@ -160,6 +160,9 @@ Flink CDC uses [Calcite](https://calcite.apache.org/) to parse expressions and [
| TIMESTAMPDIFF(timepointunit, timepoint1, timepoint2) | timestampDiff(timepointunit, timepoint1, timepoint2) | Returns the (signed) number of timepointunit between timepoint1 and timepoint2. The unit for the interval is given by the first argument, which should be one of the following values: SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, MONTH, or YEAR. |
| TO_DATE(string1[, string2]) | toDate(string1[, string2]) | Converts a date string string1 with format string2 (by default 'yyyy-MM-dd') to a date. |
| TO_TIMESTAMP(string1[, string2]) | toTimestamp(string1[, string2]) | Converts date time string string1 with format string2 (by default: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') to a timestamp, without time zone. |
| FROM_UNIXTIME(numeric[, string]) | fromUnixtime(NUMERIC[, STRING]) | Returns a representation of the numeric argument as a value in string format (default is ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’). numeric is an internal timestamp value representing seconds since ‘1970-01-01 00:00:00’ UTC, such as produced by the UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function. The return value is expressed in the session time zone (specified in TableConfig). E.g., FROM_UNIXTIME(44) returns ‘1970-01-01 00:00:44’ if in UTC time zone, but returns ‘1970-01-01 09:00:44’ if in ‘Asia/Tokyo’ time zone. |
| UNIX_TIMESTAMP() | unixTimestamp() | Gets current Unix timestamp in seconds. This function is not deterministic which means the value would be recalculated for each record. |
| UNIX_TIMESTAMP(string1[, string2]) | unixTimestamp(STRING1[, STRING2]) | Converts a date time string string1 with format string2 (by default: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss if not specified) to Unix timestamp (in seconds), using the specified timezone in table config.<br/>If a time zone is specified in the date time string and parsed by UTC+X format such as “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS X”, this function will use the specified timezone in the date time string instead of the timezone in table config. If the date time string can not be parsed, the default value Long.MIN_VALUE(-9223372036854775808) will be returned.|
@ -160,6 +160,9 @@ Flink CDC uses [Calcite](https://calcite.apache.org/) to parse expressions and [
| TIMESTAMPDIFF(timepointunit, timepoint1, timepoint2) | timestampDiff(timepointunit, timepoint1, timepoint2) | Returns the (signed) number of timepointunit between timepoint1 and timepoint2. The unit for the interval is given by the first argument, which should be one of the following values: SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, MONTH, or YEAR. |
| TO_DATE(string1[, string2]) | toDate(string1[, string2]) | Converts a date string string1 with format string2 (by default 'yyyy-MM-dd') to a date. |
| TO_TIMESTAMP(string1[, string2]) | toTimestamp(string1[, string2]) | Converts date time string string1 with format string2 (by default: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') to a timestamp, without time zone. |
| FROM_UNIXTIME(numeric[, string]) | fromUnixtime(NUMERIC[, STRING]) | Returns a representation of the numeric argument as a value in string format (default is ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss’). numeric is an internal timestamp value representing seconds since ‘1970-01-01 00:00:00’ UTC, such as produced by the UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function. The return value is expressed in the session time zone (specified in TableConfig). E.g., FROM_UNIXTIME(44) returns ‘1970-01-01 00:00:44’ if in UTC time zone, but returns ‘1970-01-01 09:00:44’ if in ‘Asia/Tokyo’ time zone. |
| UNIX_TIMESTAMP() | unixTimestamp() | Gets current Unix timestamp in seconds. This function is not deterministic which means the value would be recalculated for each record. |
| UNIX_TIMESTAMP(string1[, string2]) | unixTimestamp(STRING1[, STRING2]) | Converts a date time string string1 with format string2 (by default: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss if not specified) to Unix timestamp (in seconds), using the specified timezone in table config.<br/>If a time zone is specified in the date time string and parsed by UTC+X format such as “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS X”, this function will use the specified timezone in the date time string instead of the timezone in table config. If the date time string can not be parsed, the default value Long.MIN_VALUE(-9223372036854775808) will be returned.|