Quick Start =========== ## 1. Start A Demo Save the following code to a `Demo.java` and run the commands in shell as ```bash javac Demo.java && java Demo ``` ```java import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; public class Demo { static class Counter { private static AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0); public static void increment() { count.incrementAndGet(); } public static int value() { return count.get(); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { while (true) { Counter.increment(); System.out.println("counter: " + Counter.value()); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); } } } ``` ## 2. Start Arthas ### Linux/Unix/Mac ```bash ./as.sh ``` 1. the user to run the *command* should have the same privilege as the owner of the target process, as a simple example you can try the following command if the target process is managed by user `admin`: ```bash sudo su admin && ./as.sh # Or sudo -u admin -EH ./as.sh ``` 2. For more details of the booting script, please refer to [starting arthas](start-arthas.md). 3. If you cannot *attach* the target process, please check the logs under `~/logs/arthas` for troubleshooting. 4. Selecting the target process as: ``` $ ./as.sh Arthas script version: 3.0.2 Found existing java process, please choose one and hit RETURN. * [1]: 95428 [2]: 22647 org.jetbrains.jps.cmdline.Launcher [3]: 21736 [4]: 13560 Demo ``` We select `4` to check our Demo process and we then have ``` Connecting to arthas server... current timestamp is 1536656867 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. ,---. ,------. ,--------.,--. ,--. ,---. ,---. / O \ | .--. ''--. .--'| '--' | / O \ ' .-' | .-. || '--'.' | | | .--. || .-. |`. `-. | | | || |\ \ | | | | | || | | |.-' | `--' `--'`--' '--' `--' `--' `--'`--' `--'`-----' wiki: https://alibaba.github.io/arthas version: 3.0.1-RC-SNAPSHOT pid: 13560 timestamp: 1536656867894 '`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` ' ``` ### Windows Open the *DOS* console, under the unzipped arthas folder execture `as.bat ` ## 3. Check the Dashboard Type in [dashboard](dashboard.md) and hit the *ENTER*, you will see it as (`Ctrl+C` to stop) ``` $ dashboard ID NAME GROUP PRIORI STATE %CPU TIME INTERRU DAEMON 17 pool-2-thread-1 system 5 WAITIN 67 0:0 false false 27 Timer-for-arthas-dashb system 10 RUNNAB 32 0:0 false true 11 AsyncAppender-Worker-a system 9 WAITIN 0 0:0 false true 9 Attach Listener system 9 RUNNAB 0 0:0 false true 3 Finalizer system 8 WAITIN 0 0:0 false true 2 Reference Handler system 10 WAITIN 0 0:0 false true 4 Signal Dispatcher system 9 RUNNAB 0 0:0 false true 26 as-command-execute-dae system 10 TIMED_ 0 0:0 false true 13 job-timeout system 9 TIMED_ 0 0:0 false true 1 main main 5 TIMED_ 0 0:0 false false 14 nioEventLoopGroup-2-1 system 10 RUNNAB 0 0:0 false false 18 nioEventLoopGroup-2-2 system 10 RUNNAB 0 0:0 false false 23 nioEventLoopGroup-2-3 system 10 RUNNAB 0 0:0 false false 15 nioEventLoopGroup-3-1 system 10 RUNNAB 0 0:0 false false Memory used total max usage GC heap 32M 155M 1820M 1.77% gc.ps_scavenge.count 4 ps_eden_space 14M 65M 672M 2.21% gc.ps_scavenge.time(m 166 ps_survivor_space 4M 5M 5M s) ps_old_gen 12M 85M 1365M 0.91% gc.ps_marksweep.count 0 nonheap 20M 23M -1 gc.ps_marksweep.time( 0 code_cache 3M 5M 240M 1.32% ms ) Runtime os.name Mac OS X os.version 10.13.4 java.version 1.8.0_162 java.home /Library/Java/JavaVir tualMachines/jdk1.8.0 _162.jdk/Contents/Hom e/jre ``` ## 4. watch Input [watch](watch.md) to check the returned value of `Counter.value()`: ``` $ watch Demo$Counter value returnObj Press Ctrl+C to abort. Affect(class-cnt:1 , method-cnt:1) cost in 29 ms. ts=2018-09-10 17:53:11;result=@Integer[621] ts=2018-09-10 17:53:12;result=@Integer[622] ts=2018-09-10 17:53:13;result=@Integer[623] ts=2018-09-10 17:53:14;result=@Integer[624] ts=2018-09-10 17:53:15;result=@Integer[625] ``` [more advanced functions](advanced-use.md) ## 5. Exit Arthas - `quit` or `exit` will just disconnect the current console connection while Arthas still running in the target process - `shutdown` will terminate the Arthas completely