> V8:v0.6.4
NewMigration ( "rename pull request fields" , renamePullRequestFields ) , // V8 -> V9:v0.6.16
NewMigration ( "clean up migrate repo info" , cleanUpMigrateRepoInfo ) , // V9 -> V10:v0.6.20
NewMigration ( "generate rands and salt for organizations" , generateOrgRandsAndSalt ) , // V10 -> V11:v0.8.5
NewMigration ( "convert date to unix timestamp" , convertDateToUnix ) , // V11 -> V12:v0.9.2
NewMigration ( "convert LDAP UseSSL option to SecurityProtocol" , ldapUseSSLToSecurityProtocol ) , // V12 -> V13:v0.9.37
// v13 -> v14:v0.9.87
NewMigration ( "set comment updated with created" , setCommentUpdatedWithCreated ) ,
// v14 -> v15
NewMigration ( "create user column diff view style" , createUserColumnDiffViewStyle ) ,
// v15 -> v16
NewMigration ( "create user column allow create organization" , createAllowCreateOrganizationColumn ) ,
// V16 -> v17
NewMigration ( "create repo unit table and add units for all repos" , addUnitsToTables ) ,
// v17 -> v18
NewMigration ( "set protect branches updated with created" , setProtectedBranchUpdatedWithCreated ) ,
// v18 -> v19
NewMigration ( "add external login user" , addExternalLoginUser ) ,
// v19 -> v20
NewMigration ( "generate and migrate Git hooks" , generateAndMigrateGitHooks ) ,
// v20 -> v21
NewMigration ( "use new avatar path name for security reason" , useNewNameAvatars ) ,
// v21 -> v22
NewMigration ( "rewrite authorized_keys file via new format" , useNewPublickeyFormat ) ,
// v22 -> v23
NewMigration ( "generate and migrate wiki Git hooks" , generateAndMigrateWikiGitHooks ) ,
// v23 -> v24
NewMigration ( "add user openid table" , addUserOpenID ) ,
// v24 -> v25
NewMigration ( "change the key_id and primary_key_id type" , changeGPGKeysColumns ) ,
// v25 -> v26
NewMigration ( "add show field in user openid table" , addUserOpenIDShow ) ,
// v26 -> v27
NewMigration ( "generate and migrate repo and wiki Git hooks" , generateAndMigrateGitHookChains ) ,
// v27 -> v28
NewMigration ( "change mirror interval from hours to time.Duration" , convertIntervalToDuration ) ,
// v28 -> v29
NewMigration ( "add field for repo size" , addRepoSize ) ,
// v29 -> v30
NewMigration ( "add commit status table" , addCommitStatus ) ,
// v30 -> 31
NewMigration ( "add primary key to external login user" , addExternalLoginUserPK ) ,
// v31 -> 32
NewMigration ( "add field for login source synchronization" , addLoginSourceSyncEnabledColumn ) ,
// v32 -> v33
NewMigration ( "add units for team" , addUnitsToRepoTeam ) ,
// v33 -> v34
NewMigration ( "remove columns from action" , removeActionColumns ) ,
// v34 -> v35
NewMigration ( "give all units to owner teams" , giveAllUnitsToOwnerTeams ) ,
// v35 -> v36
NewMigration ( "adds comment to an action" , addCommentIDToAction ) ,
// v36 -> v37
NewMigration ( "regenerate git hooks" , regenerateGitHooks36 ) ,
// v37 -> v38
NewMigration ( "unescape user full names" , unescapeUserFullNames ) ,
// v38 -> v39
NewMigration ( "remove commits and settings unit types" , removeCommitsUnitType ) ,
// v39 -> v40
NewMigration ( "add tags to releases and sync existing repositories" , releaseAddColumnIsTagAndSyncTags ) ,
// v40 -> v41
NewMigration ( "fix protected branch can push value to false" , fixProtectedBranchCanPushValue ) ,
// v41 -> v42
NewMigration ( "remove duplicate unit types" , removeDuplicateUnitTypes ) ,
// v42 -> v43
NewMigration ( "empty step" , emptyMigration ) ,
