* 17/12/2017: Version 3.1.0 is out with a [new inference engine](https://github.com/j-easy/easy-rules/wiki/defining-rules-engine) and finally [Expression Language support](https://github.com/j-easy/easy-rules/wiki/expression-language-support)! See all new features and improvements in the [change log](https://github.com/j-easy/easy-rules/releases).
* 01/06/2017: Version 3.0.0 is finally out! See what's new [here](https://github.com/j-easy/easy-rules/releases).
* 18/05/2017: Version 2.5.0 is out with new features and bug fixes. See all details in the [change log](https://github.com/j-easy/easy-rules/releases).
Easy Rules is a Java rules engine inspired by an article called *"[Should I use a Rules Engine?](http://martinfowler.com/bliki/RulesEngine.html)"* of [Martin Fowler](http://martinfowler.com/) in which Martin says:
> You can build a simple rules engine yourself. All you need is to create a bunch of objects with conditions and actions, store them in a collection, and run through them to evaluate the conditions and execute the actions.
This is exactly what Easy Rules does, it provides the `Rule` abstraction to create rules with conditions and actions, and the `RulesEngine` API that runs through a set of rules to evaluate conditions and execute actions.
This is the hello world of Easy Rules. You can find other examples like the [Shop](https://github.com/j-easy/easy-rules/wiki/shop), [Airco](https://github.com/j-easy/easy-rules/wiki/air-conditioning) or [WebApp](https://github.com/j-easy/easy-rules/wiki/web-app) tutorials in the wiki.
* [EasyRulesGo](https://github.com/CrowdStrike/easyrulesgo) : A port of EasyRules to Golang by [@jiminoc](https://github.com/jiminoc)
* [EasyRulesGroovy](https://github.com/will-gilbert/easyrules-tutorials-groovy) : A port of EasyRules tutorials to Groovy by [@will-gilbert](https://github.com/will-gilbert)
* [EasyRulesCsharp](https://github.com/feldrim/EasyRulesCsharp) : A port of EasyRules to CSharp (WIP) by [@feldrim](https://github.com/feldrim)
|Many thanks to [YourKit, LLC](https://www.yourkit.com/) for providing a free license of [YourKit Java Profiler](https://www.yourkit.com/java/profiler/index.jsp) to kindly support the development of Easy Rules.|Many thanks to [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org) for providing a free continuous integration service for open source projects.|