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import{_ as t,o as s,c as o,a as e,e as n}from"./app.e05b0501.js";const c={},a=e("h1",{id:"stop",tabindex:"-1"},[e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#stop","aria-hidden":"true"},"#"),n(" stop")],-1),r=e("p",null,"terminates the Arthas server, all the Arthas clients connecting to this server will be disconnected.",-1),i=e("div",{class:"custom-container tip"},[e("p",{class:"custom-container-title"},"TIP"),e("p",null,"the class redefined by redefine command will not be reset.")],-1),l=[a,r,i];function d(_,h){return s(),o("div",null,l)}const m=t(c,[["render",d],["__file","stop.html.vue"]]);export{m as default};