# a Web client based on HTTP API for arthas [English](./README.md)|[中文](README_ZH.md) ## usage * Through clicking the button in the top right corner, you can quickly get or clear sessionId * When you are in trouble, refreshing the page is a good way * Some features must be used with sessionId. but some features must be used without sessionId * In classloader module, you must select a classloader before using classloader to load class or resourse ## develop * Strongly recommand devloping with vscode * TS + Vue3 + Tailwindcss + xstate * You can view the Graphical http requesting process with xstate * The final bundle will be placed in `../target/static` ### notice * When use pull_results, you can't use other cmd, such as ```sc class```. * The consoleMachine.ts will be replaced perRequestMachine.ts + pinia sooner or later