// v43 -> v44
NewMigration ( "empty step" , emptyMigration ) ,
// v44 -> v45
NewMigration ( "empty step" , emptyMigration ) ,
// v45 -> v46
NewMigration ( "remove index column from repo_unit table" , removeIndexColumnFromRepoUnitTable ) ,
// v46 -> v47
NewMigration ( "remove organization watch repositories" , removeOrganizationWatchRepo ) ,
// v47 -> v48
NewMigration ( "add deleted branches" , addDeletedBranch ) ,
// v48 -> v49
NewMigration ( "add repo indexer status" , addRepoIndexerStatus ) ,
// v49 -> v50
NewMigration ( "adds time tracking and stopwatches" , addTimetracking ) ,
// v50 -> v51
NewMigration ( "migrate protected branch struct" , migrateProtectedBranchStruct ) ,
// v51 -> v52
NewMigration ( "add default value to user prohibit_login" , addDefaultValueToUserProhibitLogin ) ,
// v52 -> v53
NewMigration ( "add lfs lock table" , addLFSLock ) ,
// v53 -> v54
NewMigration ( "add reactions" , addReactions ) ,
// v54 -> v55
NewMigration ( "add pull request options" , addPullRequestOptions ) ,
// v55 -> v56
NewMigration ( "add writable deploy keys" , addModeToDeploKeys ) ,
// v56 -> v57
NewMigration ( "remove is_owner, num_teams columns from org_user" , removeIsOwnerColumnFromOrgUser ) ,
// v57 -> v58
NewMigration ( "add closed_unix column for issues" , addIssueClosedTime ) ,
// v58 -> v59
NewMigration ( "add label descriptions" , addLabelsDescriptions ) ,
// v59 -> v60
NewMigration ( "add merge whitelist for protected branches" , addProtectedBranchMergeWhitelist ) ,
// v60 -> v61
NewMigration ( "add is_fsck_enabled column for repos" , addFsckEnabledToRepo ) ,
// v61 -> v62
NewMigration ( "add size column for attachments" , addSizeToAttachment ) ,
// v62 -> v63
NewMigration ( "add last used passcode column for TOTP" , addLastUsedPasscodeTOTP ) ,
// v63 -> v64
NewMigration ( "add language column for user setting" , addLanguageSetting ) ,
// v64 -> v65
NewMigration ( "add multiple assignees" , addMultipleAssignees ) ,
// v65 -> v66
NewMigration ( "add u2f" , addU2FReg ) ,
// v66 -> v67
NewMigration ( "add login source id column for public_key table" , addLoginSourceIDToPublicKeyTable ) ,
// v67 -> v68
NewMigration ( "remove stale watches" , removeStaleWatches ) ,
// v68 -> V69
NewMigration ( "Reformat and remove incorrect topics" , reformatAndRemoveIncorrectTopics ) ,
// v69 -> v70
NewMigration ( "move team units to team_unit table" , moveTeamUnitsToTeamUnitTable ) ,
// v70 -> v71
NewMigration ( "add issue_dependencies" , addIssueDependencies ) ,
// v71 -> v72
NewMigration ( "protect each scratch token" , addScratchHash ) ,
// v72 -> v73
NewMigration ( "add review" , addReview ) ,
// v73 -> v74
NewMigration ( "add must_change_password column for users table" , addMustChangePassword ) ,
// v74 -> v75
NewMigration ( "add approval whitelists to protected branches" , addApprovalWhitelistsToProtectedBranches ) ,
// v75 -> v76
NewMigration ( "clear nonused data which not deleted when user was deleted" , clearNonusedData ) ,
// v76 -> v77
NewMigration ( "add pull request rebase with merge commit" , addPullRequestRebaseWithMerge ) ,
// v77 -> v78
NewMigration ( "add theme to users" , addUserDefaultTheme ) ,
// v78 -> v79
NewMigration ( "rename repo is_bare to repo is_empty" , renameRepoIsBareToIsEmpty ) ,
// v79 -> v80
NewMigration ( "add can close issues via commit in any branch" , addCanCloseIssuesViaCommitInAnyBranch ) ,
// v80 -> v81
