mirror of https://github.com/alibaba/arthas.git
You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
160 lines
4.8 KiB
160 lines
4.8 KiB
import { localTheme } from "./theme/index";
import { loadVersionPlugin } from "./plugins/vuepress-plugin-loadVersion";
import { head, navbarEN, navbarZH, sidebarEN, sidebarZH } from "./configs";
import { activeHeaderLinksPlugin } from "@vuepress/plugin-active-header-links";
import { copyCodePlugin } from "vuepress-plugin-copy-code2";
import { docsearchPlugin } from "@vuepress/plugin-docsearch";
import { redirectPlugin } from "vuepress-plugin-redirect";
import { defineUserConfig } from "vuepress";
export default defineUserConfig({
title: "arthas",
description: "arthas user document",
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"/": {
lang: "zh-CN",
title: "arthas",
description: "arthas 使用文档",
"/en/": {
lang: "en-US",
title: "arthas",
description: "arthas user document",
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logoDark: "/images/arthas_dark.png",
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activeHeaderLinks: false,
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"/": {
selectLanguageName: "简体中文",
selectLanguageText: "Languages",
editLinkText: "在 GitHub 上编辑此页",
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contributorsText: "贡献者",
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rightMenuText: "目录",
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// 404 page
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"这是一个 404 页面",
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selectLanguageText: "Languages",
editLinkText: "Edit this page on GitHub",
navbar: navbarEN,
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sidebarDepth: 0,
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locales: {
"/": {
hint: "复制代码",
"/en/": {
hint: "Copy code",
config: (app) => {
const redirects = Object.fromEntries(
.filter((page) => page.path.startsWith("/en/doc/"))
.map((page) => [
page.path.replace(/^\/en\/doc\//, "/doc/en/"),
delete redirects["/doc/en/"];
redirects["/doc/en/index.html"] = "/en/doc/index.html";
redirects["/en-us/index.html"] = "/en/index.html";
redirects["/zh-cn/index.html"] = "/index.html";
return redirects;
headerLinkSelector: "div.right-menu-item > a",
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indexName: "arthas",
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"/": {
placeholder: "搜索文档",
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button: {
buttonText: "搜索文档",
buttonAriaLabel: "搜索文档",
modal: {
searchBox: {
resetButtonTitle: "清除查询条件",
resetButtonAriaLabel: "清除查询条件",
cancelButtonText: "取消",
cancelButtonAriaLabel: "取消",
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recentSearchesTitle: "搜索历史",
noRecentSearchesText: "没有搜索历史",
saveRecentSearchButtonTitle: "保存至搜索历史",
removeRecentSearchButtonTitle: "从搜索历史中移除",
favoriteSearchesTitle: "收藏",
removeFavoriteSearchButtonTitle: "从收藏中移除",
errorScreen: {
titleText: "无法获取结果",
helpText: "你可能需要检查你的网络连接",
footer: {
selectText: "选择",
navigateText: "切换",
closeText: "关闭",
searchByText: "搜索提供者",
noResultsScreen: {
noResultsText: "无法找到相关结果",
suggestedQueryText: "你可以尝试查询",
reportMissingResultsText: "你认为该查询应该有结果?",
reportMissingResultsLinkText: "点击反馈",
// Local plugin