sc == Check the profiles of the loaded classes. Abbreviated from *Search-Class*; with the help of this command, you can search out all the loaded classes in JVM. Supported options are: `[d]`、`[E]`、`[f]` and `[x:]`. Options ------- ### Specification |Name|Specification| |---:|:---| |*class-pattern*|pattern for the class name| |*method-pattern*|pattern for the method name| |[d]|print the details of the current class including the source file, class declaration, the class loaders and the like.
F.Y.I if a class is loaded by several class loaders, then the class will be printed several times| |[E]|turn on regx matching while the default is wildcards matching| |[f]|print the fields info of the current class, which ***must*** be used with `-d`| |[x:]|the depth to print the static fields, whose default is `0` - directly invoke the `toString()`| Tip: 1. *class-patten* supports full qualified class name (e.g. and com/taobao/test/AAA) 2. `sc` turned on the `sub-class` matching in default mode; if you do want to hide `sub-class`, you can just turn it off with [options]( as `options disable-sub-class true`. ### Usage Check the static fields of a class using `sc -df class-name` ```shell $ sc -df org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils class-info org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils code-source /Users/zhuyong/middleware/citrus-sample/petstore/web/target/petstore/WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang-2.4.jar name org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils isInterface false isAnnotation false isEnum false isAnonymousClass false isArray false isLocalClass false isMemberClass false isPrimitive false isSynthetic false simple-name StringUtils modifier public annotation interfaces super-class +-java.lang.Object class-loader +-org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader@1d44eef3 +-sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@57a462c9 +-sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@6951a712 fields modifier final,public,static type java.lang.String name EMPTY value modifier final,public,static type int name INDEX_NOT_FOUND value -1 modifier final,private,static type int name PAD_LIMIT value 8192 ```