NewMigration ( "add is locked to issues" , addIsLockedToIssues ) ,
// v81 -> v82
NewMigration ( "update U2F counter type" , changeU2FCounterType ) ,
// v82 -> v83
NewMigration ( "hot fix for wrong release sha1 on release table" , fixReleaseSha1OnReleaseTable ) ,
// v83 -> v84
NewMigration ( "add uploader id for table attachment" , addUploaderIDForAttachment ) ,
// v84 -> v85
NewMigration ( "add table to store original imported gpg keys" , addGPGKeyImport ) ,
// v85 -> v86
NewMigration ( "hash application token" , hashAppToken ) ,
// v86 -> v87
NewMigration ( "add http method to webhook" , addHTTPMethodToWebhook ) ,
// v87 -> v88
NewMigration ( "add avatar field to repository" , addAvatarFieldToRepository ) ,
// v88 -> v89
NewMigration ( "add commit status context field to commit_status" , addCommitStatusContext ) ,
// v89 -> v90
NewMigration ( "add original author/url migration info to issues, comments, and repo " , addOriginalMigrationInfo ) ,
// v90 -> v91
NewMigration ( "change length of some repository columns" , changeSomeColumnsLengthOfRepo ) ,
// v91 -> v92
NewMigration ( "add index on owner_id of repository and type, review_id of comment" , addIndexOnRepositoryAndComment ) ,
// v92 -> v93
NewMigration ( "remove orphaned repository index statuses" , removeLingeringIndexStatus ) ,
// v93 -> v94
NewMigration ( "add email notification enabled preference to user" , addEmailNotificationEnabledToUser ) ,
// v94 -> v95
NewMigration ( "add enable_status_check, status_check_contexts to protected_branch" , addStatusCheckColumnsForProtectedBranches ) ,
// v95 -> v96
NewMigration ( "add table columns for cross referencing issues" , addCrossReferenceColumns ) ,
// v96 -> v97
NewMigration ( "delete orphaned attachments" , deleteOrphanedAttachments ) ,
// v97 -> v98
NewMigration ( "add repo_admin_change_team_access to user" , addRepoAdminChangeTeamAccessColumnForUser ) ,
// v98 -> v99
NewMigration ( "add original author name and id on migrated release" , addOriginalAuthorOnMigratedReleases ) ,
// v99 -> v100
NewMigration ( "add task table and status column for repository table" , addTaskTable ) ,
// v100 -> v101
NewMigration ( "update migration repositories' service type" , updateMigrationServiceTypes ) ,
// v101 -> v102
NewMigration ( "change length of some external login users columns" , changeSomeColumnsLengthOfExternalLoginUser ) ,
// Migrate database to current version
func Migrate ( x * xorm . Engine ) error {
if err := x . Sync ( new ( Version ) ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "sync: %v" , err )
currentVersion := & Version { ID : 1 }
has , err := x . Get ( currentVersion )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "get: %v" , err )
} else if ! has {
// If the version record does not exist we think
// it is a fresh installation and we can skip all migrations.
currentVersion . ID = 0
currentVersion . Version = int64 ( minDBVersion + len ( migrations ) )
if _ , err = x . InsertOne ( currentVersion ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "insert: %v" , err )
v := currentVersion . Version
if minDBVersion > v {
log . Fatal ( ` Gitea no longer supports auto - migration from your previously installed version .
Please try to upgrade to a lower version ( >= v0 .6 .0 ) first , then upgrade to current version . ` )
return nil
if int ( v - minDBVersion ) > len ( migrations ) {
// User downgraded Gitea.
