// Copyright 2024 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package markup
import (
func ResolveLink ( ctx * RenderContext , link , userContentAnchorPrefix string ) ( result string , resolved bool ) {
isAnchorFragment := link != "" && link [ 0 ] == '#'
if ! isAnchorFragment && ! IsFullURLString ( link ) {
linkBase := ctx . Links . Base
if ctx . IsWiki {
// no need to check if the link should be resolved as a wiki link or a wiki raw link
// just use wiki link here and it will be redirected to a wiki raw link if necessary
linkBase = ctx . Links . WikiLink ( )
} else if ctx . Links . BranchPath != "" || ctx . Links . TreePath != "" {
// if there is no BranchPath, then the link will be something like "/owner/repo/src/{the-file-path}"
// and then this link will be handled by the "legacy-ref" code and be redirected to the default branch like "/owner/repo/src/branch/main/{the-file-path}"
linkBase = ctx . Links . SrcLink ( )
link , resolved = util . URLJoin ( linkBase , link ) , true
if isAnchorFragment && userContentAnchorPrefix != "" {
link , resolved = userContentAnchorPrefix + link [ 1 : ] , true
return link , resolved
func shortLinkProcessor ( ctx * RenderContext , node * html . Node ) {
next := node . NextSibling
for node != nil && node != next {
m := shortLinkPattern . FindStringSubmatchIndex ( node . Data )
if m == nil {
content := node . Data [ m [ 2 ] : m [ 3 ] ]
tail := node . Data [ m [ 4 ] : m [ 5 ] ]
props := make ( map [ string ] string )
// MediaWiki uses [[link|text]], while GitHub uses [[text|link]]
// It makes page handling terrible, but we prefer GitHub syntax
// And fall back to MediaWiki only when it is obvious from the look
// Of text and link contents
sl := strings . Split ( content , "|" )
for _ , v := range sl {
if equalPos := strings . IndexByte ( v , '=' ) ; equalPos == - 1 {
// There is no equal in this argument; this is a mandatory arg
if props [ "name" ] == "" {
if IsFullURLString ( v ) {
// If we clearly see it is a link, we save it so
// But first we need to ensure, that if both mandatory args provided
// look like links, we stick to GitHub syntax
if props [ "link" ] != "" {
props [ "name" ] = props [ "link" ]
props [ "link" ] = strings . TrimSpace ( v )
} else {
props [ "name" ] = v
} else {
props [ "link" ] = strings . TrimSpace ( v )
} else {
// There is an equal; optional argument.
sep := strings . IndexByte ( v , '=' )
key , val := v [ : sep ] , html . UnescapeString ( v [ sep + 1 : ] )
// When parsing HTML, x/net/html will change all quotes which are
// not used for syntax into UTF-8 quotes. So checking val[0] won't
// be enough, since that only checks a single byte.
if len ( val ) > 1 {
if ( strings . HasPrefix ( val , "“" ) && strings . HasSuffix ( val , "”" ) ) ||
( strings . HasPrefix ( val , "‘ " ) && strings . HasSuffix ( val , "’ " ) ) {
const lenQuote = len ( "‘ " )
val = val [ lenQuote : len ( val ) - lenQuote ]
} else if ( strings . HasPrefix ( val , "\"" ) && strings . HasSuffix ( val , "\"" ) ) ||
( strings . HasPrefix ( val , "'" ) && strings . HasSuffix ( val , "'" ) ) {
val = val [ 1 : len ( val ) - 1 ]
} else if strings . HasPrefix ( val , "'" ) && strings . HasSuffix ( val , "’ " ) {
const lenQuote = len ( "‘ " )
val = val [ 1 : len ( val ) - lenQuote ]
props [ key ] = val
var name , link string
if props [ "link" ] != "" {
link = props [ "link" ]
} else if props [ "name" ] != "" {
link = props [ "name" ]
if props [ "title" ] != "" {
name = props [ "title" ]
} else if props [ "name" ] != "" {
name = props [ "name" ]
} else {
name = link
