title: Apache Flink CDC
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Flink CDC
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< p class = "leading-normal text-xl text-white" >
A streaming data integration tool
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< a href = "{{< ref " docs / get-started / introduction " > }}" class="mx-auto link-as-button bg-white text-black font-bold px-8">
Quick Start
< / a >
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{{< img src = "/fig/cdc-flow.png" alt = "Flink CDC Flow" > }}
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What is Flink CDC?
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Flink CDC is a distributed data integration tool for real time data and batch data. Flink CDC brings the simplicity and elegance of data integration via YAML to describe the data movement and transformation.
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{{< img src = "/fig/index-yaml-example.png" alt = "Flink CDC Example" > }}
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< h2 class = "border-none w-full my-2 text-3xl font-bold leading-tight text-center text-primary" >
Key Features
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< div class = "w-full md:w-1/3 px-8 py-6 flex flex-col flex-grow flex-shrink" >
< div class = "w-full text-lg px-6 text-center text-primary" > Change Data Capture< / div >
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< p class = "text-sm my-0 text-center md:text-left" >
Flink CDC supports distributed scanning of historical data of database and then automatically switches to change data capturing. The switch uses the incremental snapshot algorithm which ensure the switch action does not lock the database.
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< div class = "w-full md:w-1/3 px-8 py-6 flex flex-col flex-grow flex-shrink" >
< div class = "w-full text-lg px-6 text-center text-primary" > Schema Evolution< / div >
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< p class = "text-sm my-0 text-center md:text-left" >
Flink CDC has the ability of automatically creating downstream table using the inferred table structure based on upstream table, and applying upstream DDL to downstream systems during change data capturing.
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< div class = "w-full md:w-1/3 px-8 py-6 flex flex-col flex-grow flex-shrink" >
< div class = "w-full text-lg px-6 text-center text-primary" > Streaming Pipeline< / div >
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< p class = "text-sm my-0 text-center md:text-left" >
Flink CDC jobs run in streaming mode by default, providing sub-second end-to-end latency in real-time binlog synchronization scenarios, effectively ensuring data freshness for downstream businesses.
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< div class = "w-full md:w-1/3 px-8 py-6 flex flex-col flex-grow flex-shrink" >
< div class = "w-full text-lg px-6 text-center text-primary" > Data Transformation< / div >
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< p class = "text-sm my-0 text-center md:text-left" >
Flink CDC will soon support data transform operations of ETL, including column projection, computed column, filter expression and classical scalar functions.
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< div class = "w-full md:w-1/3 px-8 py-6 flex flex-col flex-grow flex-shrink" >
< div class = "w-full text-lg px-6 text-center text-primary" > Full Database Sync< / div >
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< p class = "text-sm my-0 text-center md:text-left" >
Flink CDC supports synchronizing all tables of source database instance to downstream in one job by configuring the captured database list and table list.
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< div class = "w-full md:w-1/3 px-8 py-6 flex flex-col flex-grow flex-shrink" >
< div class = "w-full text-lg px-6 text-center text-primary" > Exactly-Once Semantics< / div >
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< p class = "text-sm my-0 text-center md:text-left" >
Flink CDC supports reading database historical data and continues to read CDC events with exactly-once processing, even after job failures.
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< div class = "container mx-auto flex flex-wrap mt-6" >
< h2 class = "border-none w-full my-2 text-3xl font-bold leading-tight text-center text-primary" >
Learn More
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< div class = "w-full md:w-1/2 px-8 py-6 flex flex-col flex-grow flex-shrink" >
< div class = "w-full text-lg px-6 text-center text-primary" > Try Flink CDC< / div >
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< div class = "divider w-1/2 opacity-50" > < / div >
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< p class = "text-sm my-0 text-center md:text-left" >
Flink CDC provides a series of quick start demos without any dependencies or java code. A Linux or MacOS computer with Docker installed is enough.
Please check out our < a href = "{{< ref " docs / get-started / introduction " > }}">Quick Start< / a > for more information.
< / p >
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< div class = "w-full md:w-1/2 px-8 py-6 flex flex-col flex-grow flex-shrink" >
< div class = "w-full text-lg px-6 text-center text-primary" > Get Help with Flink CDC< / div >
< div class = "w-full my-4" >
< div class = "divider w-1/2 opacity-50" > < / div >
< / div >
< p class = "text-sm my-0 text-center md:text-left" >
If you get stuck, check out our < a href = "https://flink.apache.org/community.html" > community support resources< / a > .
In particular, Apache Flink’ s user mailing list (user@flink.apache.org) is consistently ranked as one of the most active of
any Apache project, and is a great way to get help quickly.
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Flink CDC is developed under the umbrella of < a class = "text-white" href = "https://flink.apache.org" > Apache Flink< / a > .
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