currentVersion . Version = int64 ( len ( migrations ) + minDBVersion )
_ , err = x . ID ( 1 ) . Update ( currentVersion )
return err
for i , m := range migrations [ v - minDBVersion : ] {
log . Info ( "Migration[%d]: %s" , v + int64 ( i ) , m . Description ( ) )
if err = m . Migrate ( x ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "do migrate: %v" , err )
currentVersion . Version = v + int64 ( i ) + 1
if _ , err = x . ID ( 1 ) . Update ( currentVersion ) ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
func dropTableColumns ( sess * xorm . Session , tableName string , columnNames ... string ) ( err error ) {
if tableName == "" || len ( columnNames ) == 0 {
return nil
// TODO: This will not work if there are foreign keys
switch {
case setting . Database . UseSQLite3 :
// First drop the indexes on the columns
res , errIndex := sess . Query ( fmt . Sprintf ( "PRAGMA index_list(`%s`)" , tableName ) )
if errIndex != nil {
return errIndex
for _ , row := range res {
indexName := row [ "name" ]
indexRes , err := sess . Query ( fmt . Sprintf ( "PRAGMA index_info(`%s`)" , indexName ) )
if err != nil {
return err
if len ( indexRes ) != 1 {
indexColumn := string ( indexRes [ 0 ] [ "name" ] )
for _ , name := range columnNames {
if name == indexColumn {
_ , err := sess . Exec ( fmt . Sprintf ( "DROP INDEX `%s`" , indexName ) )
if err != nil {
return err
// Here we need to get the columns from the original table
sql := fmt . Sprintf ( "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name='%s' and type='table'" , tableName )
res , err := sess . Query ( sql )
if err != nil {
return err
tableSQL := string ( res [ 0 ] [ "sql" ] )
// Separate out the column definitions
tableSQL = tableSQL [ strings . Index ( tableSQL , "(" ) : ]
// Remove the required columnNames
for _ , name := range columnNames {
tableSQL = regexp . MustCompile ( regexp . QuoteMeta ( "`" + name + "`" ) + "[^`,)]*?[,)]" ) . ReplaceAllString ( tableSQL , "" )
// Ensure the query is ended properly
tableSQL = strings . TrimSpace ( tableSQL )
if tableSQL [ len ( tableSQL ) - 1 ] != ')' {
if tableSQL [ len ( tableSQL ) - 1 ] == ',' {
tableSQL = tableSQL [ : len ( tableSQL ) - 1 ]
tableSQL += ")"
// Find all the columns in the table
columns := regexp . MustCompile ( "`([^`]*)`" ) . FindAllString ( tableSQL , - 1 )
tableSQL = fmt . Sprintf ( "CREATE TABLE `new_%s_new` " , tableName ) + tableSQL
if _ , err := sess . Exec ( tableSQL ) ; err != nil {
return err
// Now restore the data
columnsSeparated := strings . Join ( columns , "," )
insertSQL := fmt . Sprintf ( "INSERT INTO `new_%s_new` (%s) SELECT %s FROM %s" , tableName , columnsSeparated , columnsSeparated , tableName )
if _ , err := sess . Exec ( insertSQL ) ; err != nil {
return err
// Now drop the old table
if _ , err := sess . Exec ( fmt . Sprintf ( "DROP TABLE `%s`" , tableName ) ) ; err != nil {
return err
// Rename the table
if _ , err := sess . Exec ( fmt . Sprintf ( "ALTER TABLE `new_%s_new` RENAME TO `%s`" , tableName , tableName ) ) ; err != nil {
return err
case setting . Database . UsePostgreSQL :
cols := ""
for _ , col := range columnNames {
if cols != "" {
cols += ", "
cols += "DROP COLUMN `" + col + "` CASCADE"
if _ , err := sess . Exec ( fmt . Sprintf ( "ALTER TABLE `%s` %s" , tableName , cols ) ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Drop table `%s` columns %v: %v" , tableName , columnNames , err )
case setting . Database . UseMySQL :
// Drop indexes on columns first
sql := fmt . Sprintf ( "SHOW INDEX FROM %s WHERE column_name IN ('%s')" , tableName , strings . Join ( columnNames , "','" ) )
res , err := sess . Query ( sql )
if err != nil {
return err
for _ , index := range res {
indexName := index [ "column_name" ]
if len ( indexName ) > 0 {
_ , err := sess . Exec ( fmt . Sprintf ( "DROP INDEX `%s` ON `%s`" , indexName , tableName ) )
if err != nil {
return err
// Now drop the columns
cols := ""
for _ , col := range columnNames {
if cols != "" {
cols += ", "
cols += "DROP COLUMN `" + col + "`"
