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var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue!',
language: 'en',
languages: [
{ text: 'English', value: 'en' },
{ text: '中文', value: 'cn' }
tutorialId: "arthas-basics",
tutorials: [
id: "arthas-basics",
type: "TUTORIAL",
names: {
en: "Arthas Basics",
cn: "Arthas基础教程",
ids: {
en: "arthas-basics-en",
cn: "arthas-basics-cn",
id: "arthas-advanced",
type: "TUTORIAL",
names: {
en: "Arthas Advanced",
cn: "Arthas进阶教程",
ids: {
en: "arthas-advanced-en",
cn: "arthas-advanced-cn",
id: "command-help",
names: {
en: "help",
cn: "help",
ids: {
en: "command-help-en",
cn: "command-help-cn",
id: "command-cls",
names: {
en: "cls",
cn: "cls",
ids: {
en: "command-cls-en",
cn: "command-cls-cn",
id: "command-session",
names: {
en: "session",
cn: "session",
ids: {
en: "command-session-en",
cn: "command-session-cn",
id: "command-reset",
names: {
en: "reset",
cn: "reset",
ids: {
en: "command-reset-en",
cn: "command-reset-cn",
id: "command-version",
names: {
en: "version",
cn: "version",
ids: {
en: "command-version-en",
cn: "command-version-cn",
id: "command-history",
names: {
en: "history",
cn: "history",
ids: {
en: "command-history-en",
cn: "command-history-cn",
id: "command-quit-stop",
names: {
en: "quit-stop",
cn: "quit-stop",
ids: {
en: "command-quit-stop-en",
cn: "command-quit-stop-cn",
id: "command-keymap",
names: {
en: "keymap",
cn: "keymap",
ids: {
en: "command-keymap-en",
cn: "command-keymap-cn",
id: "command-cat",
names: {
en: "cat",
cn: "cat",
ids: {
en: "command-cat-en",
cn: "command-cat-cn",
id: "command-echo",
names: {
en: "echo",
cn: "echo",
ids: {
en: "command-echo-en",
cn: "command-echo-cn",
id: "command-grep",
names: {
en: "grep",
cn: "grep",
ids: {
en: "command-grep-en",
cn: "command-grep-cn",
id: "command-tee",
names: {
en: "tee",
cn: "tee",
ids: {
en: "command-tee-en",
cn: "command-tee-cn",
id: "command-pwd",
names: {
en: "pwd",
cn: "pwd",
ids: {
en: "command-pwd-en",
cn: "command-pwd-cn",
id: "command-plaintext",
names: {
en: "plaintext",
cn: "plaintext",
ids: {
en: "command-plaintext-en",
cn: "command-plaintext-cn",
id: "command-wc",
names: {
en: "wc",
cn: "wc",
ids: {
en: "command-wc-en",
cn: "command-wc-cn",
id: "command-options",
names: {
en: "options",
cn: "options",
ids: {
en: "command-options-en",
cn: "command-options-cn",
id: "command-dashboard",
names: {
en: "dashboard",
cn: "dashboard",
ids: {
en: "command-dashboard-en",
cn: "command-dashboard-cn",
id: "command-thread",
names: {
en: "thread",
cn: "thread",
ids: {
en: "command-thread-en",
cn: "command-thread-cn",
id: "command-jvm",
names: {
en: "jvm",
cn: "jvm",
ids: {
en: "command-jvm-en",
cn: "command-jvm-cn",
id: "command-sysprop",
names: {
en: "sysprop",
cn: "sysprop",
ids: {
en: "command-sysprop-en",
cn: "command-sysprop-cn",
id: "command-sysenv",
names: {
en: "sysenv",
cn: "sysenv",
ids: {
en: "command-sysenv-en",
cn: "command-sysenv-cn",
id: "command-vmoption",
names: {
en: "vmoption",
cn: "vmoption",
ids: {
en: "command-vmoption-en",
cn: "command-vmoption-cn",
id: "command-perfcounter",
names: {
en: "perfcounter",
cn: "perfcounter",
ids: {
en: "command-perfcounter-en",
cn: "command-perfcounter-cn",
id: "command-logger",
names: {
en: "logger",
cn: "logger",
ids: {
en: "command-logger-en",
cn: "command-logger-cn",
id: "command-getstatic",
