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This repository is a compilation of well-written, step-by-step guides for re-creating our favorite technologies from scratch. It's a great way to learn. Submissions welcome, just send a PR.
## Table of Contents: Build your own X
This repository is a compilation of well-written, step-by-step guides for re-creating our favorite technologies from scratch.
> *What I cannot create, I do not understand — Richard Feynman.*
## Table of Contents: Build your own X
It's a great way to learn.
* [3D Renderer ](#build-your-own-3d-renderer )
* [Augmented Reality ](#build-your-own-augmented-reality )
@ -394,6 +396,7 @@ This repository is a compilation of well-written, step-by-step guides for re-cre
* [**C#**: _C# Networking: Create a TCP chater server, TCP games, UDP Pong and more_ ](https://16bpp.net/tutorials/csharp-networking )
* [**C#**: _Loading and rendering 3D skeletal animations from scratch in C# and GLSL_ ](https://www.seanjoflynn.com/research/skeletal-animation.html )
* [**Clojure**: _Building a spell-checker_ ](https://bernhardwenzel.com/articles/clojure-spellchecker/ )
* [**Go**: _Build A Simple Terminal Emulator In 100 Lines of Golang_ ](https://ishuah.com/2021/03/10/build-a-terminal-emulator-in-100-lines-of-go/ )
* [**Go**, _Let's Create a Simple Load Balancer_ ](https://kasvith.github.io/posts/lets-create-a-simple-lb-go/ )
* [**Java**: _How to Build an Android Reddit App_ ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgCYzUzKIBE9HUJU-upNvl3TRVAo9W47y ) [video]
* [**JavaScript**: _Build Your Own Module Bundler - Minipack_ ](https://github.com/ronami/minipack )
@ -429,6 +432,7 @@ This repository is a compilation of well-written, step-by-step guides for re-cre
* [**Python**: _Building a simple Generative Adversial Network (GAN) using Tensorflow_ ](https://blog.paperspace.com/implementing-gans-in-tensorflow/ )
* [**Python**: _Learn ML Algorithms by coding: Decision Trees_ ](https://lethalbrains.com/learn-ml-algorithms-by-coding-decision-trees-439ac503c9a4 )
* [**Python**: _JSON Decoding Algorithm_ ](https://github.com/cheery/json-algorithm )
* [**Python**: _Build your own Git plugin with python_ ](https://www.joshburns.xyz/posts/byo_git_plugin_tutorial )
* [**Ruby**: _A Pedometer in the Real World_ ](http://aosabook.org/en/500L/a-pedometer-in-the-real-world.html )
* [**Ruby**: _Creating a Linux Desktop application with Ruby_ ](https://iridakos.com/tutorials/2018/01/25/creating-a-gtk-todo-application-with-ruby )
* [**Rust**: _Let's build a browser engine_ ](https://limpet.net/mbrubeck/2014/08/08/toy-layout-engine-1.html )