if _ , err := sess . Exec ( fmt . Sprintf ( "ALTER TABLE `%s` %s" , tableName , cols ) ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Drop table `%s` columns %v: %v" , tableName , columnNames , err )
case setting . Database . UseMSSQL :
cols := ""
for _ , col := range columnNames {
if cols != "" {
cols += ", "
cols += "`" + strings . ToLower ( col ) + "`"
sql := fmt . Sprintf ( "SELECT Name FROM SYS.DEFAULT_CONSTRAINTS WHERE PARENT_OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID('%[1]s') AND PARENT_COLUMN_ID IN (SELECT column_id FROM sys.columns WHERE lower(NAME) IN (%[2]s) AND object_id = OBJECT_ID('%[1]s'))" ,
tableName , strings . Replace ( cols , "`" , "'" , - 1 ) )
constraints := make ( [ ] string , 0 )
if err := sess . SQL ( sql ) . Find ( & constraints ) ; err != nil {
sess . Rollback ( )
return fmt . Errorf ( "Find constraints: %v" , err )
for _ , constraint := range constraints {
if _ , err := sess . Exec ( fmt . Sprintf ( "ALTER TABLE `%s` DROP CONSTRAINT `%s`" , tableName , constraint ) ) ; err != nil {
sess . Rollback ( )
return fmt . Errorf ( "Drop table `%s` constraint `%s`: %v" , tableName , constraint , err )
if _ , err := sess . Exec ( fmt . Sprintf ( "ALTER TABLE `%s` DROP COLUMN %s" , tableName , cols ) ) ; err != nil {
sess . Rollback ( )
return fmt . Errorf ( "Drop table `%s` columns %v: %v" , tableName , columnNames , err )
return sess . Commit ( )
default :
log . Fatal ( "Unrecognized DB" )
return nil
func fixLocaleFileLoadPanic ( _ * xorm . Engine ) error {
cfg , err := ini . Load ( setting . CustomConf )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "load custom config: %v" , err )
cfg . DeleteSection ( "i18n" )
if err = cfg . SaveTo ( setting . CustomConf ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "save custom config: %v" , err )
setting . Langs = strings . Split ( strings . Replace ( strings . Join ( setting . Langs , "," ) , "fr-CA" , "fr-FR" , 1 ) , "," )
return nil
func trimCommitActionAppURLPrefix ( x * xorm . Engine ) error {
type PushCommit struct {
Sha1 string
Message string
AuthorEmail string
AuthorName string
type PushCommits struct {
Len int
Commits [ ] * PushCommit
CompareURL string ` json:"CompareUrl" `
type Action struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
Content string ` xorm:"TEXT" `
results , err := x . Query ( "SELECT `id`,`content` FROM `action` WHERE `op_type`=?" , 5 )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "select commit actions: %v" , err )
sess := x . NewSession ( )
defer sess . Close ( )
if err = sess . Begin ( ) ; err != nil {
return err
var pushCommits * PushCommits
for _ , action := range results {
actID := com . StrTo ( string ( action [ "id" ] ) ) . MustInt64 ( )
if actID == 0 {
pushCommits = new ( PushCommits )
if err = json . Unmarshal ( action [ "content" ] , pushCommits ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "unmarshal action content[%d]: %v" , actID , err )
infos := strings . Split ( pushCommits . CompareURL , "/" )
if len ( infos ) <= 4 {
pushCommits . CompareURL = strings . Join ( infos [ len ( infos ) - 4 : ] , "/" )
p , err := json . Marshal ( pushCommits )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "marshal action content[%d]: %v" , actID , err )
if _ , err = sess . ID ( actID ) . Update ( & Action {
Content : string ( p ) ,
} ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "update action[%d]: %v" , actID , err )
return sess . Commit ( )
func issueToIssueLabel ( x * xorm . Engine ) error {
type IssueLabel struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
IssueID int64 ` xorm:"UNIQUE(s)" `
LabelID int64 ` xorm:"UNIQUE(s)" `
issueLabels := make ( [ ] * IssueLabel , 0 , 50 )
results , err := x . Query ( "SELECT `id`,`label_ids` FROM `issue`" )
if err != nil {
if strings . Contains ( err . Error ( ) , "no such column" ) ||
strings . Contains ( err . Error ( ) , "Unknown column" ) {
return nil
return fmt . Errorf ( "select issues: %v" , err )
for _ , issue := range results {
issueID := com . StrTo ( issue [ "id" ] ) . MustInt64 ( )
// Just in case legacy code can have duplicated IDs for same label.