names: {
en: "getstatic",
cn: "getstatic",
ids: {
en: "command-getstatic-en",
cn: "command-getstatic-cn",
id: "command-ognl",
names: {
en: "ognl",
cn: "ognl",
ids: {
en: "command-ognl-en",
cn: "command-ognl-cn",
id: "command-mbean",
names: {
en: "mbean",
cn: "mbean",
ids: {
en: "command-mbean-en",
cn: "command-mbean-cn",
id: "command-heapdump",
names: {
en: "heapdump",
cn: "heapdump",
ids: {
en: "command-heapdump-en",
cn: "command-heapdump-cn",
id: "command-sc",
names: {
en: "sc",
cn: "sc",
ids: {
en: "command-sc-en",
cn: "command-sc-cn",
id: "command-sm",
names: {
en: "sm",
cn: "sm",
ids: {
en: "command-sm-en",
cn: "command-sm-cn",
id: "command-jad",
names: {
en: "jad",
cn: "jad",
ids: {
en: "command-jad-en",
cn: "command-jad-cn",
id: "command-mc-retransform",
names: {
en: "mc-retransform",
cn: "mc-retransform",
ids: {
en: "command-mc-retransform-en",
cn: "command-mc-retransform-cn",
id: "command-mc-redefine",
names: {
en: "mc-redefine",
cn: "mc-redefine",
ids: {
en: "command-mc-redefine-en",
cn: "command-mc-redefine-cn",
id: "command-dump",
names: {
en: "dump",
cn: "dump",
ids: {
en: "command-dump-en",
cn: "command-dump-cn",
id: "command-classloader",
names: {
en: "classloader",
cn: "classloader",
ids: {
en: "command-classloader-en",
cn: "command-classloader-cn",
id: "command-monitor",
names: {
en: "monitor",
cn: "monitor",
ids: {
en: "command-monitor-en",
cn: "command-monitor-cn",
id: "command-watch",
names: {
en: "watch",
cn: "watch",
ids: {
en: "command-watch-en",
cn: "command-watch-cn",
id: "command-trace",
names: {
en: "trace",
cn: "trace",
ids: {
en: "command-trace-en",
cn: "command-trace-cn",
id: "command-stack",
names: {
en: "stack",
cn: "stack",
ids: {
en: "command-stack-en",
cn: "command-stack-cn",
id: "command-tt",
names: {
en: "tt",
cn: "tt",
ids: {
en: "command-tt-en",
cn: "command-tt-cn",
id: "command-profiler",
names: {
en: "profiler",
cn: "profiler",
ids: {
en: "command-profiler-en",
cn: "command-profiler-cn",
id: "case-web-console",
type: "USERCASE",
names: {
en: "Web Console",
cn: "Web Console",
ids: {
en: "case-web-console-en",
cn: "case-web-console-cn",
id: "case-http-api",
type: "USERCASE",
names: {
en: "Http API",
cn: "Http API",
ids: {
en: "case-http-api-en",
cn: "case-http-api-cn",
id: "case-save-log",
type: "USERCASE",
names: {
en: "Log the output",
cn: "执行结果存日志",
ids: {
en: "case-save-log-en",
cn: "case-save-log-cn",
id: "case-watch-method-exception",
type: "USERCASE",
names: {
en: "Troubleshooting method invoke exception",
cn: "排查函数调用异常",
ids: {
en: "case-watch-method-exception-en",
cn: "case-watch-method-exception-cn",
id: "case-thread",
type: "USERCASE",
names: {
en: "Find CPU usage Top N threads",
cn: "查找Top N线程",
ids: {
en: "case-thread-en",
cn: "case-thread-cn",
id: "case-ognl-update-logger-level",
type: "USERCASE",
names: {
en: "Change Logger Level",
cn: "动态更新应用Logger Level",
ids: {
en: "case-ognl-update-logger-level-en",
cn: "case-ognl-update-logger-level-cn",
id: "case-logger-config-problem",
type: "USERCASE",
names: {
en: "Troubleshoot logger conflicts",
cn: "排查logger冲突问题",
ids: {
en: "case-logger-config-problem-en",
cn: "case-logger-config-problem-cn",
id: "case-jad-mc-redefine",
type: "USERCASE",
names: {
en: "Hotswap code",
cn: "热更新代码",
ids: {
en: "case-jad-mc-redefine-en",
cn: "case-jad-mc-redefine-cn",