name += tail
image := false
ext := filepath . Ext ( link )
switch ext {
// fast path: empty string, ignore
case "" :
// leave image as false
case ".jpg" , ".jpeg" , ".png" , ".tif" , ".tiff" , ".webp" , ".gif" , ".bmp" , ".ico" , ".svg" :
image = true
childNode := & html . Node { }
linkNode := & html . Node {
FirstChild : childNode ,
LastChild : childNode ,
Type : html . ElementNode ,
Data : "a" ,
DataAtom : atom . A ,
childNode . Parent = linkNode
absoluteLink := IsFullURLString ( link )
if ! absoluteLink {
if image {
link = strings . ReplaceAll ( link , " " , "+" )
} else {
link = strings . ReplaceAll ( link , " " , "-" ) // FIXME: it should support dashes in the link, eg: "the-dash-support.-"
if ! strings . Contains ( link , "/" ) {
link = url . PathEscape ( link ) // FIXME: it doesn't seem right and it might cause double-escaping
if image {
if ! absoluteLink {
link = util . URLJoin ( ctx . Links . ResolveMediaLink ( ctx . IsWiki ) , link )
title := props [ "title" ]
if title == "" {
title = props [ "alt" ]
if title == "" {
title = path . Base ( name )
alt := props [ "alt" ]
if alt == "" {
alt = name
// make the childNode an image - if we can, we also place the alt
childNode . Type = html . ElementNode
childNode . Data = "img"
childNode . DataAtom = atom . Img
childNode . Attr = [ ] html . Attribute {
{ Key : "src" , Val : link } ,
{ Key : "title" , Val : title } ,
{ Key : "alt" , Val : alt } ,
if alt == "" {
childNode . Attr = childNode . Attr [ : 2 ]
} else {
link , _ = ResolveLink ( ctx , link , "" )
childNode . Type = html . TextNode
childNode . Data = name
linkNode . Attr = [ ] html . Attribute { { Key : "href" , Val : link } }
replaceContent ( node , m [ 0 ] , m [ 1 ] , linkNode )
node = node . NextSibling . NextSibling
// linkProcessor creates links for any HTTP or HTTPS URL not captured by
// markdown.
func linkProcessor ( ctx * RenderContext , node * html . Node ) {
next := node . NextSibling
for node != nil && node != next {
m := common . LinkRegex . FindStringIndex ( node . Data )
if m == nil {
uri := node . Data [ m [ 0 ] : m [ 1 ] ]
replaceContent ( node , m [ 0 ] , m [ 1 ] , createLink ( uri , uri , "link" ) )
node = node . NextSibling . NextSibling
func genDefaultLinkProcessor ( defaultLink string ) processor {
return func ( ctx * RenderContext , node * html . Node ) {
ch := & html . Node {
Parent : node ,
Type : html . TextNode ,
Data : node . Data ,
node . Type = html . ElementNode
node . Data = "a"
node . DataAtom = atom . A
node . Attr = [ ] html . Attribute {
{ Key : "href" , Val : defaultLink } ,
{ Key : "class" , Val : "default-link muted" } ,
node . FirstChild , node . LastChild = ch , ch
// descriptionLinkProcessor creates links for DescriptionHTML
func descriptionLinkProcessor ( ctx * RenderContext , node * html . Node ) {
next := node . NextSibling
for node != nil && node != next {
m := common . LinkRegex . FindStringIndex ( node . Data )
if m == nil {
uri := node . Data [ m [ 0 ] : m [ 1 ] ]
replaceContent ( node , m [ 0 ] , m [ 1 ] , createDescriptionLink ( uri , uri ) )
node = node . NextSibling . NextSibling
func createDescriptionLink ( href , content string ) * html . Node {
textNode := & html . Node {
Type : html . TextNode ,
Data : content ,
linkNode := & html . Node {
FirstChild : textNode ,
LastChild : textNode ,
Type : html . ElementNode ,
Data : "a" ,
DataAtom : atom . A ,
Attr : [ ] html . Attribute {
{ Key : "href" , Val : href } ,
{ Key : "target" , Val : "_blank" } ,
{ Key : "rel" , Val : "noopener noreferrer" } ,
} ,
textNode . Parent = linkNode
return linkNode