// Copyright 2020 The frp Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package config import ( "testing" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/fatedier/frp/pkg/auth" "github.com/fatedier/frp/pkg/consts" ) const ( testUser = "test" ) var testClientBytesWithFull = []byte(` # [common] is integral section [common] server_addr = server_port = 7009 http_proxy = http://user:passwd@ log_file = ./frpc.log9 log_way = file log_level = info9 log_max_days = 39 disable_log_color = false authenticate_heartbeats = false authenticate_new_work_conns = false token = 12345678 oidc_client_id = client-id oidc_client_secret = client-secret oidc_audience = audience oidc_token_endpoint_url = endpoint_url admin_addr = admin_port = 7409 admin_user = admin9 admin_pwd = admin9 assets_dir = ./static9 pool_count = 59 tcp_mux user = your_name login_fail_exit protocol = tcp tls_enable = true tls_cert_file = client.crt tls_key_file = client.key tls_trusted_ca_file = ca.crt tls_server_name = example.com dns_server = start = ssh,dns heartbeat_interval = 39 heartbeat_timeout = 99 meta_var1 = 123 meta_var2 = 234 udp_packet_size = 1509 # all proxy [ssh] type = tcp local_ip = local_port = 29 bandwidth_limit = 19MB bandwidth_limit_mode = server use_encryption use_compression remote_port = 6009 group = test_group group_key = 123456 health_check_type = tcp health_check_timeout_s = 3 health_check_max_failed = 3 health_check_interval_s = 19 meta_var1 = 123 meta_var2 = 234 [ssh_random] type = tcp local_ip = local_port = 29 remote_port = 9 [range:tcp_port] type = tcp local_ip = local_port = 6010-6011,6019 remote_port = 6010-6011,6019 use_encryption = false use_compression = false [dns] type = udp local_ip = local_port = 59 remote_port = 6009 use_encryption use_compression [range:udp_port] type = udp local_ip = local_port = 6000,6010-6011 remote_port = 6000,6010-6011 use_encryption use_compression [web01] type = http local_ip = local_port = 89 use_encryption use_compression http_user = admin http_pwd = admin subdomain = web01 custom_domains = web02.yourdomain.com locations = /,/pic host_header_rewrite = example.com header_X-From-Where = frp health_check_type = http health_check_url = /status health_check_interval_s = 19 health_check_max_failed = 3 health_check_timeout_s = 3 [web02] type = https local_ip = local_port = 8009 use_encryption use_compression subdomain = web01 custom_domains = web02.yourdomain.com proxy_protocol_version = v2 [secret_tcp] type = stcp sk = abcdefg local_ip = local_port = 22 use_encryption = false use_compression = false [p2p_tcp] type = xtcp sk = abcdefg local_ip = local_port = 22 use_encryption = false use_compression = false [tcpmuxhttpconnect] type = tcpmux multiplexer = httpconnect local_ip = local_port = 10701 custom_domains = tunnel1 [plugin_unix_domain_socket] type = tcp remote_port = 6003 plugin = unix_domain_socket plugin_unix_path = /var/run/docker.sock [plugin_http_proxy] type = tcp remote_port = 6004 plugin = http_proxy plugin_http_user = abc plugin_http_passwd = abc [plugin_socks5] type = tcp remote_port = 6005 plugin = socks5 plugin_user = abc plugin_passwd = abc [plugin_static_file] type = tcp remote_port = 6006 plugin = static_file plugin_local_path = /var/www/blog plugin_strip_prefix = static plugin_http_user = abc plugin_http_passwd = abc [plugin_https2http] type = https custom_domains = test.yourdomain.com plugin = https2http plugin_local_addr = plugin_crt_path = ./server.crt plugin_key_path = ./server.key plugin_host_header_rewrite = plugin_header_X-From-Where = frp [plugin_http2https] type = http custom_domains = test.yourdomain.com plugin = http2https plugin_local_addr = plugin_host_header_rewrite = plugin_header_X-From-Where = frp # visitor [secret_tcp_visitor] role = visitor type = stcp server_name = secret_tcp sk = abcdefg bind_addr = bind_port = 9000 use_encryption = false use_compression = false [p2p_tcp_visitor] role = visitor type = xtcp server_name = p2p_tcp sk = abcdefg bind_addr = bind_port = 9001 use_encryption = false use_compression = false `) func Test_LoadClientCommonConf(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) expected := ClientCommonConf{ ClientConfig: auth.ClientConfig{ BaseConfig: auth.BaseConfig{ AuthenticationMethod: "token", AuthenticateHeartBeats: false, AuthenticateNewWorkConns: false, }, TokenConfig: auth.TokenConfig{ Token: "12345678", }, OidcClientConfig: auth.OidcClientConfig{ OidcClientID: "client-id", OidcClientSecret: "client-secret", OidcAudience: "audience", OidcTokenEndpointURL: "endpoint_url", }, }, ServerAddr: "", ServerPort: 7009, NatHoleSTUNServer: "stun.easyvoip.com:3478", DialServerTimeout: 10, DialServerKeepAlive: 7200, HTTPProxy: "http://user:passwd@", LogFile: "./frpc.log9", LogWay: "file", LogLevel: "info9", LogMaxDays: 39, DisableLogColor: false, AdminAddr: "", AdminPort: 7409, AdminUser: "admin9", AdminPwd: "admin9", AssetsDir: "./static9", PoolCount: 59, TCPMux: true, TCPMuxKeepaliveInterval: 60, User: "your_name", LoginFailExit: true, Protocol: "tcp", QUICKeepalivePeriod: 10, QUICMaxIdleTimeout: 30, QUICMaxIncomingStreams: 100000, TLSEnable: true, TLSCertFile: "client.crt", TLSKeyFile: "client.key", TLSTrustedCaFile: "ca.crt", TLSServerName: "example.com", DNSServer: "", Start: []string{"ssh", "dns"}, HeartbeatInterval: 39, HeartbeatTimeout: 99, Metas: map[string]string{ "var1": "123", "var2": "234", }, UDPPacketSize: 1509, IncludeConfigFiles: []string{}, } common, err := UnmarshalClientConfFromIni(testClientBytesWithFull) assert.NoError(err) assert.EqualValues(expected, common) } func Test_LoadClientBasicConf(t *testing.T) { assert := assert.New(t) proxyExpected := map[string]ProxyConf{ testUser + ".ssh": &TCPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".ssh", ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy, UseCompression: true, UseEncryption: true, Group: "test_group", GroupKey: "123456", BandwidthLimit: MustBandwidthQuantity("19MB"), BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeServer, Metas: map[string]string{ "var1": "123", "var2": "234", }, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", LocalPort: 29, }, HealthCheckConf: HealthCheckConf{ HealthCheckType: consts.TCPProxy, HealthCheckTimeoutS: 3, HealthCheckMaxFailed: 3, HealthCheckIntervalS: 19, HealthCheckAddr: "", }, }, RemotePort: 6009, }, testUser + ".ssh_random": &TCPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".ssh_random", ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", LocalPort: 29, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, RemotePort: 9, }, testUser + ".tcp_port_0": &TCPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".tcp_port_0", ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", LocalPort: 6010, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, RemotePort: 6010, }, testUser + ".tcp_port_1": &TCPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".tcp_port_1", ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", LocalPort: 6011, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, RemotePort: 6011, }, testUser + ".tcp_port_2": &TCPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".tcp_port_2", ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", LocalPort: 6019, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, RemotePort: 6019, }, testUser + ".dns": &UDPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".dns", ProxyType: consts.UDPProxy, UseEncryption: true, UseCompression: true, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", LocalPort: 59, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, RemotePort: 6009, }, testUser + ".udp_port_0": &UDPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".udp_port_0", ProxyType: consts.UDPProxy, UseEncryption: true, UseCompression: true, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", LocalPort: 6000, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, RemotePort: 6000, }, testUser + ".udp_port_1": &UDPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".udp_port_1", ProxyType: consts.UDPProxy, UseEncryption: true, UseCompression: true, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", LocalPort: 6010, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, RemotePort: 6010, }, testUser + ".udp_port_2": &UDPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".udp_port_2", ProxyType: consts.UDPProxy, UseEncryption: true, UseCompression: true, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", LocalPort: 6011, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, RemotePort: 6011, }, testUser + ".web01": &HTTPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".web01", ProxyType: consts.HTTPProxy, UseCompression: true, UseEncryption: true, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", LocalPort: 89, }, HealthCheckConf: HealthCheckConf{ HealthCheckType: consts.HTTPProxy, HealthCheckTimeoutS: 3, HealthCheckMaxFailed: 3, HealthCheckIntervalS: 19, HealthCheckURL: "", }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, DomainConf: DomainConf{ CustomDomains: []string{"web02.yourdomain.com"}, SubDomain: "web01", }, Locations: []string{"/", "/pic"}, HTTPUser: "admin", HTTPPwd: "admin", HostHeaderRewrite: "example.com", Headers: map[string]string{ "X-From-Where": "frp", }, }, testUser + ".web02": &HTTPSProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".web02", ProxyType: consts.HTTPSProxy, UseCompression: true, UseEncryption: true, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", LocalPort: 8009, }, ProxyProtocolVersion: "v2", BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, DomainConf: DomainConf{ CustomDomains: []string{"web02.yourdomain.com"}, SubDomain: "web01", }, }, testUser + ".secret_tcp": &STCPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".secret_tcp", ProxyType: consts.STCPProxy, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", LocalPort: 22, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, Role: "server", Sk: "abcdefg", }, testUser + ".p2p_tcp": &XTCPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".p2p_tcp", ProxyType: consts.XTCPProxy, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", LocalPort: 22, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, Role: "server", Sk: "abcdefg", Protocol: "quic", }, testUser + ".tcpmuxhttpconnect": &TCPMuxProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".tcpmuxhttpconnect", ProxyType: consts.TCPMuxProxy, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", LocalPort: 10701, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, DomainConf: DomainConf{ CustomDomains: []string{"tunnel1"}, SubDomain: "", }, Multiplexer: "httpconnect", }, testUser + ".plugin_unix_domain_socket": &TCPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".plugin_unix_domain_socket", ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", Plugin: "unix_domain_socket", PluginParams: map[string]string{ "plugin_unix_path": "/var/run/docker.sock", }, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, RemotePort: 6003, }, testUser + ".plugin_http_proxy": &TCPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".plugin_http_proxy", ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", Plugin: "http_proxy", PluginParams: map[string]string{ "plugin_http_user": "abc", "plugin_http_passwd": "abc", }, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, RemotePort: 6004, }, testUser + ".plugin_socks5": &TCPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".plugin_socks5", ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", Plugin: "socks5", PluginParams: map[string]string{ "plugin_user": "abc", "plugin_passwd": "abc", }, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, RemotePort: 6005, }, testUser + ".plugin_static_file": &TCPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".plugin_static_file", ProxyType: consts.TCPProxy, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", Plugin: "static_file", PluginParams: map[string]string{ "plugin_local_path": "/var/www/blog", "plugin_strip_prefix": "static", "plugin_http_user": "abc", "plugin_http_passwd": "abc", }, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, RemotePort: 6006, }, testUser + ".plugin_https2http": &HTTPSProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".plugin_https2http", ProxyType: consts.HTTPSProxy, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", Plugin: "https2http", PluginParams: map[string]string{ "plugin_local_addr": "", "plugin_crt_path": "./server.crt", "plugin_key_path": "./server.key", "plugin_host_header_rewrite": "", "plugin_header_X-From-Where": "frp", }, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, DomainConf: DomainConf{ CustomDomains: []string{"test.yourdomain.com"}, }, }, testUser + ".plugin_http2https": &HTTPProxyConf{ BaseProxyConf: BaseProxyConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".plugin_http2https", ProxyType: consts.HTTPProxy, LocalSvrConf: LocalSvrConf{ LocalIP: "", Plugin: "http2https", PluginParams: map[string]string{ "plugin_local_addr": "", "plugin_host_header_rewrite": "", "plugin_header_X-From-Where": "frp", }, }, BandwidthLimitMode: BandwidthLimitModeClient, }, DomainConf: DomainConf{ CustomDomains: []string{"test.yourdomain.com"}, }, }, } visitorExpected := map[string]VisitorConf{ testUser + ".secret_tcp_visitor": &STCPVisitorConf{ BaseVisitorConf: BaseVisitorConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".secret_tcp_visitor", ProxyType: consts.STCPProxy, Role: "visitor", Sk: "abcdefg", ServerName: testVisitorPrefix + "secret_tcp", BindAddr: "", BindPort: 9000, }, }, testUser + ".p2p_tcp_visitor": &XTCPVisitorConf{ BaseVisitorConf: BaseVisitorConf{ ProxyName: testUser + ".p2p_tcp_visitor", ProxyType: consts.XTCPProxy, Role: "visitor", Sk: "abcdefg", ServerName: testProxyPrefix + "p2p_tcp", BindAddr: "", BindPort: 9001, }, Protocol: "quic", }, } proxyActual, visitorActual, err := LoadAllProxyConfsFromIni(testUser, testClientBytesWithFull, nil) assert.NoError(err) assert.Equal(proxyExpected, proxyActual) assert.Equal(visitorExpected, visitorActual) }