import{_ as s,o as n,c as e,d as a}from"./app.7f0a416a.js";const t={},i=a(`


view command history.


history of commands will persisted in a file named history, so the history command can show all the history commands of current Arthas server ,but not only history in current session.


[c:]clear all the history commands
[n:]view the nearest 5 commands


#view the nearest 3 commands
$ history 3
  269  thread
  270  cls
  271  history 3
 #clear all the history commands
 $ history -c
 $ history 3
  1  history 3
`,8),r=[i];function l(o,c){return n(),e("div",null,r)}var h=s(t,[["render",l],["__file","history.html.vue"]]);export{h as default};