id: "case-http-404",
type: "USERCASE",
names: {
en: "Troubleshooting HTTP request returns 404",
cn: "排查HTTP请求返回404",
ids: {
en: "case-http-404-en",
cn: "case-http-404-cn",
id: "case-http-401",
type: "USERCASE",
names: {
en: "Troubleshooting HTTP request returns 401",
cn: "排查HTTP请求返回401",
ids: {
en: "case-http-401-en",
cn: "case-http-401-cn",
id: "case-get-spring-context",
type: "USERCASE",
names: {
en: "Get the Spring Context",
cn: "获取Spring Context",
ids: {
en: "case-get-spring-context-en",
cn: "case-get-spring-context-cn",
id: "case-classloader",
type: "USERCASE",
names: {
en: "The ClassLoaders in Spring Boot application",
cn: "理解Spring Boot应用的ClassLoader结构",
ids: {
en: "case-classloader-en",
cn: "case-classloader-cn",
id: "case-boot-details",
type: "USERCASE",
names: {
en: "Arthas boot supported options",
cn: " arthas-boot支持的参数",
ids: {
en: "case-boot-details-en",
cn: "case-boot-details-cn",
id: "case-async-jobs",
type: "USERCASE",
names: {
en: "Async jobs",
cn: "后台异步任务",
ids: {
en: "case-async-jobs-en",
cn: "case-async-jobs-cn",
methods: {
getTutorials: function(type) {
return this.tutorials.filter(v => v.type === type);
languageChange: function (event) {
// alert(event.target.value)
window.location = this.currentUrl() + "?language=" + this.language + "&id=" + this.tutorialId;
currentUrl: function () {
return window.location.href.split(/[?#]/)[0];
logoUrl: function () {
var url = this.currentUrl();
return url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/')) + "/_static/logo.png";
docUrl: function () {
if (this.language === "en") {
return "https://arthas.aliyun.com/doc/en";
} else {
return "https://arthas.aliyun.com/doc";
tutorialsStr: function () {
if (this.language === "en") {
return "Tutorials";
} else {
return "入门教程";
commandsStr: function (name) {
if (this.language === "en") {
if (name === "BASIC"){
return "Basic Commands";
else if (name === "SYSTEM"){
return "System Commands";
else if (name === "CLASS"){
return "Class Commands";
else if (name === "ENHANCED"){
return "Enhanced Commands";
} else {
if (name === "BASIC"){
return "基础命令";
else if (name === "SYSTEM"){
return "系统命令";
else if (name === "CLASS"){
return "类命令";
else if (name === "ENHANCED"){
return "增强命令";
userCasesStr: function () {
if (this.language === "en") {
return "User Cases";
} else {
return "用户案例";
currentTutorialName: function () {
for (index in this.tutorials) {
if (this.tutorials[index].id == this.tutorialId) {
return this.tutorials[index].names[this.language];
currentKatacodaId: function () {
// https://katacoda.com/embed/arthas/arthas-advanced-cn/?embed=true
for (index in this.tutorials) {
if (this.tutorials[index].id == this.tutorialId) {
return "arthas/" + this.tutorials[index].ids[this.language];
calculateKataSize: function () {
var e = window;
var a = 'inner';
if (!('innerWidth' in window)) {
a = 'client';
e = document.documentElement || document.body;
var terminalDiv = document.getElementById("kata-container");
var terminalDivRect = terminalDiv.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
width: terminalDivRect.width,
height: e[a + 'Height'] - terminalDivRect.top
beforeMount() {
var l = getUrlParam('language');
if (l != null) {
this.language = l;
var id = getUrlParam('id');
if (id != null) {
this.tutorialId = id;
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