Option | Required | Default | Type | Description |
connector | required | (none) | String | Specify what connector to use, here should be mongodb-cdc . |
scheme | optional | mongodb | String | The protocol connected to MongoDB. eg. mongodb or mongodb+srv. |
hosts | required | (none) | String | The comma-separated list of hostname and port pairs of the MongoDB servers. eg. localhost:27017,localhost:27018
username | optional | (none) | String | Name of the database user to be used when connecting to MongoDB. This is required only when MongoDB is configured to use authentication. |
password | optional | (none) | String | Password to be used when connecting to MongoDB. This is required only when MongoDB is configured to use authentication. |
database | optional | (none) | String | Name of the database to watch for changes. If not set then all databases will be captured. The database also supports regular expressions to monitor multiple databases matching the regular expression. |
collection | optional | (none) | String | Name of the collection in the database to watch for changes. If not set then all collections will be captured. The collection also supports regular expressions to monitor multiple collections matching fully-qualified collection identifiers. |
connection.options | optional | (none) | String | The ampersand-separated connection options of MongoDB. eg. replicaSet=test&connectTimeoutMS=300000
scan.startup.mode | optional | initial | String | Optional startup mode for MongoDB CDC consumer, valid enumerations are "initial", "latest-offset" and "timestamp". Please see Startup Reading Position section for more detailed information. |
scan.startup.timestamp-millis | optional | (none) | Long | Timestamp in millis of the start point, only used for 'timestamp' startup mode. |
copy.existing.queue.size | optional | 10240 | Integer | The max size of the queue to use when copying data. |
batch.size | optional | 1024 | Integer | The cursor batch size. |
poll.max.batch.size | optional | 1024 | Integer | Maximum number of change stream documents to include in a single batch when polling for new data. |
poll.await.time.ms | optional | 1000 | Integer | The amount of time to wait before checking for new results on the change stream. |
heartbeat.interval.ms | optional | 0 | Integer | The length of time in milliseconds between sending heartbeat messages. Use 0 to disable. |
scan.full-changelog | optional | false | Boolean | Whether try to generate full-mode changelog based on pre- and post-images in MongoDB. Refer to Full Changelog for more details. Supports MongoDB 6.0 and above only. |
scan.incremental.snapshot.enabled | optional | false | Boolean | Whether enable incremental snapshot. The incremental snapshot feature only supports after MongoDB 4.0. |
scan.incremental.snapshot.chunk.size.mb | optional | 64 | Integer | The chunk size mb of incremental snapshot. |
scan.incremental.close-idle-reader.enabled | optional | false | Boolean | Whether to close idle readers at the end of the snapshot phase. The flink version is required to be greater than or equal to 1.14 when 'execution.checkpointing.checkpoints-after-tasks-finish.enabled' is set to true. |
Key | DataType | Description |
database_name | STRING NOT NULL | Name of the database that contain the row. |
collection_name | STRING NOT NULL | Name of the collection that contain the row. |
op_ts | TIMESTAMP_LTZ(3) NOT NULL | It indicates the time that the change was made in the database. If the record is read from snapshot of the table instead of the change stream, the value is always 0. |
BSON type | Flink SQL type |
Int | INT |
Long | BIGINT |
Double | DOUBLE |
Decimal128 | DECIMAL(p, s) |
Boolean | BOOLEAN |
DateTimestamp | DATE |
DateTimestamp | TIME |
String ObjectId UUID Symbol MD5 JavaScript Regex |
BinData | BYTES |
Object | ROW |
Array | ARRAY |
DBPointer | ROW<$ref STRING, $id STRING> |
GeoJSON | Point : ROW<type STRING, coordinates ARRAY<DOUBLE>> Line : ROW<type STRING, coordinates ARRAY<ARRAY< DOUBLE>>> ... |