mark := make ( map [ int64 ] bool )
for _ , idStr := range strings . Split ( string ( issue [ "label_ids" ] ) , "|" ) {
labelID := com . StrTo ( strings . TrimPrefix ( idStr , "$" ) ) . MustInt64 ( )
if labelID == 0 || mark [ labelID ] {
mark [ labelID ] = true
issueLabels = append ( issueLabels , & IssueLabel {
IssueID : issueID ,
LabelID : labelID ,
} )
sess := x . NewSession ( )
defer sess . Close ( )
if err = sess . Begin ( ) ; err != nil {
return err
if err = sess . Sync2 ( new ( IssueLabel ) ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Sync2: %v" , err )
} else if _ , err = sess . Insert ( issueLabels ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "insert issue-labels: %v" , err )
return sess . Commit ( )
func attachmentRefactor ( x * xorm . Engine ) error {
type Attachment struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
UUID string ` xorm:"uuid INDEX" `
// For rename purpose.
Path string ` xorm:"-" `
NewPath string ` xorm:"-" `
results , err := x . Query ( "SELECT * FROM `attachment`" )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "select attachments: %v" , err )
attachments := make ( [ ] * Attachment , 0 , len ( results ) )
for _ , attach := range results {
if ! com . IsExist ( string ( attach [ "path" ] ) ) {
// If the attachment is already missing, there is no point to update it.
attachments = append ( attachments , & Attachment {
ID : com . StrTo ( attach [ "id" ] ) . MustInt64 ( ) ,
UUID : gouuid . NewV4 ( ) . String ( ) ,
Path : string ( attach [ "path" ] ) ,
} )
sess := x . NewSession ( )
defer sess . Close ( )
if err = sess . Begin ( ) ; err != nil {
return err
if err = sess . Sync2 ( new ( Attachment ) ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Sync2: %v" , err )
// Note: Roll back for rename can be a dead loop,
// so produces a backup file.
var buf bytes . Buffer
buf . WriteString ( "# old path -> new path\n" )
// Update database first because this is where error happens the most often.
for _ , attach := range attachments {
if _ , err = sess . ID ( attach . ID ) . Update ( attach ) ; err != nil {
return err
attach . NewPath = path . Join ( setting . AttachmentPath , attach . UUID [ 0 : 1 ] , attach . UUID [ 1 : 2 ] , attach . UUID )
buf . WriteString ( attach . Path )
buf . WriteString ( "\t" )
buf . WriteString ( attach . NewPath )
buf . WriteString ( "\n" )
// Then rename attachments.
isSucceed := true
defer func ( ) {
if isSucceed {
dumpPath := path . Join ( setting . LogRootPath , "attachment_path.dump" )
ioutil . WriteFile ( dumpPath , buf . Bytes ( ) , 0666 )
log . Info ( "Failed to rename some attachments, old and new paths are saved into: %s" , dumpPath )
} ( )
for _ , attach := range attachments {
if err = os . MkdirAll ( path . Dir ( attach . NewPath ) , os . ModePerm ) ; err != nil {
isSucceed = false
return err
if err = os . Rename ( attach . Path , attach . NewPath ) ; err != nil {
isSucceed = false
return err
return sess . Commit ( )
func renamePullRequestFields ( x * xorm . Engine ) ( err error ) {
type PullRequest struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
PullID int64 ` xorm:"INDEX" `
PullIndex int64
HeadBarcnh string
IssueID int64 ` xorm:"INDEX" `
Index int64
HeadBranch string
if err = x . Sync ( new ( PullRequest ) ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "sync: %v" , err )
results , err := x . Query ( "SELECT `id`,`pull_id`,`pull_index`,`head_barcnh` FROM `pull_request`" )
if err != nil {
if strings . Contains ( err . Error ( ) , "no such column" ) {
return nil
return fmt . Errorf ( "select pull requests: %v" , err )
sess := x . NewSession ( )
defer sess . Close ( )
if err = sess . Begin ( ) ; err != nil {
return err
var pull * PullRequest
for _ , pr := range results {
pull = & PullRequest {
ID : com . StrTo ( pr [ "id" ] ) . MustInt64 ( ) ,
IssueID : com . StrTo ( pr [ "pull_id" ] ) . MustInt64 ( ) ,
Index : com . StrTo ( pr [ "pull_index" ] ) . MustInt64 ( ) ,
HeadBranch : string ( pr [ "head_barcnh" ] ) ,
if pull . Index == 0 {
if _ , err = sess . ID ( pull . ID ) . Update ( pull ) ; err != nil {
return err
return sess . Commit ( )
func cleanUpMigrateRepoInfo ( x * xorm . Engine ) ( err error ) {
type (
User struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
LowerName string
Repository struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
OwnerID int64
LowerName string
repos := make ( [ ] * Repository , 0 , 25 )
if err = x . Where ( "is_mirror=?" , false ) . Find ( & repos ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "select all non-mirror repositories: %v" , err )
var user * User
for _ , repo := range repos {
user = & User { ID : repo . OwnerID }
has , err := x . Get ( user )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "get owner of repository[%d - %d]: %v" , repo . ID , repo . OwnerID , err )
} else if ! has {
configPath := filepath . Join ( setting . RepoRootPath , user . LowerName , repo . LowerName + ".git/config" )
// In case repository file is somehow missing.
if ! com . IsFile ( configPath ) {
cfg , err := ini . Load ( configPath )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "open config file: %v" , err )
cfg . DeleteSection ( "remote \"origin\"" )
if err = cfg . SaveToIndent ( configPath , "\t" ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "save config file: %v" , err )
return nil
func generateOrgRandsAndSalt ( x * xorm . Engine ) ( err error ) {
type User struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
Rands string ` xorm:"VARCHAR(10)" `
Salt string ` xorm:"VARCHAR(10)" `
orgs := make ( [ ] * User , 0 , 10 )
if err = x . Where ( "type=1" ) . And ( "rands=''" ) . Find ( & orgs ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "select all organizations: %v" , err )
sess := x . NewSession ( )
defer sess . Close ( )
if err = sess . Begin ( ) ; err != nil {
return err
for _ , org := range orgs {
if org . Rands , err = generate . GetRandomString ( 10 ) ; err != nil {
return err
if org . Salt , err = generate . GetRandomString ( 10 ) ; err != nil {
return err
if _ , err = sess . ID ( org . ID ) . Update ( org ) ; err != nil {
return err
return sess . Commit ( )
// TAction defines the struct for migrating table action
type TAction struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
CreatedUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TAction ) TableName ( ) string { return "action" }
// TNotice defines the struct for migrating table notice
type TNotice struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
CreatedUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TNotice ) TableName ( ) string { return "notice" }
// TComment defines the struct for migrating table comment
type TComment struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
CreatedUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TComment ) TableName ( ) string { return "comment" }
// TIssue defines the struct for migrating table issue
type TIssue struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
DeadlineUnix int64
CreatedUnix int64
UpdatedUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TIssue ) TableName ( ) string { return "issue" }
// TMilestone defines the struct for migrating table milestone
type TMilestone struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
DeadlineUnix int64
ClosedDateUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TMilestone ) TableName ( ) string { return "milestone" }
// TAttachment defines the struct for migrating table attachment
type TAttachment struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
CreatedUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TAttachment ) TableName ( ) string { return "attachment" }
// TLoginSource defines the struct for migrating table login_source
type TLoginSource struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
CreatedUnix int64
UpdatedUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TLoginSource ) TableName ( ) string { return "login_source" }
// TPull defines the struct for migrating table pull_request
type TPull struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
MergedUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TPull ) TableName ( ) string { return "pull_request" }
// TRelease defines the struct for migrating table release
type TRelease struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
CreatedUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TRelease ) TableName ( ) string { return "release" }
// TRepo defines the struct for migrating table repository
type TRepo struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
CreatedUnix int64
UpdatedUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TRepo ) TableName ( ) string { return "repository" }
// TMirror defines the struct for migrating table mirror
type TMirror struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
UpdatedUnix int64
NextUpdateUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TMirror ) TableName ( ) string { return "mirror" }
// TPublicKey defines the struct for migrating table public_key
type TPublicKey struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
CreatedUnix int64
UpdatedUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TPublicKey ) TableName ( ) string { return "public_key" }
// TDeployKey defines the struct for migrating table deploy_key
