[FLINK-34683][cdc][docs] Add contributing page for Flink CDC docs

Hang Ruan 1 year ago committed by Leonard Xu
parent bd760b10d7
commit 96909eae5d

@ -23,3 +23,57 @@ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
# 社区贡献
Flink CDC 由开放和友好的社区开发而来,欢迎任何想要提供帮助的贡献者。有以下一些方式可以让贡献者和社区交流和做出贡献,包括提问,提交发现的
## 你想要贡献什么?
Flink CDC 社区的贡献不仅限于为项目贡献代码,下面列举了一些可以在社区贡献的内容。
| 贡献方式 | 更多信息 |
| 提交BUG | 为了提交问题,您需要首先在 [Flink jira](https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/FLINK/issues) 建立对应的issue并在`Component/s`选择`Flink CDC`。然后在问题描述中详细描述遇到的问题的信息,如果可能的话,最好提供一下能够复现问题的操作步骤。 |
| 贡献代码 | 请阅读 <a href="#code-contribution-guide">贡献代码指导</a> |
| 代码评审 | 请阅读 <a href="#code-review-guide">代码评审指导</a> |
| 用户支持 | 通过 [Flink 用户邮件列表](https://flink.apache.org/what-is-flink/community/#mailing-lists) 来帮助回复用户问题,在 [Flink jira](https://issues.<br/>apache.org/jira/projects/FLINK/issues) 可以查询到最新的已知问题。 |
如果还有其他问题,可以通过 Flink Dev 邮件列表寻求帮助。
<h2 id="code-contribution-guide">贡献代码指导</h2>
Flink CDC 项目通过众多贡献者的代码贡献来维护,改进和拓展,欢迎各种形式的社区贡献。
在 Flink CDC 社区可以自由的在任何时间提出自己的问题,通过社区 Dev 邮件列表进行交流或在任何感兴趣的 issue 下评论和讨论。
如果您想要为 Flink CDC 贡献代码,可以通过如下的方式。
1. 首先在 [Flink jira](https://issues.<br/>apache.org/jira/projects/FLINK/issues) 的想要负责的 issue
下评论(最好在评论中解释下对于这个问题的理解,和后续的设计,如果可能的话也可以提供下 POC 的代码)。
2. 在这个 issue 被分配给你后,开始进行开发实现(提交信息请遵循`[FLINK-xxx][xxx] xxxxxxx`的格式)。
3. 开发完成后可以向 [Flink CDC](https://github.com/apache/flink-cdc) 项目提交 PR请确保 Clone 的项目 committer 有操作权限)。
4. 找到一个开发者帮忙评审代码,评审前请确保 CI 通过。
5. Flink committer 确认代码贡献满足全部要求后,代码会被合并到代码仓库。
<h2 id="code-review-guide">代码评审指导</h2>
1. 提交的 PR 是否被正确地描述了?
评审时,需要检查对应的 PR 是否合理的描述了本次修改的内容,能否支持评审人较快的理解和评审代码。对于比较琐碎的修改,不需要提供太过详细的信息。
2. 提交的 PR 代码质量是否符合标准?
- 代码是否遵循正确的软件开发习惯?
- 代码是否正确,鲁棒性如何,是否便于维护和拓展,是否是可测试的?
- 代码是否有可能影响到性能?、
- 代码修改是否已经被正确的测试?测试执行速度是否有问题?
- 项目依赖是否发生了变化,如果是,对应的 NOTICE 文件是否需要更新?
- 提交信息是否遵循`[FLINK-xxx][xxx] xxxxxxx`格式?
3. 文档是否需要更新?

@ -23,3 +23,62 @@ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
# Contributing
Flink CDC is developed by an open and friendly community and welcomes anyone who wants to help out in any way.
There are several ways to interact with the community and contribute to Flink CDC including asking questions, filing
bug reports, proposing new features, joining discussions on the mailing lists, contributing code or documentation,
improving website, testing release candidates and writing corresponding blog etc.
## What do you want to do
Contributing to Flink CDC goes beyond writing code for the project. Here are different opportunities to help the
project as follows.
| Area | Further information |
| Report Bug | To report a problem, open an issue in [Flink jira](https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/FLINK/issues) and select `Flink CDC` in `Component/s`. Please give detailed information about the problem you encountered and, if possible, add a description that helps to reproduce the problem. |
| Contribute Code | Read the <a href="#code-contribution-guide">Code Contribution Guide</a> |
| Code Reviews | Read the <a href="#code-review-guide">Code Review Guide</a> |
| Support Users | Reply to questions on the [flink user mailing list](https://flink.apache.org/what-is-flink/community/#mailing-lists), check the latest issues in [Flink jira](https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/FLINK/issues) for tickets which are actually user questions. |
Any other question? Reach out to the Dev mail list to get help!
<h2 id="code-review-guide">Code Contribution Guide</h2>
Flink CDC is maintained, improved, and extended by code contributions of volunteers. We welcome contributions.
Please feel free to ask questions at any time. Either send a mail to the Dev mailing list or comment on the issue you are working on.
If you would like to contribute to Flink CDC, you could raise it as follows.
1. Left comment under the issue that you want to take. (It's better to explain your understanding of the issue, and
your design, and if possible, you need to provide your POC code)
2. Start to implement it after this issue is assigned to you. (Commit message should follow the format `[FLINK-xxx][xxx] xxxxxxx`)
3. Create a PR to [Flink CDC](https://github.com/apache/flink-cdc). (Please enable the actions of your own clone
4. Find a reviewer to review your PR and make sure the CI passed
5. A committer of Flink CDC checks if the contribution fulfills the requirements and merges the code to the codebase.
<h2 id="code-contribution-guide">Code Review Guide</h2>
Every review needs to check the following aspects.
1. Is This Pull Request Well-Described?
Check whether this pull request is sufficiently well-described to support a good review. Trivial changes and fixes do
not need a long description.
2. How Is the Overall Code Quality, Meeting Standard We Want to Maintain?
- Does the code follow the right software engineering practices?
- Is the code correct, robust, maintainable, testable?
- Are the changes performance aware, when changing a performance sensitive part?
- Are the changes sufficiently covered by tests? Are the tests executing fast?
- If dependencies have been changed, were the NOTICE files updated?
- Does the commit message follow the required format?
3. Are the Documentation Updated?
If the pull request introduces a new feature, the feature should be documented.
