> Load the external `*.class` files to re-define the loaded classes in JVM. Reference: [Instrumentation#redefineClasses](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/instrument/Instrumentation.html#redefineClasses-java.lang.instrument.ClassDefinition...-) ### Frequently asked questions * The class of `redefine` cannot modify, add or delete the field and method of the class, including method parameters, method names and return values. * If `mc` fails, you can compile the class file in the local development environment, upload it to the target system, and use `redefine` to hot load the class. * At present, `redefine` conflicts with `watch / trace / jad / tt` commands. Reimplementing `redefine` function in the future will solve this problem. > Notes: Re-defined classes cannot be restored. There are chances that redefining may fail due to some reasons, for example: there's new field introduced in the new version of the class, pls. refer to JDK's documentation for the limitations. > The `reset` command is not valid for classes that have been processed by `redefine`. If you want to reset, you need `redefine` the original bytecode. > The `redefine` command will conflict with the `jad`/`watch`/`trace`/`monitor`/`tt` commands. After executing `redefine`, if you execute the above mentioned command, the bytecode of the class will be reset. > The reason is that in the JDK `redefine` and `retransform` are different mechanisms. When two mechanisms are both used to update the bytecode, only the last modified will take effect. ### Options |Name|Specification| |---:|:---| |`[c:]`|hashcode of the class loader| |`[p:]`|absolute path of the external `*.class`, multiple paths are separated with 'space'| ### Restrictions of the redefine command * New field/method is not allowed * The function that is running, no exit can not take effect.