type TDeployKey struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
CreatedUnix int64
UpdatedUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TDeployKey ) TableName ( ) string { return "deploy_key" }
// TAccessToken defines the struct for migrating table access_token
type TAccessToken struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
CreatedUnix int64
UpdatedUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TAccessToken ) TableName ( ) string { return "access_token" }
// TUser defines the struct for migrating table user
type TUser struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
CreatedUnix int64
UpdatedUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TUser ) TableName ( ) string { return "user" }
// TWebhook defines the struct for migrating table webhook
type TWebhook struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
CreatedUnix int64
UpdatedUnix int64
// TableName will be invoked by XORM to customrize the table name
func ( t * TWebhook ) TableName ( ) string { return "webhook" }
func convertDateToUnix ( x * xorm . Engine ) ( err error ) {
log . Info ( "This migration could take up to minutes, please be patient." )
type Bean struct {
ID int64 ` xorm:"pk autoincr" `
Created time . Time
Updated time . Time
Merged time . Time
Deadline time . Time
ClosedDate time . Time
NextUpdate time . Time
var tables = [ ] struct {
name string
cols [ ] string
bean interface { }
} {
{ "action" , [ ] string { "created" } , new ( TAction ) } ,
{ "notice" , [ ] string { "created" } , new ( TNotice ) } ,
{ "comment" , [ ] string { "created" } , new ( TComment ) } ,
{ "issue" , [ ] string { "deadline" , "created" , "updated" } , new ( TIssue ) } ,
{ "milestone" , [ ] string { "deadline" , "closed_date" } , new ( TMilestone ) } ,
{ "attachment" , [ ] string { "created" } , new ( TAttachment ) } ,
{ "login_source" , [ ] string { "created" , "updated" } , new ( TLoginSource ) } ,
{ "pull_request" , [ ] string { "merged" } , new ( TPull ) } ,
{ "release" , [ ] string { "created" } , new ( TRelease ) } ,
{ "repository" , [ ] string { "created" , "updated" } , new ( TRepo ) } ,
{ "mirror" , [ ] string { "updated" , "next_update" } , new ( TMirror ) } ,
{ "public_key" , [ ] string { "created" , "updated" } , new ( TPublicKey ) } ,
{ "deploy_key" , [ ] string { "created" , "updated" } , new ( TDeployKey ) } ,
{ "access_token" , [ ] string { "created" , "updated" } , new ( TAccessToken ) } ,
{ "user" , [ ] string { "created" , "updated" } , new ( TUser ) } ,
{ "webhook" , [ ] string { "created" , "updated" } , new ( TWebhook ) } ,
for _ , table := range tables {
log . Info ( "Converting table: %s" , table . name )
if err = x . Sync2 ( table . bean ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Sync [table: %s]: %v" , table . name , err )
offset := 0
for {
beans := make ( [ ] * Bean , 0 , 100 )
if err = x . Table ( table . name ) . Asc ( "id" ) . Limit ( 100 , offset ) . Find ( & beans ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "select beans [table: %s, offset: %d]: %v" , table . name , offset , err )
log . Trace ( "Table [%s]: offset: %d, beans: %d" , table . name , offset , len ( beans ) )
if len ( beans ) == 0 {
offset += 100
baseSQL := "UPDATE `" + table . name + "` SET "
for _ , bean := range beans {
valSQLs := make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( table . cols ) )
for _ , col := range table . cols {
fieldSQL := ""
fieldSQL += col + "_unix = "
switch col {
case "deadline" :
if bean . Deadline . IsZero ( ) {
fieldSQL += com . ToStr ( bean . Deadline . Unix ( ) )
case "created" :
fieldSQL += com . ToStr ( bean . Created . Unix ( ) )
case "updated" :
fieldSQL += com . ToStr ( bean . Updated . Unix ( ) )
case "closed_date" :
fieldSQL += com . ToStr ( bean . ClosedDate . Unix ( ) )
case "merged" :
fieldSQL += com . ToStr ( bean . Merged . Unix ( ) )
case "next_update" :
fieldSQL += com . ToStr ( bean . NextUpdate . Unix ( ) )
valSQLs = append ( valSQLs , fieldSQL )
if len ( valSQLs ) == 0 {
if _ , err = x . Exec ( baseSQL + strings . Join ( valSQLs , "," ) + " WHERE id = " + com . ToStr ( bean . ID ) ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "update bean [table: %s, id: %d]: %v" , table . name , bean . ID , err )
return nil