@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package org.apache.flink.cdc.cli;
import org.apache.flink.cdc.composer.PipelineComposer ;
import org.apache.flink.cdc.composer.PipelineExecution ;
import org.apache.flink.cdc.composer.definition.PipelineDef ;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.RestoreMode ;
import org.apache.flink.shaded.guava31.com.google.common.io.Resources ;
@ -85,6 +86,25 @@ class CliFrontendTest {
assertThat ( executor . getGlobalPipelineConfig ( ) . toMap ( ) . get ( "foo" ) ) . isEqualTo ( "bar" ) ;
void testSavePointConfiguration ( ) throws Exception {
CliExecutor executor =
createExecutor (
pipelineDef ( ) ,
"--flink-home" ,
flinkHome ( ) ,
"-s" ,
flinkHome ( ) + "/savepoints/savepoint-1" ,
"-cm" ,
"no_claim" ,
"-n" ) ;
assertThat ( executor . getSavepointSettings ( ) . getRestorePath ( ) )
. isEqualTo ( flinkHome ( ) + "/savepoints/savepoint-1" ) ;
assertThat ( executor . getSavepointSettings ( ) . getRestoreMode ( ) )
. isEqualTo ( RestoreMode . NO_CLAIM ) ;
assertThat ( executor . getSavepointSettings ( ) . allowNonRestoredState ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
void testAdditionalJar ( ) throws Exception {
String aJar = "/foo/jar/a.jar" ;
@ -134,12 +154,29 @@ class CliFrontendTest {
private static final String HELP_MESSAGE =
+ " --flink-home <arg> Path of Flink home directory\n"
+ " --global-config <arg> Path of the global configuration file for Flink\n"
+ " CDC pipelines\n"
+ " -h,--help Display help message\n"
+ " --jar <arg> JARs to be submitted together with the pipeline\n"
+ " --use-mini-cluster Use Flink MiniCluster to run the pipeline\n" ;
+ " -cm,--claim-mode <arg> Defines how should we restore from the given\n"
+ " savepoint. Supported options: [claim - claim\n"
+ " ownership of the savepoint and delete once it\n"
+ " is subsumed, no_claim (default) - do not\n"
+ " claim ownership, the first checkpoint will\n"
+ " not reuse any files from the restored one,\n"
+ " legacy - the old behaviour, do not assume\n"
+ " ownership of the savepoint files, but can\n"
+ " reuse some shared files\n"
+ " --flink-home <arg> Path of Flink home directory\n"
+ " --global-config <arg> Path of the global configuration file for\n"
+ " Flink CDC pipelines\n"
+ " -h,--help Display help message\n"
+ " --jar <arg> JARs to be submitted together with the\n"
+ " pipeline\n"
+ " -n,--allow-nonRestored-state Allow to skip savepoint state that cannot be\n"
+ " restored. You need to allow this if you\n"
+ " removed an operator from your program that\n"
+ " was part of the program when the savepoint\n"
+ " was triggered.\n"
+ " -s,--from-savepoint <arg> Path to a savepoint to restore the job from\n"
+ " (for example hdfs:///flink/savepoint-1537\n"
+ " --use-mini-cluster Use Flink MiniCluster to run the pipeline\n" ;
private static class NoOpComposer implements PipelineComposer {