* [Connect frps by HTTP PROXY](#connect-frps-by-http-proxy)
* [Development Plan](#development-plan)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [Donation](#donation)
* [AliPay](#alipay)
* [Paypal](#paypal)
* [Contributors](#contributors)
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## What can I do with frp?
* Expose any http and https service behind a NAT or firewall to the internet by a server with public IP address(Name-based Virtual Host Support).
@ -82,6 +91,8 @@ Put **frpc** and **frpc.ini** to your server in LAN.
auth_token = 123
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 22
@ -139,6 +150,48 @@ Howerver, we can expose a http or https service using frp.
6. Now visit your local web service using url `http://www.yourdomain.com:8080`.
### Forward DNS query request
1. Modify frps.ini, configure a reverse proxy named [dns]:
# frps.ini
bind_port = 7000
type = udp
listen_port = 6000
auth_token = 123
2. Start frps:
`./frps -c ./frps.ini`
3. Modify frpc.ini, set remote frps's server IP as x.x.x.x, forward dns query request to google dns server ``:
# frpc.ini
server_addr = x.x.x.x
server_port = 7000
auth_token = 123
type = udp
local_ip =
local_port = 53
4. Start frpc:
`./frpc -c ./frpc.ini`
5. Send dns query request by dig:
`dig @x.x.x.x -p 6000 www.goolge.com`
## Features
### Dashboard
@ -151,8 +204,8 @@ Configure a port for dashboard to enable this feature:
dashboard_port = 7500
# dashboard's username and password are both optional,if not set, default is admin.
dashboard_username = abc
dashboard_password = abc
dashboard_user = admin
dashboard_pwd = admin
Then visit `http://[server_addr]:7500` to see dashboard, default username and password are both `admin`.
@ -167,6 +220,8 @@ Client that want's to register must set a global `auth_token` equals to frps.ini
Note that time duration bewtween frpc and frps mustn't exceed 15 minutes because timestamp is used for authentication.
Howerver, this timeout duration can be modified by setting `authentication_timeout` in frps's configure file. It's defalut value is 900, means 15 minutes. If it is equals 0, then frps will not check authentication timeout.
### Encryption and Compression
Defalut value is false, you could decide if the proxy will use encryption or compression whether the type is: