--- layout: news title: "Release notes" prev_section: tutorials/dynamic-configuration doc: true ---

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This is a major release of Easy Rules with some API breaking changes.

The most important change is the merge of DefaultRulesEngine and AnnotatedRulesEngine. With version 1.x, rules that implement the Rule interface and rules that are annotated POJOs required to be used with different engines. Version 2.0 removes this constraint and all types of rules can now be used in a consistent way through the single and unified RulesEngine interface.

This version also brings a lot of new features and improvements:

  • Added a new RulesEngineBuilder as the main entry point to create rules engines
  • Added a new RuleListener to be able to add custom behavior before/after the execution of each rule (Issue #11)
  • Added a new parameter skipOnFirstFailedRule to skip next rules when a rule fails (Issue #10).
  • Added a new parameter silentMode to mute all loggers

This release added the following features:

  • Moved JMX support to a separate module so that the core engine can be used in both Java and Android applications (PR #5).
  • Fixed issue #6: Can't register multiple rules with the same priority to DefaultRulesEngine
  • Refactored tests to use Mockito and AssertJ
  • Improved test coverage
  • Updated documentation and tutorials

This release brings the following improvements:

  • Added a method in RulesEngine interface to unregister a rule.
  • Added a tutorial with a showcase of rules priorities.
  • Improved code quality by fixing several sonar errors/warnings

This release introduced a big refactoring of Easy Rules APIs to provide the following features:

  • Added annotation support to provide a POJO based development model
  • Added new site for documentation and tutorials
  • Added new set of tutorials for basic and advanced usage of Easy Rules APIs
  • Renamed base package from io.github.benas to org.easyrules

This minor release fixed the base package name.

This is the first stable version of Easy Rules. It contains initial core API and implementation:

  • Basic abstractions for rules and rules engine
  • Ability to create composite rules from primitive ones
  • Ability to manage rules at runtime via JMX
  • Java fluent API to create rules engine